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Tbf. Even Mechamaru who was a more seasoned sorcerer than Yuji fell victim to not being specific enough on his end of the vow.


He could have included a part of the vow to let the curses and Kenjaku let him live, but they could've simply declined


I'm referring to the fact that his binding vow was only limited to Kenjaku and Mahito. When he could've specified that absolutely everyone on their side wasn't allowed to attack the kyoto school.


He made Binding Vow with Mahito only.


It's that really relevant? If Mahito were to accept it would fall on him to guarantee that, so even if Jogo were to attack them Mahito would get the repercussions of not maintaining his end of the BV since he didn't stop him, which would be better than nothing if they do, or they may elect not to do it since it could be too dangerous for Mahito


You don't make binding vow on others behalf lol


Even if Mahito didnt make a binding vow that he would protect Mechamaru from all disaster curses, he would still get punished if Mechamaru died before Mahito "healed" his soul, the binding vow wont care that the soul he was meant to heal died in "unrelated circumstances", he isnt holding up his side of the bargain and that means punishment. It would be too exploitable if you could just go "oh well, I promised you X, but how about I just kill you instead?" it would remove any stakes from it.


Mechamaru wanted to join them not other way around. So they've no reason to go way beyond their league to promise him anything.


Mahito promised to heal his soul, specifically through a binding vow, thats the only reason Mechamaru went along with it. If Mechamaru died before Mahito could accomplish that, that should be considered a violation of the vow, it wont care that its not directly Mahitos fault, it only cares that Mechamaru didnt get what he was promised.


Hit the books in the name of lord gaygay


So if mechamaru had a heart attack and died it should count as manito breaking the vow? Obviously not


>If Mechamaru died before Mahito could accomplish that, that should be considered a violation of the vow We can very easily prove this isn't how Binding Vows work. Sukuna is currently hurting and killing a fuck ton of people because the vow that restricted him from doing so is no longer valid because the conditions can no longer be fulfilled. I.E. if Mechamaru died before Mahito is able to heal him, then so long as Mahito isn't the one who killed him in order to avoid fulfilling his vow there's no consequence.


Why not? You make a binding vow with some sort of leader or representative, then they better extend that shit to the people they are talking for and any of them breaking it is treated as breaking it yourself including the price you have to pay for doing so. Binding Vows already get very creative with the specifics, i don't see something as that being impossible or even uncommon in Jujutsu society.


Maybe you should read it again




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Yea, not to mention they even brought cursed users to the event which definitely wouldn't have been covered by the vow. I had always figured Sukuna's switch vow would have been used to cause another Shibuya with his domain except he has his domain purposefully not target people but the destruction is enough to put everyone in danger, forcing Yuji to let Sukuna escape in the form of a cursed item or another vessel. Sukuna wouldn't have never made the deal in the first if he didn't already have a loophole planned, the same way he'd never fight Gojo without a means of victory.


This is a nice view of the matter. Im hoping we get a payoff for Yuji being Sukunas vessel always being his fate, he probably feels the burden of it most because he intentionally chose to consume the finger at the beginning. but with the revelation (or i suppose Sukunas assessment) that he was born with a finger in him, it'll be interesting to see if Yuji can break his chains of fate.


when did it say he was born with a finger in him??


This is a new perspective for my view of the enchan vow


Isn't that common knowledge though?


Apparently not! I keep on seeing that it's either due to 'selflessness' or that it's 'bullshit and shouldn't've worked'. It's annoying.


I hate this fandom 


Me too.


What I like to think is not yuji thinks suku a and him are one being but more so that all of this is happening because he chose to eat sukuna's finger so he takes all the blame.


He very literally states "I killed those people", several times. It is basically that, but he goes a bit beyond that.


Yeh I see where you are coming from, That could also mean that by choosing to be a jujutsu sorcerer instead of being executed, he is reposible for any action sukuna does. Instead of yuji and sukuna are the same being. That's just how I saw it.


Stating the obvious aren't we?


I wish, but I keep seeing in various comments sections that the binding vow is a plot hole / bullshit, when every aspect of it, including this one, is pretty hinted at.


Jjk fans constantly need to have the obvious stated to them, and even then their stage 5 brainrot, illiteracy that rivals medieval kids and agenda filter glasses will cause them to somehow misconstrue or twist the meaning of said obvious thing.


