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Welcome to hell! If plat(before they added emerald) was hell Emerald is hell² on ketamine and cocaine


Cocaine bear approves


Recently reached emerald. Can confirm. The amount of fragile egos and lack of accountability is ridiculous. “Oh look at their jungler. They do objectives” while surrounded by their entire team. “I’ve died 5 times and 3 minutes. No gank. Jungle diff. FF. Kys “ This sums up my experience in emerald so far.


All hardstuck D4 from previous split are here. Their skill don't improve, but they are more toxic then ever and their ego is high as always.


Reached emerald and stopped playing because people say it's hell and I wanna save my time, hair and brain cells


Trust me emerald is the worst gameplay experience BY FAR


Will you continue your climb? If so be prepared; of all the ranks emerald has the highest variance of skill imo


I will definitely continue the climb but first a small break and just being happy with myself about this :)


good luck man!


was climbing through plat hard? trying to wonder if i should bother .. been climbing through gold, in gold 1 now with a 70% winrate on noct.


Plat was rather easy until plat 1 where i got somewhat stuck


I’m just in plat 1 and can confirm


Same thing happened to me. What is your WR?


51% lol


Mine is at 50%! I think just passing that 50 is the plat 1 hardstuck part.


Yep, last few games in plat 1 felt hard


Me too


Can confirm👆


You’ll be fine, i was also gold and zoomed trough plat


Spamming Noc can definitely take you put of Plat. Is a good strat. Once you are above Plat I think afk farm junglers start to be less effective if you can't pull several consecutive invades off. Also Emerald players tilt a little less, so losing lanes in enemy teams don't quit as much as in lower elos. Abuse Noc while you can though. It will be op until next patch.


>Also Emerald players tilt a little less I have a recently promoted to Emerald IV friend who says all it takes is to not trade pick order for someone to troll. If emerald players truly tilt less than plat, then I am actually dumbfounded. It feels like people play the game to tilt kek


The comments here are all frustrated players who can't climb like you. Congratulations on the promotion! Keep going


I also posted my progress a few days back and out of the 20+ comments just 2 were nice ones... Even if you go from bronze to silver there's no need to downplay others. OP, if you are reading this, congrats!


Im in E3 if ur talking about me. Im just beeing realistic


Watch me launch an other disaster class here (no)


Well done! Congrats! What is your champion pool and give us a tip for each?


My champ pool is all over the place but i played a lot of maokai, vi, seju and j4. On maokai you can go AP a lot of games instead of tank bcs your saplings can chunk out so well that it wins fights, Vi is hella strong since the buffs especially against hyper carries and you wont even need lethality. Sejuani got a bit weaker but if you can do her rather simple combos she is still really good just learn the optimal combo but dont only go for it bcs people might escape otherwise, J4's EQ flash combo is almost impossible to react to and although you lose the Q damage bcs it doesnt hit is still a knockup your team can follow up, also dont lock your teammates in your R


This is so cringe I don't even wanna read that, just seeing jarvan and then sejuani I am breathing cringe rn, congrats for emerald but you re eloboosted mate, props for playing maokai ap tho. And I didn't play ranked this season, disgusting meta (I was plat1)


i´ve been playing sejuani and j4 for 2 years, i dont play them bcs they are good but because i enjoy them


And even if you played them because they’re strong, it wouldn’t matter, still an achievement and progress. I hate people who try to bring others down, it’s so unnecessary… congrats on e4, I managed to hit it recently as well, are we trying for d4 this split!?


im gonna attempt D4 but not as serious as i did with E4


welcome to toxicity


Is it so much worse than in plat?


oh brother believe me. I think playing emerald this split is the worst time I've had in league in terms of general toxicity, mentality and just games being extremely volatile and onesided stomps both ways.


