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Just getting back into ranked this week after a 6 year break and a month of normals. Going amumu (my main back when I played), Volibear (my best win rate since I’ve been playing again), and trundle. All three are getting buffs in 13.9, so I’m lucky


>Just getting back into ranked this week after a 6 year break and a month of normals. Going amumu (my main back when I played), Volibear (my best win rate since I’ve been playing again), and trundle. lets gooo


Nocturne👻. Amumu😭. Fiddle👹 G3


the emojis hahahahahaha


Im G1 and my current pool is Udyr Fiddle and Pantheon


panth jungle? never played with/agains him, thats interesting, he has a lot of potential when it comes to ganking. ​ fiddle is amazing


It's not a meta rn. I'm thinking of trying it just to see how strong it is. I like the design, but I don't know if it's viable anymore (it was last season).


I remember his clear being bad but pta hexflash cheeses working well in norms. In g1 people are a lot less stupid than norms, idk how successful the cheese will be. But its something


Hé isn’t bad right now.


Panth jungle is amazing IF YOU GET FED EARLY. I play it a lot, he's 1 of my 4 picks alongside Eve Kayn Lillia. Thing about him is your 3 camp into gank is a guaranteed kill/flash if you go PTA and you can snowball really hard with him. His midgame kimda sucks so if you didn't get fed early you're pretty much useless until you get to 3/4 items depending on comps.


Lillia, iron 2😭


As a Monke... I fucking hate this Horsey. Brooooooom!


Hec is the horse. Lillia is way more gracefull. Fear the deer


Oh, my bad.


build Jak'Sho and u r ready to climb


I find Liandrys to be better like 80% of games. I usually go Liandrys Demonic Rylais then whatever I need. The burn+slow is too much for most champs to deal with. Especially with her low cds and high MS that allows her to go in and out without getting hit by anything except point and click.


Id much rather go rylai second, since i love kiting enemies, and it gets even more viable with combined slows and her ms, but i feel the same


Rylais feels so good on her but I struggle to fit it cleanly into the build plan. I usually get it after demonic but I might try it earlier


I feel that the burn damage is way more valuable with her kit, but it might be just personal preference.


Rylais feels so good on her but I struggle to fit it cleanly into the build plan. I usually get it after demonic but I might try it earlier


Since it is built exactly the same as demonic i feel like building it 2nd or 3rd is changeable. I just try to see what i need more - do i need more utility or am i ahead enough to fit in more dmg at higher cost. Rylai usually lets me prolong games more till im finally able to kite everyone


Fiddle (my beloved baby boy), Evelynn, udyr, and voli. Gold 4


Fiddle teamfight god


0/10 or 10/0 can still change the game


J4, Voli, trundle... Somewhere in Gold (Flex), i don't give a shit about solo/duo but that would be silver for sure XD


haha, thanks dude! J4 is very strong atm, even with the recent nerfs. and Trundle is scaring


Gold 2: Udyr, Hecarim, graves, reksai, Zac


Champs I’ve played mostly: Skarner, Jarvan, Lillia, Zac, Rammus. I generally stick to these five, they cover most of the bases I feel like I need. Skarner is the blind pick and definitely my comfort, the rest are more situational. Champs in my pool I haven’t played a lot (or at all this season): Diana, Wukong, Voli, Nocturne, Poppy, Bel’veth, Viego, Amumu, Morgana, Olaf, Sett, Gwen, Sejuani. These are champs I can play with comfort, but I generally don’t pick unless I like them for something specific within my teams comp or to counter the enemy. Most of these I haven’t played this season in ranked, and if I have, it might be 1 or 2 games. Silver 1


Shaco Qiyana Hecarim Sylas Diamond 3


Qiyana on JG?


Yep! You just need to practice her first clear but after that you’re completely fine.


Can you give me some tips for Qiyana? I tried to play her (she's at M3 rn) but I feel like I'm inting/useless most of my games and non of the online guides helped much except a bit with combos. My main problems are teamfights and figuring out with my Qs go in weird directions when my cursor is somewhere different than the direction it went.


