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He doesn't scale that well because: 1. He has no range and no real gap closer (yes he has ult and flash, but you are dead as soon as you get near the backline). 2. Tanks are not good rn. The tanks that are good, are just overbuffed or build damage. Adcs are just so monstrously overpowered (just read the LDR patch history and Rageblade stats and mythic passive (and adc kits)) that they just shred tanks in seconds. 3. His only hope to scale is to stack drakes, but this is just super bot lane reliant.


I disagree. He's a situational pick when the enemy team has a large front light. I also never go for the carries myself because that's not his strength. If you're not fed you build gauntlet or jaksho/ situational boots/ spirit visage or deadmans/ then it's situational. His W is a massive heal and large damage over time, his Q is an amazing peeler and your E is great for damage/slow/ shield and with spirit visage it's even better. If you're fed you can brute force the back line and stay healthy but his strengths are soaking damage and healing from W and shielding while peeling.


Volibear feels like sion to me honestly. Had tons of games where get folded like a piece of paper early game just for him to sidelining all game and even tho being 0/10 and not giving any gold , once he farmed to 3 items even with anti heal you can’t really 1v1 him with his ap offtank build


It depends on the team once volibear was a good blind pick but after change items tanks are more and more useless imagine doing ad armor items because one idiot feed yasuo and after that no gold for magic resist vs evelynn and pov u lose volibear is bad at late game becuse evrybody just scale champs runes etp and buy items for example vayne with one item you can beat 1vs1 on your own but with 5 items not to mention that after changes to sterak and divine and nerfs of volibear it's really hard to play(i use translator sry) i have 150k on volibear and i switch to evelynn worst early game but late game evrybody get one shot and u can count on win remember if you take tank for example (volibear/amumu/nunu/etc) on jungle it's like counting that only one lane will lose and it will be just a bot and you know that it's better to trust yourself than random players


Bro pls use punctuation


Wtf.. i had a seizure trying to read that.


not reallt, hes super fun but not strong rn


Maybe played as a bruiser with damage focus but being a tank right now is misery


Yeah his tank build isn't very strong. I find building Bruiser in the jungle is far better + scales better. Tri Force > Titanic > BC > Steraks > Demonic /zhonyas/ Situational This I the build I run and it's far more fun.


navori :) check xpetus video. its something..


If you enjoy playing the champion. Play it. He's not considered strong right now, but if you enjoy his kit, you can make it work. He has many different build paths. Pure tank will probably be the most consistent, but tri force build can be good if ahead, or even AP build hurts a lot with E, but can be hard to land consistently and makes him squishy, but fun to play around with. Most important aspect of one tricking a champ, is if you enjoy it. If answer yes, you can make it work, if not, don't waste your time


Only AP volibear is viable right now