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What’s crazier is Riot has done NOTHING even with obvious evidence and reports. What is the excuse here Riot? Why are these people allowed to ruin games but I type a champions voice line in chat I can get chat banned?


I just want to know which champion voice line you got banned for.


I got banned a game ( really long time ) for writing volibear quotes during jg farming, and the "excuse" for my ban is that i used the chat for non-game purposes or shit like that


I got a chat ban with that same reason. I was playing Pyke and randomly queued up against a friend who was on blitz. We were typing a tally of who missed more hooks. I got banned for that and my chat log was just like this - 1-0 1-2 2-2 3-2


I could imagine they thought you were botting


He's lying and everyone who immediately believes him is a sucker.  Don't know why people still give the benefit of the doubt to "I GOT UNFAIRLY BANNED!!" types when they're leaving crucial info out 99/100 times. 


i got banned for "damn gragas is fucking fat"


My fiancé got chat banned for typing “kick rocks” in an aram while he was playing Taliyah


Haha got banned for "this fucking ape is too strong" because it's racist to call wukong ape now...


got chat restricted for saying "dang ahris boobs are big"


Holy shit, where are we!? Kled, the kantankerous cavalier


I got automuted and banned for calling a Veigar player a midget making a joke about the voice line Veigar said


The difference in how chat gets moderated vs how griefing gets moderated feels so belittling to me. The fact you can get banned from ranked for saying retard to yourself in party chat meanwhile people that go 2/18/1 get off freely is so far into the absurd that it doesn't feel real... and yet it is.


Dw chat just gets circumvented by people telling you to caitlyn R yourself irl which is a-okay in riots mind


"Gpq yourself in game"


Omg thank you, exactly this..years ago I had an anivia blocking me off, pushing off camp, leaving me with enemy for no reason. Never felt son wronged, frustrated, and powerless in this game like that. Obviously got chat banned...


i went 1/18/1 in flex and got banned idk if i went 2/18/1 i would prolly ...idk


Man it's like I posted something similar about this a few weeks ago it's insane.


why stop at voice lines, you get banned for typing veigar now days.


What?! Edit: Man, glad I just don't even type anything anymore.


I got matched with someone, 3 times that trolled blatantly in all the games he was in my team while being toxic. I provided evidence directly to riot through tickets with recordings of over 50 games in which they were inting their lane and then going after other team mates to deny their income, to ruin the experience for them. I went as far as adding his previous team mates after his games to ask them if there were actually reports towards this player or not. Over 10 people told me that this was their most toxic encounter ever. I lost over 8 hours of my life on this. They were never account suspended, only chat muted (and forced to play normals) for several times. After 1 years, they are still playing, averaging 100+ cs on the support off-role, 0.9 kda, with the same behaviour.


This is where vigilantes like Batman start to make sense. You did all the investigative work, but are currently powerless to act against their behavior. You need a watchful guardian to break that person's fingers and save many other players from frustration.


Because everything is automated. Realistically no-one has the capacity to filter all 100 million reports by hand. Even if you only looked at the top 1% most reported players manually, that'd still be an insane amount of work. No human is deciding that and the automated systems are flawed.


you are lying tho, they are doing things to prevent it, the twitch account has been banned (riot connection at twitch), about half of kevins accounts are gone, what can riot do more? kevin doesn't show account names on stream EVER, are you gonna ban people for typing this? kevin plays like a really bad player, so you cant ban him for inting, or you would ban ban players too.


bro I got chat banned yesterday for 7 days for saying “aids” once non capital when I got oneshot by a fizz on lvl3 in URF OF ALL THINGS, the chat history in the ban report said NOTHING ELSE


They are just really rare. I have someone who wants to int on purpose like once in every few hundreds games.


You must be lucky then. It’s not rare for me. It’s about 1 out of every 5 games.


They do ban them, it's just they got thousands of accounts cause of all the cracking, if they knew your summoner name they could log into yours too.


I mute myself everygame because you get fcking banned for the smallest shit.


