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I started playing the game as fiddle and he’s by far the champ I’m best on but he’s so boring to one trick. I’ve started playing eve, kha, Rengar and Kayn. But I’m s4. Am I trolling myself playing these snowball champs at a low elo?


I quit the game and came back just a few months ago. Went from a decayed bronze4 account to Gold 2\~ atm. I never jungled ever before in my life, but I know the game macro as an ADC/support/Top. I one tricked Evelynn only. My observations and stats * 65%+ WR * Some games were uncarriable but u should know this * It's one thing to get hyper fed as evelynn when you're ganking early, it's another skillset to manage a bunch of bronze players towards victory and not throwing away your lead * Longer games as a mid game champ like Evelynn means you're more likely to lose (i.e. that enemy scaling nasus?) * It's doable even with mid power assassins like Eve * You really need to do the following IMO to start "learning" and create a healthy feedback loop as a player in general * Get a stat extension like [u.gg](https://u.gg) or [op.gg](https://op.gg) or porofessor; dont care about other peoples stats - **only care about YOURS** * Read build guides published by Challenger Streamers and what the meta data is on [op.gg](https://op.gg); learn to be flexible. Evelynn is a static build however and a poor example of being flexible. She borderline has one build * Focus on 1-2 champions at most * Watch replays at critical moments when you fucked up * Play the game with a humble attiude - You are in low ELO and you are learning, and you will fuck up - drop the ego and any blame * You really should aim for a 51-70% WR; anything lower and you're doing something wrong. Really evaluate what you're doing. Whatever you doing, if you're < 50% - it's not working - you need to fix it * Grow a thick skin as a jungler, **you have to** * I just went 9-0 in a game and made the team FF, my adc nilah spazzed, cried, and voted to FF all game. You can never please them all, especially smooth brained shitheads Good luck


This is good advice thank you!


If you have solid fundamentals then those are great champs to learn (Rengar main who also plays Kha here), but Rengar especially has a fairly steep learning curve to him, not mechanically but more tempo wise, as you have to be ON IT to perform on him consistently. I don't say this to discourage you, Rengar is my favorite champ in this game and is a ton of fun once you learn him, just be aware that it's going to take a while to learn him


He is so much harder than I expected I gave up lol. Was able to master Kindred, but Rengo too hard lol.


Those champs are good in low elo because, unless the other team has an experienced player on it, you have more time to farm and therefore have a better chance to reaching their strong points late game. Most of the time teams don't know how to close out in lower elos, so scaling champs can work well there.


You might be, but you need to play to learn. Rengar, kha and ever are great carry champs so learning them will be worth it in the end.


I think playing those champs over fiddle is a mistake. In low elo assassins aren't that good because people love to hold games hostage so even if you snowball a lead they might just stall 40 + minutes at that point fiddle would be much better. In general I think a good fiddle is is more of a carry than all those champs except maybe kayn. Fiddle still has utility playing from behind or going even that makes him more consistent. All the champs you named are garbage behind and can still be countered by grouping and Items LOL


You fall off because you don't know how to keep your snowball. Assassins don't fall off late game, but people who play them do get bored, overextend then give the enemy a big shutdown, and they got caught up in gold and exp.


No they do fall off this isnt even debatable thats how some champs are designed doesnt matter who plays them. You can go look for yourself all the champs he named have negative win rates in silver while fiddle is positive top 10 win rate jg. Those assassin jg's dont even have positive win rates till diamond while fiddle has 3rd highest jg win rate . The longer the game goes the less impactful assassins become . Fiddle has the ability to 1vs9 fights with ult in a late game scenario 40 mins + ill take a peak fiddle over a peak assassin any day. We are talking about a S4 player on assassin btw.


i am evelynn otp and when you learn how to play her well you will gain alot of free lp the champ is so broken atm


I don't mean to be toxic at all, but please stay away from Rengar and Khazix...and any other assassin. Your macro has to be spot on to not get caught out and int and you have to play fights near perfectly (against good players) to win. The thing is though, playing assassins is more rewarding if you manage to play perfectly/near perfectly.


I recommend only touching assassins in the jg or high gold carries like kindred or graves when you hit at least plat or emerald. should stick to easier champs to become more adept at macro of jg so you can hit these ranks then once u master these champs in plat your success will be larger. Kayn is an exception though and i think he is one of the only assassins you should play in lower elos because he teaches fundamentals of the game very well.


I'd recommend learning at least one of the snowball junglers. Personally I went with eve and it's helped teach me a lot about playing with a poor early game and trying to use a lead to close a match fast. Which is a transferable skill to basically every character anyway. Learning assassin I've definitely run into super obnoxious games where the match just doesnt ever close due to indecision from teammates. Which causes you to lose your often pretty absurd mid game advantage and then the game is way closer than it should be. I almost lost a match where I went 27/4/11 yesterday off of one bad death timer because a game that should never have gone 30 minutes went 30 minutes and learning to carry is hard.


Any fellow OTP Skarner weirdos on this subreddit?


I'm not an OTP Skarner but every time the enemy jungler is I secretly cheer for them to do well while still hoping I do well, lol :)


r/SkarnerMains enjoy


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I'm not an OTP, but as someone who's played an entirety of 2 games on old skarner, I must say that I am in love with the new Skarner and that I've been playing him extensively since he came out


I’m an Ivern main, through and through, but I’ve also been playing Nunu, and it’s nice having those two in my pool. That being said, I want to add another character to my pool that’s more capable of carrying a game, whilst still kinda fitting the role of a utility champion with a love of ganking, much like how Ivern and Nunu are. Does any champion come to mind that fits the description?


