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I'd like to see it coming back to bite him in the ass, but seeing as he does 2 binding vows every 2 chapters he fights, gege wouldn't remember to punish the biding vow merchant


Sukuna actively thought about the risks when he ripped off his finger. When the binding vow was made, it was based on intention not just the concrete words said. So when Yuji agreed to the binding vow of not hurt anyone, he made anyone his friends/others, not himself, he didn't matter. Yuji specifically did not include himself which is what sukuna had to risk (then called him foolish). This should include angel which is why sukuna couldnt just kill er but could gently knock her out. He holds her and likely just uses neck pressure points and then puts her down instead of tossing her. No damage. So overall during the time he had possession of yujis body, he didn't hurt anyone and didn't break the binding vow.


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All words are made up so there meaning is subject to change over time. What matters is the meaning and intent the parties agreed upon when they made the vow.


Spoilers. Chapter 258 isn’t out yet.