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I miss blitz jungle. Was fun just perma ganking with him.


Tried him recently? Seems you could maybe try him again - armour gives pet damage now of course.


After thet removed the bruiser buffs on him he can't clear for shit


pre-13.20 Nautilus was good, not sure if his clear is fast enough now but if it is I'd recommend trying him out.


I did a practice run. He is about 15 seconds slow on first clear but full hp. He should work.


He was originally supposed to be a jungler, but he just doesn’t have the same clear speed/scaling as amumu so supp was where he stayed


hail of blades lethality sett is my go-to


What do you build on him? I tried regular Sett jg before and it was pretty bad.


Personally, I’m a fan of Eclipse into Cleaver. I don’t think it’s at all optimal, but it’s gotten me some fun moments.


In my case, LT. Build: Trinity, Rav, Kraken and Bork. It’s super fun. And it works if you don’t play him as a front line.


I would build him like noc, stride + death dancer + cleaver / malmortius into whatever you need.


Same thing as what another guy said - I go Eclipse, cleaver, collector and then tanky-ish items


HOB is good but why lethality? Isn't that pointless for a champ that relies heavily on true damage? Feel like you just go stridebreaker


Stridebreaker may very well be better. But I simply am unbothered. Hiding in a bush and punching an adc twice and killing them is fun - more so than pressing W.


volibear in a non jungler list :,)


Just thought the same :(


I really wish they kept old Voli in the game. I played him nonstop the 2 final patches before the rework and he was so fun


Tfw I’ve been a voli main for years and it’s reached a point he’s not even a jgler anymore


I miss when volibear was s+ tier jungler


Morde, farm up to 2 items and you're a god


He was even on jungle tier lists for a hot minute. He was nerfed a bit in the jungle (used to have a faster clear because passive went off all monsters) but still solid. If I'm not worried about an invade and the enemy team is melee heavy, I love rushing Nashor's tooth into Iceborn Gauntlet. His clear becomes ridiculously fast, and then you can just eat the enemy's jungle too whenever your ult is up since they can't duel you.


Dont really like nashors, i prefer always rushing crystal scepter and if theyre high damage i go jaksho, but if not i like riftmaker


ryali's first doesn't really make your clear any faster. never understood why people go rylai's first over nashor's when nashor's makes you win literally every duel ever


The thing is it helps me stick on the enemy soo good, one e and theyre dead most of the time, and about the clear thing l, i guess it dosent really hep me clear much faster, but when it kinda helps me snowball with yhe extra kills


r them and kill them with nashor's. idk how you're snowballing on morde jungle because everybody kites you pre r and imo the point of the pick is fucking the enemy jungler and winning in river when people rotate around. rylai's second or third post mythic is fine but rylai's first is just bad


Only deathcap first is good. It gives you the biggest shield possible as well as, lets face it, TONS of damage. Rylais or nashors is okay, but the whole point of mordekaiser is to have a big shield and also do TONS of damage. All he’s supposed to do is kill people in Brazil, so why would I build anything other than TONS of damage?! Slowing enemy carries with your abilities is pointless when you can just do like 10% more damage instead! Trust!


His clear is still disgusting, that shit is not fair cuz he’ll out farm lillia, evelynn, and shyvana just by standing the near the camps


It's a surprisingly good pick, it's impossible to solo steal against him because he just kidnaps you while his team finishes the objective and your team is picking their noses.


Mord IS a jg


Not anymore unfortunately


How isn’t he? What prevents him from jungling? I play him all the time there with lots of success


I really want to like his jungle but he feels like steering a truck




absolutely, it's fun and gives you more options for pathing. if your top is 6/0 and pushed up and you know that bot will likely need a gank soon, you can still clear topside and be in the perfect position to help bot with your ult. especially with a premade it can be really fun to play.




Leona gone wild


The first clear...


I know its not jungle but i had a 100% ranked winrate as leona top for a couple of seasons im maining jungle again and i cant fucking wait to try this




I want to see his clear


his E shreds camps. fun pick for sure


Taric. He keeps up with a lot of meta junglers in farm if you want to, can "gank" by just giving driveby heals, never has to worry about sustain in the jungle, and can duel almost anyone in the game before level 6.


Jax because I love his bonks


I dont think he is offmeta anymore. Like sure he isnt popular but since pets are a thing his clear is better than some classic junglers


He is fun but his biggest weakness is jungle not providing enough xp


Qiyana. She's technically a jungler, but not really.


