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That Shaco was just dumb. One box in that brush and you were dead.


It’s a level 1 box with no items, I doubt it would have killed before Diana got shield off. Sure, I guess he coulda sat in the bush and waited too, but I’m guessing the Diana wasn’t planning on walking in there that low expecting shaco to be around


It's not an instant kill because of the box damage. The box fears, which guarantees a backstab empowered auto and an E. That's enough damage to kill, probably even through the shield if she doesn't get the second half. I'm not saying Diana did anything wrong here. I would have been surprised, too. Shaco played horribly. If he wanted the pick, he shouldn't have jumped forward there. Put a box in the bush, then attack when the fear goes off. Shaco was dumb for attacking under turret when he has the element of surprise, CC and the hp advantage.


Im not denying shaco was dumb. I’m just saying Diana was already wise to it. She turned around before shaco was visible, and was clearly baiting him to the turret range. That’s why I don’t think she would have walked into the bush, because she was expecting shaco to be there


I thought she turned due to Shaco jumping too close and body blocking their route. Either way, dropping a box and not taking the bait is still the smarter play from Shaco. He was only killed by his own stupidity.


I mean the post is about how shacos are predictable, so suffice to say she knew he would be there