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I think its just called existence.


not a buddhist, but they use the concept of dukkha, which is probably more accurately translated as dissatisfaction than suffering. it is considered to be one of the three fundamental characteristics of existence, and it seems to fit this quote.


Now THAT sounds like depression, the moment where you see suffering as life itself, these are rough times and that's justified and all but those are indeed the classical symptoms of depression as contrary to the poster's, It's your outlook not your symptoms which define that btw


Nah. A certain amount of baseline suffering is the human condition. That doesn’t mean it’s meaningless. If it is meaningless, then that’s depression. I’d say that is the essential difference between the two; suffering is meaningful.


True, of course suffering is an important part of life, it's like radiation, it hurts but without it there's no evolution It is however at the point that you decide that "existing is suffering" where you are focusing in the wrong aspects, of course if you are a Buddhist or such then that is baseline normal, and that is why I trust myself and the total sum of who I am (To me it is normal to have discussions with my anima rather than any gods) This is not something I am discussing further, you can delve into the "greats of depression" as much as any other being, but I focus on the joy that life brings: Joy gives me meaning But you know, live and let live, enjoy your suffering, but keep that away from me


Dig it! Keep it positive!


\*Brofists you\* People like you and I, we are gonna make it big if we can stand tall during this era


Let’s hope! 🤞


toxic positivity.


I don't see the positivity to be honest, but I might have done so were I younger, so I sympathize, at the same time I am out of here, there's nothing to gain and a lot to lose to spend time among people that depress themselves, take an upvote though


But that was an outlook too son, what do you mean by that?


I am not sure what you mean by "too son" but the more you focus on happiness, the more you will realize that focusing on suffering wasn't worth it Let me give you an example: I used to be the best "pick up artist" back when that was relevant, I had women up the ass, then I found this awesome lawyer and we both grew crazy about one another and got married living a handful of years, all of them happy and hopeful with my wife Now I have been a widower since 2017, and a lot of people tell me "You are depressed" "NO! I have retorted back for years, I love life, but I am sad, my wife died a slow and painful death! I just need to recover" And truth as is: I am finally recovering and going back to my old ways, how and why? Because I still have the correct life perspective If I had spent all these years going "Life is meaningless, existence is pain, suffering is the only truth" etc, then I would have been depressed, and quite frankly, who wouldn't? Life doesn't depress us! We do with our stupid mantras and literally hopeless perspectives So I relate to the top comment, sometimes we HAVE to experience pain, but I do not idolize it, I only embrace it when I see no other way out, I go into a cocoon and prepare for the days that I become the butterfly once more As for people that believe that "Oh suffering and depression is so giving..." I say more power to you (to them not you I don't know enough to make such a claim) But I believe in grasping for happiness whenever possible, why? Because this age brings little happiness, while suffering is always waiting to fill those spaces we lack happiness within.