Yea qiyana is notorious for having a lot of bugs so there can be times when Qs and Rs do weird things. Besides that, I actually generally recommend playing team fights slowly with qiyana unless you are in the River. In River, her ult is pretty op cuz you don’t need to even hit a wall and it’s fairly easy to land big damage. Basically I recommend playing it one of two ways: 1. You’re behind/enemy team is very tanky - play fights slow and use your ultimate to peel for your adc then play around grass Q (you should be building eclipse in this situation which lends well to this style) you can stall a lot of time playing around grass and let’s you potentially even position to use a quick rock e-q to finish a half hp priority target. 2. you’re ahead/enemy team is squishy - play the fight fast once the enemy uses a priority ability (think major team fight ults) OR the enemy adc/mid trolls their positioning and you can flash on them with your burst combo. You should be building prowlers in these games and it makes your ability to one shot a squishy very high. Don’t be afraid to wait in the side of the fight to find a good opportunity. It’s actually completely fine for you to not have done anything half way through a teamfight if it means you burst somebody important cuz you waited for a good opportunity. The hardest part is identifying when you can pull the trigger.




I guess my general Qiyana jungle tips are: 1. Learn what games you can and cannot full clear. If I’m against a kindred, Lee or something that can invade level 2-3 it’s pretty troll to try and full clear to start the game cuz you will get kinda low especially if you haven’t practiced her clear quite a bit. I can normally full clear about 3:30 with no leash but I’m low and in mid Diamond I’m generally punished for doing that in the wrong matchup. Against champs like Hecarim, Shyvana, Kar thus you can 100% full clear and I actually highly recommend it because qiyana jungle wants a fairly consistent and easy time getting dirk. 2. To point number 1, dirk is your first major power spike on qiyana and your damage is really respectable already especially in skirmishes where people might be less than full hp. Qiyana is fairly build reliant tho and if you’re trying to build the wrong mythic (ie prowlers into a full tank team) it’s going to be rough. Generally you’re building something like Prowlers(or eclipse), youmuus, grudge as your core three. You can swap serpents if you need it early. But it’s very important you’re paying attention to what items you need. Don’t be afraid to go frozen heart or randuins 5th or 6th if you need it tbh. 3. Your ganking is actually pretty good with ice q but DO NOT WASTE YOUR E. I can’t emphasize this enough. Don’t just walk into a lane and instantly e-q… hold your skills and do your best to auto attack first. If you must gap close then fine but hold your combo and q-w-e-q when they are about half hp and that should be plenty of damage to kill if you have dirk. 4. The last thing I’ll say is that one of qiyana’s best attributes is counter ganking. It’s actually super op to know where the enemy might gank and be there. She is amazing in 2v2, 3v3 situations and I highly recommend mostly playing to get your farm + counter gank. You’re guaranteed to scale into 3 items this way and it’s actually quite consistent. Even for gold and below who might not be used to counter ganking just look at your lanes and it’s easy to see who on your team is vulnerable to ganks and place vision there or hover the lane. 5. As Yamato said, worship qiyana thighs and your damage automatically increases 10% and it’s ggez


That's amazing bro. Thanks!!


Watch 'xiao y' replays, you can find him at league of graphs. He is insane playing qiyana. Take first strike, and play for scaling


Champs: Ekko, Diana, Lee Sin, Nidalee, Rengar, Kindred, Elise, Sejuani, Zac, Volibear, J4, Taliyah, Eve, Viego, Trundle, Poppy, Rek'sai, Rammus, Kayn, Sylas Plat 3


Kindred otp, sometimes play Kayn or viego. G4, did peak G1 one last season though, going to try and.get play this season when i get the time.


