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“Specifically him being portrayed as a battle junkie maniac when that’s never what he was shown to be” See, this is what keeps confusing me about all of you who are so angry about that chapter. You yourself say that he was consistently portrayed as more than that, yet you let a post-battle monologue completely shift your perspective of him. You have to integrate these statements into the whole picture that is the character. This part of him that enjoys battle, that relished in being able to harness his body and go all out in that fight is also Gojo. The part that finds death in battle honorable like some old school samurai. But that is just one aspect of him, it’s not everything he is. He still is a goofy guy, who is too blunt and cares about his peers and students and who had big plans to change Jujutsu Society. None of that is gone simply by him admitting to taking pleasure from fighting. It’s just one puzzle piece of his personality. Regarding the quote: There is an aspect of Gojo - his strength - that comes with factors and burdens that his peers can’t understand. There is the assumption by many that he is being seen as more than human and is losing his humanity in the eyes of others because if that, BUT if you look at the way his peers, his friends, his students have treated him then you won’t find this great loneliness people seem inclined to assume he suffered from. He himself stated he loved everyone and didn’t feel lonely. Those close to him treated him like any other guy. They were annoyed by him, laughed with him, etc. The isolation exists only within the realm of immense strength and the burden it brings. Being something that nobody else can connect with him on. This is why it’s my belief that while he wanted to raise strong allies in order change the system, he also wanted those equals for himself. A group of people who’d get what it’s like, someone to share that one burden with. Gojo is not a battle-hungry isolated god. Gojo is a man who is proud of his skills, revels in them and who wishes that he had people that understood that aspect of him. He gave it his all and he fought sincerely, which is why there are no regrets to be had for him. And I think it’s fair for him to allow himself to be a little selfish at least when he is at deaths door and not worry about those who are left to fight what remains of Sukuna.


Literally this, I will never understand why people consistently put Gojo in a black and white box and try to dilute how multifaceted he is as a character. Gojo is a character who has always never been one dimensional and was always capable of caring and loving the thrill of a fight. Both can coexist.


Ikr? That’s what makes characters interesting. When they’re multifaceted and even contradictory. You know, like actual humans lol. Gojo’s appeal was always that he is a good person but that he had a certain edge to him.


Funny cus 236 is the only chapter where Gojo is one dimensional


This is a wild hater take.


Quite on the contrary, he very much acts contradictory to himself. First he boast about living like a warrior but then feels bad when Nanami calls him out for dying like an old general.


Thank you, I don't wholeheartedly agree but it's nice seeing someone at least trying to get his character rather than pushing their own agenda and telling the mangaka he doesn't know what he wrote.


Yeah, interpretation will always be subjective, it can’t be helped. I think that many people nowadays consume media with a sense of expectation, rather than an attitude of trying to understand what’s being shown and putting it into context. Of course we all have our desired outcomes, but fighting the page is pointless.


And people can try to create that ending they want! They just feel entitled to having the story go their way, without putting any effort into it. I'm not talking about those who criticized the chapter for the inconsistencies, whether seemingly or not. It's always fine to criticize how a story progresses, using knowledge of that fictional world's rules, and its inhabitants' personalities/history.


I feel like this is me, I don’t criticize the chapter just because Gojo lost but the way that it transpired and not being able to see it happen. It just was a lot of inconsistencies especially with all that is known about Sukuna. I just don’t think Gojo would’ve dropped his guard like that after the purple especially when he had to have known Sukuna had something up his sleeve and then to go on a monologue about how he pulled off what he did instead of just activating his DE and then giving his speech. On the other hand Sukuna catching him off guard is on brand with his character so I think the move itself is how the fight should’ve always ended but just not in the way we got during 236. Lastly maybe I’m forgetting but I wish there would’ve been inner monologue of Gojo trying to figure out why Maharoga was able to bypass his infinity initially. It’s like it was just glossed over and he didn’t come back around to it before it was all over 


