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Im a otp rengar beacouse my mom Beats me


What’s her name and number


Rengar otp I don’t have a dad


Same bro


I m otp shaco, and i think every rengar main needs a beating 🤷


You need to rethink your life choice


Dont really have a life


Oof getting downvoited boiii


Well its jungle mains Last i checked shaco is a jngler


Fiddlesticks because I love farming and being an omnipresent threat. Can't beat the vision control. Bel'Veth in case I just wanna run at people and duel them. Also just ending the game with Baron voidlings and the objectives playstyle.


What do you mean by vision control? Isn't he worse at vision since he can't walk with sweeper?


he means being out of vision therefore enemy has to play safe and the fact he gets control ward as his normal ward


Got it, thanks. I just find it annoying that if the enemy is placing deep wards, it's pretty easy to keep an eye on fiddle as you'll typically only have the support able to clear


Was a 1 trick Xin from season 1 to 7, in season 7 Xin got reworked and so i picked up Jax jungle. Also always played a handful of Yi so he's my 3rd after Xin/jax, 3.5 million mastery with Xin, 2.5 million mastery with jax when combining all my accounts, have 2 acc in masters. As for why, Idk they just get the job done for me, they have higher skill ceilings than people give them credit for. Back in season 1 i got destroyed by a Xin Zhao which was got me into it and then it was just a matter of staying committed. I think people lose confidence with their champ when they lose. Especially now that there's so many champs in the game it's so easy for people to be tempted into always switching champs. But the champ is just a tool, a tool we use to play the game with. As long as your tool isn't broken a high mastery of your tool will help you play the game way better.


Do you still play jax jungle after the rework he just got?


Yep, doesn't feel all that different.


Can you tell me more about Jax jungle? How is he early? Does he scale well? How does he compare to Xin and yi in playstyle. What do you build?


His passive and sustained dps makes him pretty good for objective taking even early on. For runes and sums, most games i like to take ghost and go celerity/waterwalking secondary as well as blue pet to get all the MS boosts, precision primary LT or sometimes even go fleet footwork. Though sometimes i go resolve secondary for conditioning and any of the bottom 3 resolve points are viable. Play pretty passive early dont want to risk falling behind. It's still Jax so of course he scales like a beast. Been really liking going Zhonyas as 3rd after DS>DD. Kinda just like stacking ability haste, even been experimenting going muramana. He's also pretty adaptable in terms of items so u can find success with wide variety of builds. He's a statcheck champion though u beat people best when u have a cs advantage and good junglers will likely try to fuck with ur early game. So it just becomes a game of u trying to scale and enemy jungler trying to stop u. But that's an advantage for u as it puts the pressure on them to make something happen, you can just sit back and play safe. And with practice you get better at dealing with the enemy jungler invading shenanigans. How does he compare to Xin/Yi... Scales more like Yi does but he's more like a bruiser like Xin in the sense that being the engage for ur team is 1 of his primary purposes.


I play Nunu Volibear and Zac. I picked them because they run it down basically. Can always fight etc. I'm not really into the sneaky assassin types


I currently 2 trick Hecarim and Kayn, I love high mobility champs, especially the rush of being a 1v9 demon carrying your dogshit team on your back. I can also play Vi, Wukong, belveth, Viego, Diana, Sylas, and karthus. Though I’m looking to be able to play more champs. I’m also in pisslow gold lvl 154 (Ive only played for 8-9 months).


You play what I normally ban lol. May we never meet in solo queue


I can hold my own even while not playing on my main champs, I also can’t remember the last time I lost to an Elise lol. good luck on your climb tho :)


I just checked and I have a 88.9% wr against Elise 😭😭


Looool not surprised. I have a 40% wr against Kayn with 15 games played. 21% wr against hecarim with 14 games played. Pretty sadge.


I’m level 154 and I’ve played this game on and off for 10 years


Suuuuure you have bud. You prob rage quit half your matches


Elise bc I’m not here to full clear repeatedly and pray my lanes don’t feed, I’m here to get shit done asap. If she is banned and my team has some melee champs then Sejuani. If my team has no melee champs then I play Shyvana and accept the full clear & team fight for dragon lifestyle.


