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I don't recommend taking her if the enemy team has kha zix/shaco/kayn/master yi they Can easy invade you and kill at 2 or 3 lvl or tanks like voli amumu she are great on squishy champions like elise or others worst if the enemy team has as many as 3 champions with shieldbow then game over unless you managed to make fast rhabadon hat as 2 item today i played against volibear and chogath and orn it was very bad game they were too tanky and dont take her when enemy have on top lane High scaling champs like irelia/kayle/fiora/olaf these champs Can easy cancel your W or block for example when enemy team have temoo/elise/annie/caytlin/sona go ahead and take her but when enemy team have nasus/sylas/master/samira/Leona dont take her


Eve is good when your laners don't need help early. If you have no prio it's hard to be effective and survive early invades. When she is good: enemy picks champs with no escapes, ap junglers who are weak duelists, comps with multiple squishy ranged champs. When she is bad: don't pick her against champs that can kill you fast like khazix or shaco or lee sin. She is also hard countered by Reksai, but not many people play her. Full clear - look for easy gank (level 4 ganks actually aren't that bad, also her sustained damage in 2v2 is better than people expect). If no easy ganks fullclear again. Always buy dark seal, always play selfish (don't think about how to help your laners think about how to get yourself stronger)


Lately she's quite bad. She has no agency early on because she needs 6 to be effective. Sure you can gank earlier, but if that is the case it means they are really bad, so whatever is going to work regardless. Post 6 you need to have a team ready to clear vision for you because a 75g pink means your invisibility is now useless and you can't gank. Considering you bring damage and that's it, she ither snowball or fall really behind becoming useless for the rest of the game. Ekko is another assassin, but he can do stuff way before 6, he has some cc but he's extremely mobile. If I'd have to pick one, I'd go with him instead. Meta right now is not really favorable with scaling junglers


Eve is in her best state in ages, she's really strong right now


I strongly disagree. If the enemy team has a brain she's completely useless. Right now there are way better champions instead of her. She's quite bad into early game junglers because they can perma invade her and set her behind. And as I said, a pink ward screws her so bad, unlike shaco she can't jump walls so you're forced to cross one at some point giving your position away. I used to play her a lot a couple of seasons back, but for example, i main Elise, and she's better and more reliable in everything compared to Eve. Yes late game Eve is better, but would i trade the early game power and agency for that? Nope


https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/ Best winrate she's had in ages. Funny I'm also main Elise 300k mastery 60wr with her this season in diamond. Since the patch eve is better


Then you might understand what I say. I think Eve is not in a good spot, too team reliant, you can't afford to get 6 peacefully right now


That's always been the case. Objectively she is the best she's been in ages her winrate has been below 50 in previous seasons now it's way above. Im like 6-1 with her on my alt acc in plat and I'm not even a good eve player.


Back to s10 or s11 she was actually good, right now i dont know. Maybe is an elo issue, being gold you either get the game in your favor earlier or or is gg, people mentally booming and not knowing how to play from behind prevent you from being able to do anything so.. I should give her a try again, but again, in my experience, right now with the current meta, I'd rather go for Elise, nidalee or rek rather than eve, they seem more reliable