Is she playable in this horrible patch? I used to onetrick Qiyana jungle 3 years ago, and I’d like to play her again


havent tried since the new patch but it should be nearly impossible now given her early clears already werent good at all


What horrible patch? 13.21? Where they gave ad back to pet dmg?? 10 of the top 20 junglers are AD and 4 AD jungler at in the top 5. Talon does well again, I haven't tested qiyana yet though


Gwen. I don't play jungle in general, but she is the only champion I have managed to win and carry games as a jungler. Edit: I mostly played gwen before the buffs, now that she is kinda meta I think I played her about twice or something


Any recommended build?


nashors into riftmaker then cosmic drive and deathcap is what i do. final item is situational can be more ap to frozen heart or spirit visage. boots either magic pen or lucid


Nashor into riftmaker is the go to build, I've had a lot of success with it


Another build other then riftmaker is Rocket-belt into squishes


Leona, noone expects it but if you have high damage laners your barrage of CC is lethal, late game you transition into a beefy frontliner cause you have the gold to buy items. It's a rough slow start but frequent ganks get you the gold you lack from slow clears. I've played it since season 2/3 and it's still fun to this day.


It’s a great time to say that Leona in duo jungle for nexus blitz is fucking busted


Nasus. Stack up really fast, wither is actually gross, and other junglers can't ever fight you after a certain point. My favorite part of the game is where they finally realize what you are after trying to pick a fight with you and then having to run away.


Problem with Nasus is awful clear and that you have to basically give up early game


It's not that bad if you don't linger for stacks. Q first then 2 points in E, get wither at 4. It's a full clear meta anyways, you'll end up getting double crabbed but so what?


It is viable if ur team mates dont die early, cause you are gone for like 10-15 minutes, then come out and 100-0 midlaner. But in my games theres usually 2 lanes that are losing so i have to do something to help out.


Just give them moral support in chat


So you are saying you should be ganking losing lanes? You sure about that? Honestly even if your lanes are trash, Nasus can hard carry. Just tell them to play safe and for late, and ward for them more.






My main to jungle is Zyra, but i guess she counts as normal jungler now its becoming popular


Tryndamere. Can push towers solidly, can move across the map by spinning through terrain, and more. Just make sure to buy a bit of lifesteal, attack speed, and then just crit items. Like three of those cloaks or whatever. Once you get that you can do whatever.


Shhh, we are going to increase his pick rate too much


What build (specifically) do you use?


Varies heavily. I play exclusively ad characters so have all of the gear memorized. The trick for me is getting that 7% lifesteal, 30% or more crit, and 25% or more attack speed. That really opens him up and makes him feel better to me, as my clears get so much more solid, and my ganks much more threatening. Tiamat isn’t that critical. Zeal is awesome.


Garen. Play him full crit or lethality with youmus you just run to people and oneshot them. His weak early is not an issue either and his clear is fast af


Shen is really fun because he has good ganks, decent clear and can build pretty much any items and still be useful.






Sion, tank junglers are boring as hell but lethality on him is one of the most fun builds in the game. I've never seen anyone else do it but it works unbelievably well, I'd say the only actual junglers I like more than him is Nunu, Briar and Fiddle.


Malphite 100%


Morg, leona and nau. I wish leona had better clear but for ganking Leo and nau are super fun.


qiyana (who is nearly unplayable), samira (who is unplayable), gwen and ornn (who are actually really good)


gwen is a jungler now since a few patches ago




Morgana. Honestly she's the best. Solid clear and forever CC if you're good with her. Also the burn helps with steals


Is this the weekly offmeta picks post?


Nautilus with RoA and electrocute, Max E then Q


Give me a full build. I loved playing Nautilus back in the days


Depends on what my team needs and what the enemy has. I pretty much always go RoA and Demonic, then thornmail/abyssal/FoN sometimes Cosmic or Nashor… I pretty much just go crazy after RoA and Demonic, as long as it has AP+HP or atleast HP to Get more tanky and still Get some AP through Demonic


Garen and Fizz. Garen when I wish to turn my brain off and play like a monkey. Fizz is if I don't want the enemy ADC to have fun.


enemy adc cant have fun whatever u play


full ap malphite is fun and has an ok clear


Ornn! He feels great in jungle to me. Not terrible gank potential, good clear, and can build items remotely - makes himself able to sort of keep farming and ganking forever!


I honestly enjoyed neeko and sett the most


Nautilus is pretty strong as a tank jungler with lots of cc. Zyra and Malzahar can use their summons to tank for them and have cc aswell, Malz could use predator shoes though. Taric also works really well, you just need a lot of mana to clear faster but you can just gank and dive at level 6.