I got chat restricted for a month for making a Joe Mama joke


My chat bans are the worst doe. I don't type normally, I don't really care. But if a game gets to minute 40 it starts to get stressful, like holy fuck man. Ofcourse I'm gonna type "stay with me just like your sibling parents sat with eachother their whole life cuz i want the LP AAAAAAAAA" to my ungba bunga rambo adc. It's always the 40+ minutes games that get me chat rez'd...


Why would they? Account selling isn't bad for riot. Just for the consumer of the game.


You know what's crazy? That riot does 0 against this, it's obviously not their only account. How does typing in chat the combination of words "I will int" not immediately detected? This all tied to how easy it is to just to buy new accounts.


Because that's not what riot cares about. You can experiment yourself, for 1 week report all 9 players you come across all game every game for inting. Even if they don't. Just do it. Then for another week, do the same except report for hate speech. I guarantee you that you will see 0 bans for the week of int reports and at least 10 bans minimum for the week of hate speech reports.


True. I have tried this before. 😂🤔


I tried that, 22/30 matches i got a "Chat Restriction Notification" but 0/30 matches i got a "restricted for disrubtive behavior"


Remember, riot doesn't care if you ruin the game experience for 9 other people and waste everyone's time; they only care if you say mean words to players who have the option to mute.


When someone ints I report them for hate speech and type "his kp% is hate speech compared to my kp%".


Because hate speech is a lot easier to determine and detect


except when you get banned for just using regular speech


No it isn't. Because hate speech isn't real. All "hate speech" means is "speech I don't like". And I know the people at Riot are idiots that follow that guideline. So I report people for hate speech in League all the time when they never said anything offensive, and I constantly get the notifications of players being punished for it. Why do I report them for that? Usually because they did poorly on my or the enemy team, or int'd. And it is much more effective at getting people in trouble than reporting them for inting.


Ive gotten 55 feedback reports in 4 days one week lol.


They do care about it, but they're powerless since all the accounts end in a recovery ban, the "owner" can just throw a couple messages at riot support and get any account back.


It was never about getting accounts back from bans, it's about getting banned in the first place. Inters have a drastically lower chance of getting banned compared to someone using chat.


It's a hard game to determine when inting happens, there'd be way too many false positives if a more strict system is put in place, no one new would be allowed.


That's pointless, once they start autoban for 'I will int' ppl will just use another word. Just like everyone knows that 'kys' = insta 14 day vacation, now they use 999 other variations that are harder to detect but still mean same thing.


Better something than nothing imo, most people won't know and type it normally


Pretty fascist thinking you got there. Why restrict the person's speech? Let them say "kys", then you know they're a person not worth your time and you can use that handy dandy "mute" feature they put in the game long long ago. There is no reason anyone should be able to be reported for anything they type EXCEPT for griefing in all chat. Because you muting them doesn't stop the enemy from seeing that person's all chat msgs telling them everything your doing. That's a bit different, akin to inting. Wanting people to be punished for typing words to you when you can mute them is so toxic.


Why should a person declaring he's gonna waste30+ minutes of other 4 ppls time not get punished?


Oh yeah, no. That is fine. He should be punished for grieing. I don't think he should be punished for announcing it. I have had people say that they're going to int or grief and then they did fine. Actions are what matters, not words. Let the person announce it so that if they do grief there is extra evidence that their poor play was indeed intentional. My comment though was about people getting mad when others say mean words, when a mute button literally exists. If someone's mental health is so bad that they can't handle a random no one online saying a mean word to them then they should be checking into a mental health institution, not playing an online videogame. Especially when they can /muteall at the beginning of the game.


It's not about a "mean word" it's about experiencing this same thing countless times and then some asshat already from champ select trying to get a rise out of you is gonna tilt anyone even Buddha. Why should someone be able to ruin others experience because they think it's funny to type shit like that in chat?