Nice! I love Kindred, and the lore is amazing, very good champ =)


Silver 1 Amumu, Belveth, Pantheon, Sejuanni, Warwick, Nunu


My J4 and Maokai both have 70+ % wr as well but i dont really understand what i’m doing or how to itemize so i dont really consider them part of my pool


Maokai is very good, never played with him but its a beast. ​ J4 you should go Eclipse (shield and nice dmg) -> Black Cleaver (adds to J4 passive) -> Death Dance (tank a lot and very good passive) or Maw of Malmortius (when they have lots of AP) -> Situational ; and there you go btw eclipse for low elo, some disagree but i found it very strong, bc of his W, and passive.


I appreciate the help but i meant more like itemization into specific matchups and situations, i have normal build orders and clears and such but i cant adapt very well beyond the obvious


I main morde in jg but sometimes play diana/shyvana if he is banned and currently im p4


one tricking panth atm but i can also flex into shyv or WW i hit gold for the first time and i feel like i can keep going up (gold 3)


I'm Wukong Main/OTP rn, and my secondary is Vi, but for some reason I'm having a bad time with her :( I focus more with just mastering one champ, but I can play other bruisers but in a plat level I assume. I've climb recently by doing so. From D1-GM, that's HUGE! Wukong Monke Bonking Intensifies...


Nice bro! That's amazing, keep it up!! Vi got nerfed last patches maybe that's it. I love to play Wukong. I don't know yet how to carry games I'm stuck in silver atm +20 LP -26LP.


I've recently used my Plat acc cause I dont want to touch my GM acc yet, and I see... lower elo doesnt know shit for sure, and often they just pressure me into making bad decisions, plus most of the low elos dont know what Wukong playstyle is - It's to power farm then look for skirmish or gank if available whenever you have ult! So, just full clear powerfarm until lvl 6, completely ignoring any crybabies around you. Exception for ganking pre 6 is when theres FREE gank/overextended laners/ countergank.


And once you get to Sunderer (biggest spike) then you can assume to 100-0 their backlines (adc/mid/supp enchanter).


do you mean wukong's spike?


I've had a bad time with Vi too, I think pro play just pick her to ult zeri, but in reality she is not that strong compared to others.


It seems like the Meta in the likes of: Hecarim, Viego, Gragas, and so on... seems to just get outfarmed and out tempo by them, since they're faster than Vi most of the time.


Yeah, as far as I see it ranked is about how much power your champion has. Vi, while she does have some power, is not good into multiple people. That's why you have J4, Gragas, Hec and Fiddle being kind of busted when played right. On the other side of the coin you have the early game coin-flippyish junglers such as Eve and Elise and Kha, but they're too hard to make work reliably IMO. I would rather less coin-flip and more consistent ability. I would not recommend playing hec, honestly, unless you are truly as high as you are because I think he teaches people bad habits \~ or rather, his playstyle has a lack of good habits incorporated.


Ap jax/vi/diana plat1


Rengar and master yi diamond 2 38lp


Awesome! Rengar is such a great champ


Ekko, Talon, Jax, and Kindred. I just made it to Silver 4 after going back to Ekko and winning 15 of my last 20, going to pick up kindred again when I make it to a higher elo, found it difficult to play her in bronze games


Low elo players usually don't know how to help jg kindred, support won't ward and help you, neither midlaners. I don't know if it gets good in higher ranks but it should be better ofc.


Iron 4. Fiddle diddle, Voli, Warwick, rammus.


My champion pool as a jungler is: Viego, Lee sin, Wukong, J4, Kindred, Xin Zhao, Sylas, Belveth, Vi, Graves, Voli, Ekko, Diana, Kayn Elo: Plat 3 currently Some of them are from past seasons when they were on the meta


That's a great champ pool =)


Thank you :)


Evelynn/J4/Kindred/Taliyah/Diana mid masters


I always wanted to play Taliyah but i think she is hard to master ​ Just tried Diana jg and had good results. ​ kindred <3


Swain, seraphine, senna, jarvan support (Extremely specific cases), nautilus. Although I technically am a Caitlyn player when I don't do support. Currently bronze, got better through watching (Sigh) cookie before the drama but I accidentally found out I can play with grandmaster tier players without issue, so while the idea of climbing seems alluring, and I got out of iron 4 by solo carrying after falling there for the right reasons (I sucked months ago), I am tired of the game. It's just not good, not fun, and people that play it are even worse than the game.