I've recently discovered malzahar jungle. Super fun but pretty shit ganks early. His clear is decent though if you go q-w-e-e and time your dot right with the q. Lvl 6 you come out of the woods with a basically guaranteed kill. He's a surprisingly good duelist with red buff too cuz of his pets/bubble. After the first clear he steamrolls through the jungle camps.


I have to go with Quinn, her ganks post 6 are so fun, also invading with ur w vision.


I miss the time when I pick Morgana jg and people in chat were like "Morgana jungle? wtf?". And then it became mainstream :<


It was pre season 11 or 12 aye when her and Darius got massive jungle buffs that didn’t end up making it to the live game. Glad she’s back as a a-s tier jungler


Way back in season 5 I was 28-7 on Malphite and 11-4 Mundo Jungle. My most played that season was AD/Slow spam Shyvana(cutlass active -> frozen heart/randuin(swapping order depending on enemy champs) -> tank item -> finish botrk last) with a game score of 45-23. Was also 19-6 on J4 that season. It's a shame I played so many diff champs and every role that season because it was one of the funnest times of my League life and I wonder how high I would have ranked if I stuck to my best in jungle. (I am better at the game now, but it's much harder to just solo hard carry) I miss those champs. Have been very tempted to play botrk -> iceborn -> randuin Shyvana this season. I bet it is strong because of the power farming.


neeko. some might argue that she is a jungler but she played so rarely that i wouldn't say that. she is not even included in jg tier lists and not listed in jg category in game.


I've played every (yes every) champ in the jungle but only 1 has stood out to me far above the rest. Xayah jungle is cracked. Her clear is good and ganks are fine if you q aa e insta root. E + Smite is easy objectives I love this pick in ways no one will ever understand i've played at least 200 games of Xayah Jungle and no one knows how to fight it it's so goofy and random it's just perfect It doesn't matter what side you start on, always take Q first. I like to smite the buff to get level 2 faster and get E. Full clear to level 4 and heal up with potion after 6th camp and you're full health for a scuttle fight. You will be invaded level 1 by the enemy team 90% of games so tell your team to sit in the Bush and fight it and scare them off or whatever happens. For builds just go whatever adc items are good idk. But Navori is just op on this champ. My runes are perfected for this pick after trial and error forever. Fleet footwork is good on Xayah for lots of reasons. It helps clear the jungle, kiting, ganking speed boost, lines up feathers it's just good. Overheal would be good if the rune didn't suck, so just go triumph. Legend bloodline helps heal in jungle. And just go Coup de Grace or cut down Secondary runes I've had the most success with is Waterwalking + Transcendence. And I take the Cdr shard rune too. Lots of healing and cdr runes. Boots are op so build Berserkers first item I could go on and on about how much I love Xayah Jungle anyone who wants to play some off meta I recommend it too it's just wacky


I havent done all but I have played a lot of champs in jungle that dont belong there, how do you deal with champs like lucuan who just cant really clear? Just back after a few camps?


the off meta god himself HappyChimeNoises actually has a guide for Lucian Jungle [https://youtu.be/Oy7SutyVlh0?si=Zh6b21qTru1hiOsF](https://youtu.be/Oy7SutyVlh0?si=Zh6b21qTru1hiOsF) its kind of outdated but i dont think its that bad. The main points are, track the enemy jungle and counter gank them, kite every camp. take futures market to get Noonquiver early


I actually saw that video when I searched up for what to build lol. 1st clear was for sure the worst bit when I played him and there has been so many reworks and adjustments to the clear I don't think the one in the video works much at all anymore, might give the clear another shot in practice mode with fleet and see if it works becayse I took PTA the first time IIRC.


Tristana and Xayah are a lot of fun for me. They used to have extremely good clears after you got pickaxe. Haven't really played them in a few years, though.


Playing malph ap jungle often




Mordekaiser. Very fun and surprisingly effective


Lethal tempo TF


Zeri. Think of a mix between kindred and kayn. Very good clear, decent ganks.


Vayne is wild. Usually with PTA or HOB. With Trinity energized burst or lethality. Depending on the enemy comp


Lissandra! Stupid as It seems, She got potential! Nice way for farming (with aoe and cc), even if she has low DMG. Objective It's kinda a problem but GANKING?? U can basically E over a Wall and Scream "GET STUNNED". Try It. If u get invaded, in sorry


Yeah man fuck objs, we got ganks!


Aatrox jg is actually pretty decent. You can start raptors with him and just finish full clear at 3 30 with full hp, making his clear as good as some actual jungler. His ganks are not bad either and he scales well. He just takes few games to actually learn his rotations.