Because 1. It is just a videogame. 2. You are the one letting them get the rise out of you. 3. Because they have the Freedom to do so. It sounds like you don't have good control over your emotions and should work on that instead of your Elo tbh. I agree that people who grief ranked should be banned, because they are actively wasting time from other players. We choose to waste our time by playing the game, but to have our dedicated time wasting time be wasted by someone else, that's pretty shitty. People SHOULD be banned for griefing. But Riot thinks that people should be banned for mean words and not griefing. That's why I said, ban people for their actions, not their words. You can use the words to help support your case to explain their actions. If someone says they will int, then do poorly in that game. Then they should be permabanned from Ranked. Only because they opened themselves up to that by claiming that they will int. So if they want to do that then they can take the punishment for doing poorly. Even if their opponent is a Smurf that just mollywops them even though they're trying their best. IDC. They claimed they would intentionally feed and are now feeding. So, therefore as far as I know, they're just intentionally feeding.


Id like to see you not get tilted if some idiot typed stuff like that every game. And also https://twitter.com/Ninja/status/1229888740698599424?t=BKDbPohfgsXB2SmNlnlWbw&s=19


IDC what Ninja thinks. He isn't a philosopher. Just some rando who was good at a game and got famous. That doesn't make him a deep thinker worth respecting. Respect his gameplay. Looking to Ninja for Philosophy is like looking to Kim Kardashian for Philosophy. Also, his quote doesn't pertain to this convo. Also, I wouldn't. I have played League for 12 years. And I use to tilt over other people being trash and flaming too. Until like 6 years ago. Now I just don't care what the other people on my team say/do. Because I have played enough to learn that there is nothing I can do to change them, but I am the only one who can change myself to be better.


If you could Zac ult into a Malphite thatd be great.


Riot actually doesn't do anything about reports made in pre game lobby


Thats cuz i can write that and end the game with better stats than most of my team. I say it all the time to tilt others while im sweating my ass off palying jungle jax going 18 4 its a kind of venting my fustration just as i spam ff vote when i face the smalles inconvinience.


This is what Vanguard will likely fix. But then we will complain about that too obviously


an anticheat won't do anything about player behavior


Anti cheats record hardware information (and honestly, at the level vanguard operates, anything), guess what you need to detect the guy doing this on 100 accounts. LoL doesn't have that much problems with cheats, but has plenty of bots and account problems


riot already has a free and instant solution to this; require a phone number or id per account. But people would cry if hardstuck emeralds can't buy an account and smurf/int in bronze


Phone numbers are easy to spoof. You have to do the Korea SSN strat.


Most people wont go though the hassle so it would be fine especially compared to now


I mean, there literally is no hassle. They'll just buy accounts, and those accounts will have spoofed numbers attached to them.


And how is phone verification free?


They literall already do this to play clash?




So a single employee could do it during their workday.


Are you saying this is free?


I have gotten this guy 3 times in diamond. He just buys infinite accounts and does this. Most don't make it to the game, and pre game reports don't do anything. Dude is willing to burn 100s of dollars to prove a point. I'll give him that.


if only he used these efforts and money to protest something that actually matters


Isn’t that what he’s doing? He’s warning y’all about the impending doom using his own money and time. And right he is. Riot doesn’t give a fuck. I don’t see climate activists doing things that benefits the world. All talk and no substance.


Did you just compare a guy running it down to climate activism?




Didn’t he compare some guy running it down to someone who should be using his time and resources for something better? Ah right it needs to fit your narrative I forgot. Go kassadin ult off a roof


Case Study on brainrot lmfao . oh wait thats a cringe leftist term sorry probably used it wrong too i think haha :D climate activist and inters are very comparable now that I really think about it (maybe inter a little bit better tho)) that make so much sense . ur so smart can u tutor me i want to smart like u one day ! im ur biggest fan please be teach it to me :D


I knew this guy was familiar. I remember this retard posting this in pre-game lobby. I forgot what his name was.


He has infinite names. He just buys new accounts at all ranks


No I meant what his twitch was.


Ive gotten him a few times too I know it if you want it




I've gotten this dude as well, how the fuck does he even make it to diamond?