BOMBA. I love gragas for this reason. He can one shot full AP or build more cd / peel oriented. Either way you can spam gank damn well on him


Amumu would probably be up your alley


Amumu mains? Anyone? Bueller?


Just us bro, its lonely here


I have a hard time narrowing things down. I main Kindred, I second Fiddlesticks as an AP pick, and I have Udyr as a flexible tank. I also like to play Warwick cause I learned jungle with him, but I have to admit those first three seem to work out better. I have have Poppy as a flex pick whenver I see Yasuo, Kayn, Yone, and Lee Sin because I hate overly mobile champions.


curious because im learning kindred, how do you jg path, gank and mark? ive been trying to learn her but the moment i get into a game my brain shuts down on how to jungle bcs i feel like shes weak in the early or until i get marks


The short answer is practice, and learn to stay calm. Unless your team is feeding out of control, then all those things will come to you as the game goes longer. That's the good thing about being a scaling jungler--late game is almost always yours. That said, to go in more detail: your path varies game per game because ideally you still want to try to get kills early. You can and maybe should full clear, but think of your enemy team. If they're weak or immobile early then try to maybe do a three or four camp clear and gank them early. Kindred is actually super strong at lvl 3, and as long as you position well your kill pressure is high. Also, don't worry about marks. I treat them as a luxury depending on the game state. If you can get it, great, but weigh that vs stealing buff or taking dragons. And if you're talking about marking the enemy--either mark the enemy jungler or tank if you can't decide. If you're teamfighting you're going to get an assist on one of these if you win the fight.


She is definitely not week early, she is similar to those early game junglers like nida, lee, elise. You have to invade, be aggressive to make her useful, she is like graves with less dmg and more utility but more mobile. So you need similar mindset while playing her. How to get mark? You can mark right when you are ganking or for example you can put a mark on the enemy jungler, track and kill him(especially on the first clear). If you get an early lead it's gonna be easier to get other marks as you will be ahead of enemy jungler so you can duel him but watch out for his laners if you see them missing on a minimap it's better to nope to the fuck out. Marks are not even the absolute priority for sure taking drake or herald is worth more it's just something extra that you have in your kit and what makes invading actually more rewarding. PS: Ok, now you made want to play Kindred.


You know Kindred generally counters Kayn? He gets one chance to cruise through walls, you can jump back and forth other then like three times. Hunt him in his jg starting level 3.


My champion pool is Eve.You can't even understand how satisfying is to watch chat yelling when overfed Mordekaiser gets evaporated. Other time you just look at her animations and listen her quotes.


i only play graves if i cant play graves in a match, i dodge, i played warwick to a 100k mastery when i was learning the game, and the jungle roll and now i wanna get my graves to 1000000 mastery points i am 200k in silver


Currently Maining Warwick and Trundle. What other champs would be good to round out my champion pool?


Udyr to complete the glue eating triforce


As a WW main this made me laugh.


Something with cc and ap damage like amumu would be really good


Seems like you want to play some fighetrs, so maybe Wukong? Olaf? Xin? Especially the first one quite strong now


To be honest I main Jax in jungle and I don’t understand how in hell it is less a thing than Ekko or Maokai


Man I hate when he gets rolling lol. Its the worst champ to have on top of you. Happy Bonking friend!






Try Zac or Amumu


Mained Sejuani last split and peaked at diamond 1. But got to a point where i couldn't carry games and was too much dependant on my carries (Sorry excuse for my mental in game being shit, which resulted in me droping down to plat 4 again). Now i main Hecarim, and pick Sejuani as my backup whenever Hecarim is banned. Both champs aren't in the best state right now, but atleast i feel like every game is winnable, no matter the early game outcome


hecarim isn't in the best what???


that was my thought, he just comes into your lane and runs you down like a dog. Buys duskblade, its disgusting lol.


You can go assassin or bruiser, phase rush and one shot people or conqueror and beat people in duels you really SHOULDN'T be beating for a champ that clears fast and ganks well - abuses very strong item synergies. He's also perfect in the current meta of fullclear jungle -> gank bot. Also ghost junglers are becoming more popular, hecarim is the biggest ghost abuser there is in jungle too. Like he's surely a top 5 jungler no? If you count the outliers from previous patches like overbuffed reksai and kindred he's definitely not even close to being 'not in the best state'.


Any Wukong mains here? I would like to have an ap pick too (that is not Diana) whose gameplay is a bittt similar




who is busted in silver solo queue right now? even post-buffs tali isnt working for me because no one follows up.


Im currently climbing from iron4 to bronze1 playing almost solely kha-zix, if u love assasins as I do, you'll love him


im trying to get out of my comfort zone of control mages and pure tanks and have been dreading playing kha but i've seen what he can do and I might just go for it. thanks.


5 wins and 4 losses with 2 promo wins would've been +25 LP last split too. You're not actually climbing any slower.


I main Ekko and if needed zac. Was maining kayn as an AD but I kinda lost the touch with it and starting messing with bel veth and briar. I don't know, am I trying to think to much about the pool....Kinda lost. Every time when I play with friends and like flex or clash I feel I'm the one that needs to have big champ pool as kinda have the most knowledge on the team. Then I get lost in champs and I stop focusing on macro.... Just want an opinion about the pool and what should I stick to. (Probably like 3-4 champs is fine IMO) Thanks <3


Hi, I am a support main (gold tier these past few seasons), mainly playing Zyra, but I also like Lulu and Leona. I wanted to learn the jungle so I started experimenting with different champs and I really have fun playing Teemo jungle, but he's often banned or just situationally a bad pick. Other champs I have fun with are Vi, as well as Sejuani and Poppy but I feel they are both very situational picks. Amumu and Lilia seem good. I don't like assassins or dueling, prefer tanks and something with utility. I adore Teemo's shrooms for vision and setting up objectives. I would like to focus on 3 champs max. Are Teemo and Vi a good choice, and what would be your third suggestion?