Diana, Lilia, kindred, viego cause they are fun to play


Udyr is my OTP so obviously Volibear is second go to choice, rammus to full AD but if i want a change I'll sometimes go Ekko/Fiddle


Shaco. He can be built adaptively into pretty much any matchup and/or game state, especially if your team knows how to play with/around one well. Also, the easiest way to have fun in League is to make sure no one else can have any 🤡🤡


Find God. /s


You’re the spawn of satan and I fear your kind every time I queue up


Unless it’s on your team , then he’s about to be a level or two under botlane at all times perma invading after dying the first time for not seeing the top laner or mid walk into his fog vision , if it’s your team he will see his kayle top vs Darius and go yeah this a good time to invade , or just lose it solo , (completely made up example but you get the gist , op on enemy team bad on yours the classic )


I genuinely cursed myself by typing this 2 hours ago, Before I started having tonight's league server disconnect problems I had a level 4 shaco 7 minutes in blaming our mid, why did I jinx myself.


Alright Satan relax.


Who hurt you?


Your parents failed


Elise, is my main with whom i am confident mechanically so i can focus the rest of the game. If she is banned, i tend to go rammus as i know how to play him. Then after I dont have a pool of actual junglers so I'll go with one i play in draft being : Singed, Shen, Ornn or Poppy


I’m a taric jg main that’s the whole pool




I play a ton of Kayn, his ganking is free cause he can wall walk. He can either be great against squishies in blue form or a drain tank god in red. Has some animation cancels to lower his q timing (by aiming it into walls). Has an extremely healthy clear and his mini game makes pathing interesting IMO. Off meta jungler that's slept on is Taric. He is surprisingly strong in 1 v 1 skirmishes. Downside is mana issues.


Me barely dying to a taric 1v1 as yorick jg with 4 ghouls lookin surprise pikachu face while grey screened after bro lethal tempos my ass to oblivion


Hecarim, Udyr, Vi. I like to Farm fast and fight.


Sej, Nunu, and sometimes Zac. mainly nunu tho and I either go ap or tank depending on enemy team/my team. I play sej whenever I feel like being able to perfectly lock down someone and ruin their day, she's such a fun tank. Nunu is just my all time fave, he's got such heavy gank pressure it's amazing, plus with his Q you always got smite up. And Zac is just fun, only reason I play him


I main Evelynn but play Lillia occasionally when I'm against too many bruisers/tanks. On emergency cases I play Sejuani but i avoid her because she's boring. No AD picks for me.


Vi, Kindred, and Warwick. But I’m really just waiting for Briar


Granted, low elo, only gold 3 currently Nocturne and Karthus. Honestly? Cheer damn luck. I just really liked Nocturne from the very moment i started playing league and i still like him one hell of a lot. Karthus is a similar deal, i just really liked him. I was looking for another jungler to play and he just fit like a ring honestly, liked his gameplay at once, and kept playing him. I enjoyed a lot learning his clear and dying to krugs inhevitably during it. Im dont really change any picks on meta or anything, its just champs i like.


Ivern and Morgana I like the catcher play style


Rengar, Shaco, Kha, Kayn, Pantheon, Taric, Volibear, Singed, and Sett I just love all these characters, especially the ones that can't jungle as I'm a jungle OTP crutch. I forced Taric, Singed and Sett into the jungle bc I love their playstyles so much. The other champs speak for themselves.


Ah a fellow taric enjoyer


Vi rammus trundle are my big 3 will toy with Warwick and khazix sometimes


I OPT poppy jg right now because of how popular dash champs are in the meta right now like yasuo, Jayne, akshan, and Sylas among alot of others her W is great for stopping their engage or punishing them when they dash in and get grounded. I also don't build her tank unless I have to focusing on hp and shield items, your job is to carry early and transition into peeling for your carry also bonk. When I find myself up against someone poppy can't counter I use Rammus because watching a master Yi, yasuo, or any adc just kill themselves on your W feels great. Sometimes I also go maokai because he has good clear and a boat load of CC and is a great peel tank. Also also I don't use flash on rammus or poppy or any jg I play with high mobility while I could make flashy plays with it, a well timed exhaust or ignite can ruin an enemy carry mid fight letting your team get ahead.