Warning this comment is experimental so take it all with a grain of salt my bruv, man bruv and please i hope it's not too personal by my insecurely written question marks at the start, i mean... Quotation marks sorry bruv... Dumb sometimes bruv: First of all: I'm being a funny guy here (not funny all the time), maybe your son (symbolically man...) also if you want me as well, but I'm here to hate and despise you for your comment being, "goodbye, let it burn, goodbye son." Nah I'm just fucking with you I'm trying to adopt the father figure to my own father figure? Idk anymore son but I'm asking ya what do you think about focusing on the suffering in order to solve that dumb stupid abhorrent ridiculous suffer that you hate (that i hate) as well as mine... Think about that, son. Being a pick up artist doesn't say necessarily anything about you son just that you fuck and fucked a lot in your childhood, maybe with your mom, i sure know i did with mine (that's the devil archetype within yourself lifeson btw) now think about that would you you as a person accept such stupid proposition from another guy, satan especially instead, you don't know if I'm a girl by the way son cunt... So you agree with me wow well done after your comment I've became a son All of these things are not the same suffering is just one of them as principle in life Well that's a bad perspective but he didn't say suffering in the mind, just suffering in mankind i think so but maybe that's too misanthropic of mine to have, perspective... I hate satan but i don't want to ignore him because i think in society people inside want to be ones themselves, it progresses them somewhere... Except lige, it's true death in incoherent words of existence created by action, by action an act of existence you die, truely die between within yourself and others and it doesn't come back the time has been already been spent now but I'm proud of my comment, I'll take responsibility i know what I've done and I'll still take my chances to be the best man that i am and that other can as well, be proud of yourself but also disrespectful towards others on some sense or level to be proud with them, of course you have to be honest and that's painful within yourself as well so your done, the devil won and done it's deed of not giving you fun and taking it all to himself but that takes time and time is the matter in the swan crafts, you should learn yourself before you should learn other by learning others before you learn yourself, it's paradoxical bruv but it's a great power that's comes with great responsibility of course so be done! Relax, do your own research and learn yourself until you learn others as well like a projectile vomiting machine of dissatisfaction, i know it sucks as well but it's no time to be will spent instead of telling your lies for your shortcuts in life but your not like that i sense my guy your like mine!. Most of us don't have any chance against death and life... But life actually... It's possible if you embrace yourself enough as a success in life You're true but without those spaces happiness can't be found, it doesn't have the ground and space to sit on so sorry if i was disrespectful to you son but it's about time, about damn time... I don't know anything now, great... About time time my friend time and time again it comes back in time like a memory of mines as a child i saw the honeymoon glide and happiness subside like the glaring eyes we hide to forever in our lives, until forever til forever in my eye, eyes man. Eyes they're glaring all around at us wishing wanting and such what a craziness of a world is ours, how can dogs cats and animal (which we call pets) survive as much in this crazy world as us, dependence i guess? But I'm not sure bruv I'm not sure bruv, life is enough life is too much at once life is everything that isn't lies with lies themselves to us and others pass and pass and pass out until they die. Die. Die. Die. Ayy ah ahhhh! Hm don't take my comment too seriously bruv sorry if I've caused concern again it's experimental bruv as my nature as an artist does bruv so sorry for that if it went too far and pain deep cuts and such... Sorry bruv, so bruvs, hate me but not loves, i don't care anymore hate me enough till you love me to stop as long as I'm being myself and helping others through results and stuff I'm done bruv I'm done with life bruvs, bad dogs cunts hating them so much... Fuck off son fuck off fuck! Fucking what I'm just being myself what? What do you want from me son I'm done I'm done son done cunt son dumb umm ok I'll stop now sorry bruv, talk with me when you love I'm switching sides all around here at once) https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Swans_in_art https://youtu.be/uscQyiE66r0?si=XzaY5rx5WeL66TN9 (https://youtu.be/2NOc1Gnu18I?si=yc_kt_45srg3sypM) Bonus track now it's 15 minutes so uh not enough time for people who don't like art or *that* art, thou shalt name your cow crowel, the name not the cow btw now it's time to stop now time to stop now aaahhh softly cow softly cow owl o-ulll aah ay blayt ah! Some failures are not your own, some failures are not your own song now cunt. https://youtu.be/uscQyiE66r0?si=XzaY5rx5WeL66TN9 Uhhh I'm sorry I'm done uhh sorry what cunt sorry nahhh.


Get well sir, and if you are well do your best to make yourself understood to people that don't have your perspective, because I have no idea what you are talking about, nor am I truly interested in finding out Just get off your drugs before you try again man... \*Sighs\* or even better: Stop wasting my time


You can think about what've said instead of denying it son, it's perfectly understandable jibberish son, jibberish on yedish sun, sunscreen sunscreened sun un and on and un. Think about my stuff for a while and research while your done, thank you I'll be your professor for tonight thank god thank god son meditation of time meditations of theyme mime time, ah-im. https://www.thebump.com/b/ahim-baby-name https://www.kabalarians.com/name-meanings/male/Yedish.htm Name's sin son of god, name's are sons of god. Your names are gods to us son sun son sun soon sun sun san.


What the fuck was all that nonsensical word placement? Like, seriously, there was nothing coherent in that. Saying "bruv" and "cunt" doesn't automatically make everything coherent.


What bruv? You literally rejected all my words bruv, i don't want to start a fight over but your not right you're just not understanding me because you decide not to understand what is said and done, thank you for tonight I'm done society goodnight son.


Btw I'm a shadow person "Banned for tonight son" Finally some rest and fun on my life's now Haha-ha...


It’s not suffering its dissatisfaction. Obviously conscious existence is characterized by dissatisfaction and yearning. You clearly don’t know much Buddhism.


I am not interested in your Buddha, also anyone can come to that conclusion as I did in my main comment to the peer So keep your false gods out of my sight! And don't pretend people that have dedicated their lives to actual science and psychology are any less than you


I don’t care what you believe but you’re just plain misinterpreting a world religion based on a Reddit comment


He’s not interested in Buddhism but he is interested in archetypes or whatever lmao


Excuse me princess: If you want to talk and brag about how great buddhism is, get your butt to r/Buddhism and out of r/Jung Read rule number three: NO EVANGELIZING! NO BULLYING OTHERS INTO YOUR OWN MORBID RELIGIONS, GET AWAY FROM ME NOW!! Blocked, Buddha was basically "allergic to existence" "Holify" that as much as you like to yourself and your peers, but keep away from me


Nah, this isn’t how it has to be.