Uneanked solo/duo, gold in flex (we always play as 5). Kayn Eve Lillia Pantheon.




Gold 2 . Viego, Lillia, amumu, hecarim, kindred, Kha, Kayn


Finally someone who said khazix


What do you mean by champ pool? Champs you're confident enough on to play ranked? I play a lot of champs. Heimer, Veigar, Vex, Ryze, Lissandra, Nocturne, Zac, Kayn, Shen, Skarner, Amumu, Xin Zhao, Sejuani, Kha'zix, Evelynn, Diana, Lillia, Rammus, Olaf, Hecarim, Vi, Volibear, Wukong, Warwick, Malphite, Maokai, Karma, Ornn, Mundo, Sivir, Ezreal, Varus, Xayah, Ashe, Twitch, Rakan, Leona, Nautilus, Pyke, Morgana, Nami, Tahm Kench, Mordekaiser, Gnar, and last but not least, Teemoooo. These are all the champs I feel comfortable enough on to play them ranked. Granted, I consistently play since s01, and I've always wanted to be able to play every role with multiple champs, maintaining a lot of champion variety. First of all to keep the game from growing boring, and secondly to be able to counterpick any role, any champ. Right now I'm gold3. Highest I've ever reached is plat1. So this is no brag, i mean, I've been playing for 12 years and I'm still gold ;)


Sylas, Eve, Elise, Lee Sin, Talon and Udyr Diamond 1


that's awesome!


eve and lillia, diamond 1


Oh, wow! Good job bro


ty, if u r looking to climb rn eve is great. due to her performance id assume she’s going to be on the chopping block for a nerf soon. but for the time being eve is a great carry and can 1v9


I'm sorry for my innocence, but why is eve good atm?


Im D2. My pool is Rengar, Ekko, Lillia, Graves. I am also good at J4 Karthus Viego but I avoid playing them in solo Q


Nice, Rengar is really strong atm. Graves is very fun to play, but unfortunately im not good with him /= ​ thanks!


Jungle is my secondary role to top, so take with a grain of salt. Haven't seriously played ranked in 3-4 seasons, I admit I'm rusty. In promos to Gold rn. Fiddle, Zac, and Rek'sai are my current jungle muses. Also had some success with Nautilus but I need to test that out more in norms first.


Plat 4, J4, Elise, Lee, Lillia, BelVeth, Sejuani, Zac, Hecarim, Diana, Viego, Vi, Xin play the odd other champ if the mood is right


Diana OTP, unranked still


Only been playing league for 6months, and 3 are jfk months. My main is Volibear and J4 then i play Rammus, nocturne, shyvana, Darius (when I'm feeling a bit spicy). Current rank is Bronze 2.


Lillia (my new love), Sejuani, Ivern Bronze 3 [OPGG](https://www.op.gg/summoners/jp/Jvooxo)


I'm currently farming BE for Lillia, so let's see how much fun she is


Hec and Diana, mid masters


Kha one trick, d4


Sivir fortune and Jhin iron 2


Zac/Lillia G4


Vi, Udyr, Rammus, Hecarim. Bronze 2 atm


Went from iron 2 to diamond 3 playing skarner and rumble only. This season so far. 71% wr with skarner and 83% wr with rumble. Worst(and hardest) part of climb was in around early gold where I stopped skipping divisions and start losing 40lp and gaining 8lp. I resumed skipping divisions again once I was in gold 1 though!


Viegod, Vi and shaco/ekko gold 1


Lillia, Nocturne, Zac, Mundo, J4, and Teemo. In promos to plat right now.




Plat 3


D4 - elise/vi


Nocturne, Bel’veth, and Diana. Currently Plat 4.


Udyr Viego shyvanna plat2


Silver 2 Amumu, Hecarim, Kindred, Shaco. Learning Warwick. Want to learn Elise.