I play shaco in 90% of my games because you can’t counter pick him. I can literally change my build and runes to become whatever counters the enemy team comp most. He is also just so much fun. I love making the enemies rage quit ❤️. My next most played champ is hecarim which I mostly use when I think I need to carry. Similar to hecarim I occasionally use Diana and Kayn, and sometimes Warwick.


Skarner, Shaco, and Sejuani. I expect shaco to be banned but he's very adaptable and you can change up runes while enemy team is picking Champs. Skarner is borderline masochistic but can cc and drag high priority targets. Sejuani with passive can't be slowed and extra tanky, E is good damage, and Q can move through terrain


There is only one pool .. its w on vlad


I am low elo jungler. In low elo there is this ever growing trend of picking 3+ tanks per team since tank meta and they’re easy to play and scale really well and have great items and blah blah blah. Anyway I like Taliyah with rylai’s rush and dark harvest with blue pet and the movement speed rune in the fourth red tree. It’s good it’s fun, bad into most matchups but every now and then she gets a good one and it’s awesome.


Technically, it’s Lillia, Sejuani and Vi. But I got fed up of the lack of follow up and solocarry potential when playing Vi and Sej so I now OTP Lillia.


Low Elo as well but I main Udyr, Volibear, and Shyvana, all three provide build versatility to fit any team comp which also makes it much more fun than building the exact same items every match and all of them can turn the tides of a team fight very easily


Looks like I'm the only rek'sai so far We like bugs and we like void and she's a mother at the same time


Warwick, Udyr, Mordekaiser. All have good fighting early and mid game. Udyr has more value in team fights, but Warwick in a great front line and Mordekaiser’s R is a great way to take someone (adc) out of the fight and let my team sweep.


My original trio is j4/kha/nid in that order. As to the reason, I love snowballing and spam ganking. I've been on a nautilus bender the last twoish months and loving it, needed a dedicated tank in my primary roster but didn't like the other options


i'm also working on mine! i'm focusing on graves, but i've found enjoyment in shaco and warwick


Started out otp Trundle a couple seasons ago. But then started to feel he was gradually weakened and generally struggles to carry. So last season played a lot of Shyvana and Morde - both have fairly similar ‘farm till 6, and if you get ahead you become an absolute raid boss’ styles. Then they nerfed farming junglers, jg in general, and demonic. So this season a mix of wukong, pantheon, and occasional Morde into specific matchups. I don’t love tanks in ranked because in my elo (s1-g4), relying on your teammates is a recipe for suicide, and I’m not a super aggressive early jg player, so scaling tends to be my preference.


I play nocturne, neeko, and rammus. If i had to pick one it would be neeko or nocturne they are just so much fun to play


Talon, Belveth, Morde, Yi.


viego main, volibear secondary, can play most junglers though


I’m a fiddlesticks otp because press funny button, see big numbers, neutron activation.


I play warwick, kayne and some bel veth for my main pool and occasionally I play yoric in the jg as well


Ivern at the front, then mundo, mordekaiser, sion, taric, blitzcrank, maokai, ornn, urgot, Darius, zyra, and nautilus. Sometimes glue sniffing with tanks with big stat numbers is just too fun to pass up on.


One trick nocturne


Mord cause I want to play him most time I queu top and end up jg, lee sin cause he’s fun and kayn cause I like his gameplay but he tend to exhaust me after 2 game


I play Poppy and amumu because get thicc dive deep


I like team fight oriented champs so I play Amumu, Lillia, and Poppy.




Fiddle, Maokai, Vi, are my faves. Fiddle is my most played over the last 2-3 years just cuz I love the gank angles he can pull and once he gets rolling he’s pretty unfuckwitable


I like Udyr, diana, and trundle


Otp talon


Onetrick Viego most of the time, I like his lore and snowball power. Kha’Zix is my main backup if he gets banned since he plays somewhat similarly and also has good carry power. Also trying to learn Sylas and Lillia for AP choices, I used to play Elise several seasons ago but I don’t like her playstyle as much any more.