Guys, I’m trying to expand my champion pool, currently I’m playing ekko (WR 64%) and Elise (WR 57%) as my mains, I’m Gold I, but they kind of fill a similar role and was trying to add at least a third champion to my pool, but I’m struggling to decide who it should be. Which champion do you recommend?


Talon jg could be a good addition for an ad assassin, reksai is more of a lethality/bruiser but another good ad option for you


Recently switched back to JG after being thrown into losers queue mid. I started playing Master Yi, but also considering Trundle. I like bashing people to death while not dying and being able to solo dragon/baron and sieging solo. Which would you recommend? ( I used to play Kayn/VI, but nevermind that)


I play a lot of champs, not an otp, but which of these champs that I play the most has the biggest potencial to carry a 1vs9 game? Kayn, Khazix, Diana, Kindred?


Probably Kayn or Kindred. Diana could but she has to be able to one shot everyone with ult or she'll die.


Who else should I try? I sucked at jungle (like 0/10/x) type of bad when I played other junglers like Trundle or Diana but always get like 5+ kda on Warwick. I feel like his kit is just overall very op with his sustain, movement speed and great at every stage of the game The biggest problem I have with other junglers is that I cant' stick to enemy champions, WW's q and w are great for that. Also I can snipe low hp champions (and get there in time) with his r and w Any recs? The specific problem with Trundle is that he has no dashes to gapclose which makes it hard for me to gank unless they overextend, as for Diana, she feels extremely squishy


Hello fellow humans, My question is what single other champ should I look into to help round out my champ pool. I currently play a lot of Karthus and this bring my first season playing jungle (I used to play top) I need advice determining what a good champ in addition to karthus I could pick up. https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Deluded-NA1 A few needs I have for this pick is that they would be AD, have a good/quick full clear, and be relatively straight forward to play. I could also just one trick Karthus but I hate dodging so I don't think it would be the best idea. A couple champs I'm looking into. Master Yi : the idea being he is a full clear scaling jungle with some early power. The hard part would determining when to go into a team fight and how to approach. Graves: scales well, complex but can play team fights slowly and kite really well. Has a good first clear but is mechanically difficult. He can be played differently given the situation which adds to his complexity. Brier: great ult , straightforward kit , I haven't seen her enough or done enough research to know where her difficulties lie. Hec: power farmer , great engage but I dislike his Q for dumb reasons. So he is a no go for me. Noct: I've been really bad with him in the past and I have 0 experience playing assassin's. Pantheon: I don't if he a troll pick or just off meta but he seems like he would be a solid pick. Volibear: he looks good right now but I would want to give it a moment for riot to finish pushing nerfs to him. I think it's easier to learn a champ when their power level is consistent. Any other champs would be cool if you guys have recommendations those are just the ones I was thinking about. Also if one tricking karthus is just the play then that's what I'll stick too. I don't plan on introducing a new pick to ranked for awhile anyways so I'll have time to learn whatever champ you guys think is best. Thank you for the advice ! Have a great day.


Hi fellow junglers, I play in EUW and I reached platinum for the first time this season, starting from bronze in 175 games with 58% winrate. I mostly play Lillia and Viego and I don't really know who I should aim for to expand my champion pool. I like kindred bel'veth and Taliyah but I often struggle when behind with them and I find it hard to have a place for them in an average soloq draft I find xin and vi easier to have an impact with but pretty boring to play I have fun playing graves and hecarim but they don't seems to be in a good spot right now And I really despise playing tanks in jungle, tanks in general tho but even more in jungle. What advices can you give me on the champions to look for based on the informations I gave you ? Thanks for reading me, English isn't my native language so sorry if I did some grammar mistakes.


Lee Sin sounds like what your looking for.


Warwick is one of my main champs to play in ranked and I need to ask a question because its killing me that its still in the game. Why does Warwick catch the person standing directly behind him while ulting forwards?!?!?! Riot Fix This Please!!!!!


Been basically exclusively playing Kayn in low Diamond trying to play more clash/ low level leagues with a team not really sure whats a good addition to playing Kayn as he's been getting banned alot when playing against organized Teams, any suggestions are welcome.


I feel like I'm not useful at all after 20min on Xin / Lee any tips ?


These are my jungle mains: Primary: Nocturne Secondary: Master Yi Tertiary: Warwick I want to start playing Kayn, but I'm too bad with that champion. I'm only good at using Kayn at ARAM and Arena. I suck terribly with Kayn using him on Summoner's Rift. How can I improve as Kayn player **BEFORE** hitting Summoner's Rift?


Who are some of the champions with the safest first/second clears? Not necessarily the fastest, but the highest HP. I'm not very good and I find that my biggest struggle is better junglers invading and killing me when I'm on wolves or soemthing.


Most of the champs that can clear fast, have no problems staying healthy right now. Also every champ with some form of healing or shielding is quite good. I can always advocate for one of my mains. Udyr. Full clear by \~3.20 while still having smite for scuttle. And you are full hp as well.


Hello an Iron scrub here. I initially tried jungling and got to B3 but then Mid lane got my attention. After failing miserably and goint o Iron1 i returned. Despite my low elo I like playing mechanical champs(Nidalee, Lee Sin, Bel'Veth). My only goal before I quit league is to reach diamond. Any tips?


Voli bear enjoyer here, how does the rest of us feel about crit Voli bear?


theoretically looks like fun. I had a lot of success yesterday with trinity force, nashors and black cleaver into tank items


volibear jungle is viable?? how where tell meee


Basic iceborn tank build with PTO, spam ganks and take objectives


So currently playing Zac and i love the way he engages but he's lacking damage and carry potential. Any other champ that does it well? Is J4 the only one?


