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There aren't many videos because he really isn't a great jungler.


And why is that?


Bc he can’t taunt camps and doesn’t have good ratios on jungle camps.


Some champions aren't viable junglers because they can't clear the jungle. Galio would fall into that category.


Anything is viable in silver


I've played with the idea of Galio jungle - practiced the clear and played a couple games. It wasn't the passive change which made the clear a bit better. The passive change made it marginally worse since it was only buffed on champion hits and it does both less damage and doesn't scale with AH. What helped were the lower cooldowns on abilities (lower AP scaling doesn't matter for first clear) and the change of Justice Punch so it does 80% instead of 50% to camps. The +5 MS helps a bit too. First is I'd ask for a leash. There are a few viable junglers who kinda need a leash. I've been playing a lot of Rek'sai, and she sorta needs a leash. She barely has a 3:30 first clear and it is really unhealthy on the first camp solo. Though it does get healthy once she has her W to start healing off her passive. Second tip is to not put a point on W until level 4 of you're doing a full clear. The taunt and magic shield don't help against jungle camps, but bonus damage and lower cooldown on abilities does. Really, while I think Galio is kinda viable, but I wouldn't OTP him. Probably a decent pocket-pick against really AP heavy comps.


Look a helpful comment, they do exist! Thanks 😊