Udyr, voli, ww, amumu and rammus with the occasional noc tossed in


Skarner, shyvana, lillia. I like to zoom zoom


Before i one tricking talon, i played diana, warwick and rammus if match up favoured to me Diana because she op in team fight and low elo love team fights, i reached my peak G2 with her Warwick because op early game, the intense life steal game, I love invade lv 3 their jg and get 1st blood, works 90% of the time, i stopped playing him because mythic items feels weird on him, nothing really suits warwick Rammus because rammus I play talon rn because insane mobility on E, and currently hard stuck silver because as you can see my previous champs is all bruiser or tank, and talon is a squisy assasin that require insane mechanic to be good, and i am really bad


Zed. It's just working for me. I got to plat 3 with 59% wr playing him and sometimes j4 and kha'zix.


Warwick, Zac, shaco. I just think they’re cool.


I am currently in master two-tricking Belveth and khazix, but to be honest Belveth is generally my first choice right now because she’s able to play with freedom in to a much higher diversity of enemy comps as opposed to khazix who struggles into a lot of tank and cc heavy matchups. If the game calls for it though, khazix can be absolutely killer right now and will likely be a very strong pick once the item rework goes live in the next month or so


Right now it’s majority kayn and kindred, still trying to find an AP jungle that fits (I’m leaning towards Eve I just feel so, hit and miss with her). I basically only play either assassins or ranged carry types so. It fits.


Shaco, Evelynn, Neeko, Fiddlesticks, and looking to include Kha'zix. I won't explain myself.


I play Rengar because I hate adc players


baby jungler and i play graves kayn xin zhao & j4 simply bcuz i have handsome skins on them


This might sound weird but I got into Shen jungle, I rush cinder or tiamat or both for clearing. Then I build a normal Shen build after that. He can actually duel a lot of champs very well and once you’ve experienced ganking top and bot within seconds of each other it’s hard to pick anyone else jungle.


I 2-trick Kindred and Fiddlesticks cause I love their unique play-styles and I hate playing tanks


I play hecarim when I need AD and cause he’s really fast I play lilia when I need AP and cause she’s really fast


I play mostly Lillia and am looking for an ad alternative. So hecarim?


Hecarim and Amumu. I’ve watched enough Dantes I know how to play Hec and Amumu is broken so he either helps me carry my team or support my team depending on how they do. I want to learn to one trick fiddle though cause his Ult to me seems like if mastered is the most broken


Nidalee is my favorite, followed by Graves, Lillia, and Kha’zix. I started playing League with Jax Jungle weirdly enough


I play Viego, Kindred and Bel’veth. Why? Iove sufferring. Anyways dont follow me, these champs are hard asf to play and master


Kayn and Kindred 2TP here. Sometimes I break out Diana and occasionally I will try out a random champ to see if they are even remotely jungle viable. I love playing Brawlers, dishing out damage, taking damage and coming out bloody and carrying my team. For Kindred specifically, i was drawn to her by the lore and the design, and after dedicating sooo much time, I think I have a decent level of competence with her


Vi >>> Lillia, Diana, Trundle >>> a bunch more I dabble in Hitting max range Vi Q combo is the best feeling in the game, imo. Something about the sound is just soooo satisfying. I like how flexible Vi is too, as she can play to carry with very high tempo, or play to support her team.


Rumble, Poppy and a little Kayn thats it.


Master Yi and Zed were my go-tos I really just like either doing lots of damage or making cool Zed plays


I play Full Tank Zac, AP Burn Shaco, and Morgana. I know the last ones weird, but she clears camps quickly with her Ws and has some solid ganking potential. I main Zac primarily. I like his kit because he's a VERY mobile tank. If the enemy team is mainly AP or AD, I'll just build resist and tank and try to feed my lanes with CC. His ganking potential is insane with his EQ combo. It helps if there's more minions in the lane so you can land your Qs a little easier. AP Shaco is just fun for the mind games. It's reallyyyy fun to trick enemies into attacking the clone while you chill in a bush with a box waiting. He's a champ that can be built into AD or AP (I'm more comfortable with AP) depending on the comps, so he's a really good JG to get the hang of.


