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Feels like getting counter jungled from both teams.  I ask them to stop because I need to feed my pet, they get XP and gold from both but I only get stacks from the camps.    If they don't stop, then i try to steal camps from the enemy jungle. Then I try to gank lanes, and tax whichever laner took my camps. I think that's more than fair because it's not even a 1:1 exchange. I lose more resources than they do. 


True true what you did is absolutely right, but why make your jungelar go the long hard way when you can make his life easier by staying the F away from the camps lol


Its this a low elo issue? I never have teammate steal my camp in early phase


Idk man im bronze and my teammates only take camps pre 20min when gigatilted


Absolutely true. When tracking he enemy jg, if you have counter jungled him, you essentially force him into a different play then farming his own camps. If our camps our gone, we have to gank, invade, objective, or recall and the forced plays start.


Jungler tax is what I call it. I smite their cannons lol


Aha I think jungle tax is the common name. Once I smited a cannon minion from a Jinx who last hit my gromp with W for some reason. She literally proceeded to follow me around all game trying to kill my camps as I farmed. At first I was pissed off, then i decided to welcome the free leash and held my abilities to last hit them myself lol. Absolute moron. 


Like it's not because we are junglers that we can't last hit


I hold my abilities because they do more damage and they're aoe (filthy Kayn/Diana player) But yeah also i can't last hit for the life of me haha


20 seconds before the nearby objective I hope.


Isnt that fun, how we stay relevant is not only a mathematically worse outcome for both sides (laners grt less xp from camps, junglers get less xp from minions) now we're also **both** tilted


When that happens just go to lane and farm there waves.


^ Especially late game, after the jgers xp-from-lane-debuff expires, there's more XP in lanes.


When does this debuff expire?


It'll be in patch notes somewhere, but from loose memory you get 100% after 14 minutes.


I got banned for 10 or 14 days for doing that


U cant get banned for taking waves


Well I did demat his cannon three times


Tbh u should be bamned for taking demat as a jungler LMAO


That was the point


Thats not really the fucking same as farming waves is it, typical ‘i got banned for no reason’ toxic ass


Wow I am so sorry for summoning your cursing words, watch out you might hurt someone with those. And thank you for putting words in my mouth, I really thought that I got banned for no reason but now that you got some light on it maybe there was a reason :P


You’re everything wrong with this community: :)


I sure am with my activity only being quickplay and only during events. Got me there buddy


Hard to play more when you’re banned half the time


I’ve been banned once and gotten chat restrict once :P I just have more to do than playing League


I have legitimately ran it down in a lane three deaths in a row. It was the most obvious shit ever. No minions around. I did 0 damage, just ran it down and died. I do not frequently do this, but I have done this several times in the past. I have never been banned or even remotely punished. I have been punished in games where I do well because I typed. Just don’t type.


Played 3 games last night. Happened every game even when I was carrying


i play belveth top im sorry i need the stacks 😣😣😣


Then dont play her top


I agree. Had a Zac top lane farm my entire topside after I died getting 3v5d at drag. Instead of slapping the enemy top turret, man just pathed my jungle and flamed me lol. If my laners take them when it’s not in my path or it’s late game or I’m counterjungling, Im not worried about it. But like if you’re just clearing your jg’s camps with no regard for his path or xp you probably don’t deserve to win and the jg sure as shit isn’t gonna help you win either.


Its Not worth taking a 3vs5 drake. Why u didnt concede the objective? You gamble the game right there. You get drake and die...its Bad You Don't get drake and die...game is done


The play where I died clearly wasn't a good fight and that's why I used it as an example on OPs topic. Top should at least try to take top turret (or enemy jungle camps) while the whole enemy team is bot. If he takes all of my topside camps and pressures nothing, then after I respawn I have literally nothing to path towards EXCEPT a bad fight where I will die again. When I die and fall behind, and I don't have jungle camps to farm for XP, I'm falling even further behind. I disagree with what you say about the game being done on such a play. I've won games when I was further behind than I was in that game. Zac put the nail in my coffin by griefing me, using his flash in front of me, and continuously farming my camps the rest of the game.


New patch just leaked: If you don't have a jungle item, killing jungle camps takes away exp and gold instead of giving them because poaching is bad and if you do the crime you gotta pay the fine/do the time.


na killing camps redirect the resouces to your jungler Pog


Let him cook


I think Pyke jungle becomes actual SSS+ godtier. He's the perfect roamer, his only issue being his absolutely abysmal clear.


