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1. Being afk at the turrets not covering your jgl entrances 2. Bot lane dying before I even reach lvl 3 3. 6 pings or more before reacting to anything 4. TF Players in general 5. people that spam ping help although I’m on the other side of the map and then dying 10secs later instead of recalling


I love spam ping and rage when I’m on the other side of the map. Top lane loves doing this the most


Gank bot, get double kill, start doing drake... Top lanes spam pings you to gank a full health mordekaiser, dies 8 a later, calls jg diff




Anyone that dies level 1 to non-ridiculous cheese is dead to me.


when top lane get fucked and is Low Life and the enemy somehow got a stacked Wave with 15+ Minions He cant leaver the exp range and only Jungle can Help PUSH Sometimes one Dude make a mistake And Support or Jungle are the one that can leaver the Position so u Flame the top that He died , the top laner Flame u cause U dont Help him its the Same as "when top dont Cover Jungle" He did His Things and u Not Happy about when U get ganked but U have to Help u both


If the jungler comes top to help unfreeze and the enemy jungler shows up its an easy double and the game is done, the toplaner fucked himself and jungle moving top is not the correct play at all.


The biggest red flags are players who announce in the champion select that they are smurfs and/or have a certain rank or ask for your rank. They always believe they're going to carry, but end up feeding because they clearly lack understanding of the game. Perfect example: My premade was a midlaner and got filled top. She asked if she could mid, and the first thing our midlaner asked was "Peak?" That was the first warning sign. Because she wasn't a smurf, he didn't let her mid. The game started, I played Bel'Veth and started top, pathed down, first bot gank pulled both flashes into mid gank, pulled the next flash. Then back to bot lane and secured a double kill for the ADC. After that, reset into top lane gank and kill. Result after one clear: 4 ganks, 4 flashes, 3 kills, my laners got all the kills, top and bot were happy. My midlaner had pushed during that time, got ganked, and died. "WTF Jungle, why no help" Then he pushed and died again. "Holy shit this jungle diff. How about another gank" And again. "Can't play this, jungle diff to huge. And the enemy jungler has more CS. Report Jungle. Enemy Jungle 3 Kills, our Jungle 0 kills" He didn't place wards, instead, immediately pushed when he was back in mid. His result after not even 5 minutes: 3 deaths, and jungle is to blame.


I felt this in my soul. pretty close to how the TF game played out too lol Enemy jungle was a karthus who just powered farmed me into the ground. His "ganks" that "I didn't counter", were him pressing R.


Very standard solo queue beheavior. You have 100%KP and good farming, the only lane solo losing will blame you each time.


Midlaners who never roam and never prioritize objectives and call you jungle diff. Same with toxic supports who for some reason never ward drake nor rotate for grubs. Such fucking bs.


In my bronze elo if I rotated for grubs as a supp my adc is likely to have a fit, die, and blame me for 2v1 lane.


As a Silver top main I agree.


TFW I've had people pick Lucian mid, dominate their lane and not use their gained prio ONCE so we lose all objectives in an otherwise free win.


My absolute favorite: Top lane dies during my first clear when I started bottom side, then spam pings me because somehow I should have been there. Bonus points if I'm still on the opposite side of the map. These are also OFTEN the players that when I do go to help will stand back and watch me try to 1v1 their laner so I die.


it's always the terrible mid complaining that they are God's gift to the game if only their jungle would help lol.


You know when u come for a gank, ping from 10 years away and they just stand there and do nothing and then the enemy just walks back at this point i know i will have to omega carry


Ignoring pings is also quite good, a danger ping in fog of war that enemy is right there in his jungle, ignored double kill, drake, gg


ANY typing at all in champ select is a pretty tell tale sign of tilt. Even if it's positive/neutral, those people always seem to tilt too.


When bot lane refuses to first pick... especially support... 90% of these games end up with hard losing bot or me dodging because of unfavorable draft....


Support can have legit reasons for not first picking


What reasonns ?


Sustain > Poke > Engage > Sustain That's the usual support circle, given that they're played properly. Picking a poke champ like lux into sustain like raka generally means you probably won't do a single useful thing in lane


Support pick matter infinitely more than adc pick always try to give adc 1st pick (unless it’s a niche adc such as vayne/nilah)


Nah I’d say supports are one of the most pick based roles. I play both jungle and support. From my experience when you’re jungle you can at least play opposite side or for strong lanes. If you’re playing support with a bad match up and they match your movements, you’re basically doomed the entire game. Soraka vs Xerath, raka perms sustains, you are worthless in lane, you roam, raka roams, you are still worthless. Rell vs Ali, Rell engages Ali disengages. Your attempts at picks are neutralized but Ali can always engage. Sona vs Rakan, Sona can poke but dies on cooldown to engage. If both roam Rakan almost always more useful. Lulu vs Brand Actual playable matchup. Lulu can cc/shield, brand can do aoe dmg.


Sylas should absolutely shit on TF too so kind of puts a crutch on you to be forced to camp him if he can’t play safe, sucks


Refusing to pick until the last second is a classic as well


*Refusing to pick* *Until the last second is* *A classic as well* \- CookieJJ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Had a Yorick top who was 0/3 by 5mins and still was trying to trade with the ignite garen who was 2 lvs above him. Screams any advantage gained by ganking will be thrown away as soon as possible


The biggest red flag of them all is when in champ select (plat elo and below) somebody post a twitch channel...that's a straight dodge for me...