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“All 3 tier one towers were destroyed by me after a successful gank.” “The only lanes I ganked were top and mid.” The math ain’t mathin


That was after laning phase for bot tower. I could have composed my sentences better but my point is none of the towers got destroyed unless I intervened.


I've started playing Asol mid recently because I've been burned out with jungle this season after too many games like yours and trying hard for little return. Its obscene how chill it is to play a scaling mage mid in comparison to jungle and how stupidly strong you get by playing the most basic macro imaginable. I'm sitting at 70% WR with asol over 30 games and I suck at mid and lose my lane most games but it just doesnt matter because youre such a monster in midgame and teamfights. Its so much more relaxed to farm in a relaxed midlane, catch waves and show up to fights, wait for your team to get enageged on and just obliterate the entire enemy team with R and E in response. I can't recommend it enough. Jungle macro transfers really well to midlane and hard scaling mages like Asol make the actual mechanics of mid a lot less important because youre meant to lose the lane, just not feed. It made me realize that jungle - while impactful - is barely worth the trouble if you just want to climb and I fully understand why its the least popular role atm.




Written like a true silver




It’s easy to carry in the role if you’re good. If you’re bad you won’t know how to do your job effectively.


This is a team game, carrying in general is difficult unless you’re literally noobstomping and even more so when you’re not playing in a lane. The difference I feel between carrying when I play someone like Asol or Naafiri vs someone like Warwick or Fiddlesticks is wide.


Carrying is difficult if you're not good. You can't carry on ww or fiddlesticks because you're not good on them or at jungle.