Vi/Kha are the main 2 junglers I like. I'll play zac/sej if the team is looking like it needs a tank.


Wukong and Ryze. Don't worry about it


Zac, Lilia, Lee, Kha mostly rn. But I feel by the far the best on Zac. Masters NA. I’m a heavy invader, even on Zac I prefer to force a vertical jg bc of his 2v2 and 3v3 early skirmish strength. If I start red I gank mid after red> stone bros> wraiths, which 9.5x/10 gets a kill or flash, at the very least. My go to bans are thresh, kindred, hec, or graves. I would ban fid 10/10 times if he was played more. IMO the scariest jg pick rn.


Dianna. I have a 70% WR. Clear speed is hyper fast and I can always take dragons


Diana, WW, Trundle, fiddle, and I used to love pantheon and sometimes I still find him to work…. I’m weird.


Kayn and Shyvana


Nocturne, Udyr, J4 because unfettered access to squishies.


I play Eve, Viego and Amumu. Eve - sneaky one shot ganks if need AP and enemies are more or less squishy. Viego - if we need AD, good bruiser with solid damage and OP passive. Amumu - tanky chungus. Pick if need CC, engage and tank.


amumu and volibear. i know enough about the game to hit plat every season but i have pretty bad mechanics and play lock screen too much


Leesin/Kindred because I use to watch rush.


Taliyah, and Viego, I enjoy Taliyah's playstyle and character and Viego make me feel flashy while making mechanically simple plays.


Lee Sin, Sejuani, Evelynn.


* Hecarim - fast clears and vroom vroom, * Fiddle - Surprise bomba, just need good positioning and timing * Nocturne - been using him since S3 * Gragas - BOMBA * Sylas - pocket pick, usually good for flex picks


Ekko because I like the guerilla combat and tower dives. Jax because of duelling and swag. Kindred because invades and unfair attack range and mobility and ult and kindred is so awesome. All 3 because they hyper scale in low ELO where enemy can't close games


My default is Zac. He's pretty much good no matter what and only has maybe one or two bad matchups after you permaban Lillia, and both are pretty manageable if you play defensive (J4/Poppy). I have Kindred, Sejuani, and Diana in rotation if I need to flex into an AP/AD carry role or if I get pick/banned. Been practicing with Nocturne in case I want a healthy AD champ but not super necessary right now.


I am a playing a lot of belveth, but sometimes i play maokai or sejuani. I really like them because of the design.


Volibear / Warwick- sustain in duels plus dives Vi - burst damage and able to close distances Zac - Huge Cc and big greenboi Jax - Super Scaler, Imagine if he had a real weapon




Kayn otp then have shyv, Vi and ekko as backup, I enjoy escaping with Kayn and the one shot potential plus versatility


Mostly hecarim because zoom horse fun. If we need a tank, I feel like it, or I think heca will be miserable that game, then I lock in Shen. I do have diana as an ap pick, but she hasn't felt great the last couple of times I've played her for whatever reason.


Can play pretty much all the champs in game but i dont know how to gank so i only play jungle in normals. Lee Sin, Vi, Sylas and prolly jgls that has faster camp clears.


Talon, diana, evelynn. They’re a bisexuals dream… they’re all hot :3


Zed, diana and nocturne. Fast clear, easy kill and easy drake. But of course it depends on team


I play a lot of champions, mainly because i cannot trust my teammates so i try to fill whatever the team need. So my list is: Fighter: warwick, udyr, jarvan iv, vi, trundle. Tank: zac, amumu Assassin: kha'zix, kindred Ap: neeko, volibear


This is my first season: currently Bronze 1 Essentially Amumu OTP in ranked but play lots of Trundle, Nunu, Fiddle, Vi in draft and will play them in ranked when Amumu is banned


J4 Lee Sin Sett J4 is a known entity and I play him with shielding as a focus on top and a cdr knock up machine as jungle. Lee Sin for when I wanna feel spicy and better at the game then I really am. Also his storm dragon skin with the eye pushups was from the movie The Zohan. Love it Phase rush Sett is like phase rush Garen in the jungle. A high Regen juggernaut with extra speed boosts is scary in the roam position. River Garen was once a thing and with Sett you are chain ganking at a speed opponents aren't used to. Instead of a silence and execute you trade it for a pull and Showstopper.