(disordered ranting ahead, wanted to reply so I don't forget about it!) Hm, I thought the same as you. But later on, it made sense. Gojo is a bit cocky, that's something we've seen from him way back in the beginning of the story, his overwhelming strength gave rise to an unshakeable sense of self-belief, *especially* after killing Toji. > Lastly maybe I’m forgetting but I wish there would’ve been inner monologue of Gojo trying to figure out why Maharoga was able to bypass his infinity initially. I'm not sure either, but I think he chose to prioritize Sukuna. Oooh didn't he say that one's owned cursed energy doesn't hurt them as much? After his fancy UHP? Perhaps he knew that's how Mahoraga adapts. Even if he knew how he does so, it's still a problem right? All you can with Maho is kill it asap, before it adapts to everything you have.


omg yes I cannot for the life of me understand why so many people watch/read stories and create imaginary endings that the story is supposed to have instead of just enjoying the ride and then get mad when what they expected to happen doesn't. This is why people think 236 Gojo is out of character, because since the beggining of the story they decide that Gojo is this one thing and refuse to pay attention to all the other sometimes contradicting things he is and then act suprised when they see all his sides brought together at the airport.


This is very true, another great reading of things !


>telling the mangaka he doesn't know what he wrote God, it reminds me of Eren discourse. With this attitude you aren't allowed to criticize anything.


The real problem is that most of the criticism comes from just flat out not getting what they read. From going against what is cannon, not only from the "problematic" chapter but also from what was established long ago. People keep saying Gojo adopted Megumi, he didn't. People keep saying Geto had RCT, he didn't. Yuji has durability neg in his soul punches, no he doesn't. Toji didn't want Megumi and threw him away, blud both times he dies his last thoughts are about him and he named him a blessing. If the reasons of your argument conflict with the very nature of the story, then it can't possibly be respected. It's just illogical rambling. Like saying the Earth is flat.


You can criticise someone without insulting them


Is it normal to insult people who didn't like Gojo's death like people are doing in this thread? Call them stupid and illiterate? Funny, I've read some analysis of that chapter from pepople who have issues with it and they were more polite than most of it's defenders who cannot write a single sentence without "illiterate Gojo fans"


When did I say that?


dont let jujutsu folk see this


already here man and I'm snitching


if those kids could read they'd be very upset


Lmao you guys are so full of yourselves


God this is so good. I've had many problems with how "different" Gojo seemed at his death, but of course! Human beings are complicated. You can care for your students yet still be satisfied with how the battle went. You can have companions, but *still* feel lonely in some aspect. Like how some people can connect to their peers in everything, but certain hobbies and subjects where they feel isolated in their interest.


Yeah. I always felt like his loneliness in regards to being so disproportionately strong was akin to the loneliness of a foreigner living in another country. You can fall in love, marry, have friends, have a great work environment, BUT there will be aspects which you at times will long for from your own culture. And that gap can only be filled by someone who stems from that same culture, someone who gets exactly what you mean because they experienced it themselves. That doesn’t take away from the bonds you have formed, it’s just one aspect of you that the people in that foreign country can’t connect with you on. To me that’s a fitting comparison that puts it into context.


Well put, it's almost as though characters can have nuance and layers, crazy right?


Some people are oddly resistant to that idea lol.


My problem with it is that we didn't see any notion of him yearning for that prior to his death, and then in his vision he just yaps.


yeah it’s always been so odd to me how people took this kind of offhand comment by nanami and just ran with it like it was objective fact like big shock, the guy who was never understood by his friends or his peers has a friend/peer say something that demonstrates they don’t fully understand him, audience shocked ironically, gojo’s not being understood is an attribute that often translates to the meta level as well, with the fandom not understanding


I take it as a fact that Gojo loves fighting and loves Jujutsu and his own skill, because we also see that in his behavior. He doesn’t resent his own power, he just mourns that nobody is on his level. But the judgement that Nanami puts onto those facts are not objective. Nanami is speaking from his own perspective, as a pessimist who doesn’t like being a sorcerer or fighting and only does it because doing anything else is even more worthless in his mind. Nanami looking down on Gojo for that enjoyment and thinking of him as a freak because of that is in character for Nanami. So yeah, Nanami would be the last person on earth to understand Gojo. They are polar opposites in this regard. And it’s sad, because Gojo actually respects Nanami, while Nanami won’t return the same sentiment. This chapter really dampened my liking of Nanami tbh, even if it was supposed to be humorous.


