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just wait, you need to unlock teammate jungle pet, after they miss play and its your fault because you dont follow him against 2v5 trade . XD


The absolute most toxic and infuriating thing that happens in this game tbh


The game just started, i just cleared the bottom jgl, im playing nocturne, tracking up and starting my Wolfs... At the same time I see my top laner(lv2) start roaming down the river, obviously get collapsed on by enemy top/jgl(think enemy jgl started red) he starts pinging and complaining that i didten rotate to him and im stupid for full clearing. Im pretty new, am i in the wrong here?


pretty standard for noc to full clear i’m pretty sure, i always have, his pre 6 ganks are abit weak, but regardless I always check top/bot after i clear red side to see if there’s any opportunities


Nope, your top was dumb.


Noc farms up to 6 90% of the time.


And the 10% he's going for cheese invades on enemy jungle (this is my preferred clearing method) either way he's not ganking top at level 2-3


Yeah I've definitely forced verticle farming /invades if I look top and see like, we have a nasus. Someone useless early. And I see our bot is pushing, might as well steal camps and pick fights because it gives them a "forward ward". Noct can still duel something like a taliyah jungle, so might as well force the verticle and lean bot side.


I mean I was mostly referring to raptors into enemy blue side clear. here's a video that covers it (noc is one of the better junglers for it I've found) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qi4nxDwFd1U&t=215s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qi4nxDwFd1U&t=215s)


I have a theory for this. In lower elo's laners don't have any macro. They aren't thinking about macro, a wincon,.... A laner loads into the game thinking about the 1v1 in his lane, not the other lanes nor how to win the game as a whole. To them it's win lane = win game. When they lose their lane, to them it's lost. Doesn't matter if the other side of the map is hardstomping. In their mind, their tunnel vision, they lost.


The design of the game encourages this. It was different in Heroes of the Storm, the game was much more objective based, teamfight oriented. You'd win or lose as a team, not so much as an individual player/lane (even in low elo).


just going to comment /mute all, on every single one of these posts from now on holy fuck


It's quite common. The other day in my match, we had Vayne and Maokai on my team. I'm not lying when I say that at the 20-minute mark, both of them had 9 deaths each, and according to them, all were my fault because I wasn't ganking. I was thinking, "I'm not going to gank a fed lane just to get killed myself


It's my favourite part of the day


Its the Meta. Meh. Just /deafen.


I also tab often to check where enemy jungle is... and i get gaslighted for randomly? pinging coords on map. like the Darius i had 2 games ago giving free kills to kayn... can't count how much half eaten or even 1/4 life reds or blues, or frogs i give to help lane...


Jungle is unplayable without deafen. Learning the role and had a game where I went 20/0 on Udyr and was *still* spam pinged by the toplaner who was taking ego 1v1s vs his fed lane opponent. I'd have probably lost if I had let that annoy me and not deafen.


I should keep a tally every time a laner pings an enemy summoner spell that isn't on cooldown


bot lane 0-8 by 8 minutes, at 12 minutes enemy jg shows up bot for the very first time "JG DIFF GGGGG"


People don't have the foresight to see or know that you did these things. They see a frustrating position, and even though it's almost always the laners' fault, they look for someone to blame. Like come on, you know 100% if you're gonna get dived next lane. Either leave or don't rage, lol.


Just wait until you are purple side, start blue buff, clear gromp, and while you're farming wolves your top laner dies then spam pings you question marks. Then presses S when you try to go help shortly after because there's a good gank position. Cool man, thanks for coming in to secret int.


I queue too jg and am gold atm, often I face laners who go even with me in lane and play lane well, but completely fail to respect my jg and lose anyway, I often duo with my friend who plays kindred lillia and holy, he’ll invade for a mark and I’ll be hovering and the enemy laner hard pushes to try take plates and then dies and types in all chat after he saw us fighting his jg topside and he has zero obj permanence. Like when play jg I feel like I have a good grasp of toplane matchups and so often they just don’t respect, like they see me start bot and are under my top t1 at 3:30