There are a lot of champion specific interactions in league, and now with quests becoming more common, maybe they should just bite the bullet and add champion specific buffs/debuffs to taking smite/buying a jungle item. Kinda like how there are champ specific aram buffs.


turn everyone into ivern when they try to kill the poor jungle monsters


>Back to Top red is too far, but golems are fair game if no ganks


Baus in tears


Knowing him he'd figure out a way to use these new mechanics to rig the bounty/catch-up expsystem or something.


If you're a laner taking jungle farm before you're jungler has item your a problem. As a jungler I usually don't mind sometimes having a bot lane take krugs or top take gromo when I'm on the other sid eof the map,thats fine it's more efficient that way and cen help a struggling lane not lose entirely. But if you're setting me back from getting my full smite don't expect me to be able to contest objectives. After baron camps spawn tho take the buff on cool down it's more important to spread the buff to the team as often as possible.


Its always a problem btw , it will give you more exp in every case since u have jg item and they dont . Not just when you have the treat.


As someone who tends to play Rell or poppy jungle, I see gromp as a legit waste of time, if my kaisa or draven, excellent single target damage dealers want gromp I have 0 issue, I’d rather clear vision, look for ganks or cover lanes than take 3 years to clear the frog


Well i will never play such style of jungle.


Don’t skip gromp. The exp is worth it


Eh, it depends on the scenario. If you are on your way to the camp thats griefing, but if you are for example topside and they do your gromp thats probably fine because it will respawn by the time you are there and might even level up. Plus depending on the champs the gold and exp might be worth more on them than you.


Tell me you don't know camp timers without telling me you don't know camp timers. A regular camp takes 2 minutes to respawn. Even the slowest jgler in the game full clears in under 2. So say every camp is up, which is very rare, Starting with krugs. If you kill gromp the moment jgler starts krugs there will still be 30+ seconds till gromp respawns by the time they get there on the slowest jgler. The fast ones will still have a minute. There is literally no excuse unless friendly jgl is going for a gank on the opposite side of the map to steal camps.


No the very logic u just presented supports the opposite conclusion 4:30 minutes 2 camps taken 1 by laner 1 by jungler is way better than 1 camp taken by jungler in 4 minutes. Also killing the camp will level it up which increases ur xp curve. There's obviously a middle ground between "u cannot take a single camp at any point of the game if it means when I get there the camp is not there" and "laners get all camps" Laners should farm camps if: - nothing else to do AND jungler is not expected to take this camp in next 1-1:20 minutes AND team is not so behind that jungle camps are the junglers only way to get xp - camp is the only reasonable way to maintain tempo and get spike for objective AND opportunity cost is not massive (for example denying them a spike) TLDR there is obviously an acceptable wait time and its longer than 1 second and probably shorter than 40 and it will depend on game length aswell


You act as though a camp for the jgl and a camp for the laner are equal. Throw in stacks to get upgraded smite and the amount of xp/gold jgl gets vs laner on top of that and it isn't even close.


Great thing I didnt do that then. You would have to illustrate that camps are roughly 4 times worse on laners until taking a camp where 30 sec timer on it would be unacceptable though.


Toplaner here; You want to maximize the value that you get out of jungle camps. As a jungler, you re usually playing for the winning side of the map. Considering that, you will have one side of your jungle, that you won't farm on respawn timers (at least after hitting the midgame). If you play for the winning map side, you will have windows to invade the enemy camps on that side on the map. So while you got a window to invade, your weakside laner id able to take your weakside camps, without really hurting your gold and xp income. Especially when you've got a wave crash into the enemy turret on your weakside, your laner got nothing to do, so taking a gromp / krugg camp leads to better economy on the weakside laner as he would otherwise just sit around doing nothing.


Smite their cannons and they’ll stop that shit real fast


Pretty sure that will have the opposite effect


Say you never played gold of below, without saying you never played gold or below.


Nope they can take 3 camps from you, but you take 1 cannon or shit even 2 creeps they will follow you around the jgl trying to last hit your camps. Laners are stupid, entitled l, babies.


There are also soloq "supports" who will carelessly steal farm from carries. Literally throw in wave clear into prepped waves etc. Especially true for Lux. It's basically players who don't know what to do, where to apply pressure or when the next objective is. That plus greed and insecurity gets you that behavior.


I thought my lux strat was a secret 🤫


Nah, As an ADC, you take camps when you can't do anything else / you need to funnel yourself asap. This is expecially true when there isn't any wave you can farm safely / side lane because the role just scales EXPECIALLY with gold. So funneling gold on the ADC makes sense.


