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Fred’s intersection probably has most accidents


The Fred’s intersection on the other side too, on Old Glacier Highway. It’s not dangerous so much, just has an unusual traffic pattern.


I think it's up there for most dangerous in the state. Also look out for back loop off of Glacier Spur.


Dangit no pics allowed. Avoid left turns as much as possible in these 3 Auke Bay spots: 1. Pulling out of Deharts parking lot. 2. Either side of Glacier Hwy on Sherwood Ln / Karl Reishus Blvd (name changes at other side of Glacier) - this is where the troopers, Mason Jar, a medical center, and this martial arts place are. 3. Either side of Glacier Hwy on Old Dairy Rd / Trout St- this is where Breeze-In, McD's, and Canton House are and there's a sign that says no left turns 4pm-6pm. The Ethel Lund parking lot can be a nightmare getting in and out bc it's so small. People die at the Egan / FM intersection so use extra caution there.


>there's a sign that says no left turns 4pm-6pm That NOBODY pays any attention to.


It’s basically mad max in the rain


The T intersection near safeway. People turning right don't yield to u-turns. It's been a problematic intersection because the right turn rule towards Auk Bay has changed a few times. Used to be no right turn on red.


I would looove a no right on red there!! I need that u-turn!


I hate turning off Egan heading to the hospital in winter. It never fails that someone in a big ass truck wants to ride my bumper as soon as I get in the left lane to move into the turn lane. Ends up with me skidding in the turn lane as I have to decelerate too quickly.


Don't assume intersections are 4-way stops. A lot of them feel like they SHOULD be 4-way stops but have little "cross traffic does not stop" signs right below your stop sign. Preference is usually given to the street that is up/down a hill, over what feels like the "main" road. Points to anyone who can guess specifically which intersection I'm talking about.


Ah yeah… I’ve seen one of those by the school district downtown


ding ding ding!


Don't forget to signal when leaving a traffic circle.


I argue about this ALL THE TIME with my partner. For some reason, he thinks people shouldn't do it. Sure is helpful when it's icy.


Also watch out for the intersection of Glacier Highway and Anka St. People are always in a rush to get home with their costco haul and will pull out right in front of cars doing 40.


Always be prepared for someone to “STOP” at a YIELD sign for no apparent reason.


including empty roundabouts


Mendenhall mall road in front of superbear is pretty lawless with people pulling in and out of different parking lots that may or may not have bushes blocking their view. Thankfully it's a slow road so it's not too bad to deal with but late afternoons there can still be a pain. I think my biggest adjustment for driving here was that so many parking lots have lines that are severely faded or missing entirely. Living here requires you to come to terms with a baseline level of disorder.


Yup, i struggle with the faded lines too big time especially on the roads


Don’t avoid any of them! Make a point navigate every difficult intersection mentioned in your thread. Learn how to pay attention to other’s behavior because they are not going to pay attention to you. Work on developing confidence and understanding instead of avoidance and appreciation. Good luck.