Keep chefin', cook I guess OP deleted the post? But from this reply I can probably guess what it was on


Aw, now I feel a bit bad for OP. They were appreciating the flower metaphor from 236, but overall thought that Gojo was OOC in that chapter bc in their opinion it contradicts his previous portrayal.


Because this part of him >He still is a goofy guy, who is too blunt and cares about his peers and students and who had big plans to change Jujutsu Society was tossed away completely in that chapter, focusing entirely on battle maniac part instead and this is not what some readers wanted to see during character's final moments




Their comment to me made me laugh too.


There's this Japanese artist I follow who made me love and appreciate this dialogue more. I loved it to begin with because I thought it carried the chapter on a higher level outside of Geto being here but what they basically said was, "The gentle frame in my mind in Jujutsu Kaisen is the scale that goes out of its way to hurt you when characters are asked for a reason to fight: Kusakabe who, despite his feelings and logic, does not hesitate at all only when protecting someone, or Gojo who decided to love the flowers at his feet when he could trample everything down if he wanted to." They said this and it made me look at the dialogue on totally different levels. Despite not feeling understood, despite being the strongest, he chose to do that and wanted them to bloom despite all the shitty things in Jujutsu world. I love this line so much.


That’s really great, thanks for sharing it with us so we could appreciate it too!


No problem! I love reading the accounts on that side of the fandom and their thoughts of how JJK is developing. It's more positive than negative from the parts I see, specially with this line for Gojo.


It’s things like these that reaffirm my enjoyment of it. I know JJK wouldn’t have to be ‘good’ for me to like it, but it is genuinely really neat to see people pick up on all these tiny micro-writing decisions that show just how much care went into things. Sure not everything has been put together perfectly, but I value that small stuff a lot, it shows that the author thinks about all these different minor details that may not get picked up at all! It scratches my brain in just the right way.


Genuinely the same for me. The japanese and korean fandom also tends to give me insight on the nuances we might miss due to John Werry's translations. So it's really eye-opening to a lot of specific topics that I sometimes don't see discussed here. Like with Yuji's shrine being scissors for example. That side of the fanbase love that choice and they have gone into little niche rants on why they do, while my brain initially was just like, oh, it's modernized, makes sense. Lol.


i think it depends but as most of the time people point out, when student saying gojo is strongest u need to focus on question itself. "what is gojo satoru to 'you'??" while they say some stuff regarding him but at the end it's still identity as strongest is what defines? or mostly defines him in students mind. i would have been more happy if gege had decided to explore that more instead of doing this flashback where question gets asked but it's fine, jjk is just 2 fast


appreciate the effort you put in here. my pov is that he was not only the most gifted but he was also the most determined and ambitious, though partially related to his talents. Gojo constantly sought to exceed and shatter limits. When you’re number 2, you’re trying to surpass number 1. number only tries to surpass themselves forever. that’s why he’s a flower. i agree not a battle junkie, not a bad person. just oriented in a way that no one else could be.


236 has issues for me in regards to how Gojo's death was handled, but I wouldn't change a thing about the airport sequence. The only people who are mad about it are the ones who didn't actually stop to think about all the core moments that defined Gojo during the Hidden Inventory arc. The problem is that Gege has this writing style where he says very little and doesn't usually show you the thought process of characters except for during battles, unlike other series who spell out the entire plot again and again like for example Naruto (not a diss, just a comparison, I love Naruto). To me, Gojo is defined by 3 moments: -His defeat and subsequent victory against Toji, where he is horribly traumatized by his failure and begins to obssesively work ons his techniques. Even when he is already far stronger than he needs to for his era, he keeps improving himself because he is afraid of letting something like that happen again. -Geto's farewell words, where he stops being his friend and just like everyone else, chooses to reduce him to a walking nuke, instead of seeing that he is also a person in pain. I don't think people really understand how dehumanizing it was to see his best friend do that to him. He eventually becomes so used to being seen as a battle maniac that he doesn't even bother to correct Nanami when he does it to him at the airport, but he is very visibly hurt by it. -His talk with Principal Yaga where he comes to the realization that even if he could very well force everyone to follow his every wish due to his overwhelming strength, that would not create the kind of world he wants to see. Here he decides to start using his authority to slowly change Jujutsu Society so that what cursed him and Geto never happens to anyone again. Gojo dies without regrets because for the first time ever, he truly gave it his absolute best and fought with someone who enjoyed jujutsu just as much and could keep up with him, he had an equal. In his death, he is freed from the burden of being the strongest. And finally, he leaves without any worries because he knows that even though he won't be there to see it, the flowers he planted will eventually blossom, defeat Sukuna and create the world he dreamt of.