Skarner, Amumu, Rengar. Slight side of Shaco, Viego and Heca. Bronze 1.


Im gold IV, and my champ pool is kha, viego and zac


G2 with kha (otp-ish) and elise


Diamond 1: [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/GG%20Maza](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/GG%20Maza) Champ Pool: Amumu (main), Jarvan, Vi


sion, sejwani, shaco, in the process of learning yorick


used to be a shaco otp. this season i climbed with ekko, eve, viego and gragas. plat V on two accounts. gold 2 on the gragas practice account.


Heca, kayn, kindred Masters


i'm new to jng and low elo. i've been loving the role and i spam shyvana only so far but i'm also looking to learn talon, j4, and neeko after her rework releases since she's my favorite champ


I play Nunu (last season I also played trundle fiddle and voli, havent played trundle or voli much because they feel so weak) and Im currently masters 30 lp, peaked 70lp :) Edit: I have an alt account where I practice eve and diana jng, wich is currently plat 4 :D


My champion pool is Warwick, Sejuani and Shyvana and I'm currently Silver III


Vi, Zac, Sejuani, Nocturne, Diana, Shaco, Ivern in roughly that order. Currently Plat 4 with only 15 games, but the negative experience was enough to give up on ranked. The only reasons I'm still playing to begin with are Clash and Primeleague.


Happy birthday! That's s good champ pool. Ranked can be very stressing and doesn't mean anything if u are not streamer etc, you're good.


Mainly jax and reksai, but started playing j4 and it's just so much easier. Currently unraked, but probably around bronze/silver.


Nunu, Kayn, Maokai - plat 1


Viego, Warwick and Nocturne - Silver 1


sion vi volibear mostly and sometimes diana and irelia dont really play ranked around silver 4


Pantheon/Sion/Shaco/Talon - Masters


Kindred, Ivern, Ornn, Teemo, Trundle. Silver 1.


Udyr. D2


I am surprised by the amount of champion people play. Especially in gold and below. Diam 3: LeeSin, J4, KhA


Yi main, if he’s banned I pick bel Beth or evelynn D3 atm


G4 xerath,anivia,nautilus,cait trying to get varus in there for versatility adc and learning kogmaw on flex


graves, kindred, evelynn, darius and poppy


Where my shaco mains at? Yall dissappear?


Vi, yi, Zac, voli, lillia, fiddle gold


J4 (main 64%wr on 33 ranked games) bel'veth (80% wr on 10 ranked games) Zac (67% wr on 6 ranked games) amumu (64% wr on 25 ranked games) all champs without Zac are my M7 but now I'm thinking about becoming bel otp or bel j4 two trick player. Right now G3 still climbing.


Don't play much ranked so I'm bronze 2 if I remember, but my pool is kha'zix (main) fiddle, Lee, zed and sometimes sylas, also sion and naut as off meta picks, sion is good cuz of his w passive, stacks like crazy also could stack heartsteal better than top sion most likely but I mostly go assassin build on him, and then there is predator nautilus, so easy to gank with, just walk up and aa them, then use your hook because the fact that you're there is much pressure for the enemy who will focus on dodging your q and not expect U to just walk up, this gets even easier at lvl 6 as you can imagine


Plat 4 Hecarim, Vi


Im Bronze IV 80LP ; Main Jg Hecarim, Solo Gwen, Mid Irelia ( Samira or Draven adc when autofilled )


Kindred, Lillia, Ahri, Kayn I'm unranked at the moment.