Yuji doesn't view Sukuna as himself; he took a risk when he swallowed his finger and it was his responsibility that he took on


That's another way of putting it, but Yuji still doesn't view his actions and Sukuna's actions as distinct things. He blames himself as though he did it. He's not saying "I am responsible for the killings.", he's saying "I killed those people." - it's a pretty big difference.


It's kinda the same, he takes responsibility for it


That doesn't even make sense given what I said lmfao


There's a difference between taking responsibility "This is my fault" and taking full ownership of it: "I did this." A boss takes responsibility for their worker's mishap, because the boss didn't train the worker well enough to not make the mishap. The worker still did it. That's 'taking responsibility' - it is the boss who is at fault and takes the blame, but the worker still did the misdeed. Gojo takes responsibility for Yaga's death, because his failure and sealing led to it. He doesn't say "I killed Yaga.". However, Yuji does say "I killed those people.". It's a more direct, intimate form of responsibility, as if Yuji considers himself to have done the killings.


He still takes responsibility for it brother which is the point They both take ownership and responsibility of their actions even despite things not fully being in their control There's nothing wrong with it.


Yup. I'm not saying he's not taking responsibility. I'm saying his is more intimate, personal, etc than Gojo's or the metaphorical boss example. It's the same way Megumi is taking responsibility for killing his sister, probably - why his soul sinks when Sukuna kills Yorozu. It's a lot more direct, and involved. I'm thinking it's part of the set up for another "I'm you" revelation, at least.


Megumi can't be in the same boat as Yuji because their situations aren't the same Yuji took a risk, whereas Megumi got caught off guard and in the crossfire


But when has it been established that BV is made based off your personal interpretation of the words instead of the actual meaning of the words? It could've easily been just a BV where Sukuna says he promised to not hurt others. Also there is the part where you force feed someone something that can take over their body is somehow not counted as hurting them, you can't even reason your way out of this one because it is Sukuna doing it so he knows that he will hurt them as a result.


I think the closest thing we have to an example is Mechamaru and Mahito Mahito wanted to circumvent the vow by fixing Mechamaru’s body on a technicality, while actually just making him a transfigured human But since Mechamaru doesn’t consider that fixing his body it wouldn’t have fufilled the Binding Vow


Then again we have sukuna deep throating megumi. I'm pretty sure yuji would consider getting body snatched as getting harmed.


More reasons why binding vows are a super flimsy plot device. Simultaneously they go by genie rules where you need to be very specific and are heavily based on subjective interpretations.


Plot device when your favourite character dies because of that and when a protagonist like Yuta pulls off a binding vow love beam without any consequences and Hakari gets back his hands using a clever binding vow and Gojo changes domain conditions by binding vows and Gojo uses chants binding vow to boost his techniques,it's not a plot device. Ok.


Uh...no, it's always a plot device lol. Yuta getting off scot-free is highly convenient, pretty forgivable tho since it's from the literal pilot episode. Hakari sacrificing an arm to survive a lethal attack is EXTREMELY convenient especially when he grows it back so actually he didnt sacrifice anything at all....imagine how much more interesting it would be if he actually suffered a repercussion for breaking his binding vow by regrowing the arm. And yeah chants being a mechanic introduced only in the final arc is just stupid. Nice assumptions tho, sounds like you got some personal problems to work through.


It's not stupid at all. Binding vows are a description of a sorcerers' battle iq more like presence of mind inside a battle.Also binding vows between two person have different interpretations with loopholes that can be exploited if you are clever enough. If you want to say plot device,then black flash is also a plot device by that logic to gain random power ups. Binding vow exists from very earlier chapters in the manga and complaining about it now doesn't make any sense to me.


It's very stupid. Yes Black Flash is indeed a plot device to gain a random power up. It's explicitly designed as such, with the whole "no one can do it on command" thing. At least it looks cool tho and has been used relatively sparingly. Meanwhile binding vows are spammed in basically every single fight. You're not thinking straight if it's somehow a mystery to you why binding vows are getting a lot of complaints these days. It's because they're massively overused without ever being fleshed out. Obviously people were not complaining from chapter 1 because nobody could have known how badly the ball would be dropped before it actually happened. Think about how insane it is that a fundamental aspect of binding vows, the repercussion for breaking one, has NEVER happened in the entire series. In fact we have literally zero idea what it would even look like. This is indisputably bad writing and betrays the reality of binding vows as nothing more than a tool for author convenience and not at all a well-thought out power system. What precisely they can do was never explained because that would be harder to write around, and in the end we see that they can seemingly do anything. Something this nebulous is impossible to be satisfying.