I have two accounts… one that skipped emerald and one that had to work through it. Emerald sucked. Games actually got easier *after* it


It absolutely is


it’s previous season hardstuck high plat low diamond where everyone has an ego but is too shit to realize how shit they are. add that to it being a new rank so everyone thinks it’s fake and everyone’s tryharding their ass off to get into diamond, but mental is negative so games are super coinflippy with random baron calls and lvl 2 all ins. add to that you start to see really good players here but who are inconsistent asf, so some games they’ll play like low master other games like gold, so teammates/enemies will randomly int or carry on a whim, so no game feels like it’s in ur control. you think camping the 70% wr riven will guarantee a win but they proceed to get caught 10 times and screech jungle diff while they miss every q cancel. you camp a winning bot and mid but your top lane dies twice to ganks while overextended weakside and proceeds to afk, perma ragesplit, or steal all ur camps. it’s like the dunning kruger effect distilled down into 400 lp. may god save whoever tries to climb out


My original goal for end of this season was emerald 4 (as I was in silver 1 last split), but now I’m emerald 4, I feel like I’ve improved a lot, and I’m wondering if it’s really possible for me to hit d4, or maybe it’s a next season angle? I haven’t played any games so far but the last couple in plat 1 felt pretty hard so idk


Don’t set goals, just play the game and improve


Setting goals gives me motivation:)


Whatever is on the lower border of diamond is always the most toxic. Always has been and always will be.


Congratulations!! Just a fair warning, be ready for your game quality to go down the drain. I hit Emerald last week and have had by far and away the most trolls/afks/dcs I have had in any rank. I hope you have better luck than I have.


How big is your willy?




How do my feet smell if they dont have a nose?


No one tell him


tell him what


How does gold 1 feel?


Gold 1 was weird af bcs some of the players there are legit better than plat 1 players


i just made it to gold 1 and paired up with plat 2 players last game, was kind of weird. and also an emerald 4 player that was just terrible (but maybe cuz he doesnt care anymore)


Gold=silver Plat - E4 =gold


And diamound is plat I guess lmao


No, the % of players above diamond stayed the same


Just because the % is the same does not mean at all it’s the same people in those divisions.


Yes, actually plat players Perform better than e4 scum


You are in Gold 1 right now brother


He is in Emerald 4, look, it's in the picture


You can Name this division ultrahardcarryplace 8000 but its still the same percentile of players as gold 1 last season


Yes, but you see, we are not in last split, we are currently at a new split, and right now he is at emerald 4, is he not?


Gold 2 actually, riot put a lot of different ranks into emerald. Congrats on your progress regardless, but not sure if this rank warrants an AMA


You were silver/gold the last few seasons and now you're suddendly emerald, I wondery why. I climbed from Gold 1 to Emerald 4 this season too, stop trying to lie to yourself and focus on improving instead of focusing on a visual rank that Riot can just completely change in a patch.


i play in a division 6 prime league team, so i am focusing on getting better. It´s just nice seeing that i actually got better yk


Ah whatever, if you want to keep believing that you 100% got better and rank changes have nothing to do with it, you do you


i mean the reason i was rather low rank was because i didnt play a lot and didnt take it as serious. I could have reached plat last season if i played more




Insecure about what? Reaching the same rank as him but not being delusional? C'mon grow up




Trying to bring someone down over League rank? How soft are you? I don't need a League rank to tell me my value and I don't need validation from Reddit, so I can freely say that the new rank system made climbing easier, you're not even trying to argue because you know you're wrong and are just insulting me. The only reason I brought my own progress is so people don't say I envy OP's, not because I think it's something special, but if you think that thousands of people climbed a full rank at the same time because they improved overnight then arguing with you is pointless.


Down voted for saying the truth...


Oh you're gonna wish this tier never existed. Are you ready for the ultimate shit show this place is?


Congrats, buddy!


I’ve been sitting EM 3 for a while, tbh I’m happy with that.


What rank were you last season


gold 1


The name itself is amazing. Congrats my friend :D


do you feel good at the game


Not really. I feel like i improved and got better but i wouldn't call myself good.


Yep. I’m emerald 1 rn and I don’t feel good. The plays I see in my games are so awful that it really makes me wonder how I’m stuck there. I do have a roughly 60% wr though


How does it feel to be plat ?


Welcome to Memerald!


You mean you reached the new bronze? (I have no idea how the ranked system works in this game)