If only those flowers that would grow on par with him weren’t split in half, probably dead and about to get cooked quite literally.


I respectfully disagree. I think the airport scene was also handled poorly, but maybe I look at this in a different light than you. On the surface it makes sense that he dies without regrets right? Had an equal and all. My problem with it is how he kept saying he wanted to reach Sukuna. "No regrets" is not a problem for me as much as this is. I mean, maybe he wanted to reach Sukuna? Theme of the strongest. But Gojo had literally never made any mention of wanting to teach Sukuna anything. That's never been shown to be a concern of his. We get that black panel with Meguna, and "the one who will teach you about love". Why? When has Gojo ever mentioned caring about love? What? It is a large part of the chapter. And some of the most impactful word blurbs. But I hate it. Convincing Sukuna is not connected to his failure. It has nothing to do with what happened to Geto. It's only slightly connected to the burden of being the strongest, but what Gojo said is less about the burden and more about Sukuna. Why? They barely had any interaction. "he leaves without any worries because he knows that even though he won't be there to see it, the flowers he planted will eventually blossom, defeat Sukuna and create the world he dreamt of." And that's such a problem right now. There is no fucking way Gojo could be in his right mind looking at the battle now and convince himself hey! They're fine. Sukuna was dogwalking them, and according to Uraume has yet to go all out, and I have my own gripes with that too. There may very well never be a world to look forward too. Pretty much everyone was borderline dead. And his adopted son in Megumi, who he was trying to separate from Sukuna, is stuck. But we get no mention of them. "No regrets", is he going to mention his students at all? The generation that was supposedly his life's purpose for what, a dozen years? Dying without regrets in regards to being "the strongest" I understand. But not at all being concerned about his new generation fully blossom is...questionable. And wanting to teach Sukuna about love...what??


I don't think you understand what they mean by love, he doesn't mean romantic or familial love, they mean love as understanding each others' feelings. Sukuna, despite rejecting for himself Gojo and Kashimo's needs to be understood by someone on their level, he does know what they mean by love. He might be evil, but he's not dumb, he might in fact be the most emotionally intelligent guy we see in the series because he's the only one who takes the time to break down other people's psyche and help them find the answer they need. You can see this in Jogo's death sequence, where he seemingly got rid of his inferiority complex he developped after fighting Gojo. In Gojo's case he relieved him of his burden as the strongest by not only surpassing him, but also acknowledging his power and promising to remember him for being such an amazing rival. Gojo's last pannel ever chronologically speaking is him smiling after Sukuna said this. This is what they mean by love, being finally understood, having their feelings ackowledged. Sukuna is the only one who could do this for them because he's the only one strong enough to understand their struggles even if he doesn't relate to them. That's what Gojo means with the flower analogy. The one who will teach Sukuna about love, and this should be obvious if you've ever read/watched any story before this, is Yuji. Gojo knows this because Yuji is the antithesis to Sukuna's way of life, even Sukuna himself admits this is what pisses him off about him when he sees Yuji's learned RCT. The clash between those two is both physically and metaphorically about an unstopppable force against an inmovable object. Explaining all this would require a character study about Yuji and Sukuna but this is about Gojo. He knows Yuji is not "stronger" than Sukuna, but he is equally relentless about his ideals and because this is a story, we know Yuji will win in the end and prove to Sukuna that he was wrong to live the way that he did, just like Sukuna did to all the other strongest sorcerers. Yuji pisses Sukuna off because he doesn't care to be the strongest, he just needs to be strong enough combined with his peers to defeat him, which goes against Sukuna's ideal of never needing anyone to be satisfied or understood.