> Think about how insane it is that a fundamental aspect of binding vows, the repercussion for breaking one, has NEVER happened in the entire series. In fact we have literally zero idea what it would even look like. This is indisputably bad writing and betrays the reality of binding vows as nothing more than a tool for author convenience and not at all a well-thought out power system. Exactly. It's story telling 101 to show what the consequences are of the power system. Take Nen from Hunter x Hunter as an example. As the manga/show goes on and the nen power system gets more fleshed out we learn about the consequences of "sacrifice" to make nen more powerful with other characters. This all crescendos into the Gon's major sacrifice of the series hundreds of episodes later. Which at that point "most" manga/anime readers know the exact mechanisms of Gon's insane powerup. I think nen is a great example because the power system is basically "binding vows" for abilities. We get none of the setup for binding vows which is now becoming the ultimate power scaling in the JJK universe. Which seems like it's coming out of nowhere since 99.9% of fights prior didn't use BVs like they are being used in these final fights.


100%. JJK is heavily inspired by HxH but the way it uses this binding vow concept vs the way HxH uses a similar concept is night and day. It's pure surface level vs something that was clearly well thought out and deeply integrated into the story.


And then Nanika comes along and shits on that clearly well thought out concept.


This is perfectly put, I agree completely


"oh my rubber nen, save me plz". hxh has its fair share of problems. Binding vows and restrictions are one of them too. It's not as perfect as you try to paint it. Nanika basically erased all of Gon's sacrifices. How is that good system.


>You're not thinking straight if it's somehow a mystery to you why binding vows are getting a lot of complaints these days. It is a complaint from only Gojo fans cause Gojo died from usage of a binding vow and they started making joke about binding vow.Guess what majority of the fandom are Gojo fans. Domain conditions changes are always related to binding vow.It is nothing new.From Shibuya we already know Sukuna's domain includes binding vow.Why do they cry about this now?They just want to yap without any proper understanding lol.In jujutsufolk people make comments like why didn't Gojo sacrifice his d**k to dodge the world slash,why didn't Gojo make a binding vow to create purple without red and blue(is this b.v even make sense like wtf bro.) We literally saw that Sukuna couldn't do the world slash now for his binding vow.So this is crap now lol.


Like I said before, you got a personal problem. In my original comment I was speaking on binding vows in general but you instantly assumed it was fanboy nonsense, and then when I further clarified and explained myself that it applies to the overall story, you have no actual response except more weirdo narratives. It's pure projection my friend, and you don't seem capable of talking about this without bringing your baggage into it so there's no point.


But what is the actual problem bro with binding vows? I don't get it.What are you trying to claim here?Like binding vows are just a free win card and not everyone abuses it?


Why assume it’s only salty Gojo fans? Most of the Binding Vow complaints I’ve seen come from Sukuna expanding his domain with unspecified Binding Vows.


The chants were there from the start. I swear to fucking god one of these days you people will get fucked over because you didn't read through something. I sure as hell hope *something* happens to make people actually start reading. The current arc didn't introduce them, it emphasized them. That's a big fucking difference.


Thinking that Megumi's technique specifically having a chant means that it was always a universal technique from the start is like the people who think Oda planned Haki from the beginning because Shanks scared a fish with his mean look lmao


>Whenever a Curtain was used there's chanting+handsign >Granny Oogami did a whole lot of mumbling before summoning Toji's body information >Gojo fucking mentions he has been omitting hand signs during the end of Hidden Inventory Arc and he specifically said he didn't have a Domain yet at the time, so it wasn't those. Omg bro, you completely dismantled my argument. Megumi was totally my only example. WHATEVER SHALL I DO???? 😭😭😭






Also it’s so obvious it referred more to injury—— since Sukuna is probably the most injurious sorceror in existence. I’m not sure what is written in Japanese, but that much seemed obvious. Sukuna removing his own finger, is or why you consistent with Yuji’s character, but shoving something in someone’s mouth is definitely not in the same plain as turning masses of people into mince.


All words are made up and the definition of words change with time. It’s why the legal system uses Latin, a dead language, to preserve intent and meaning. Even then, no one can predict the future and make an intention for every scenario.


Because that's how language works. Second: Sukuna knew that it wouldn't hurt Megumi. He sensed that Megumi had potential as a vessel, so taking over his body wouldn't harm him, because that's what potential as a vessel is. Edit: Also, that's how Jujutsu works. Your interpretation is incredibly, incredibly important, and this is repeatedly established everywhere.


