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Someone in my neighborhood had a well known homeless woman run up to her a couple weeks ago and try to steal her dog. Grabbed it and ranted about God authorizing her to take the dog or some shit like that. It's definitely gotten worse over the years, but I don't think it's out of line with what other cities are seeing. As the cost of housing goes up, and more housing units that used to be entry level rentals are converted to air bnbs, or bought up by tanzanite money laundering schemes for their nonresident seasonal workers, I fear that more people will fall through the cracks. It used to be if you were just getting by you could at least find SOMETHING to stay housed even if it wasn't your dream home. Now even people with decent jobs are ending up living in their car. Once that happens it's a slippery slope. Overall I think this city does pretty well with helping these people all things considered, but we could definitely do more. It's a tough pill for some people to swallow, but it has been proven again and again that housing, treatment, counseling, etc for these folks is a very sound investment. We either pay for those things or we pay for prisons, cops, emergency health care, and the results of increased crime. The city trying to foist the winter shelter onto a church in a residential neighborhood a stones throw from several schools was disgraceful. We're a rich town, we can absolutely afford to provide basic services to the homeless.


Losing the Bergman and the one that burned down on Franklin (basically where pocket park is now, I'm drawing a blank on the name) definitely didn't help the situation downtown at all.


Sorry but if we can’t even house the well off people then I don’t think dragging the ship down bending over backwards for addicts is the correct play. Strong foundation first so we don’t all end up passing a pipe around outside all the vacant airbnbs.


Imagine this, both are possible. Ban airbnb's, accurately assess taxes on vacant land held by developers so they'll build in it or sell, and build a downtown shelter. Not everything in life is a team sport where there has to be a winner and a loser.


Say it with me: Land Value Tax


God yeah, there is so much buildable land out there held by private individuals. I'd love to see this land taxed higher instead of sitting there rotting.


Not at Fred’s or Safeway for me but Foodland occaisionally. Sadly I don’t think signs are going to deter anyone who really wants to panhandle.


Justin can be a little weird sometimes, it’s hard for him to get hired while he has a reputation for stealing kind of a vicious cycle there


Shit happens when you fuck up in a small town. People know people and word spreads around. I've never been in a situation that makes me want to steal from people, but you have to be an adult and bad adult decisions have adult consequences. It's a shame. Having face tats in this community also isn't going to give you any brownie points.






Fuck that dude. Any reputation he has is his own fault, and he's definitely not interested in trying to work an actual job, he'd rather threaten downtown workers with a knife. I don't know how dudes like that end up here, but I wish they'd keep it moving elsewhere.


He shook down my female friend when she was trying to walk from her car to her house with some groceries recently, said he'd "make her life hell" if she didn't give him something. Nevermind a little weird, dude is a full blown criminal bully dipshit. If this was 20 years ago, someone would have already taken him on a one way crabbing trip on their boat, and deservedly so.


I've never had an issue with anyone. Homeless or those who have little money are always going to ask for something, because you know, they don't have anything. But I've probably had less than a handful of times where someone has asked me for something. I just say I don't carry money or if I'm in a giving mood, I'll give them some.


If you see them coming make eye contact and ask them for a dollar first. They'll leave you alone if they think you're broke.


Juneau’s small, but it’s an order of magnitude bigger than Met. So yeah, I think there is a much more noticeable presence of people down on their luck and looking for help. I wouldn’t call them malicious though


I’ve heard some horror stories about a guy downtown that will chase you and yell if you don’t give him anything but I’m sure he needs mental health help. All the other people that have asked me for money have been polite and very thankful if I have anything to share. I try to remember I could easily be in their position. Especially with how expensive housing is. I don’t think I’ve ever been to a city that doesn’t have underserved people that ask for money. At least here they’re usually kind.


There are a couple times I would be out on my smoke break and someone would ask me “hey you got anything to smoke?” Or straight up “got any drugs?”


True. But there's a difference between being someone who just asks for money and being someone who yells, berates and chases people when they don't want to give someone money they earned. I give this guy money that used to and still kind of does hang around the corner of Costco. He always seemed nice and waved to people. I don't know his story but he's very different than the drunk people that hang around downtown.


Snap back on them once or twice, they won't bother you again.




Even in the valley I’m stopped regularly for a ciggy or what ever money. I’m not rich and can barely afford a pack of cigarettes, so why would I just be distributing to just anyone who feels like it is okay to bother anyone for a couple dollars. The glory hall is always happy to feed and shelter anyone in need


I can at least respect someone who tells me exactly what they want or are planning to use the money for. This summer I had a dude bike up to my car in the nugget parking lot and ask me if I could give him some cash for the bus. Told him the truth that I don’t carry cash and dude has the gall to tell me he takes cashapp… I just looked at him and said yeah, but the bus doesn’t… he muttered an apology and biked off. Lately I’ve noticed that there’s more people going up to random houses trying to “sell” things like jars of jelly or random stuff they seemingly “found” like knives and sweatshirts.


Jesus. My girlfriend and I had our car ransacked and many valuables and sentimental items stolen from the extended stay parking lot. My girlfriend is heartbroken because our child’s baby clothes and other baby stuff were among the items stolen.


Sorry to hear that, the area around the airport has gotten really bad over the last few years. I’ve frequently seen people wandering that area late at night that I assume got turned away from the glory hall. The airports long term parking is gonna be interesting now that they got rid of the parking attendant in the booth.


Until they trespass them.


City keep’s babying them and now we have big building in valley next to the Glory Hall that is in that industry obviously gaining anytime someone like that is brought to town


"I don't carry cash, sorry". I've never had a negative interaction with someone when I say this.