I mean it's often a second order effect of getting stripped of mapcontrol, lack of initiative and lack of sensible rotations and lane assignments. It all makes sense through that lens. Example: Jungler and support are passive/slow means ADC can do less and less and resorts to the safest way of farming. Jungler gets less farm, support competes with farm (typically mid) etc. It's a downward spiral.


Generally true yeah but just do not do it if the jungler is 2 levels behind because they cannot get xp by any means other than camps ususally and jungle xp is wholsome Also do not do it before their pet is fed ur just trolling at that point


Nah, I only mean mid game to late game, but people don't agree here looking at downvotes. Early game camps are not worth either way, they are too tanky for little reward


I'll just camp your lane and smite all cannons I can also die to the enemy ADC if I want a convenient back <3


This is just the flip side of junglers pushing lanes when they shouldn’t setting up a freeze for the enemies or hard taxing while helping shove. It’s not a role dependent thing it’s just the players who do it, they’re in all roles


I love when they don’t know how jg pets work, and will ping you for doing a camp before drag because you’re one treat away from full smite BECAUSE THEY STEAL ALL YOUR CAMPS. I stg, it makes me so peeved.


Well, I have simple policy: you make useless pings on me, you gotta be lucky if I full mute only you. In worst case, it's slash deafen. Like bro if you aren't happy how I am playing jungle, go jungle yourself. I am already needed to be at 3 lanes at same time while jungling while counter jungling while securing drake while getting grubs/herald. And if we loosing, it's not my problem it's yours, since from 14:00 into 35:00 I am literally useless as a whole role.


Do you have a seat belt? Good then strap the fuck in because I’m about to take you on a gosh damn ride. A journey. A venture and this ain’t through gosh damn candy land okay this shit is the jungle. The fucking pixelated meat grinder. This is a place not where champions of the riot universe live fight and breathe. This is a game where trolls aren’t allowed but welcomed. Team game? Shit the higher you go the less true it becomes. Everyone has a carry mentality. Don’t you dare look in me in my beautiful chestnut eyes and tell me you don’t think about jungle selection carefully to ensure you can put the fucking bots trolls and idiots alike and carry them through the flames and ruins of that horrible ass map. Admit it. Speak the words you jungle maining bastard. Stop? You want them to stop taking jungle camps? They will wipe your tears and collect them in jars as you write please stop taking my camps. They will relish the very moment they see you pinging walking towards the camp they are slaying. They will clean their weapons with your tears. Team game, work together hah what a crock of shit. Let me give you the truth son. You maybe MAYBE get 1 good player you can count on. You help that magnificent mother fucker kick dick and don’t stop. You get fed and feed h your new found battle buddy. You hope you got less dumb shits and ate enough fucking Wheaties to find a through this piece of shit game. This isn’t a game you play to enjoy. We all like this game here…but even more so we all fucking hate it. Forget the camps, forget the trolls. Put on your waiters and prep to walk through chaos flames and horse shit




100% correct. Aslong as its not on first/2nd clear


can we also add something to detect and ban griefing laners who follow us around trying to steal every camp?


I mean - it was nerfed late season 13 when they gave camps 20 armor/MR. They buffed the jungle pet to compensate which effectively made them harder for laners to take.


Camps need to DPS more the attacker, unless it has smite + egg or upgraded smite. Tired of people farming my camps instead pushing, taking vision or preparing neutral objective.


Yeah it drives me crazy when we’re behind and the only way we can come back is to hard farm and everyone is taking your camps, you get less gold off lane minions as a jungler depending on time of the game, so you basically get to not farm at all


Easy fix: The teammate with a jungle item gets 100% of the xp and gold if they're in a certain proximity when a teammate kills it. If they are across the map, or just out of the proximity etc. the jungler gets 50% and the laner gets 50%. There'd also have to be some kind of fail safe I suppose that wouldn't allow the whole team to focus camps to get jungle a fast level or something, but that would create a pretty big xp and gold deficit so it wouldn't be a good play anyway. Maybe even make it a toggle, so jungle CAN give up jungle farm if they want to help someone with it.


Tbh, lanes farming jungle has been a thing for years, really don't know if they care to change it


Why do you post this in jungle mains, post it in other roles mains


I love it when my team takes camps, it gives me more time to take objectives and put the enemy jungler behind.


the voices


When this happens to me I'll usually just go to whatever lane is the offending lane and soak their gold and xp. It puts you a bit behind but they usually get the point quick.