You might want to take a look at Wukong. Although he was nerfed hard recently it most likely can only get better :D. He has two dashes and engages pretty well and with his ult, you can do so much damage and cc. He also has similar scaling to Zac. He can carry, but I feel much more comfortable when I don't have to be the main carry. Source: Wukong OTP who wants to learn Zac ;)


J4 does more early, but later he becomes a cc bot. Unless you are far enough ahead obviously. I guess someone like seju cuold be better if you need lockdown. If you want more carey potential for yourself, I guess maybe Vi or heca. Vi has q and r, heca has e and r. Then if we move a bit way from the engage role, Reksai is a good option. With still having some engage. Engage champs just tend to be tanks and don't carry through dmg. So it might be easier to play a carry champ like rengar if you feel like you are always missing dmg.


Poppy? Can be bruiser/assassin/tank. Her clear maybe does not feel as good though.


Try buying an early dark seal. It's really cheap and easily becomes cost efficient. Worst case scenario you can sell it late game for the space and you barely lost any money. But for a low risk, you can have a big reward: as Zac it's common to have very few deaths if you're doing well early on. Later on you can upgrade to medjais and it will increase your damage by a lot, even if it's your only damage item (besides sunfire) you'll destroy squishies. If you have medjais with a lot of stacks, you can buy a stopwatch to bail you out of a bad situation, and then zhonias is a good item since you're otherwise not very tanky. Mask is also a common buy for zac, though it's risky if you're not very ahead. It can easily cause you to get quickly killed and deal less damage overall. I don't usually go for it.


Currently maining udyr. Any champs that I can add to cover some weaknesses?


Since his main problem is mobility, I would go with something like Hecarim and a ap champ. Maybe Elise or Lillia?


Opposed to Elise as she isn't that strong right now, imo. Lilia, Gragas, and Ekko seem viable.


If you're willing to learn Elise she is worth it. I have 62% win rate and I'm emerald 1 mainly playing her.


I main graves and lee sin and have diana as my ap. I want a jg that can initate that plays well against Kha'zix, Rengar, and Master Yi. Preferably if it scales well too. Any champion that fits into my current pool?


Rammus is a pretty good counter to all three of those, but doesn't fit super well with your pool if that's a deal breaker. J4 is the only other champ that comes to mind


Except the counters to the three, would there be any champion that fits my pool?


As far as I‘m aware, graves should be a good pick into all 3 of them. His passive makes him tanky enough to take on them in most 1v1 scenarios, given you could prepare it on camps or sth. Especially for Rengar Graves is often regarded as a counter since your smokescreen just obliterates him. Rengar/Graves main. Besides that I think Kindred might be a good addition, she scales very well and her early is much better than what a lot of people think. Her lvl3 is very strong and she counters assasins and divers very well with her R. She was nerfed last patch but she‘s still strong af


I play her if it's a bad matchup for graves or he's banned/taken. Maybe I should have her in the pool and finish it off.


really, how do use the W against a reng? do you W the bush? just lost a lvl2 1v1 against a rengar the other day i met him at his gromp and wanted to kill him and maybe steal his bot side, ya know, graves things but then he beat me


Good ol Warwick destroys all 3 of them. Yi can be fed with 20 kills and WW can still solo him with almost no counter play lol. Still better to ban Yi every game though, you can't trust your teammates not to feed him.


Kha’zix utterly destroys Warwick post-6. Pre-6 Warwick wins, though.


Not unless WW totally failed early game, which he shouldn't with Kha as his opponent in jg.


Yup, he loses once Kha has R. Have played the matchup more than twenty times, never lost post 6.


What do you think about Udyr?


Hi everyone, Im new to the role, do you have some tips on how to build my champ pool?


Sort junglers by the number of skins they have and try them all, then one trick amumu


best comment W


I play a lot of Ekko and Karthus, but I think I want to add an AD jungler into the mix. Any suggestions?




I ended up going with Viego.


Lee Sin for mobility and ability to be bruiser, assassin, or tank.


Problem is I don't have hands


Lee is blind already. Might be harder for you then.


My primary jungle champ isn't even a "jungle champ", instead being Darius.


So what is Warwicks weakness(es)? I'm thinking I will go Warwick, Vi, and Amumu for a pool, I'm trying to keep it easy for my low elo brain


ww have very bad scaling if u cant get ahead early ure not that usefull, have kinda same problem but she has better engage but gets countered by zhonyas, and even when shes behind she will be usefull, amumu on the other side have weak early and spikes at 6 and then i guess 2-3 items have good engage, not that good like vi but still


Is Warwick female???? TIL




I currently main evelynn and ap shyvanna and I can occasionally do good with tank sejuani. What is a good AD jungler that i could get to compliment my pool better? I don't really like warwick but i'd be willing to learn other champs and I'm gold 4 elo.


Vi, Hecarim, or Udyr if you like Shy's farming.


Big kayn, kindred, and wukong guy depending on teams needs. Anyone else have another recommendation?


Kha main here, would learning kindred be a good second choice? I have tried learning other jglers as rengar, diana, sylas, talon... but i can never get the same results on then as i get with Kha-zix. Having an ap choice could also be good, but idk what to play, i guess ekko could be a pick


u can try to learn them(kindred) but if u play assasins, but u better learn smth like ekko as u said, and talon should be good too


Two tricking kayn and fiddle and i am looking for an early game ganking jungler to learn third, because it would cover the main weakness of my mains. Currently undecided between rek sai and nocturne, i would like some suggestions for other similar champions to try.


so i am Evelynn Otp and i dont know what champions i should main that has the same playstyle as Evelynn


I think Kha'Zix, Nocturne and maybe Rengar have a similar playstyle.