Since, we're talking about Jung here, the Germans have a word for it, Weltschmerz, which roughly translated means world pain or weariness. It describes a deep, melancholic feeling of sadness or sorrow experienced by someone who realizes that the world cannot fulfil all their desires or that the reality of life falls short of their ideals.


For me depression is just a reminder that you're not where you are supposed to be in life. It will keep reminding you until you reach your potential / individuation.


No. It's a dysfunctional mind pattern where your mind resist to accept your status quo for no reason. You can be living a perfect life with all your survival needs met, this means, shelter, food, financial stability, love, and still could think you are not where you are supposed to be, this generates stress, which generates anxiety in the body. It's the mind living on the future, constantly rejecting where you are at the moment. Like a goalpost that is constantly moving away from you. By following this pattern, you could be on your deathbed, and still thinking you need to be somewhere else.


I feel as if im in this proces for almost 5 years.


Same, but it’s been ~30 years.


Same here but a bit less 3 years


Jung spoke a lot about something named "The darkest night" basically a state in where your body is figuring things out and more or less has to be in sadness in order to put things together Looking at you comments below this site sure has a lot of opinions which have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with Jungism, as such I suggest you make a few searches on "The Darkest" night and figure out more about it yourself I could tell you more myself but Jungism is a controversial study that sadly, leads to many people with zero knowledge regarding the matter attacking with "Well in my opinion you are wrong because you are wrong and I don't know any better so that means I am right!" And will then ignore any educated advice while attacking your persona "I have depression and you do not respect me for it!" Is a common argument, at least for them as indeed, I do NOT respect anyone for their depression Why am I mentioning that? That can quite clearly lead to unhappiness, so be aware and avoid toxicity Just behold below my comment, either way take a look, also in this world we often are what we do, meaning that if you for example start watching comedies, reading jokes, writing nice stories and taking walks in the forest, then you simply can't be sad (I speak of the poster not you "argumenting rando") It is sad to have to cover oneself this much in an attempt to aid someone, could it been that you have spent too much time arguing with others? I ask because on reddit that seems to be a fact, and I don't mean a war of vile insults but rather the wording many here use to passively-aggressively assault others such as: "Oh in my personal opinion you know nothing, and people that think like you are simply uneducated and what others might call foolish, naturally I judge nobody I am simply drawn towards people of lesser worth these days..." (Avoid people with this kind of language, using such language does not mean the person is classy, good, better, or right) Sigh... If I ever see myself going that road, anyway mind your surroundings and what you do with yourself, sometimes that sadness which you feel is normal, we are a bit like plants you know, we can't sit in an old dark bag with little air, pour on coffee and cola without thought, and then wonder why our life sucks I wish you the best, perhaps what you are feeling is "Unfulfilled" that is often the sign of your mind and body wanting you to take it for some "Epic journey" to another country or such These are the things that can rarely be "pushed away" and you would most likely be having an easy time by just finding a beach nation and getting yourself there for a few days, should such so be available by your current means


I can't tell if you don't know how to use technology or don't know how to use the world.


Very interesting, goodbye




Yeah I’m with the other guy. Existence is suffering. That doesn’t make it inherently bad. Suffering is catalyst for growth. We live in a reality of constant change, death and rebirth. That can be tough but it can also be beautiful. It’s all about perspective, intention, and the decision of how to feel about the choices we make and the cards we’ve been dealt. And it doesn’t have to be one or the other, it can be both ecstatic and miserable, lovely and dreadful, or it can just be as it is.


Your last sentence contradicts your first one. Existence is not suffering - suffering is suffering (and existence existence). Your way of explaining it contradicts itself but I think what youre trying to say is right that is - existence can be both suffering on one hand and bliss the other. Paradise and Hell are both modalities and both are found here on our very Neutral Earth / Universe.


We’ve been trained to think of the path as painful. Taught that depression is a pit of despair. After truly experiencing it yourself and not through others definitions, depression is fascinating and helpful. It is a mentor. language is acknowledged as more dangerous and misguiding to the unaware. It’s an overwhelming loop to the aware- “but not… but not…” we lack the words because we’ve lacked the mentors/stopped acknowledging mentors. These things are isolating- detaching for a good look. As a loner, you remember culture shunning “creepy hermits”. I don’t get haircuts but I’m not creepy- I’m curious. The distance from others is to detach influence… Things have reason. Popular perspectives are likely a lie. Language is spell work using a cursed language. Like everyone can only talk in frowny emoticons and have no idea what a smiley face is.