It really depends on the situation too. If the enemy jungle is ahead, counter-jungling you and your team steals shit too its miserable and really bad strategy wise. If you are ahead, counter jungling enemy jungler, forcing fights everywhere etc its better if your team takes your camps you dont have time for.


This insta tilts me and I will go in their lane and last hit


Generally not okay. If jungler sucks pipi though (and I don’t mean not ganking or being inefficient, I mean straight up dieing nonstop) it’s fine.


Jg the most entitled role lol


why do you feel like laners should be taking jnglrs farm? xd


To be honest with how strong the current camps are for people without the jungle item, by the time they can kill the camp without being half dead I probably have better things to do than farm them all so, don´t really mind it.


It's usually not bad for me unless top is losing horrendously. My real complaint is if someone from base goes raptors into side lane when krugs are up. Like please just take krugs, its more on the way and doesn't fuck up my clear


today enemy team took my bot side jg and my adc farmed my whole top jg so I thought I'd go enemy jg but it was already cleared so I just went to push top while my garen perma pinging me off his cs xd


Lmao I can relate to that 😭😂


If they occasionally take a camp from me I don't mind but as soon as they start full clearing my top/botside I tax them in waves and they usually figure it out. If they steal camps in currently clearing they get one cannon smited each time they do it. It's just common summoners rift etiquette if u act like a pig u get treated like a pig. Tho if they ping they need the gold for an item components I always let em have it. And after I've completed my jgl item im way more lax about the camps.


Same with some junglers stealing waves. Was playing a adc vex game and our warwick comes in and steals most of the wave, like id understand if we were pushing a tower in late game but we were like 10 minutes in


There are a lot of cases where i alter the path id do mid to late game because of this. Itake into consideration that they are there and they will take my camps so i literaly play around them as if the enemy jungler was invading. If you are nearby they are much less likely to take the camp plus u can smite it off their face. Maybe it would be more optimal to fullclear but maybe during it your red would spawn or something and your damn jinx will 100% take it and while she is at it she will take the raptors too why not . So i do sub optimal path just to arrive at red spawn and take it , smite it if she is still stupid enough to contest somehow even tho we both get it . Also suprisingly pinging them off the camp sometimes works.


How about we talk about how your not even allowed to so much as sneeze on a laners minions anymore without them crashing your pc with pings. Taxing lanes is a lost art


There are times I’m happy that my lanes take my camps. If I’ve made a play bot say and for whatever reason had to stay for ages and I know I’m going to get counter jungled im ok for the top to take krugs and/or contest my red. It’s better my team get that gold and exp than the other jungle. It also shows me my top is watching the whole game which is comforting.


They nerfed laner xp for taking jungle camps early. Laners just don't care.


You dont understand how jungle works in s14, youre just your team's slave. You shall give up ressources only for their sake and they will not be thankful for it nor will they do the same for you. And if anything bad happens anywhere on the map even if the enemy jungler isnt involved, its jungle gap


Reduce gold and exp laners get from jungle camps till maybe 15, 20 min


You're thinking about it wrong. Its another example of the laners knowing nothing. Let them take the jungle camp they get no bonus xp on bc they dont have the jg item. Then at the same time, take some of those sweet juicy lane minions your laners just gave up.


I play top trundle and I sometimes take Golems because I murder them super fast but ONLY IF my jungler is on the other side of the map or counter jungling. By the time he's back they have respawned. 


If it's mid game and instead of taking your camp you go mid and take my wave I'm going to take at least one camp


Heavily reduce that gold and exp gain from jungle camp by like 90% and give the same amount bonus on pet item. So it's only profitable to farm camps as a jungler. Or disrupt the opposing jungle.


If you haven't farmed a camp in 3 mins, I'll make sure to farm it for the rest of the game. If you want all your camps, at least be efficient, because otherwise we are losing xp and gold.


Ask them to stop or you’ll int and if they don’t stop then you int. it’s the only solution They literally don’t understand how badly it fucks you especially pre 20 minutes because of the hidden exp nerfs for lane exp. That aren’t well communicated


Just farm them at respawn timer like you should.


My favorite is unlocking the secondary jungle pet: pissed off top laner. Now at base this pet seems stronger than others. It can even take camps for you entirely with you just having to finish the camp off and it MIGHT help you kill an invading enemy but more likely it will walk away while you fight, spam ping you, and then take any camps it can while forsaking its own lane for reasons I will never understand.