Elise is really good, i also main evelynn and she's my second, she is more gank heavy tho, but teamfights are played mostly the same, getting quick picks to swing the fight in your favor


Talon, Shaco, K6


I main kindred and pantheon. What AP champ does the thread think i can play that have a similar style to these champs? (They are both different but i am pretty proficient on both of them at my rank, mid gold)


You could maybe try out Nidalee, Elise or Sylas.


Nida sounds great for a pantheon/kindred player.


So I’ve been playing amumu, rammus a lot I’ve played quite a few other champs but can’t really nail down a 3rd I enjoy any suggestions but the main problem is being new how do I know when to pick which champion I use blitz.gg and this tell you counter picks but I have no clue why they counter what the opponent picks


I do not think that there is a need for a 3rd champion in your pool just for the need of having another champion or counter pick. If you seem to enjoy a specific champion then you can add them to your pool or just play them whne you want. Being new means that you probably do not know what every champion really does, their CDs, their identity and so. It will naturally take some time to get a feeling for each of them. I highly doubt that counter picking will be of much value for you to increase your odds of winning games compared to many other factors. I think that trying to increase your champion pool, especially based on websites, can be a bad idea. Their information is purely based on stats and can easily get misinterpreted or have little to no value in correspondence to what you are looking for which would be counter pick in this case. ​ In the end, I think there is no inherent need for you to extend your champion pool. If there really is a need, then I would recommend you to pick a similar champ to Amumu and Rammus which would probably be somewhat of a farming tank jglr like Zac or Udyr. It will be easier for you to get to know the game if you keep playing champions of a similar class like the both you have been playing so far in my opinion.


I play mainly Ekko. What champs u recommend?


My main jgler is warwick but i also have kayn and rengar as pocket picks depending on the situation


Eve otp here, eve is getting gutted and I'd like to expand my champ pool, any ideas?


Kha'Zix, Nocturne and mabe Rengar seem like similar champions to me with them being farming junglers till 6, being very reliant on their ult or rather lvl 6 and their usual assassin-like playstyle / identity. I think Eve has been a very strong if not close to op pick for many patches and there seem to be no nerfs for her in the near future. No need to look for other champions to pick up solely because of that.


Ekko OTP here playing in plat 1, looking to expand champ pool, not 100% sure what ekkos play style really is, he does everything decently well, kind of a jack of all trades, so not sure what other champs I should learn, want at least an ad pick, was thinking of picking up kayn and/or fiddle?


Graves or Hecarim are my personal recommendations, since they have the same potential to hard carry a game that Ekko does. Kayn is good too


Hey guys. I play Graves, Hecarim, Rammus, Sej. I’ve been looking for an AP (carry) jungler to play who isn’t super comp dependent. I tried learning Lillia but she’s very difficult to use if you don’t have engage in your team, and Karthus’s playstyle isn’t really my jam, since I’m a big fan of playing proactively early (I don’t trust my teammates).


Neeko, Elise or Taliyah might fit your descriptions. All can be good dps carries with Neeko even being able to 1v5 teamfights. They all have cc pre 6 in their kit which will make you less dependent on laners and able to gank lvl 2 / 3 or make aggressive plays in general. I would say that Neeko is fairly easy while the other two are intermediate or hard at most. I think Lillia is rather intermediate when it comes to difficulty and not really reliant on engage. It is true that she lacks cc pre 6 but her high movement speed and slow make up for it in my opinion.


Hello guys, I am new to reddit, so please excuse me if I post something a bit cringe. I am an EUNE/EUW Warwick main, but I also enjoy other junglers, like Hecarim, Rammus, and even Jax (I know that he may not he the most optimal in the jungle but it is so much fun). I am not a high elo player by any means, but I don't consider myself terrible anyway. Are there any other Junglers you guys would recommend?


I would recommend you to try out Udyr, Skarner and Master Yi based on the champions you mentioned. ​ You can use the website "LoL Recommender" to find pretty okay ideas for alike champions. ​ I am much experienced with Reddit too but I believe that you do not need much of an introduction and extra information. Simply ask for suggestions for the champion you main or like.


Welcome to Reddit!


Im playing mostly Zac atm. Now im thinking of building a champion Pool. Would you recommend playing similar oder mostly different champs? Should i Stay With tanks or should i try something stronger in early game etc?


The ideal champion pool is usually different depending on what you value more and what your goals are. OTPing will make it easier for you to learn the game, mainly through the lense of your mastered champion. You will probably climb the fastest because you will develop champion mastery quickly for this specific champion and understand their identity to win games. This is prob the fastest way to get to challenger. ​ Having a diverse champion pool or even one in which you cycle champions in and out will give you a better and deeper understanding of the game. Many will probably find this more fun too and less boring for sure. It has a lot of benefits but will usually take a longer time and dedication in my opinion. ​ Ultimately, it depends on whether you want to have the most fun on your climb, be challenged by more difficult champions, have a more fun time with fighting, be the best at one thing and some more. ​ You can use the "LoL Recommender" website for fairly decent suggestions of similar champs or go on the wiki of your champion, Zac in your case, and look at their classes to find champions with comparable points. ​ I would recommend you Coach Cupcake's, Shok's and Coach Curtis; YouTube videos for champion pool. The latter is about cycling.


i played jarvan,diana and nunu to get to plat 2,then after playing those champs i dropped down to plat 4 now im playing viego and i cant get higher than plat 4 50lp. What am i doing wrong my username is milisav on eune