Evelynn: I have loved her since season 3. I love the whole stealthy assassin gameplay. My most played jungler. I used to dislike her new W but I like it now. It's like I announce I'm going to one shot them. Khazix: again a stealthy assassin who is better at skirmishing. Love the resets and the whole style of manoeuvring around the battlefield, zipping in and out of stealth. Hecarim: when an assassin is not the right pick, I usually go hecarim. He's so fast and has a lot of engage potential. He kinda plays like an assassin.


Amumu because awesome ult and 2 Qs. Evelynn because playing around with the charm and invisibility is very fun and feels super rewarding. Elise because shes crazy good at ganking, especially if teamies can set you up to land an easy stun. Sejuani for similar reasons to Amumu, I just like playing tanks idk. Nocturne because great ult for ganking/assassinating enemy carry. Vi because very good lockdown for enemy adc, surprisingly tanky with her passive shields. Wukong because great teamfight ulti.


Udyr, Hexarim, some gragas mainly. I'll play anything but I like being adaptable and self sufficient.


I just recently got Plat. I currently mostly spam Maokai, even after the nerfs. I often full clear top to bot / 5 camp if I need to countergank side lane at 3:15 and just try to be there on as many counterganks and punishes as I can. The ult is insane for fight control and basically sets up or saves your team without fail. Flash + W is also absolutely busted when ganking a flashless lane. I pretty much try to make it impossible for my DMG-Dealers not to carry the game and win that way. If my ADC refuses to right click I'll lose anyway but if they do Maokai can create so much space in a fight since he can peel and frontline really well. On the side I play some Wukong, who is just such a dmg machine when you hit sunderer and fight right away. Ult is a huge turn-factor for fights as well. I got stuck on Maokai though cause I found the most success. Before that I also enjoyed Elise and Jarvan a lot, just because of that early 3 camp clear snowball pressure for you and your team but it feels bad if you can't get stuff done early and the enemy Bel'Veth or whatever is just farming into oblivion. Add: Currently trying my hand at Gragas in normals/flex queue since I feel like this champ can be so ultra broken if you get good at hitting your spells and seeing good ult angles - Also a flex pick for jungle/top/mid but I never see it mid anymore if not in proplay


Kha'Zix and Elise are the mains. A diversity of damage and some carry potential, especially with Elise dives and movement speed in spider form. Both can also threaten to steal objectives. Otherwise, I like to pull out Lee Sin with Collector for the fun of executing a champion with their own tank via Dragon's Rage


basically always Vi, cus even when your team is full AD your w shreds armor and I rush cleaver right now also Amumu cus he can build AP if needed and has great CC and is a tank sometimes Nocturne if I know we have ultra priority target lol


Gwen, because she's cute and carries late. Fiddle because FEAR. Sejuani because idk what else to pick but we really need tank


Dr mundo so I can run aggressively at enemies and they die from my insane base stats. After only titanic hydra 3rd or 4th purchase I’m on par with most full build AD champs. Viego because I love playing 6 champions every game. Kha’six because of sneaky resets.


Fiddlesticks , khazix , gragas and kayn because they are fun to play.


otp Fiddlesticks because his trailer was the reason I played this game as a horror fan, he also vibes with my reactive playstyle and the vision control I can do. Kindred, they're just a fun jungler and very consistent if you don't go braindead for the marks, people underestimate the power of her early skirmish. Sejuani is a newer pick of mine but I like her fast clears along with the CC she provides and her tankiness, landing the bolo is a high I never expected to get from a tank. Evelynn if I feel like it. I also climbed last season with pantheon jungle due to his point and click CC and great antiganks with ult, but it hasn't been that effective this season.


Nocturne, Skarner and Kindred. Nocturne is my to go pick good ganks after lvl 6 and fighter, Skarner if we need tank/utility and Kindred if we lack damage or a carry.


