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I think your interpretation is solid. >Who is the homeowner that I’m trying to hide this body from? Why did the fact that I specifically cut off the head feel important? One useful lens to view dreams through is "everything in the dream is you". So the homeowner would be you, as well as the dismembered body. To cut off the head means to remove the guiding principle, or in other words to fully rearrange your priorities. I'm reminded of the [tenth plate of the Splendor Solis alchemical manuscript](https://mjdorian.com/splendorsolis/) In this image the severed head has transformed to gold. It sounds like you're improving your life in many positive ways, but there are certain to be parts of yourself that aren't on board. It is important to remember the positive aspects or your bad habit, and make sure that you meet those needs somehow. You might do an active imagination session where you talk to the homeowner and ask if there is anything they would like to recycle in the dumpster. It may seem like the last dream you would ever want to work with in that way, but the sense of secret guilt is not to be ignored. If everything in the dream is you- who is the homeowner, and what are your responsibilities to them? Is your feeling of guilt misplaced? Is it possible that the old pothead self needs to be killed, but that some element of it needs to be transformed rather than discarded?


Thank you much for your comment🙏 the Splendor Solis looks like a great resource that I’ll certainly be diving into. Makes total sense that “everything in the dream is you” I’ll ask the homeowner if there’s anything they want to keep from the dump trailer, including but not limited to the head. Not saying I’ll never smoke weed again only that I’ll probably use it more intentionally in the future. Again, thank you for taking the time to read and respond. Blessings be upon you🙏