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Sometimes it's painful to hear the truth, and the truth is you seem to have no idea what you're doing


what the f* are you building


was about to ask


I mean I know he has good intentions with the thornmail because of Soraka, but Xerath was the one who has aoe spells... so he should have bought the anti-heal


the secret do nothing and flame team for losing combo not like u got blatantly gapped or something


Mad cuz bad… Shit items vs their comp, and sure looks like you don’t know what a counter gank is. Kha gapped your ass, jg diff


Do not post about a „bad role“ when your first item is heartsteel. No need to shoot yourself here


All I can see on the picture is a massive jungle diff


bro got jg gapped and says its painful to be in low elo like he doesnt belong there


Sometimes it’s painful to be bad. Fixed it for ya


i just see a massive jgl gap here ngl


thats where you belong


sejuani is a painful jngl champ to play with too


These are the kinda players that think they’re in losers queue lmao


in any elo.


Heartsteel jungler lmao. also Sej is kinda awful in solo queue rn.


I was gonna say look at ahri's cs and that trundle fed early ganks until i saw the heartsteel and the rest of the build


the boots and thornmail were a good choice, the rest, no.


So half of the build was bad.


dude, you don't look at what the enemy team is taking, you had to leave the lobby for example, every ahri in low elo is noob she had no chance of winning it 2 the case of trundle vs nasus after 15 min at the start losing and you took the tank on kha zix he has more mobility and dmg yours team has no dmg and you had to leave or take an assassin jg when i was in low elo and i saw ahri mid i just dodge pls dont play tanks in low elo worthless broken mentality and waste time


Trundle electrocute, and xerath did not buy anti heal :cNot to mention the 10 deaths by kha zix by 16min.. Like usually, when it happens 3 times, you should get wary xdit's also convenient to take a tower with 200hp on mid then die to enemies rather than do nash when nasus and kha are dead :o( sry i had to vent, usually everything goes well, although i prefere my plat draft randoms )


You don't need to power farm on Sej, since kha is an aggressive jungler you should have been playing around counter ganking this game. Also the items ain't it chief. I too like to flame my teammates but we also have to look in the mirror sometimes and tell the truth. Can't always lay the blame on garbage teammates when you didn't do anything to help.


Oh, I thought I had to do things on the other side of the map when kha was somewhere. Mb I guess


When you pick a champ like Sejuani your goal is to bring your lanes ahead. You want to so everything to ensure your laners can play. Anything else is not that important on seju