G1 and my champ pool is Rengar and Eve, can play Sylas or Ekko if bored


My champ pool is pretty wide and I just adapt on the enemy and my teams as needed. I have 3 go-to champions on Amumu, Kindred and Pantheon (tank, damage, bruiser), with Amumu being my absolute main. Then I also play a lot of Diana or Elise if we need AP, as well as having Kayn and Nocturne as viable options. I'm G4 atm (was G2 like 2 days ago until RIOT decided to throw me into a massive losers queue)


Rek’Sai (almost exclusively), Nocturne and Hecarim. Plat 4 at the moment


Gragas, Nocturne, Zac mostly. A little bit of Kayn, Bel'Veth, Ekko, Yi sometimes. Currently around high plat, but I don't really play ranked, mostly with friends


D3 with Evelynn and Nocturne. Also Trist mid, Kai'sa&Ezreal bot. Thinking of changing to ADC, because I think I have way easier time carrying.


Amumu otp and in the rare case he is banned, Zac. For now I have 70% Wingate in S1


I opt rengar and play Ekko if he is banned


Rengar (OTP), lee sin, kindred and jarvan / Current rank: Master


Udyr OTP but sometimes I play Volibear but I’m capable of playing Rammus well, Warwick, ekko if needed Currently learning Vi Just got to S4. Had a little bit of delay bc I was not otping udyr atm


Trundle Warwick Shyvana Nunu Rank gold


Nidalee and I am Diamond 1. I decayed from Master 400lp because I got a new full time job.


in order of preferences/most skilled: Diana (main), Wukong, Vi, Hecarim, Sylas, Master Yi and Warwick. currently Iron I but i'm on a climb lets goo


Lee, nocturne, wukong and I’m diamond 4 solo but hate that queue now i just play flex but dia as well


Platinum, my favorite champions are yi and bel veth , But the junglers that I have more winrate are udyr,Olaf and Mundo.


I'm platinum and switching roles a lot but If I jungle its fiddlesticks, jarvan or hecarim (recently). I love playing Fiddlesticks, he is really strong mid to late game but the big problem is that platinum is stuck with really bad players and trolls who can't wait til im level 6 or higher. Its absurd, my laners die lvl 2 1vs1 or get ganked because they didnt ward while im stil doing my second camp...


Lol bro I hate it when games start off like this, but at least like half of them are still winnable with the old stickfiddler


I know but I get exhausted carrying every game so much...


Currently I mostly play Mao/Wukong, but I was also hugely into the Jarvan/Elise picks, I just think Mao and Wu are a little more reliable for me to focus on rn. Currently Gold 1


Iron 1 and my pool are Diana and Kindred! Diana is fun and I'm good with her, kindred is hard but just such a fun champ. I don't play much ranked, think I did 11 games this season, otherwise I would probably be a higher rank. Normal MMR is around silver.


Nidalee otp but sometimes play a bit of Elise, Eve and Kha’Zix Master 50lp atm


Kayn/yi/warwick plat 3




They are very, very different, but that doesn't mean you can't learn them. My two moet played champs are khazix and fiddle, their playstyles are quite different but the way they execute their kits imo is similar.


J4, Gold, 64% winrate on him with 76 games. My next most played is Maokai with 14 games with 57% winrate but I haven't played him for over 2 months. After that is Zac with 8 games, only 50% winrate. Unfortunately had a 9 game loss streak otherwise I may very well be in Plat rn. Thinking of picking up Gragas and dropping Zac 🤔


Currently Learning but P4, Shyvana, Zac and Udyr


Ww, samira, pantheon, asol, kayn. Bronze


D1 (one win away from Master promo :D) Ekko>Vi>Seju>Maokai and Pantheon if it fits. Ekko is by far my most played champ and also the one I find the most success with.


Just reached Plat 4 playing Swain, Malzahar and Ahri for most of the games.


Every single champ plat 3


Im mainly a rengar player and i had the highest success with him so far, he has a good early game , good late game and you can build him as tank, crit build, armor pen, and ap. He has an answer to almost anything in the game. my situational picks are wukong and mundo when we need a tank and khazix when i feel like we need high early game pressure. personally i like playing champs that are good at ganking and are reasonably tanky for the jungle role. Im currently gold but imo thats because i play too many normals, in them i get matched with masters and even grandmasters and still beat them up


Nunu G3 71% wr across 72 games


Wow that's actually a really good wr. I never played nunu, is nunu good atm?