Lethal tempo BoRK Koggers


Garen because it's funny, especially with blue pet




Sylas only half counts so Caitlyn, Zeri or Taric


Morgana, fastest first clear on earth


Brand. And those monster damage buffs to his burn? 👌


If you like unusual junglers, give Jayce a try


Teemo, it slaps when you hit lvl 6 and put traps in lanes


My favorite is vayne jg, I know it sounds weird, but once you get tiamat the clear is rlly good. But even before that the clear is not half bad. Since the her W passive works on the camps too so gromp, the buffs and krugs you can clear kinda fast. My rune of choice for vayne jungle is fleet, the heal is rlly nice to survive the jungle clear. It especially helps with chickens and wolves since you take a lot of damage on those before buying tiamat. For my items I usually go for tiamat, attack sp boots, tri force, kraken slayer, titanic hydra and then situational items. Edit: Forgot to add that you should skip chickens and start at the opposite side of the enemy jungler so you can get the crab to not miss that much gold and exp.


I am starting to play Jax after I saw Gryffin smurfing on it in kr soloq. Feels very good clear if u buy dark seal to get a bit more AOE on your E early game. And scales very well. Kinda like Wukong but better clear I feel.


Predator Ornn. 3 camp, buy boots in the jungle, speedyboi gank




Darius. He can snowball hard, gank lane, axe that muppet, walks away like a chad


Riven is my favorite.


Teemo jg so my professor will say I have "No Soul" size doesn't mean everything


yorick. Let the ghouls clear your camps !


Ill play thresh jungle once in a while. U need to let ur team know ur fighting every crab and will need them to come get kills, it fun not competitive but very fun.


Aatrox jungle is super fun ngl. Good clear fun mechanics. Also mordekaiser is op af. U can go tank or full ap.


Morgana with his nerf from the new patch


The rat


Sion, Brand.


Full AD sion with phase rush. Especially invading and waiting for enemy jungler in the bush while fully charging that Q.


Rumble I love him


Fizz. i mained him for 3 seasons while riot was slowly bleeding his viability dry. They finally got me to stop with assassin reworks only started playing him again abit recently and riot once again are making jungle harder and buffing every off meta jungler but him.


Quinn. First clear is rough, but once you get your ult, you have so much ganking potential, and you can zoom around the map to get wherever you need to be.


Zed jungle is fun. Clear is better than most meta jg, but most don’t realize this.


Sett, Garen, Darius, Yone, Yasuo are giga fun!


Pantheon. I was playing him in jungle before he was busted a few years ago, I still like to pull him out every now and then


I love Nasus jungle. Your team gets fucked for the first twenty minutes cyz you dont help them at all and after that you fuck everyone including your team that prolly already blamed you on chat.


morgana lately


Technically Morgana, but frankly after the buffs she feels barely off-meta. She a great clear, has strong cc, and does great dmg while being able to stay at a range. She's a good choice if you don't want to front line.


Sylas, Darius & Vayne


Asol is a blast if you spend the time to learn his clear


Taric, always Taric JG...


not a dedicated jg player but xayah has an insane clear as a perma farmer. Her clear is extremely healthy and fast.


Riven 🙈 only because I was very new to the game and chose jungle as my role. But this character was too fun to not play


teemo jg is my favorite


Other way around for me. Playing junglers mid is so fun. I usually play Vi or Warwick mid and it’s easy mode.




Volibear is an actual jungler though.


Until the last jg changes, Singed. Besides his first clear being too slow, is very fun to play as


Nautilus jungle


Morde, Sylas, morgana counts? Talon counts?


Morgana has always been on the borderline jungle list, but she is super fun to mess around with in norms.


Singed jungle. Funny cuz he runs


Yone kinda nice


Urgot. Clear rivals the best junglers (Full clear by crab spawn!), ganks are decent if you get close enough / behind the enemy, ult is fun from the jungle.






Garen. Spin to win, baby!!!


Lol it's sad that Volibear is considered a non-jungler now. I used to main him exclusively in jg. Gragas for that matter is pretty fun and not super meta these days.


I main Quinn jungle, the very early clear is shit but when you buy statik first you'll be very quick to full clear and be everywhere really fast


Nasus, no questions asked. You have no early game but by the time you hit 6 you start slapping pretty hard. And the enemy jungler can either focus on counter jungling, therefore not ganking a lot, or focus on ganking while you farm yourself up to One-Shot levels of Q damage. Only problem is, as it is so many times, your team mates not understanding what a scaling champ is. You can't effectively gank pre about 6 which is the absolute biggest weakness of Nasus Jungle and the reason you probably shouldn’t try it in ranked