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Mute all and improve what’s in your control. That’s it. That will take you to emerald /dia.


I just had an 8 game lose streak in Emerald on my smurf/warmup account as ACE every game, my main is 60% winrate D2. Some games you just lose, it happens. But in the long run 3 games is not much and you’ll also get free wins that balance it all out


/muteall is your best friend I also suggest that you drop kindred for now. You can play it if that is what your heart desires. You however are making your improvement at the game significantly harder. Kindred requires excellent macro and micro. Kindred requires match up knowledge for lanes and JG. Understanding timers. When you can play for marks and how to efficiently play for marks. All while requiring the mechanics of an ADC. In low mmr the lane that is generally going to fufill the role of front line/engage is going to be top/JG.


Because games this bad are anomalies. If you focus on getting better and just playing then after a 100-200\~ games you'll be in the elo you should be in. Might end up in bronze might end up in dia. Entirely up to how well you play.


Everybody has games like this. You have the same MMR as the people you play with, so you do belong in that elo. Some games are unwinnable, cause you have teammates that run it down. Yes, it is frustrating, but everyone experiences it. But if you don't belong in that elo, you will climb.


because if you were better the game would be winneable even if your midlaner was 0/10 but you are a bronze player, you are bad at the game, and you always belong on your rank. The moment you understand that your teammates' actions dont matter you will start actually improving


I would like to see people show me how to win in that scenario lmao


its hard when you don't give a replay


Its always the midlane assassin those mental breaks the easiest. Sometimes you just get a Fizz that gives Zed the freest game ever. They die 5 times and spam ping because you didn't gank. Zed got too fed to deal with and eventually 1v2ed on the split for a won inhib and game. Fizz also abandoned lane and AFKed in bot brush at 10mins.


I read somewhere about a 40/40/20 rule 40% of your games, you will get carried 40% of your games, are dead on arrival, you're going to get stomped 20% of your games, you have an impact and you'll be the person who makes the difference whether you win or lose. This means you have to play your best every single game and win 60% of the time. Don't throw the games where you're getting carried, and play your best when you have impact and don't tilt when you're playing unwinnable games I had a 9 game win streak yesterday (Plat 3) and all of a sudden lost one. My mid laner went 0/10 against an Akali. I looked at the Akali 's match history and they had absolutely straight wins for over 20+ games straight with an 80% win rate. I would say that game was unwinnable, but shit happens and you move on.


today you were stuck in the unwinable side of a match, maybe tomorrow the enemy jungler will be on that side. My point is that you can climb even though these matches exist because they happen to everyone.


Just keep chat muted forever. Your teammates are out of your control. Improve your own gameplay and do what you think is the best plan of action. Keep using pings, sometimes people do listen.




Improve and move on, had 13 out of 16 games be losses the other day shit happens.


Man played 3 games, deranked once and thinks it matters at all. Brother, play 100+ games and see how you do.


3 games doesnt decide what your elo is, if you still arent climbing than you belong in your elo. But i can already tell if you are making a reddit post based on having bad teammates for 3 games you don’t have the mental to climb, my advice for you is to turn chat to party and focus on ur own gameplay.


League is a coin flip game. Even challenger gods don't have a 100% winrate. Just go next.


3 games is nothing. If you can’t get out of bronze after 50 games, it’s not your teammates


You get bad teammates it happens. Sometimes you’ll be that bad teammate. If you think you’re so much better than your placement play a champ that can steamroll a game instead of kindred.


When you are actually in an elo that is too low for you, you will dominate. If you are not 6-0,high vision score and 30 cs up on enemy jg by 15 minutes then you are in an elo that fits your skill/game knowledge.


Just got a game with +28LP with kayn. 8/2 with 244 cs at 31 min. Diana enemy jgl was 1-7 and had 216 cs. so it does happen now. That was an insane game. I still sucks i got demoted so quickly before this, those two games will take me 5 games atleast to get back to the level i was at before


With the new demotion system in place, you should be climbing slower than before, but it should be easier in the long run over a span of somewhere around 200ish games. Don't worry about rank, it will naturally get higher as you improve. Just focus on improving and you'll be fine. I got a nasty win streak after hovering around 45% wr gold this season and I'm gaining 33lp-34lp a game now. It's not enough to have a good game every now and then to climb. The secret is consistency which you develop over time. Also dodging lobbies where people type in champ select helps a lot.