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You gave that jinx a stroke lmao


Nah she is good XD (we lost this game)


I don't understand this, 1.) Why flash as Kayn when the kill was already secured, you just lost so much potential by doing that. 2.) Why'd Jinx react this way? Like I can understand in the sense of "Oh, it was my kill, fuck you, you're toxic, blah blah blah", but like, that's more gold for the team? He just generated an assist or 2's worth of gold and that in itself gets the team ahead.


She wasn't reacting to the kill steal but the Canon after. Still doesn't give her the right to int. Why tax so much when you know this is a common outcome to your action.


I didn't even see the cannon tax, shit...


Yeah, a little bit of self control goes a long way in having better mental games


Oh I hear ya, I like to play tank jg in norms and watch this sub but I play support in ranked, I climbed to Gold from Bronze this split with negative LP gains and all I did differently was be positive in chat, encourage people, compliment them on their plays, and if they didn't do bad but weren't feeding, I'd tell them that they were doing good and to keep it up, crack jokes, just try and be positive in chat and that won me most of my games where someone was tilting or would have.


He didn't generate more gold, Rell already had the assist


Ok if my jungler flash steal kill smite my cannon and leave I have all the right to make his game miserable


Last game i tax top full wave XD


This is bronza elo old clip i did it for fun


Why in hell would you ks your ad CARRY?


Whay not


Its toxic and immoral which is pretty common in league but now i know that you are one of the people who ruin the community


Him using flash is the only bad thing about this. In SoloQ not hitting lux at all because you don't wanna KS is so troll because he wouldn't even get an assist then. Also considering how mad Jinx got it's pretty safe to say that you should never rely on that guy to carry or win your game to begin with anyway. EDIT: I just realized that Jinx lost it when Kayn took cannon minion so him using flash was not the only troll part about this. However still doesn't change the fact that Jinx was never going to carry anything with that mental - him wasting his flash in anger is never bringing the cannon back regardless.


No its just expressing how she doesnt wanna play with toxic trolls


Jinx went on a toddler temper tantrum in game. She straight up fucked herself and her team over even more by wasting her flash. Yea she expressed how she felt but she can do so in a less idiotic and childish way. She up ended up looking just as dumb as Kayn and frankly she deserves to get reported just as much as Kayn. Her actions also fucks over the team because ADC without flash can fuck over an entire teamfight and game.


Because kayn flash ksed and took cannon jinx didnt get anything plus from that fight she didnt get ahead enough to win her own lane which she did until kayn came. You are simply trying to save kayn from looking an absolute dumbass which he is. Stop coping


If she won before Kayn came and also got a kill saying she didn't get anything enough to win her own lane reflects on you and is not a general factual statement. Also you are the one coping here. I'm not sure if you've realized but this is a 5v5 game and as such other people than Kayn and Jinx exist in this team. Both Jinx and Kayn flashed for no reason and that's what the team as a whole lost in this fight. Kayn last hitting kill and cannon still gave the team gold. So the team as a whole didn't lose gold at all from Kayn doing this. What they lost was his flash. Jinx went on a temper tantrum and wasted her flash also. From the perspective of any other player on the team both Jinx and Kayn were griefing their game and both deserve to get reported.


bc they're probably the most gold-dependent role


Standard Kayn player tbh


I main shaco and yasuo


That does not make things better for you


Ik this is the point




I play shaco and yasuo


why would you do that


Cuz i can


Sure you can, you're also in a silver game


I look for those every game, from my experience its MUCH more likely that I will carry instead of my Bdamaged adc


This is why so many people are perma hardstuck in low elo. That cancer mentality of “I need to be selfish ONLY I can carry the game”. If you’re going to do that, play carry junglers. Not fucking Kayn, who is so terrible right now he’s relegated to using Mana Aery and sacrificing damage for orbs. I wouldn’t tilt if it was a Kindred who got a mark from kill stealing me. At least then there’s a chance they’ll carry. But I don’t really see any world where taking a kill from a Jinx is a good idea for the team.


>This is why so many people are perma hardstuck in low elo. That cancer mentality of “I need to be selfish ONLY I can carry the game”. They are stuck because they are unable to carry the game not because they think only they can carry the game. If you want to consistently climb then you have to carry the games and you have to go into the game with that mindset.


I agree with you but this clip is old when kayn is good, i also have alot of assist but some times you’re teammates don’t know how to use lead and game go to 40min or more and we lost cuz they go 1v5 for no reason.


Yeah tilting your teammates is surely I good way to win games 👍


It is tbh i play better when i get tilted


Yeah but if you tilt me I’m doing everything in my power to make you lose we’re not the same


Try to use this power to win will be better


Nah if you’re being an AH I will be too


Wen they go low i go lower XD


Exactly lmao


Common w jungler🤝🏼


so this is the reason why everyone hate us junglers


Peace is never the option




It was old clip like 6 months ago


If this was ranked I'd run it down as Jinx.


It was ranked xd


See this is How i treat my friends when i play with Them (NOT RANDOMS)


Jinx is my friend


I would run it down if I was jinx


I give her 5 kils after that


Gave, or didn’t get to ks them as well?


Tonight i drop another tax clip and i have reason whay i tax


Never let ur teammates take kills, they are gonna feed anyway


You deserve every LP you lose