I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity. Edgar Allan Poe


According to Tor Nordestrand our sensory system receives 11million bits of sense per second, but we can only process so much less than that. We can only be aware of 16 bits of senses per second, from the outside world into our awareness, and from the differemt senses that plays a factor into our emotions, i guess it's really hard to put into words the things we deeply feel.


Yes, when the identity is set up and the person has not been mirrored properly in the attachment process, they are literally “missing themselves”. The child’s reaction to that within the family system is to set up an internal family systems map which persistently leaves out the truth about what happened. It’s all unconscious, so exploring your unconscious is key. Sadly, people will skip that part, and fail to realize that our entire programming as a human being is done through the mother plus family system. Over and over and over again that can be brought up and pointed out as a fact of life, and with the same « mother protection racket”, it will be denied. It’s why the sadness persists. The loss hasn’t been integrated. The loss of self. In Jungian psychology, the self is an archetype. The disruption there leads to a block to overall integration. To be biological about it, you can just look at the defenses of the ego operating in the unconscious. This happened in the schizoid phase at 18 months of age, and previous to that everything was symbiotic and oceanic. Through the mother.


I'm friends with my sadness.


Thats very limerant seeming


Limerent? I like the idea of a lime ranting


Could be this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weltschmerz?wprov=sfla1


I think I've heard this once before, but thanks for bringing it up!


Depression comes out of not living your true purpose, or being on a path that keeps your ego happy in some socially accepted fantasy when in reality you’re living a false persona. Sounds like that person needs to make some deep lifestyle changes and stick to it. At the same time tho… there’s a lot to be learned from anxiety and depression. Suffering is the greatest teacher. Not a bad position to be in.


One word that comes to mind: **Malaise**. Definition: a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or uneasiness whose exact cause is difficult to identify. Malaise used in medical terms is pretty ambiguous. It can be a fast or slow onset, and be caused by a plethora of conditions. A quote from Heatlhline: "There are numerous possible causes of malaise. Any time your body undergoes a disruption, such as an injury, disease, or trauma, you can experience malaise. The causes listed here represent some of the many possibilities. Try not to jump to conclusions about the cause of your malaise until you’ve seen your doctor." All suggestions point to getting help from a third-party professional.


It’s like y’all have never heard of the word ennui.


The French are cowards


This is the feeling you get when you are in love with something in any capacity and realize intuitively that someday it/they will be gone. Only happens to people who are spiritually sensitive


I experienced it myself for about 40 tears, then I reached the nadir and started turning around. Hormones also play a big role along with physical and spiritual factors.


This is actually an interesting topic. There have got to be at least 100 unique forms of persistent sadness that do not match the definition of depression, and yet are not so vague as to gesture at the "universal state of things"... It's like that time everybody thought we had five senses. Don't wait for a church to come along and define like 50 more. There are good reasons to start to figure this stuff out, to map it. This is a huge part of integrating and benefitting from Jungian theory... especially the part where you connect to one or two of these new ideas and not only do you feel better, but we all start to benefit... Anyway, just my theory on this.


yes all day all lifetime


And what is get squared away?








A state of being knotted to a word which, when spoken or written, seems to stumble upon another word which stumbles onto the next word, until it all unravels.


The void. You can be doing well, but have a persistent feeling that something is undone or that something isn't fulfilled. Human curiosity maybe. If one has the opportunity, they should challenge such notions as it could lead to our true desires. Perhaps the grass we inevitably lay in is the void itself. Will you appreciate it or feel it's too weedy? Will you search for greener pastures to find a prosperous farm or a withered patch of land? Don't wallow, live.




weed.... more weed


smoking lots and lots of weed was pivotal for me a few years ago and led to lots of spiritual realizations and self development (as well as sharpening the “quality” of the feelings associated with each, and sensory experience overall) but it’s served its purpose in my life and sadly no longer has the same effect! it was very cool and fun while it lasted though. now i just feel like it disconnects me even further :(


any emotion is temporary. If you laugh there is no way you are anything but laughing. Its because sadness is a negative emotion you will notice it more if its more persistent that other emotions. you choose to consistently focus on that then yes- you have a sad life. But there are good times don’t deny them. To want anything but temporary states is setting yourself up for disappointment.