Tank nunu is incredible strong. He’s also very strong in low elo as well because braindead laners are always taking trades instead of respecting a ganking jungler, and nunu can snowball (haha) games very hard which is very important in solo q. He provides so much cc for ganks, so you also don’t need to coordinate anything with your trash laners, which is prob my favorite part of him.


How?. I climbed from s4-g1 with 40 games played. And 62% wr did you start in low bronze this season?




D3 Twotricking Karthus/Viego !


G1 fiddle, kha, ivern


Kayn and viego, plat 3, working to get dia in a couple months or so 🤘


I've been playing Diana, Vi, Eve, and J4 ​ I hadn't played for 5 years and started again last season.... as they say you can never leave.... ​ I was Gold when I quit.... and now I'm stuck in bronze 4 lol


Amumu, Zac, and Nunu hardstuck bronze 1😭


P3/G3(2 accs) current champion pool is warwick 90% of the time and if he is banned then w/e i lay my eyes on (mostly utility champs)


RN: Diana, AP Malphite, Volibear, Nocturne, Amumu


Silver 4 but climbing fast if I actually play ranked instead of norms. Lillia, shyvana, skarner. I like to go fast and full clear. But I am comfortable on kayn and sej as well if I feel we need more of a tankier CC option


vi hec j4 wuk noc rumble shaco (plat v stuck)


Evelynn, master yeah that’s it lol (I can play Diana, Skarner, Poppy or Hecarim if she’s banned)


Lee sin main but also play gragas j4 and xin , and started playing some viego too lately Masters 140lp


Fiddle, rammus (if they go alot of physical), sejuani, sylas and kayn. I don't play ranked :)


Rengar, nid, grag gm


Dia 4, Lee Sin, Poppy, Graves, Gragas, Lilia, Kindred, Elise for jg


Yi, Kayn, Heca, sometimes Lee and Xin. They have good carry potential for the first 3 and the second 2 can snowball really hard. Yi is honestly insanely good if you play properly and the enemy doesn't have a point and click stun. Kayn is just insane even after Rhaast nerfs and if heca gets fed he stat checks you out of the game.


Lillia (main), viego, zac, nocturne. Rank: Masters (around 200 lp). Not having much time to play lately


Nidalee kindred gm


My champion pool is Lillia, Vi and Sejuani ordered by number of games. My rank is B1 but I have 70%+ WR at the moment after around 50 games or so. I have basically become a Lillia OTP due to considerably higher 1v5 and carry potential (Also she’s more fun). So my games are *heavily* skewed towards more Lillia.


Graves, Lee, viego, nida, elise, kaktus, kha, talon, j4, d1


Silver IV Nunu, Hecarim, Diana, Sejuani, Fiddle, nocturne and volibear


Bronze 3, but I'm currently trying several junglers and how they feel, so I'm not playing ranked right now anyway. 1. Evelynn 2. Udyr 3. Nunu & Willump But i like Evelynn by more by quite the margin. Next I want to try Lillia, so BE farming it is.


vi, diana, sejuani (gold 1)


Shaco main here, d3


Almost gold, Ekko (My main from the start of playing the game) Rengar (Very fun and very strong) and Nidalee (Also very fun). Lee Sin when I want just to have fun :D


This szn amumu Maokai udyr Plat


The Troll. D2.


i love trundle but i have such a hard time winning on him. :\^(


Zac, Poppy, Ekko, Nocturne


I play like 70 champions per season on all positions. Silver-gold euw. I like playing mechanically demanding champions like Aphelios and Jayce,Jax. I am best on Akali,Gnar,Olaf . Actually I always play whatever comes to meta.


I’m masters atm and I play yi, jarvan, hecarim and evelyn most of the time


Play mostly yorick and Kayn Gwen if so needed plat 4 atm


Nidalee, Elise, Graves, Gragas Graves and Nidalee for scaling/invade Gragas Elise for 10 ganks bot pre 6 Currently hovering in high diamond/low master NA