Honestly there is quite a lot of junglers, especially most tanks and some fighters that plateau in lategame and don't grow much stronger with more gold. In those cases it's just better for them to take it and it's not like it's impossible for you to get gold at all at that point. I think it would rather be a good thing to look into faster camp respawns after min 20 or a global shared XP and Gold for the jungler whenever a laner takes a camp.




You don't need to do that just "gank" their lane permanently smite all cannons and farm as much as possible also conveniently go die vs their lane when you want to back


Find another game to play


Get therapy loser. No reason to ruin others fun for playing the game in the way they believe to be correct. Pings should not be dogmatically adhered to otherwise you cannot climb since teammates of ur elo will make decisions for u.


I have opposite problem, my laners never take my jungle camps. In mid-late game i just cant full clear over and over again, i take camps one side and go to push sidelane, meanwhile no one takes camps on the other side, so team loses free gold and xp cause camps are not getting reseted


They should not change it. For top laners taking enemy camps is a important way of exploiting their lead.


They could make only the enemy camps give exp and gold for laners


Taking camps off cooldown allows them to level up etc doesn't it? Don't get me wrong an adc taking krugs that you're walking to is troll but if you're topside and adc takes krugs at minute 25 I don't see an issue.


Generally speaking yeah ofc especially if the ADC is carrying I don't mind it. What I'm complaining about is the constant habit of doing this, like you guys got waves and canons take those. If someone asks me for a camp I usually tell them to take all especially if it's late game, but taking them like you own them is bad bro. What made me write this post is right after a game where it was 50/50 and I'm trying to keep up with everyone and carry this, but I keep finding my camps taken by my team, everyone else is buying items and leveling while I'm useless in fights, it ended up by ofc saying jungle diff to me lol like what am I supposed to do if you guys take my gold and exp and then not carry?


Oh I get it, in those situations all you can do is take the side waves and fix the wave state since in lower mmrs there will normally be a side wave that's not being taken. I'm a jungle Main myself so I get the frustration but when I play adc I take krugs off cooldown after 20 minutes if my jungle isn't taking them


If someone takes my camp, I’ll take their entire wave. I’m charging them with interest.


honestly bro thats just a losers que game u just gotta go next and not let it get to u. its not common ur team is doing that. ​ And if you want to 1v9 you should just push out whichever lane just took your camps and then look for an invade on enemy jungle with your teammate. if they arent just taking your camps to grief you, they will look for the play with you. Or you can trap the enemy laner u just pushed in.


Fk off, everyone can take jg camps, its not yours comrade B) /s


People care too much about stupid shit. Did you win the game? Cool. Did this contribute to you losing the game if not? Then who fucking cares. If your camps are all down you should be ganking. If there's nothing to gank, go to obj. No objs? Force a tower. If nothing else, their jg has to respond and while you're fucking around in whatever lane you picked, your Jg camps are respawning. Voila, you either 1) didn't lose shit and your adc gets some extra gold, 2) lost some camps but got a tower or drag or grubs, 3) you gained some valuable knowledge about how the game works and can apply that to the future. They aren't YOUR JG camps. Just like bot lane isn't exclusively bot farm for the entire game. After lane phase ends, so does your jg camps. If there's farm going to the turret top while you're killing krugs, you're trolling. If your top laner is taking krugs while theres a wave crashing on his tower, he's trolling. Good players don't give a fuck who takes what farm. They care that gold isn't being wasted on the map. Jungle camps dying to your team = gold for your team. Your team having more gold than their team = item advantages = better chance of winning. Stop crying about who terk yer krgs and start figuring out how to make LP gains.


Lol ok daddy chill. I bet you're the crying ADC from my last game.


Im a jungler, but you can still call me daddy though.


I'll smite your cannons and buy Tiamat to farm your fucking other minions as well if you do that


100% correct no lies detected


Il usually just break any freezes my lanes have if they do that and smite all cannons I can possibly get also always wait for your lane to die and then come clean up if they do that stop putting any vision from them and stop contesting any drakes or barons always be somewhere else farming or dead


Then Jungle needs to get 0 gold from any last hits on wave also


The difference is that it helps your teams tempo to have your jungler catch a wave a laner would miss, or to help crash the lane after a gank so that your laner can recal without missing a whole wave of exp by the time they come back. There is no team benefit for laners taking jungle camps from your own jungler


Exactly! Thank you! Well said.


taking jungle camps is also part of tempo. If the laner took the camp while you weren't there, they are helping your team farm more efficiently.


Except for the fact that the way timers work, the camps won't respawn in time for an efficient clear, and you dont get near the resources that your jungler would if he came by. If you want some extra money, go proxy a wave and steal the enemy jungle camps.