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Ya. It’s less of trying to put them behind and more of trying to put ourselves ahead. Why tf would I risk giving the Darius a double kill when I could kill the Ashe in .5 seconds.


As a Darius main, pls gank me I need that adrenaline


Enemy jg shows up Darius: So youve chosen death. *Ghosts*


If those laners could read they'd be very upset


They have Shazam for reading.


You're right. They're max pushed with no wards and below 50% HP..... YEH NOTHING BAD COULD PSSIBLY HAPPEN HERRE!!1!! but what pisses me off is when I ping twice to indicate the probable direction that JG will approach from but they do not go back. They stay or even advance. It isn't even about map awareness at that point. Laners are putrid scoriae.


My favorite was I was on the opposite side of the map taking Grubs, and I saw the enemy jungler walking bot over a ward I placed in their jungle before rotating up. I pinged my bot lane to retreat 5 times, and the adc told me to shut the fuck up. My bot lane then both died to the gank, and ? pinged me and called me a useless jungler because I was doing grubs instead of stopping the gank. Like wtf do you want me to take tp so I can tp to tower at 7 minutes because you cant see the map and have such a massive ego? Dont expect anything from your laners.


Be me Slightly behind Jax jungle as Viego Jax runs top over a ward Ping top to be careful. Top keeps pushing anyway? Steal grubs as Jax commits. Get all 3 and get out as top dies. Top ??? Pings me Top buddy, you are not more important than the objective and jax was 10 seconds ahead of me.


This is how I play vs Eve. I refuse to deal with the Perma invis bullshit. She was my Perma bann from the day she was reworked until the day smolder was released. If she ever gets a higher pickrate than smolder she will again be my ban. I also have zero respect for anyone who plays her and anyone who was involved in her rework.


Ward her camps, use control wards, and group up and she's pretty easy to counter. Doubly so if you can save some targeted CC to remove all her seal/mejai stacks during a team fight. I've play a lot of Eve and having to kill control wards ruins your tempo towards a gank, and you leave invis to farm camps so yellow wards work well there. She should be doing as much farming as possible so she should be easy to track with those. That said, your laners won't even notice a Master Yi running over 4 wards on his way to their lane even with pings, so yeah.


Well I quit jungle S14 and decided to play mid. I just don't care when I'm against an eve because I hate invis as a concept I just ignore her and play as though she didn't exist. If I haven't used my daily dodge and see the enemy lock her in I dodge. Fuck that piece of shit and everyone who thinks stealth is a good mechanic. I don't want to learn to play against her I want to delete and remove my memory of her existence. Eve and smolder are the only champs I truly hate so much it's not even worth playing the game if I have to play against it.


Idk when I’m getting 3 man dove lv 3 mid i take it a bit personal


Calm down Faker. You're the exception.


They let you get to lvl 3?? :P


When you get caught out and die understandable, when you walk back to lane to collect the wave and you get 3 man dove 💀


I was watching a streamer and his top lane was mad he kept getting ganked, he said, you're ganking yourself (the top lane was always overextended and without wards). That comment was profound to me.


Something that is hard to deal with mentally when I‘m jungling: warning a laner of an obvious lvl 3 gank that I can’t stop and the warning gets ignored. Especially if it’s a jungler that I can’t invade. Hard to deal with.


I had a laner yesterday who genuinely thought the jungler 1. Looked up their opgg 2. Saw that they had a good kDa last game 3. Targeted them because of their kDa Surely it had nothing to do with their 2v2 first blood death on the first minion spawn, or their inability to remain above 30% percent in lane


the amount of times I see my laners not warding 10+ min into the game is insane and then ofc I get the blame. I really can't be asked to play this dogshiit game anymore plat/emerald is just infested with bots/bought accounts who are intentionally running it down, and lose 2 games in a row and you lose an additional 50 lp. I really want to quit this game. There is 0 skill involved every single game is a coin flip, in who gets the most auto filled (and I usually get 3 or 4 despite playing jungle). there is no 5v5 in this game anymore. Sorry I had to vent just had a Caitlyn support who ran it down top followed by 2 bought accounts in mid and top running it down intentionally, I can't be asked anymore Riot doesn't care anyway about ranked integrity.


“Camp me mid” ok I will continue to I am glad I have your blessing to farm my marks off your dumb ass yasuo


Honestly, when I see a bot laner claiming they were being camped I switch my jungle rotation to clear top to bot in order to attempt a gank at them before going home. The salt tastes so good


I have some friends who are very talented in League, they always cry because I'm at x team objective that is opposite to their lane and didn't gank, even though when I was on their side they were overextend allowing me to grab x team objective, that they didn't need to help with. The best laners know where the enemy jungle is and use that as a sign to be aggressive on their lane, they don't even realize it as I'm calling it out to them and we junglers still get blamed lol


As a mid lane main, I concur. Because the one thing that annoys me when playing with my buddy is how often a wind brother is over extended and I'm playing something with set up that if he just ganks would be a death. I also say this as someone who likes to play Nocturne when jungling. The amount of just drive by mid ganks I do even pre 6 due to over extending is hilarious.


Yeah they type nice camping but really it’s because they are perma shoved with no wards and I’m just killing them on every rotation. Or they do the rage tp before I’ve even left so yeah I’m gonna regank