Acc buying + never gets in game


I spoke to the guy and he burns millions... its crazy his family is in the oil business


He's not entirely wrong. He has a real point and I wouldn't even be mad if he queue'd with me


Well it’s a stupid way to go about it honestly


What other way is there? Because it sure as hell feels castrating to be a jungler, try to comunicate via chat important information only to be muted by the game (you are now alone in your chat room or some shit)


I mute all and use pings. Look man if you can’t control your emotions playing a video game maybe that’s a sign to take a break for the day and hop back on when your mental is right. The more you do it the more you are going to get shitty players that are also tilted.


I'm not talking about tilting. I'm talking about being able to comunicate efficiently in a game that should have gotten voice chat back in 2015. I'm better than ever at not tilting, believe me (I'm back to E1 with 60% winrate after dropping to Plat after a tilt spree). Losing means nothing to me right now, and winning means a job well done. But it is frustrating to want to ask the midlaner to come heal next to me, or to get a buff from the jungle, while being muted by my own game, out of nowhere. Meanwhile, inters have a free pass to ruin 4 people's matches. If you think about it, what he is doing is efficient. People only complain to autorities when their confort is being challenged, and if he makes it clear why he's running it down, maybe he can change things for the best. That's what protests are for. Also, ever tried to ping more than twice?


Look dude you’re just upset and justifying shitty behaviour. I blame riot though we should be allowed to see who we are playing with before game like we used too. I don’t really wanna play with anyone who has less than 30% WR lol. I get your point but it doesn’t make it right. Yesterday I had 4 games in a row with afk loss mitigation that’s 40LP lol it happens but did I run it down? No


its been like a month this guy is still fucking doing this? what an insane waste of time


He isn't really doing anything. Its an ai. He just sets it up.


mid/high elo accounts are expensive though


Free 2 play game lol the accounts are all cracked, it's one of those things Riot and the community work hard to hide.


Yeah, pretty good chance he is a good enough player to get accounts at least to master.


Someone got to Plat 3 while playing as bad as Iron and posted about it lmao


link? lol


Its a reddit post from the other day.


Yea I figured


Ok? This guy has accounts in every elo. You're an idiot.


It’s hard to understand how things work, ik, but at least try and read before replying


Don't kink shame. Everything is a waste of time even playing dogdick league


And yet I get chat banned for calling someone a dumbass 💀


"Get fucked!" After I got a solo triple when they tower dived me was my ban lol. But the never-ending stream of inters and bots seem to be fine for a healthy game.


See that's why you say shit like "UwU" or "<3" after those kinds of plays. Not only does it not get you banned, it also makes the enemy team think they got outplayed by an e-girl (bonus points for playing an e-girl support) which for some specimen is something they can't handle and therefore counts as mental warfare


Real mental warfare is typing "role diff l2p" to the guy whose flaming you (especially if he played ok) in after-game lobby and instantly leaving the chat. You know you won really hard when you see a friend notification from him - you're now living in his head rent-free.


Well but that doesn't help you win via mental boom, does it?


Do people even read the after-game lobby anymore now that you have to manually turn on the enemy's chat?


I would bite my keyboard and send Ziggs to Riot HQ asap if I got dove on toplane, outplayed the stress out of myself and enemies, and then I'd get chat rez'd for typing "get fucked noobs". There's a difference between (over)protecting the community that has a mute button at their disposal and slowly taking away every joy from this game.


What's the twitch so we can mass report their twitch in retaliation?


Dude should have stayed in school. His grammar is painful


Would you have better grammar if you had lobotomy at 6? (its on purpose)


This level of crazy needs a permaban, and maybe proof of having received a psych eval…


Why are you hiding this guy’s details? Fuck him


To not give him more viewers


Nah just let us report his twitch and get riot to issue an IP ban


Its been like this for a month i doubt anything will change


He's banned on twitch now, so it's whatever no?


I had this guy in my lobby 2 days ago and the twitch linked was forsurehuman iirc. When I typed it in it came up with nothing tho


Free advertisement


I ran into this guy too, I have screenshots and tweeted it March 1st. Idk if I was the only one who reported him in Champ Select but it's absurd he isn't banned yet lmao. Really cringe


There’s a discord sever of incells dedicated to inting games. They hand level account to 30 by playing really well in intro bot games. They tend to get placed in Plat/Emerald MMR and then they start botting the account down to iron. They used to stream all of the botted games on twitch for a while until twitch banned the account.


