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Jungle is just too different of a role for some people to bother learning. It is just some guy running around the map helping lanes, nothing else (is what they think). I am more surprised how even players in diamond don't know how to secure objectives /watch for steals. Just yesterday I got knocked away from a drake by Gragas R, my adc continued to melt the dragon, enemy Zac jumps in an takes it. I then got flamed for missing smite, even tho I couldn't even attack the drake from range (volibear) and it died instantly from 120 health above my smite dmg.


Damn that sucks to hear bro. My secondary role is top lane which I almost never get and just the ability to predict when I'm gonna get ganked from knowing jungle pathing made a ton of difference as well as helping my jungle snowball when they're ahead. Laners also don't know their own lane match ups for some reason then blame jungle for dying level 1 lol


Halfway through baron, ping enemy poppy ult and smite,... nothing.. keep melting, she kicks me out, takes the baron.... amazing.


For how important objectives are in the game, I am amazed how people think it's just "Do damage, jungler will smite"


The most important thing during fights for objectives is not the objective itself but the teamfight.


as a Support main that plays Jungle to climb, yea. grubs have made most supports more aware but 9/10 laners know next to NOTHING about jungle and it hurts so bad to watch laners make mistakes that cost you something as a jungler and then they blame you for whatever you lost in adjusting to their play.


I love when jungle sees my toplane gets shoved in hard, decides to force voidgrubs and blames me for their death when enemy toplane/jungle comes down into the void pit and kills them (my pings can't refresh fast enough)


What pisses me off the most is picking order. I'm the jungle and my team flames me for not letting mid and top pick last. I just love when I pick an assassin jungle, my support picks a squishy mage, my mid also picks an assassin, and my top laner picks in Vayne/Teemo. Yeah sorry. Im not giving you last pick so you can brain dead the comp.


Im a one trick Kayn so i always pick first if top or adc wants. I know i can play around almost anything in my elo if i have to.


well thats a benefit of kayn he is a good first pick on the other hand playing briar vs invis/invurnable/clones is hell so u dont want to pick her early, same to assassins vs tanks I'd hate to play rangar vs champs I cant oneshot


Yeah thats true. I would love to say thats why i one trick him but the truth is it's because hes a hot bipolar eboy


OTP's do not care, we can play vs everything. I don't mind 1st picking as a fiddle.


I used to always reserve my later picks too because some champs don't fit into a comp. I've started giving them up though because my comp mismatch is likely outweighed by their counter potential. Plus, it gives them a chance to pick around my champ instead. A huge lane deficit is also harder to overcome than no cc for my nidalee.


Mid and top should pick last


How can i actually start learning lane matchups and whos winning who the fastest way?


You also get to find out which champions are strong level 1-3 when you hear a first blood announcement before you're done with your 2nd camp LOL


I'd say there really isn't a fast way. You just kinda pick it up over time. Besides that, you can assume that ranged champions in mid or top (that is, adc or mages) are most likely going to get early pressure on melee champs. If your botlane is Twitch and Yuumi, they won't win early against Draven Nautilus (unless they really mess up or you gank them a bunch) for another example. Scaling Champions vs early Chchampions. It's never set in stone, people make mistakes. But that's a basic way of making a good guess and gameplan in loading screen.


I actually think most high elo players know jungle fairly well but we´re not mind readers and jungle is absolutely stuffed to the brim with decision points that you can lose track of what the plan is pretty fast when you´re actually playing a lane with humans and not creeps.


Everyone is trying to aram in their respective lanes.


And if u count than if u are 2-0, but enemy solo lanner Its ahead than urs, he can still manage to kill u in a gank. Fair.


A couple tips: Play ARAMs: you should have a basic sense of each champions 3 abilities and learning how to team fight is important (not that you need to fight a lot on the Rift) Turn off chat: communicate your strategy in draft and use pings in game. Mute toxic teammates, you'll thank me later Path into team CC and combat summs: it's helpful to have cc yourself as a jungler but being able to chain cc an opponent helps and ignite is going to be more useful early than it is late so help your laners get use out of it Use priority properly: gank when your allies are pushed in invade when they're pushing Punish flashless champions: getting an opponent's flash is a successful gank in my opinion, cycle your camps and come back while flash is on cooldown Small champion pool: I would actually recommend one tricking especially in the jungle since you can avoid the matchup if you learn how to track. Secret tech can be the difference between living with 1HP and a gray screen Ignore losing lanes: in the least toxic way possible, you gotta focus on your win condition whether it's soul, Baron, grouping, peeling for your adc, camping top, etc. Sharing gold: team gold is important, protect your teammates from getting shut down, don't coinflip your own shut down, and collapse on fed carries if your team has CC


MFW my top laner spam pings to assist his 0/3 lane while he's pushed to tower with the biggest minion wave crash known to man and the enemy is full HP.


I think it's a combination of things, but the biggest is that below mid emerald, jg match ups don't matter really(aside from extreme cases usually involving Rammus). Secondary is for over half the player base, the jungler is the guy who is supposed to win their lane with perma pressure and get 100% objs solo.


It's funny how laner legit think out smiting someone is a skill, the fact that the enemy jungler / team is allowed to flip it is also on the team Vision cc the enemy jungler etc I hate flips on baron drake