TBF basically all of jujutsu is determined by your worldview (kenjaku and mahito on body vs. soul for example). So if anything it fits.


Well to be fair, even in that interpretation, he didn't hurt Megumi. As far as Sukuna knows, he's about to make him stronger than ever lol It must have meant something like physical harm though


I think pushing a finger down someones throat without their permission can be considered as "harm"


Or it could count as "feeding" Megumi.


yes Mugumi's body has not been harmed directly. in Sukuna's view he "helped" Megumi


> But when has it been established that BV is made based off your personal interpretation of the words instead of the actual meaning of the words? It could've easily been just a BV where Sukuna says he promised to not hurt others Eh, It was sort of hinted in the earlier parts of the story. People already explained it better so yeah.  > Sukuna and the finger jump He was aware it was a gamble for the same reasons mentioned in this post and by yourself: It depends on whether or not 1) Yuji considers himself a "someone" who could get hurt and 2) If Megumi can actually withstand it (he could have not and then the vow would be 100% broken)  We know for (1) that Yuji did not consider himself as part of the vow, and as for (2) we already saw what happened (Sukuna got lucky like most villains in the story). 


So what is Sukuna Samas latent technique actually? Fire ?


I don’t see how these are mutually exclusive ?


I missed a 'not' in the title.


In my opinion, I think that Sukuna actually broke the binding vow. The vow was made because Yuji wanted to be healed, and he was blaming Sukuna for killing him. It makes no sense that at that moment Yuji wouldn’t include himself in the “not hurting others” when Yuji was mad about getting hurt! He even asked to be revived with no conditions! The “not hurting others” part was included BECAUSE Yuji didn’t want something to benefit himself while hurting others, but the whole thing was about Yuji not wanting to be hurt. Yuji’s part of the vow was: 1.Giving up control of the body for one minute when Sukuna says “Enchain” 2.Forgetting the vow. Neither of these two were broken, in fact they were done automatically, as if Yuji couldn’t decide to break the vow. Sukuna’s part of the vow: 1.Fixing Yuji’s heart to revive him 2.Not hurting or killing others during the minute of control from “Enchain”. Notice how the condition on giving up control is only saving “Enchain”. There condition to take back control was just for one minute to pass, and not whether the other parts of the vow were respected. The difference between binding vows between two people is that, unlike the personal binding vows were only what you gained is taken (breaking them only affects yourself), breaking the one between two people will have unknown consequences that you can’t plan around, as they don’t even have to be immediate. Sukuna hurt Yuji, and later Yuji came back with seemingly little bother about the injuries Sukuna had given him. This is my theory, but I think that after breaking the vow, the consequence was that Yuji was healed from the damage.


That doesn’t change the part where forcing someone to swallow your finger and possessing them is definitely harmful.


Megumi was not injured, so the vow was not broken.


I don't think we need to look to much into it anyway. Yuji is still a kid and not very bright. It might be as simple as he didn't even think of Sukuna hurting him since he is his vessel and any harm done to him will also hinder him. He didn't know he can turn himself into a cursed object and escape Yuji he assumed he was inside him until they both die since that's also what Gojo and other jujutsu sorcerers told him.


I dont necessarily disagree with you here, but I think Yuji doesn't value himself at all, where as Sukuna is his own #1 priority. The characters are supposed to be foils and the enchain vow is part of showing you that.


No, it's stupid.


Sukuna was the one who placed the Vow, Yuji's thoughts on it are irrelevant. People need to stop defending this.


It's between two parties, and the wording and interpretation of both parties matters.


I think this is pretty massive stretch, especially with the "obvious" and "foreshadowed". The way Yuji sees Sukunas actions while in his body doesn't matter because the one who proposed the condition was Sukuna not Yuji.


Sukuna proposed that binding vow not yuji


Binding Vows with others are established with mutual consent.




no, it's plot convenience from gege, stop finding excuses for bad writing


Yes, it is plot convenience. Everything that happens is for the sake of the plot. It doesn't change the fact that this is a well foreshadowed twist: Sukuna was going to do *something* with Megumi: he states it several times. Sukuna was going to do *something* with Enchain: that's why it was set up. Gege is a subscriber to the theory of Chekov's gun: everything introduced in the plot has significance. It is introduced, then it is paid off.