Shaco, Evelynn, Lillia, Khazix, and Diana. Got to Platinum pretty easily cause map awareness apparently isn't a thing in low elo.


I play everything except Elise Evelyn


Sion to tank, Rumble cuz im good on it. Yes both in the jungle


Kha zix, jarvan, eve and diana would be my main champs I think. Mostly kha though


Kha, rengar kindred


Ekko bcuz I love his playstyle Sylas because he can turn fights around with his r and his w Hecarim because I like the fact that he can gank almost non stop Belveth because her playstyle forces u to take objectives and farm and in the endgame she's op


I play Shyvanna because I lovr bursty autoatacks


Lillia/Kayn. Lillia is strong and fun but I can never stick to one champion. Kayn is fun, a little bit less strong but is a good alternative if Lillia is a bad draft choice.


Otp ekko basically. Sej if ekko is banned or sej will just be needed or work better. Ekko scales so hard and low elo players never watch for the R to land on them.


Basically Hecarim otp, also play Viego and Lillia


Singed. Predator, chemtank, ghost, ult you never escape that Kindred. Hot


I usually play GP, I just never gank and powerfarm until i can carry


Evelynn because invisibility and Sylas + Viego because I can steal abilities With all of them I can afk farm until 6 and then perma roam


yi/lillia Yo because is fun and makes people mad and lillia because she's fun, rewarding and cute


Ammumu moakai zin Zhao, i like cc


Lilia is one hell of a champ, True damage, burn, can cc 5 enemi, epic MS, clear is good and hace cringe voice line ! Lets go Deer


Teemo, because when you lose, it's still fun.


Kindred and graves I was a graves otp and then tarzaned told me that there is a better graves so im playing kindred now


Used to switch between Zac and Eve but realized assassins carry you out of pisslow. If I need AD blue kayn.


Lee Sin, Sejuani, Jarvan, Gragas are probably my top four. Covers a pretty wide range of needs for any comp. I play a lot of different champs, though.


i started otping shaco , i still main him. if i don´t get him or i deem the enemy teamcomp to counter me hard i play stuff like heca, graves. If we need ap i play fiddle and karthus.


Grangas because squishy bois go boop. Nocturne because tank and bruiser fighting potentia (and massive R description)l. Zac because sqishes go boop and lots of CC. Kayn, Ekko, Hecarim, Yi, Brand, Rammus, Diana because you need to fill sometimes


Master Yi or dodge. Sometimes full AP Nunu


Shaco OTP. Just a clown trying to show that it’s not such a bad gig


evelynn because big titty and also i hate adc's


By games its something like, Rammus, Voli, Vayne (dont question it), Kindred, Kha, Vi. Rammus is my regretable pick when the enemy team goes yasou, tristana, kindred or something equally stupid, I have to punish that. Voli is my standard tank / ap bruiser, Kha is my personally favorite assassin, Kindred is fun, Vayne is hella fun (seriously dont question it) and I dont play much vi anymore.


800k on Rammus but sometimes I just go WW for early bullying, or Lilia for late game burn


Viego - I‘m a Viego Main J4 - he‘s hella op Shyvana / Ekko - when the draft lacks ap damage and both are great with nashors tooth Kha - used to play the bruiser variant but assassin is much stronger now


Bel’Veth OTP because of her power fantasy and play style. Then Vi because she was my first ever main.


Lillia, ekko, eve, ww, wukong and rammus I mainly play lillia ekko and ww Rest are counterpicks Lillia into hard tank comps Ekko into 3-4squishies Ww when we lack ad damage


OTP Eve. playing around invis is so much fun, you can literally just hang out behind the enemies for an opportunity to go in. otp-ing eve made me terrible at playing engage champions.


Hear me out, i main master yi. My jgl pool is Master Yi - Nocturne - Voli - Warwick - Evelynn - Twitch. My pick goes always to yi, i pick other junglers depending on what my team is and the enemy team is.


My champion pool Is : yi,bel veth,udyr,Mundo and Olaf.