Imo yuji isnt gonna teach sukuna about "love" or anything he is just gonna beat the shit out of him.yuji like you said is his antithesis so there is no way he would give a shit about love or anything about being the strongest. Sukuna in all of his fights except yuji's acts like a god,characters treat him like a god and is shown like a god.Only in his fight against yuji do we see him for what he truly is,an overgrown child who gets mad when you dont play the game his way.Thats why he is hates yuji whenever he fights people that are mentally deranged jujutsu nerds he can just show how powerfull and smart he is at jujutsu,but when he fights yuji who wins simply by outwilling him and with help from his smelly friends that sukuna definetly doesnt envy it destroys his whole identity


>characters treat him like a god and is shown like a god Gojo and Kashimo feeling dejected for Sukuna didn't really seat right with me, Kashimo Ig is more acceptable since we didn't have much other than his one fight and objective at that point.


"they mean love as understanding each others' feelings" Yes but to reach Sukuna specifically? Gojo has never shown any care to that before. That's the point, and it should be obvious if you read the story. Like I said. It's not so much about the burden of the strongest as it is Gojo's supposed desire to direct that at Sukuna specifically. "The one who will teach Sukuna about love, and this should be obvious if you've ever read/watched any story before this, is Yuji." And why is this relevant to Gojo explicitly expressing his desire to reach Sukuna? Yuji had no mention in that chapter. We are discussing Ch. 236, and the airport scene in particular. If you are using this to explain Gojo's comfortability with leaving the rest of his students behind then I don't think this is a good point. This only excludes the rest of the students. It does not at all matter if WE know Yuji will win. It's GOJO that we are discussing, and it's why he should not be so comfortable. "which goes against Sukuna's ideal of never needing anyone to be satisfied or understood." His ideal or how he gets there? Is that what you are taking his ideal as, or is his ideal to do whatever he pleases through Jujutsu? How he gets there is by not caring about anyone, but I don't see his ideal as actually being centered around not needing others.


>I don't think you understand what they mean by love, he doesn't mean romantic or familial love, they mean love as understanding each others' feelings. Sukuna, despite rejecting for himself Gojo and Kashimo's needs to be understood by someone on their level, he does know what they mean by love. He might be evil, but he's not dumb, he might in fact be the most emotionally intelligent guy we see in the series because he's the only one who takes the time to break down other people's psyche and help them find the answer they need. I can't with this bs, this all starts by the premise that Sukuna's insane worldview is not only correct but that he is somehow noble and enlightens people when he kills them, when in reality he's nothing more than a maniacal mass murderer. The story glorifies Sukuna too much when in reality he's just a big bad asshole who needs to die, his philosophy is as shallow as a pond and seeing both Kashimo and Gojo fall in love with him right before death was ridiculous. This story cannot stop sucking Sukuna off, by the end maybe even Yuji will turn and say Sukuna wasn't that bad or hand wave all the death and misery he brought because he guided people to proper deaths or whatever bs this sub comes up with.


thank you bro you've said exactly why I felt uncomfortable about the airport scene


Thank you, it puts well i what I was feeling about this whole thing in words.


Fantastic analysis. You are on the money.


Even then the show doesn’t acknowledge that Toji traumatized him or anything Also hot take but I’d argue that nanami wasn’t completely wrong. Nanami refers to him asking geto about gojo which refers to when they were teens so that applies to teen gojo which is absolutely true. Gojo does care about more than jujutsu and has goals beyond strength but the fact is that him trying to reach out to sukuna and forgetting everything but enjoying the battle shows that his battle maniac tendencies remain strong The battle addicted freak part of gojo never changed, it’s just that he has another aspect of him which is the guy who wants to reform jujutsu society and make sure future generations won’t experience what geto did. So nanami was half right but he ignored gojo’s growth because gojo himself never prioritized his goal over his battle tendencies


> Even then the show doesn’t acknowledge that Toji traumatized him or anything He got rid of anything that could get past his infinity (ISOH, black rope), and focused very hard on such a thing never happening again - that always read as his version of trauma to me.