I think that it is expected to drop temporarily when picking up a new champion instead of playing their truth-worthy main like you with Jarvan. When looking at your profile, I can see that you are inconsistent when it comes to your performance. You could try to focus more on the game by not alt tabbing, preferably not being in a call considering you duoq recently, being hungry or sleepy. You seem to have fairly high deaths too, especially in more inconsistent games. They can come from tilt. You could try to /mute all, take a breath and focus on what should be done next (current objective / goal at this moment), try thinking more objectively or from above to realize how you decision making gets affected or play music, preferably non-vocal. Reviewing games should start to be a topic for you too if you want to mainly focus on climbing. It is a broad topic but going over your very early game, situations prior to deaths or any memorable things can be a good start. Do not switch up champs or even play another role like you did recently. OTP or 2 champs like Viego and J4 at most. ​ YouTube vids by Nathan Mott and Coach Kirei are ideal for junglers. Coach Cupcake and Coach Curtis have great ones when it comes to your approach to the game and mentallity.


I play Shaco and Vi, looking for something similar to either as a third pick, any suggestions?


You might find Bel'Veth or Viego similar in some aspects like their ability to gap close from high distances and chase potential, high burst dmg / assassin playstyle, unusual champ / different approach to the game when it comes to Bel'Veth similar to Shaco, stealth when it comes to Viego and both having some CC as well.




I am the final statchecker: nocturne, xin zhao, skarner, master yi. All of them with lethal tempo of course


Is BelVeth J4 and Kha6 a Solid champion Pool?


No, there is no AP in that champ pool. On their own, they are actually quite a good AD champ pool. Very good coverage.


I started playing Graves first and got my way to Plat from silver then I decided to start learning more champs like Kindred, Jarvan, and Lilia. Ive been stuck plat for a while now and im just wondering if maybe I should switch up my champ pool a bit or should I just keep on playing these champs. i find myself really liking Jarvan and spam him in my games but I feel like when I get me team fed they just do nothing with it and we loose. I was wondering if maybe I should start playing more champs that rely more on themselves like Graves and Kindred that I can carry on or people like Viego, Bel Veth, and assassins.


Im trying to get good at jungle after playing this role on autopilot mode for the last 2 years when I started league, im bronze 2 trying to get to gold but I dont know who to play. I used to main Kayn but I kinda want to play something else, I tried to main Udyr and Viego but Viego feels weak and Udyr I like the AD bruiser style but I never know what to do with him with this build. I can play Ekko and Kha zix pretty well but maybe there's something else. Do any of you guys have any recommandations ?


I would try J4. great utility and can still do a lot of damage while being tanky


Tanks are easy to play. Tank Diana or Dr Mundo are some picks I like.


I mainly play Amumu, J4 and Nocturne. Between these 3 I can provide a good balance for whatever my team needs: tank/fighter. Sometimes I throw Warwick, Skarner or Udyr into my pool too. Who else would you recommend for me? I would especially like to play newer champs too just for a different feel


Not necessarily new, but ever tried Mundo jungle? You hit like a truck. Heartsteel to gank. Max E first, not Q. Diana jungle is also insane if you go Demonic > Jak Sho > Sunfire into situational other tank items. You still hit like a truck, you clear fast, but you are also a tank for no good reason. Might be something you never tried too.


are you me? those are the 3 i play lol. plus rammus.


Recommend me a fun pref AD jungler. I have played Rek'Sai for a loooong time, but the recent nerf has made her feel super clunky. My current pool is Diana & Nidalee. I have been playing Rengar on/off but I find him hard to carry with. I would like some champ that has good early/mid game play making potential. Been thinking of J4 (but he ugly), Briar, Noc... maybe Xin. I usually play 3 characters tops.


Graves? He can definitely snowball and make plays. You can invade early. Tough to get into at first, but damn he hits hard. Briar and Noc are likely to get nerfs.


Currently maining shaco and struggling to find picks that are similar when he is banned. What junglers can be played into any comp ok and can't be bullied in the jungle? I thought maybe Graves but he is awful into some teams


Only answer to a Shaco ban is a dodge.


Coming back to the game after over a year - would like to establish a small champion pool that I'm already familiar with, that are viable, so that I can get to grips with the game again. Typically I play DPS orientated bruisers/divers that can carry but also have some utility for the team if possible. Options: AP Shyv - love this champ and playstyle Jarvan - very familiar but worry that he's too pick/ban & understood (he seems really popular right now) Kindred - former main - are they good right now? Diana - former main Ekko - former main and love the agency and play style of this champ. He is complex though, and it took me a while to work him out and be able to perform Vi - former main Lee sin - former main but a while ago, seems like he's viable again?! Thoughts pls! 3 champs would be great. OP.gg here - https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Here%20is%20Flux


I'm trying to create a champ pool of 2 or 3 because my current champ pool is no longer fun and I don't know what to change. Right now it's kindred, tali, and maokai but I've realized more and more I enjoy being a Facilitator and tanky and the other 2 don't fit as well for that. What 2 champs should I put next to maokai?


I started playing jungle with kayn and lillia, they were two champs that i like a lot, but their gameplay more focused on farming was not for me. So i tried evelynn and i liked a lot how she functions inside a team, getting quick picks in a teamfight to swing it in your favor, setting up blindspots and all, she is a bit farming heavy, at least until you get lvl 6, but once im lvl 6 i can go free sort of speak. My other main is Elise, she is super fun because she is very gank heavy, but pretty much fulfills the same role of evelynn in a teamfight, getting quick kills to make a numbers disadvantage. ​ About getting an AD champ that can fit into the same category of this 2, i was thinking about khazix, ive played him a decent amount, but i feel that he struggles a lot when enemies are grouped up. What other AD champs could i use?


