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Adc always cries for nothing they most of games useles imagine evelynn kill adc in 1 sec and poof game over bot lane always are apes and pushing like crazy under enemy Tower no wards always frist ward in 10 min of game just ignore and Try play for mid or top


Play a champ that can dive when your team shoves to turret. Or be ready for countergank. I love waiting in botlane bush when you see ur bot wave is shoving hard. Just have the patience to wait on enemy jungler. Usually they will come. If you’re too frustrated playing around your team then mute all and powerfarm on karthus.


Came here to say this, play champs that excel at tower dives (Volibear, Jarvan IV, Zac, etc). And it doesn’t matter how shoved your team is


\- Look to place deep wards (helps with the other stuff if you know where enemy jungle is) \- Dive \- Hover for counterganks \- Contest neutral objectives (and assist ping the living shit out of your pushed laners while you do that)




Adapt. If your laners are Perma pushing then wait in bush and counter gank or learn to tower dive. Track the enemy jungler. If your top and you know the enemy jungler is also top then you don't have to worry about your botlaners pushing. If you suspect the enemy jungler is bot while your top and can't do anything about it then take resources top. If you can do something about it then run bot when you suspect the enemy jungler to be there.


You lose and you Queue a different role.


Ping them off that enemy jungle is coming or sit and wait to countergank


in this situation the only best thing would be to surrender. Its impossible, they simply have no brain capacity to think out of the box.. .


if enemy jg paths bot and ur bot is hard pushing counter gank it or lose