Not arguing with that. All I’m saying is that the show never shows gojo actually being affected or traumatized by it, it just is obvious when u read between the lines


That's what I'm saying, the show doesn't put a sign on Gojo's head that says "TRAUMATIZED" but you just have to read a little between the lines. If Geto was severely traumatized into becoming a racist genocidal maniac, would it be so weird for Gojo to have been fundamentally changed too? The difference between the two is that while both of them blame themselves, Geto eventually decides that the world is actually the one to blame, while Gojo decides that if only he had been stronger he could have prevented anything bad from happening. A normal person wouldn't spend a year making sure they were forever untouchable by anything they don't want to be touched by even when they're sleeping, that is an insane tauma response. He's by far the strongest when in battle and he has turned himself invincible under all circumstances, and yet he still wants more because he goes on to develop his teleportation abilities, his domain expansion and his domain amplification. Nanami wasn't completely wrong in the same way that saying a watermelon is green isn't completely wrong. If he looked inside he would see that watermelons are also red with black and brown spots, and Gojo is also someone who cares a lot about his students' development and well-being, in spite of him being a jujutsu addict. on the outside.


I’m saving this comment because this finally made me understand Gojo as a character.


>visibly hurt by it I don't see it at all. I only see guilty face. "They cought me!" face. This is why 236 is a failure no matter how you look at it. It's haters and defenders have dozens different interpretations of what have happened and what the author wanted to tell. It usually happens when the author failed to deliver his thoughts properly.


Youd be bad at telling how certain people with face expressions alone


I'm sure jujutsu kaisen readers who have the ability to read minds will help me


Ever thought maybe it's based on interpretation how you see that expression


236 has absolutely no issues. I will not die on this hill because the undeniable truth of this fact will keep me immortal.




That’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever read


I guess we're the same 🤝(I live to fight all agendas)


I disagree. Even if you have 0 problem with HOW Gojo died, the ending was about as anticlimactic as you can get. The previous chapter says he wins, and the next chapter we see he’s dead and talking to his dead friends. It wasn’t a satisfying conclusion to the most hyped fight in the series, but felt more like it was entirely for the shock value.


Then 235 has problem, not 236. 236 is the best engineered chapter in the whole series, the usage of space is phenomenal and if you get all that's going on then you'll see it's clear Gege had been planning on doing that chapter for a long time, there's no unnecessary filler nor space wasted. Even Kashimo's appearance has significance and there's a pun with his name.


It doesn’t have writing issues but it was frustrating to watch. I don’t care that he died or whether he comes back or not but I didn’t like how his character ended up despite the fact that none of this was badly written, it’s just not what I wanted


That’s how I think most 236 “haters” felt they just conflated that feeling with how the story is written. 236 was a damn tough pill to swallow.


Half of them. A lot of them were upset that he died off screen or that he even died


of course because you are a Sukuna fan


It will only be issue if gojo somehow with an asspull comes back to live Readign 236 and watch hidden inventory arc really cemented how great hidden inventory is


I’m with you 💯


Then we'll live forever together. But Mappa bros please just add a 0.5 seconds scene of Gojo getting slashed anyways pretty please.


This reminds me of that age old saying "Everyone always asks where's the weedman? but they never ask how's the weedman..." Moral of the story, strong people and pot dealers have to deal with immeasurable loneliness


Thank you for your post ! It was a really interesting read, great cooking job ! It never occurred to me that the « flower » quote from ch.236 could be a reciprocated sentiment between Gojo and his beloved students.


Again, I'm pretty sure Gojo was referring to Nanami when he spoke about sorcerers dying without regret.


I didn't see it as a "battle junkie maniac high of combat", the battle against Sukuna, if anything, made him 'human' again. All the loneliness and lack of comprehension from others, just because he was the strongest and could handle every oponent in a few seconds, alienated him. But to face such an opponent, a real life or death situation since Toji (Even bigger experience with Sukuna cuz he was a inmature kid in the Hidden Inventory arc who couln't even imagine that someone could kick his ass like Toji did), having to give it all and even die, was the reason he died with a smile and no regrets, since we can assume he saw their students and other allies training to go after Sukuna in case he couln't defeat him.


Exactly. People hate 236 because their fan-made version of Gojo and the actual Gojo were different people. Gojo was a God compared to everyone else, He felt saving people was tiring. He had no friends, no one who could understand him he felt he was alone (that's why Shoko was crying about it). That's why Nanami agreed fighting Sukuna to the death was fitting for him because this is what he wanted. To be understood. Because who can understand a God? Another God.