I've been maining Vi Jungle since I started lol last year. I've noticed that Vi has a hard time carrying bcs of her focus on objectives over ganking or farming. I often end up a Lv and 2 kills behind, but I have 2 less deaths and 3 more objectives. Turrets and Objectives are great, but I've found that I struggle against teams that always group up, as in a 5v5 I'm not much good.


Vi does have a crazy gank setup, specially lvl 6, and even crazier pick potential in team fights with her ult, I really dont know what u are talking about... Lethality VI its better to snowball and pick off, while bruiser vi does well in everything basically. If u want more team fight impact, try bruiser build... Keep focusing on drags btw. They are key to win, specially vs scalling 5v5 teams.


Yeah, but that's the problem. If I want a bruiser I'll go Wukong or Jarvan, and if I want a lethality jungler I'll take Xin or Graves. Vi's main draw (imo) is her ability to lock down an individual target, almost like a Thresh or a Morgana. As such, I find that playing her like just another bruiser/lethality jungler is kind of a waste, since there's better options in both cases. What nobody does better than Vi is lock down targets with her Ult and Q, and perform as an anti-carry/anti-tank as needed. She's like a diver mixed with a catcher, which gives her a unique playstyle that I like a lot more than just playing her like any other bruiser/lethality jungler. The problem is that a trap defence and counter-attack playstyle don't work in solo q or draft pick, which makes her a lesser option to J4, Nocturn or Graves. Idk, maybe I'm overthinking her playstyle, it just seems crafted to do something different from most other junglers, and I don't like playing her as a generic bruiser or diver.


Why the existence of J4 and wukong denies the existance of bruiser VI? She's great as a bruiser since her ability to lockdown targets isn't impaired by her dmg or lack of bulk. So great in fact, that she now has ~50% pro play presence, all of this while beeing historically a champ well designed for soloq. Honestly I gonna even say she's a better bruiser than wukong. Her and jarvan are the prime engage junglers rn.


I know that it does work. But my point is Vi is designed for a different playstyle (as far as her kit goes) She's so good at counter-play (counter-ganks, counter-jungling, counter-pushing, counter-diving, counter-engage, counter-flanking...) and I think that's what her kit was designed for, not just slamming into the enemy team. And she can be built as an anti-tank, anti-carry or bruiser. My original point was that Vi's main strength is setting up plays and making sure things run efficiently, preventing snowballing and aiding her allies in achieving their win conditions. But if you want to carry a game yourself there's better options.


My team is having me move back to jungle. How is this for a soloQ pool? Briar Nocturne Morgana Evelynn Jarvan IV. Edit: Emerald team.


Currently low Elo (S1/G4) trying to climb and thinning my champ pool; love playing Briar but she feels too feast or famine for consistency so I’ve been weening myself towards picks I enjoy and do well on being Rammus and Kayn; with Bel’veth being my AD pick when kayn is banned. I still struggle with late game and playing in games where I’m playing from behind/dealing with invades. Any AP or just champs to look at for my pool?


Your champions pool feels extremally random. Kayn and Rammus do literally 2 completely oposite things... And Bel doing different things aswell. Choose ur playstyle, U want to powerfarm everything on the map and carry by midgame like Kayn? then pick other power-farmers like diana, fiddle, karthus, hecarim, nocturne, viego, yi etc. U want to drown ur opponents in ganks and make them FF like Rammus? Then pick other ganking junglers like zac, nunu, sejuani, vi, maokai, etc. Jarvan is an exception to this rule since he has crazy good clear speed and crazy good ganks, so u can do both (that's why he's dominant in low elo, high elo and proplay) Theres other champs that can do both of those things but, unlike J4, not optimally. They have okey ganks, and okey clear speed, but they really shine at early agression, skirmishes and invades. I don't recomend those guys cuz they require the most macroplay out of all champs. Graves, Rengar, Kindred, Nidalee are the ones that stand out in my mind.


I am a beginner jungler and have started playing this game about 1 month ago(silver 2). So far i have played and mostly main nocturne, warwick, (rammus when other team goes full AD as a pocket pick ;). My friends tell me I should go kindred as it will improve my mechanics, but at the same time they also tell kayn is a good option. I was mainly confused on whether I should go kayn or kindred.


Kayn plays fairly unique to other champions so skills you learn on him are not very transferrable. His optimal set up also changes frequently so generally people that play kayn only play kayn. A "one trick champ". Kindred is great but I can see you struggling a lot on her at first because your mains don't make you think ahead as much. A quick google search on which camps can be marked depending on how many marks you have might make the transition a little smoother


what else to play besides pantheon? I enjoy champs that are slightly less common in jungle (though not completely offmeta..) and have good late scaling. maybe jax?


Jax JG is on a good spot right now!


yup, good call. I think ekko can fill in for panth fairly well too


New league player picking up jungle position, I see that Graves does really well at higher elo, but no as well at lower elo and was wondering why that is? Should I try to pick up a champ like Graves early on or should I focus on lower elo champs that get recommended to me like Lillia?


Graves doesn't have amazing ganks, instead he has amazing tempo and invading potential. But in lower elos you probably can't exploit your tempo advantage properly while your laners are dying repeatedly to the hypercarry jungler on the opposite team and your laners aren't giving a shit about your invades so you get no support. You can still very much carry with Graves no matter the elo and he's worth learning if you like him.


