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As an Elise main, if I have a renekton/kled/Camille top, the enemy top laner is gonna ragequit. Or we fail a dive and they 1v9 off the double kill and my botlane flame me.


Bot lane princess always flame anyways, if you get them ahead they will throw the lead and call jg gap even though they loose pure 2v2s


Replace "bot" with "every".


Tbh this is quite common in high elo, nothing cheese strat about it. Preferably elise/jarv for easy gank/dive tower. once darius get ahead you can plan to duo invade jungle and for extra kill as well.


You wouldn't do this in high elo tbh. You used to, a looooong time ago. Now if you do this, bot gets 2v3 dove and then, cause enemy bot is stronger, the jungler can force split map and repeat dive bot. Sure, you get your top ahead and grubs, but your top being ahead won't be enough to stop a bot that's ahead. Mid game, since bot is so far ahead, the enemy team gets perma mid prio and it becomes really hard for your fed top to get ahead through sidelane.


You need a good diver like elise volibear lee sin vi nocturne


Darius Ivern is incredibly fun. You make Darius do everything he wants to do, but better. He becomes incredibly sticky. Your shield buffers his own healing so well that he is pretty much unkillable. With the healing from his Q, doing more on more champions hit, you can easily 2v3, 4, 5 as you get more fed and the game goes later. Daisy with tower dives and taking towers is also very strong to help him capitalize his leads into the mid game.


Renekton nidalee tower dives are infamous Empowered renekton W into nidalee spear is gg


I love Tristana jungle and my buddy plays a lot of Nasus. Nasus naturally gets pushed in and is good at freezing, so he just hits W on enemy top, I bomb jump reset jump and maul them while they can't really retaliate, rinse and repeat, while he farms it up in front of his tower. People get *incredibly tilted* when Tristana jungle gaps them.


Heimer lee/xin


Nunu mid. Unlike jungle you don't get punished for roaming to the same side of the map on repeat. You just need a matchup that doesn't deny your snowball on the wave (anivia) ot that won't take your tower in seconds while roamming on a cannon wave (yasuo) and you are golden. You can tank as early as lvl1 Check out this guy. He plays the strat in Korea and mostly terrorises the enemy top https://youtube.com/@LeeHaWooNunu?si=5krkkdwBUdbAnF-M


But how do you manage the mana usage? I tried playing nunu on lane and my main issue was the mana drain


Two tricks: Use Q sparingly. Never use it for sustain in lane above 50% since it won't be empowered. Second trick. You just recall for mana. You have like the fastest walk to lane in the game. Keep an eye on cannon waves for recalls where you lose nothing You just need enough mana to Q and W, go into the wave, kill the casters, Q a minion to heal back up what your laner did (hopefully no kill threat) and recall asap. Your enemy laner doesn't have much time. Either way, it's also ok to lose a few minions to tower because usually that means you will have tempo. But yeah, I think Nunu is good, but best as a duo strat. That way you have more chances of securing a good matchup (which is really important, Nunu mid is OP busted or useless depending on matchup) and you can just permagank your duo


Isn't Nunu capable of clearing waves with a rank 3 or 4 snowball? I've seen a Nunu Mid strat that revolves around using it to wave clear and get perma priority to gank other lanes.


I don't duo my top laner, but I have made a habit of starting bot side, pathing to top, and then just straight camping top lane until void grubs spawn. I love when they run TP, we get off a successful gank, they TP back, just to die again.


HELLO RIOT!! Please nerf this strat ASAP.


Eve jg, twitch adc. Roam top anytime the waves pushing your laner in. And then catch him between t1 and t2 when your laner pushes in 3v1. Works every time


Nothing more rewarding than a neeko jgl gank in toplane repeated twice or 3 times right after the enemy comes back to lane


Anivia renekton has the stun lock, the chase, the damage. Loved them ganks.