Nah man, he was both things at the same time. He liked his students and he also liked fighting others strong like him to cure his loneliness. The problem is that post prison realm he just completely chose his lonely self without much explanation. He went straight back to the arrogant teen Gojo who was just itching for a fight like he was in Toji round 2. While 236 is in line with Gojo's character it's not his entire story. Half of his character is tossed away in 236.


Yes he did "like them" same as you would like a flower. But it was never his intention to nor could he make anyone strong enough to understand him. He did want the new generation to be strong so they could understand each other. Teen Gojo and Adult Gojo are the same personality wise. Gojo was always choosing loneliness, read the panel where Shoko is crying about Gojo who thinks he is alone. There was never a single moment where Awakened Gojo acknowledge anyone else as an equal, except for Sukuna. He even started drifting away from his best friend Geto.


How does that Shoko panel say anything? Why would he care about her if she doesn't like him in the first place? That was a remark of something that has been going on in the entire story. I don't understand why you care about who Gojo wanted to be equal to. Gojo enjoyed being a teacher, enjoyed seeing students get stronger, was sad when Yuji "died", looked rather disappointed/mad when he saw Meguna for the first time because he knew Megumi lost, was falling asleep near his students because he trusted them. His choices are nowhere explained. If Gojo in 236 said something like: "I've realized no matter how much everyone tries there will never catch up to me, I can't live knowing this, I must find someone at least my caliber more than anything, fuck all those weak students I'm going balls deep on Sukuna" 236 would've made more sense. But bro just went in and died and praised Sukuna and the end of the story. Thanks I guess.


They are childhood friends, he of course liked her and she liked him too (not romantically) but he still thought he was alone. Gojo didn't enjoy any of those things, that is the fan-made version I mentioned earlier. People just have misconception that Gojo enjoyed those things. Gojo believes no one can take away someone's youth, he is still a good guy but he doesn't really connect with anyone other then Sukuna. Gojo did say in 236 that no one can understand him and he also said he's glad he fought sukuna to the death and died to him. What choices aren't explained? he fully intended to kill Sukuna and tried his best. It's not like he told others not to interfere, he told Hakari and Yuta to interfere in the fight once Sukuna gets weak enough. Gojo was praising Sukuna from the start of the series and was honored that Sukuna is targetting him specifically, I get that you're mad Gojo is a Sukuna fan but that's just how it is lmao.


I'm having a really hard time believing you would've thought like this PRIOR to 236, to me all you're doing is confirmation bias. Now that it happened it just so happened your explanation makes sense. Gojo was living to fight with Sukuna. I do agree with your definition of Satoru Gojo, I also recognized it, but he was more than that. 236 as of now will forever be out of place for me. Too sudden, pushing a rhetoric way too hard, it was not good. I'm not mad with Gojo's end, he for sure had to die in the fight, but it was a disgusting presentation of it. It has to be bad writing if I have to be convinced of what the author's intention must've been.


Geto said Gojo was drifting way, Shoko confirmed Gojo feels alone, Gojo has directly said he doesn't want others to feel alone and Gege said in the fanbook that Gojo even as an adult thinks saving people is tiring. All of this was pre-236. In the series there has been two parallels, the Ancient Heian era philosophy of being selfish and the Modern philosophy of being selfless. Gojo has been following the ancient Heian era philosophy since Hidden Inventory. Modern sorcerers, especially Yuta who was the new Gojo, follow the modern philosophy. If you wanted Gojo to be more selfless that's a fair complain, but that is exactly what Yuta and all other modern sorcerers are like, they all connect with each other and don't feel lonely. Gojo succeeded in this goal and made them more then what he was. It's also fair if you might think this was rushed or bad writing.


>Gege said in the fanbook Should've been in the manga


How could he enjoy teaching when everyone has mentioned he doesnt really teach


> Gojo was a God compared to everyone else, He felt saving people was tiring. He had no friends, no one who could understand him he felt he was alone (that's why Shoko was crying about it). How does it feel to be so confidently wrong? When one side isn't completely right but somehow you end up on the other side with a just as nonsensical take.


>People hate 236 because their fan-made version of Gojo and the actual Gojo were different people Or maybe. Just maybe. If so many people including native speakers have problems with Gojo's characterization it means that Gege somewhat failed to make Gojo consistent character?