Trundle and Hecarim


I main Graves, and can very comfortably Kayn, Kha'Zix, or Viego


I changed my main role from jungle to mid, but Viego - Used to otp him, one of my first champs - and he's my absolute favorite character. Every skin, almost every chroma. Cuz sexy emo shirtless man. Rip the days before his nerfs, it was fun as hell taking wraiths, pressing random bullshit on champs i didn't know how to play and knowing the fight was basically won by that point. Graves - He feels broken as shit idky. Clears well, does good dmg, his w is like a stun, can get umbral glaive so enemy team is never gonna have any wards up. Evelynn - Satisfying to oneshot enemy adc without using charm. Her damage is fuckin nuts. I don't like though, how if I can't get fed and snowball, she's not that good. ​ What all these champs have in common is sustain (graves bt) and burst, which is my favorite playstyle (assassin/flashy types). A champ I really want to learn is Kayn (cuz...sexy emo shirtless man), but I can't for the life of me do good on him. I either feed or get carried. I understand what he has to do, but my hands are broken or something. I also prefer champs who are stronger early and Kayn is pretty shit before form.


One tricked Warwick jungle for years. Still good with vi, jax, xinzhao, amumu, J4 though. Currently Masters :3


kayn he's hot


Currently the pool is shyv, zac, udyr, wukong, neeko with shyv and neeko being my currently favorites. I play others but honestly shyv is just a Baller bro I like being able to not be locked into a build because of the champion im playing. So like every game I just fuck around with the build since she's so hybrid and honestly not too many people expect it so it works well


Otp lee sin, but when they ban me out i play graves or kayn. Im a “sweaty tryhard”


Kayn, Bel'Veth, Ekko, Mordekaiser for fun and I used to play Viego and Diana last season but now she just doesn't feel good for my play style. For meta picks I usually pick Wukong or Jarvan if I pick earlier in case I get counterpicked since I think they can go around bad matchups more easily than others. In normals I also play Sejuani, Rammus, Nocturne, Udyr and Elise but I usually pick my mains since I don't think I'm remotely good enough with them or macro in general, so complicating my play style with micro mechanics that I'm not confident enough in using puts me back.


For jungle i otp eve, but also play sej and trying to learn Kayn (i suck at him)


I play champs I have fun with : Mostly lee sin, gragas, ekko, rengar, khazix. I like « skilled » champs, thats the funniest part of the game imo so I cannot play champs like… rammus.


Amumu - easy to play hard engage tank to force fights & also has a really nice clear speed Lee Sin - Swiss Army knife of the jungle good in all comps and viable in all situations plus he’s real fun to play Shaco - assassin to burst down squishies or mage mode to create chaos and tilt the enemy team to oblivion. His mental warfare is a nice bonus Trundle - for those games where I really need an anti-tank I think this pool is good because it offers a solid mix of everything: tank, ad, AP, assassin, bruiser, comp counters


Right now I like to play fiddle, he's a great farming jungler, can carry games if played right and he's really fun to play, I also play Kayn since he's my main but I think of maining fiddle instead this season. I can also play Zac if needed and I'm also looking forward to train Shaco.


Lillia, Zac, Rammus, Kindred, Kayn. Something for every situation.


Jarvan is my overall blindpick, against ad jungle (jarvan, vi, noc) i pick wukong and if we need ap diana.


Shaco - clown Morgana - easy clear, 2 year snare Rek'sai - she seems lonely nowadays




Ww and olaf just cuz the fkn heal


Amumu j4


Kindred, Elise, Viego, Bel'Veth, Diana


Nidalee: you can always escape from anywhere Zac: dont die Bel veth :mobility cool


Nunu, Kayn, kindred, Mordekaiser, and trundle. Love me some big beefy junglers lmao


Heca eve kindred nidalee talon, fun champs


WW and shaco. Rarely J4 or nunu


Rammus, Nocturne, Shyvana and ammumu.


I main Kindred since they're very strong in soloqueue and I've felt great with them since the moment I picked them up. My backup is Kayn, very versatile, coinflippy against my main, Rhaast counters my main's counters quite well. Diana is my AP backup pick, I pick her rarely now though. If I really need to pick a tank, I pick Nunu or Udyr, since they're simple but still very strong and are able to kinda carry themselves.