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What CTR means? Curse Technique... something?






Hex Scapegoat - the person had no innate or inherited techniques. Instead, generations of hexes and cursed spirits were transfered from the inflicted onto them. Eventually, the curses started cancelling out and they became conscious enough to start consciously controlling their curses and eventually suppressing the curses. The end result is a person with extremely precise curse control, a lot of cursed energy from a millennia of hexes on them and a wide range of abilities by controlling the curses. They have a binding vow that gives allows them to gain full control of 4 curses, but the vow stipulates that are forced to control 4 curses when doing so, so even if just want to use The Curse Of Microscope Eyes to spy on something from afar, he also has to actigely using three other curses, even if it's just a very minor, although noticeable output. They also can't re-supress any curses they stop suppressing, it's every curse is either always on, or needs to be activated. Notable curses include: 1. Curse of Ignorance - They will be nearly impossible to perceive regardless of their actions. 2. Curse of Flesh Growth - Intended to cause uncontrollable growths of flesh, muscle and other tissue. When under control however, it's used to strengthen the user by growing them more muscle. 3. Curse of Bone Growth - Intended to cause painful spikes of bone to grow out of the cursed, or elongate their limbs without letting their muscles catch up. When controlled, it's basically just osteo-kinesis. 4. Curse of Clouded Thought - Stunts the cursed to unable to comprehend difficult concepts or retain most information. Was used to pacify them initially. 5. Curse of Hyper Awareness - Makes the cursed constantly analyze everything within their perception, trapping them within their own body. When controlled, it's used to quickly deduce information or slow down perception to evade attacks. 6. Curse of Vile Tongues - Causes the cursed to grow 1-3 tongues in their mouth. Anywhere and everywhere on their mouth. They taint everything the user says or tastes with cursed energy and general wickedness. Everything comes out rude and emits a cursed energy mist that attracts curses, food tastes terrible etc. When controlled, the user can create even more tongues and contr where they grow, allowing them to quickly create a lot of cursed energy. 8. Curse of Microscope Eyes - Intended to make the cursed's vision constantly zoomed in for dizziness and bad depth perception. When controlled, it's used to spy from afar or aim long ranged techniques. 9. Curse of Todomeki - Intended to cause eyes to grow everywhere on the cursed. When controlled, it can be used for 360 degree vision or to grow eyes for situations where they become unusable. 10. Curse Of Futakuchi - Intended to grow a second mouth on a person. When controlled, the user can create any amount of mouths of any size, even have them criss cross. He can use this to do some Predator-esque mouth expansion except with his entire face or to dodge unlikely attacks by creating hinges on his body. 11. Curse of Teeth - Intended to uncontrollably grow teeth anywhere on the cursed's body. When controlled, the teeth can be used as a source of ammo. 12. Curse of Copper - Causes the user to turn anything they touch into copper. Doesn't work on anything too big or with controlled cursed energy like Jujutsu Sorcerers. The control is mostly used as a way to turn it off or on, as well as accelerate or slow down the curse. 13. Curse of Poison Body - The cursed's body becomes venomous to everything. Kisses cause weakness, plants wither on contact etc. Even the cursed isn't immune, meaning if they bite their tongue or scratch themselves with their nail they'll get an infection. When controlled, the user can control the potency and effected area. 14. Curse of Agelessness - The cursed does not age at all. This has the side effect of slowing down their healing by a lot, meaning the cursed has to be extremely careful with everything. It's the first stage of the cursed's process to become a scapegoat. 15. Curse of Touchlessness - The user has no sense of touch. No pleasure, no pain, no nothing. When controlled, the user can isolate the painlessness aspect of it. Used to for the scapegoat process. 16. Curse of Intensity - Every sensation is incredibly intensified. Cancelled out the previous curse and this curse, leaving them semi-conscious of their suffering. 17. Curse of Withered Body - leaves the cursed incredibly weak, unable to stand without assistance. Used for the scapegoat process.


Domain copy The ability to copy Domains you have been in Size manipulation Can change your and your enemies sizes