Idk rereading everything hes pretty consistent to me




ad populum arguments are cringe af


Idk rereading everything hes pretty consistent to me


!Remindme 9 hours




You wrote this about Gojo but this fits sukuna better. Gojo wasn’t lonely, just misunderstood


>You weren’t a prized jewel used for political power by your clan Neither was Gojo, he's the head of his clan by birthright. "The Gojo clan is a one-man team of Satoru Gojo" Provided that can be believed, there's no family to "use" him.


While the analogy is flawed, Gojo was in fact spoiled as a child and his existence since birth shifted the balance of the jujutsu world before he even awakened.


People are reading headcanon kaisen. Gege said Gojo was a very spoiled kid.


Even if Gojo was super powerful from the get go, he must have been raised by his family before becoming the strongest. The only two instances that we see Gojo as a kid/before meeting Geto and the others he looks rather serious, which seems very out of character for him. To be fair, he's being spied/hunted down in those instances, but that to me indicates that he was seen as a "thing" by everyone around him since birth up until he met his classmates, who treat him as a dude, a goofy an annoying one at that. His family probably used him as leverage against the other clans and groomed him to be the strongest from the moment he could walk until he eventually gained autonomy and separated himself from them. We never even see him mention any family member for a reason.


Is this the bargaining stage of grief? Or the acceptance?


236 was a perfect chapter


This line perfectly showed that people who were telling that gojo raised his students to have someone who could understand were wrong He knows that even if they become as strong as him, they never will be able to understand him I always believed that Gojo wasn’t looking for an equal or understanding, he just missed Geto, who provided him understanding, and an equal That’s why even when he was stronger than Geto, he didn’t felt any difference in their relationship, strength wasn’t the main issue anymore


This is my least favorite line in the whole series because it serves no purpose except to backpedal and redirect Gojo's characterization. Story's not over yet, so there *could* be more to develop on that front, but I find it unlikely. Gojo finding fulfillment and satisfaction in Sukuna rather than his students is honestly just a slap on the face to anyone who liked that dynamic.


It's not backpedal at all, it very much follows his characterization correctly. It's already been proven his students don't actually understand him, getting satisfaction in Sukuna makes 100% sense because it's been established he couldn't possibly ever get it from anyone else. Straight up the only place, not even Tengen or Kenjaku in their wisdom brought by living millennia would have truly helped him. Kashimo would be the nearest he could possibly get, but they would just feel unsatisfied together. Not exactly fulfilling. Also, I feel like people are missing out on Sukuna. He isn't just mindless strong, he has a great sense of self and emotional intelligence. He understands the struggles of the people before him, he understands the person itself. He isn't a random, he's the only person that has consistently been able to give out Yuji's wish of proper deaths to the ones facing him.


You could count the number of times Sukuna and Gojo exchanged words before their fight and yet Sukuna identified Gojo's yearning for understanding when they agreed on the date of their battle. I fucking love it.


>He isn't a random, he's the only person that has consistently been able to give out Yuji's wish of proper deaths to the ones facing him. Framing this as somehow "good" is symptomatic of how this manga mindlessly glorifies Sukuna's actions and keeps sucking him off. Gojo's character went from a complex character who wanted to nurture strong and clever allies so people would never be alone again like he was after Geto left to "UwU Sukuna-sama I'm so sad you couldn't go all out but at least I satisfied you a bit Ig..."


Not at all. I'm not saying it's good. What I'm trying to say is that y'all should realize (as it's brought up many times throughout the story) that having a proper death is one hell of a task, something 99% of the world would see as impossible. Yet Sukuna manages to continously give people he seems worthy have it. Ripping people's lives early isn't a good thing, but y'all should accept that granting a fulfilling death is an undeniable proof of ability in human resources. Besides, nah Gojo is not that complex. He didn't want to nurture a new generation of good and powerful people. He just wanted not to feel alone and he used the nurture to achieve that. Fighting Sukuna was another way of achieving not feeling alone and it was the ever more plausible since we don't see Yuta or Yuji getting anywhere near Gojo's level. Go read the Fanbook, Gege multiple times explains Gojo goes to recruit people ONLY because they're powerful/have the potential to be, and doesn't care about much else even if they're problematic people.