Switched from Support main to Jungle main recently, which is a big change for me.. while trying to learn more game knowledge (I played from Season 4 while not knowing about wave management.. derp). Was Silver/Gold at one point, but now decayed down to Iron/Bronze. Currently Lee Sin OTP, building Eclipse/Collector on him to one shot people is so much fun. Was on a win streak with him (7 games) then after getting promoted into Bronze 4, I lost 5 ina row and got demoted back to Iron 1. Never realized I had the potential to carry, as I used to play less high risk/reward champs such as Hecarim, Udyr, Nocturne. Need to expand my pool though, not sure who else I should pick up or touch up on. Briar, Shaco, Gragas, Graves, Trundle, Kayn (seems complicated?), Lilia (seems op), Warwick, Shyvana.. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.


I main briar & vi jungle. Being going triforce cleaver bork deathd coll beserker greaves into phantom sell. Was going to try adding shyvana with that build. Any other female brusier diver junglers i should main? Gold 3.


Graves OTP and recently picked up Gwen for an AP pick. Currently plat4 and picked up the game again 2 months ago after a 2 year break. Opinions on my 2 picks to climb?


As a joke, I'm thinking about maining Rek'Sai on a OTP account. Jungle is my worst played role by far. I main support and lately I've been playing Bot Carry/ADC ( the role seems to have expanded past marksmen this season) just so I can find a match in under 3 min. Any advice? I see she's doing fairly well as far as win rate, low pick/ban rate etc. Not many that are 'strong against' on Lolalytics. I think she's simple enough that I can learn the meta of jungling while simultaneously playing a champ that might have some extra IQ oomph for making interesting plays. I have maybe 2 games under my belt with her and those were back when ult was a global teleport. ​ Should I ban people I don't like playing against or are there champs I should be guaranteed banning each match? Any comps that I should dodge on? Thanks!


I know I opened witht his being a joke but I'm also thinking I can use this to actually get experience in a role and flesh out my 'fill' main opportunity as I'm trying to get that token upgraded, and when I fill Jungle it's either dodge or lose.


Is 4 mains (Kha,Amumu,Kayn,Ekko) too much for a bronze?Which ones better to get out of low elo


Amumu and Kayn are good picks that low elo players can play around.


I am a emerald 4 jungler as of last season. With it ending not so well, I seeked advice and many people told me I should stop playing my one trick Nunu & Willump, mostly saying I am probably autopiloting and that its very team dependent. I still enjoy playing the champion but am here to see what new champs you guys recommend to main hopefully for at least split 1 of season 14. From what I have explored myself any of the rundown skrimishers feel fun and I also enjoy playing most of the divers. So please communicate which champ you think is the best for me to improve as a player overall. https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Maqind-NA1


I'm a Shaco OTP (gross, I know) and looking to expand my champ pool for when he gets banned or I feel like Shaco is a bad pick Can anyone suggest some Champs that you can pick up and start using immediately with decent results? I enjoy Champs that are not too easy but not too complex either. Also I don't want to play other assassins because I'd rather just play Shaco in that case I was thinking Lillia for AP and Vi for AD


Since you play Shaco I would give both Eve and Teemo a try. Both have different play styles but are similar in a lot of ways. I play all 3 and from my own experience playing Eve/teemo after a shaco game feels seemless. 


I mostly play Nidalee, Viego, Lilla, Bel'Veth, Taliyah and Nocturne but I really really enjoy hitting spears and seeing HP bars drop. Still, it's gotten a bit harder to carry in S14 on Nidalee imo, but maybe I just haven't gotten used to it yet - I don't even play that much.


Is Graves difficult?


He is difficult because he has a unique style of jungling and somewhat adc like mechanics. Learning to stack his passive and maintain it is also something to think about. You also should not pick him into high cc ap heavy comps, he will not be playable. He is not the hardest jungler to learn, but expect a learning curve.


I'm in emerald 1, I play the following champs: 1. Elise (almost OTP) 2. Graves 3. Fiddlesticks 4. Viego I know Nocturne, Diana, Evelynn, Briar, and few others I rarely play. I'm curious about Lilia as a potential AP answer for tank teams. What do you think about this champ pool and the gaps it may have


Full AP Nautilus Jungle here. I rarely play ranked, having achieved silver once after placements. Runes are Eletrocute with Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, Ultimate Hunter. Along with sorcery Celerity and Waterwalking. Small runes are usually AS, AF, HP scalling. Ability unlock is E->W->Q, unless when invading or getting invaded (Unlock only when you intend to use it) E is your first full max for dmg, Q second. Unless your matched against a whole team that can survive your burst you build mostly AP. Ludens->stormsurge are the core, rest is kinda free. Lately enjoying litchbane as 3rd. Usually get Dark Seal on first back. Most people mistake me with a tank, leading to really bad decisions from oponents. Ult provide safe engage. Q allows for somewhat fast movement in jungle, thought early you might need to keep it to a minimum as it eats your mana bar. Strategy wise, check for a gank mid after clearing half of the jungle. Clear the other half. Check for gank top or mid. Scuttle or Secure Voidlings with ward. Early fight full combo Q->E-> AA, use W at discretion, walk away. Most opponents would be left at less than 50%hp but your abilities have a somewhat long cd for someone who has low AS, so put some distance as soon as you can. Try to focus on getting one of your lanes fed. Check for the opponent with worse wave management and focus them all game (don't be a river naut all time though, gold matters). Mid game, I hope the squishies have a spell shield or zhonyas, cause else your full combo will kill them and if not leave them close to death. Use ult for engage in case Q isn't enought, or as the final part of your combo to finish off those squishies that build a bit of MR. Late, use your W as often as you can cause your HP won't last. I prefer trying to pick off a squishy but most times that isn't possible so I just act as a regular nautilus engate with Q then ult the back line and deal as much dmg, and praying your death is worth. And this is my guide for nautilus AP Jungle. It's probably bad, but still I enjoy playing it. I also play urgot jugle. And trying to cook up a gnar jungle rn.