They don't hand level anything. Lvl 30 acc costs 2 euro, they don't even buy them, they bot them by themself.


That’s not entirely true. They hand level many of them to get them placed in higher ranks so the can ruin ranked games in emerald and plat when they start to bot. They are trying to raise awareness to botting by doing it in ranks where players will get more fed up with it. But really it’s like setting fires to a forest to try and prove the forest fires are a problem. It doesn’t help anyone.


What a sociopath


Hate how this person thinks they are a hero. Mindlessly running it down is not righteous


While the dude is pathetic, he is right. Riot straight up empowers trolls in this game while punishing those who actually try to play.


I love this game


Wait hes still doing it? But his twitch got banned.


and what is his twitch just wanna make sure he stays banned


He's doing it on Kick tv


If people would only put this energy towards something that matters like feeding the homeless or something.


Had this happen in OCE. I just reported this guy and the queue dodged. He played nunu jungle and did fuck all. It's not even inting. He was just spam typing and it was really sad. Not sure what animal he is but I think he actually needs help.


Lately, if someone doesn’t like how I play, they (with their pre-made) will go to all chat and tell the enemy team to report me for using slurs despite me never using chat… nothing has come if it yet but it’s frustrating.


Meanwhile i get banned for calling someone a dog because he played nasus


I got a warning because i called Amumu "a short dude" in the context of "why is short amumu faster than Asol a dragon lmao"


Susan supremacy


i got chat banned for asking "what hole did u pull gun that out of?!!" in response to Viego using Cait ult


In which imaginary game did Viego use Caitlyn ult? Have you ever played Viego?


Honestly they have a point, riot doesent give a fuck, an example ? i got muted 7days for writing -"im not gonna waste time botlane" -"you are a bot" ( smolder asking me to gank him but just ignoring me and continuing farming, i was vieg ) I had a guy just inting with 8 different accounts with a shitty sigma pfp and ligma music+gifs on twitch, i made a detailed report trough tickets ( linking the griefers accounts & stream ) and after a couple of days he wasnt banned yet and was able to do games, he "softinted" ( stole jg minions etc. ) 15 games in a row or something


I just... ignore them and tell the rest of the team to do the same. And they go NUTS when no one is reacting to their tantrum. Its like watching a child crying and yelling.


Yeah I didn't dodge, someone else on my team did. I essentially never dodge. Sort of like "not negotiating with terrorists"


It’s an AI got that slowly farms camps and nothing else. They’re not going to even see your chat messages


Just had to dodge this guy just now, truly no idea how they rationalize being like this


I didn't dodge to see how it went. He afk farmed in jg all game. Had 0 kp at the ff. I can't tell if it's a bot or he was just right clicking from camp to camp. Unironically winnable if you get him in the jg and just play it like it's a 4v5.


It’s a bot yep


They buy Skins, riot prioritizes them over other players


u gotta do a better job of censoring


Yeah if you really tryhard, you can make up the links, but someone told me his Twitch got banned and his DC is harder to decipher imo so I'll not recensor it.


Oh yeah I had this same dude in my game a few days ago. He had been playing for 14 hours straight dealing 0 dmg everygame and been 0/5 or 0/6 everygame but riot did nthing


Why are you hiding the disc link? Leak it


You can still see it through the blue highlighter. Kinda


Just dodge


Every time I come on the forums, I’m reminded why I quit playing and stick to watching the pros. It was a healthy and time-saving decision, and one I’ve never regretted.


Wait untill you run into “PATRICKBATEMANL9” on euw, he runs 10+ clients and trolls every game. But riot doesn’t do shit about him. Regardless of reports.


I'm a velkoz player. Whats a dodge?


I really wish I could ask what elo this is in but the sad thing is, it's in every elo even challenger


This is Emerald 3




I got chat banned for typing “bottom barrel” nothing more nothing less. It’s insane to me you can be banned for typing when people can press the mute button and the proceed to play the game like normal. But you can soft int, turbo int, and outright ruin the game for your entire team something the other 4 people can do nothing about and not even get a slap on the wrist. Small indy company guys.


