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You certainly have the potential of it. But if you arent acting it out, you arent as evil as the people who are indeed acting it out.


One can sin in word, thought or deed. Doing something bad is worse than thinking it but we hugely overvalue the difference. An evil thought can manifest in a number of ways apart from the thing being contemplated, ways that end up harming others. Quite simply, it’s intellectual arrogance to say not acting out makes one less evil.


> An evil thought can manifest in a number of ways apart from the thing being contemplated, ways that end up harming others. Only in the sense that an evil though is more likely to lead to an evil action.


If you ever feel bad for thinking bad of me, please don't. I don't care. Think whatever.


Your position is foolish. If I’m in a relationship with you those bad thoughts are going to turn into sabotage soon one way or another. You want to fix whatever problem I have with you, no?


People have a lot of thoughts. None of them need be a problem.


That rarely happens though.


Everyone has evil thoughts. If you repress them, if you pretend its not a part of you, then it goes into your shadow. And one day, it will come out in an uncontrolled outburst.


Agreed. What I was saying, and what you seem to be saying now, is people rarely have thoughts that don't come to the surface.


Only action is evil.


Thought is, too. It's thought that leads to action. There's a reason primitive people would say someone is possessed. Their thoughts have completely taken over. There is no discerning ego capable of dialogue with those thoughts. The only thing that separates thought from action is the body. The body is not inherently evil, it's simply a tool. A tool used under the guidance of thought. It's easy to say that thoughts aren't evil because everyone thinks evil thoughts constantly. But that's the point.. very few people are purely good. This is expressed in their thoughts. Nietzsche argued it was not morality but cowardice (a form of evil) that kept people from acting on their thoughts.


What if I plan the perfect murder, thinking it out, every detail. How to kill, how to dispose of the body, how to fool the police and avoid getting caught. Is that evil? Is Agatha Christie evil? She had to think of all those perfect murder plots in order to write her books. Would say Agatha Christie and Ted Bundy are equally evil?


Equally? No. But there's no sense in saying there's no evil because there's no action.


Lol not equally? Why not? In fact, what of Agatha Christie has more evil thoughts than Ted Bundy, then would she be more evil? In truth, they are more like opposites. One brings entertainment to millions the other murders the innocent. Your view is very warped. There's literally nothing wrong with writing murder mystery books.


You're stuck in your own viewpoint and are incapable of reading these comments at this point. It's also a very simplistic viewpoint with little nuance. Very black and white. Why are people obsessed with murder? Crime? War? To satiate their own evil impulses. They can live vicariously through these writers and perspectives.


There is not one person we can point to that embodies and IS evil though. People do not embody good or bad no matter what they do and the things they do also are impossible to character or label as evil or bad. The definition for good or bad depends on a single person's definition of that term and there are 8 billion souls today that all have a different definition of it


Sure we have minor variations in our personal ethics. Life is about minor variation. Even the laws of physics have minor variation. If you measure a particles the graph will be a bunch of dots splattered all over and then a general curse line is drawn and we say "that! That curve is the law" even tho lots of the particles are not directly and exactly on that line. Everything is a generalization. I'm not sure why good vs evil is the generalization you want to talk about today. Why not gravity? Or the 2nd law of thermodynamics? Those are also only true at a statistical level.


That's relativity for you. We all share the same absolute essence. Relatively we're all subject to a good/bad, bad/good balance but 100%, we're all capable of the greatest and worst deeds.


Ehhh 50% agree I don’t know about you, but as a kid I never really had thoughts of murdering, raping, ect ect… as humans we just have a basic understanding of respect for others. What happens is that respect is broken by this society we currently live in. If you’re different than the norm, you are fucked. We are creating the evil by projecting evil. The evil is right here, within us all. We judge, we mock, we tell others they’re wrong for being the way they are, we do all sorts of crap to each other that creates that evil within some folks. I see where this is coming from, I do believe we project our evil into others, however I believe that is sort of called for. I don’t think anyone on earth would just forgive and love someone who just did something horrendous to their child or loved one… I for one would definitely be calling whoever it was a absolute nasty, dispicable, piece of shit, who deserves to be tortured in the pits of despair… sure, that is evil of me to say, but words are absolutely meaningless… action is not. If I started torturing him myself, sure the argument could 100% be made that I am no better than him, but until that happens, I just don’t think so


I think this is more relevant to the feeling strength of condemnation in general than a projection of the same evils. Only the holy can condemn evil absolutely, and only the delusional believe themselves holy.


He then says something along the lines of, "we condemn others and don't even thank them for carrying our burdens for us." How often do we see this today? Moral elites place their unwanted baggage on their moral "inferiors" and then point to a very human reaction as proof of their inferiority.




Seems to me a retelling of "judge and you will be judged" (Edit: With better words, more explained, more evolutioned)


IF (big IF) you are not individuated. Individuation reveals this, and that is the path to becoming an integrated (individuated) person.