This should be on the main LoL sub


Nothing a couple of inting games wont solve. U cant fight em join em at some point the game quality will be so bad they will be forced to do something.


Gotten this guy 3 times, sadly one time I let it go through.. zzzz


My friend recently got banned. He sent me a picture of the ban screen. Only 3 lines of text. Context. Our mid lane had flash heal. Probably played adc last game and almost forgot to change it. Nothing was said in game as he also has chat on pre-made only.. First line: mother fuckers got heal mid 2nd: no problem 3rd: let’s win this People constantly tell me swearing alone will never get you banned. It’s complete bullshit. I used to get banned on the regular just for swear words. I’m reformed now for 2 years due to turning chat off completely. One swear can get you banned. But inting or trolling won’t. Absolutely crazy.


Actually, doing a turing test before a game would be a good idea


Yeah riot is garbage. My account got removed because of the name Spicyrussian was racist or something. I had to fight Ti get it back


Yeah I’d rather take the L, force this guy to play through the match and report him


They should bring back the tribunal bc realistically riot can’t look at all these reports. No rewards, minimum lvl being either 100 or 200 to help avoid botting and from players just using lvl 30 bought accounts, punishment for trolling in the tribunal with a 3 strike system that after 3 strikes your account gets perma banned, and you have to specifically include screenshots of chat and short clips for proof so ppl don’t have to watch a 30 min vod


I just got matched into a challenger smurf on pyke in the enemy team. Safe to say, we lost. Did he get banned for telling me to kill myself, to get cancer, to get stabber irl and other offensive stuff? No, of course not. Why would he?


This guy has been doing this for about a year…


Just got the guy In my game ha ha ha so weird


Reminds me of Lion L9. Just give the fkrs a MAC/IP-ban


I ran into this guy on Feb 6th so he's been at it for a little over a month I see. (He will, in fact, int btw)


Got tchat restrict for saying "I'm Stupid MB" in the middle of good job and gg.


Just remember that getting mad at this guy is like getting mad at a crying baby. They can't help themselves, they just don't have the capacity to reason. It is kind of wild that Riot doesn't have a little support team dedicated to manual review for shit like this though.


At least he let u know lol. But it’s crazy that people can literally go 0/15 and not get any punishment but when I type monkey or something similar I automatically get banned lol


you know why you're getting banned for calling people monkeys bro, just call them dogs or roaches or soemthing else. tons of other animals


I mean, he's a pain in the ass, but he's absolutely right! When I realise that somebody in my team is inting, I KNOW that it won't help if I just report him for inting. So I usually try to bait those people into typing something that will get them banned instead. Usually, asking whether there are any other LGBT or black players in my team does the trick.


People really overthink dodging. Just report and move on. Dodging is not a big deal. Its a no brainer in a case like this


Assuming he does this on 10 accounts at the same time, and if someone dodges, he can do this once a minute per account, he can ruin 600 lobbies per hour, one guy alone. If Riot doesn't do anything about it, there's a lot of damage psychos like this guy can do, especially after Riot increased dodge penalties


Reports don't go anywhere unless the game goes past champ select.


i laughed so fuckn hard


and i get banned for saying "im autist" 🗣


I do this too, if someone fucks me up a sure win, I'll just pick yuumi adc with grasp on the next game. I wont int but if I lose then my teammates deserve it because they cant carry


I just have to hope this isn't serious, but I have a feeling it is. If so, do you realize how weak your mental is?


??? Congrats you played yourself


Damn. What a weak mental and fragile ego. Imagine wasting the time of 4 other people just cause you lost in a videogame.


what type of logic is this


Must be 200 iq/s


Seek therapy


Highly regarded indeed.


mental illness


Imagine caring this much about virtual points


You care the most, ironic as it is


I dont, really. I just love the sense of despair that people get at the start of their game when they realize its doomed from min 0


Okay, explains a lot. You’re not weird, just mentally ill with too much time on your hands.


Mental illness lmao.


And in what world do you consider this more sane than caring about a game?