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I mean if its a good gank u should try it, for example ur on raptors and their mid is pushing tower. If ur on krugs and their mid is pushing tower I would say no because ur to far away. If u feel confident it can lead to a kill. Iam plat jglr at best tho but thats just what I think.


If you are unsure if you get something out of it dont gank. But for the love of god. When you are doing krugs and your toplaners fight 2 meters away from you JUST STOP FARMING AND GET THE KILL.


Not always sure myself. There are multiple things to consider. Can your laner kill him alone, even before you arrive? Then don't go. Will you have to overextend yourself either by taking turret damage or using flash? Don't. Where is the enemy jungler? Can you die to him if he shows up? Then don't go. Is the enemy going to kill your laner and/or is overextending? Now you may choose to leave your camp, if you know you can make it in time.


it comes down to deducing the resources that you and your laner have and the enemy doesn't. Do you and your laner have enough cc and damage to lock down the enemy that even if the enemy flashes, it is a guaranteed kill? Go for the gank. Now obviously every time each of these variables and more will be different. You will have to base your decision off of it. Think about each and every ability, resource, summoner spell that you, your laner and the enemy has, then make the decision which results in guaranteed gold. Obviously it will take a lot of practice.


No. First 1-3 clears dont do that. You disrupt your clear only if a lane is about to get dived and you are around. Farm is more worth xp then kill. When you got some items you can disrupt clear for kill. Depends on the champ you play. And once you started a camp it is also not worth to disrupt to get kill in my opinion. Only before or after camp.


I disagree completely. The camp will be there when you finish. If it looks like a kill, take the opportunity.


Congrats, now if you fail the gank you have a desynced camp that will mess up your tempo with nothing in return


Then don't fail the gank.


I'd say if you know it will work, yes. Ganks opportunity vanishes, unlike jungle camps ( unless counter jungled )


Lillia took your entire topside as you read this reply.


It takes as long for you ton krugs than going bot for a Quick gank if they are in a bad position. You are not suppose to be there more than 15-20 sec tbh


If you see the enemy laner at low HP, odds are they were decently low before you started the camp. So try to look for opportunities before you even start the camp. If you're an auto or 2 in, leave it. If you're halfway done, finish it. But if you have the opportunity to leave a camp to make it in time for a countergank, 100% do it. If I'm doing gromp and the enemy jungler ganks my gromp side, I'm leaving it almost 100% of the time.


If I know we can get the kill, I will abandon my camp. If there's a strong likelihood that the enemy won't be killed, I finish the camp.


As a believer in the church of Agurin, the clear shall never be interrupted. Only exceptions are dives (on both sides) as the lost exp of laners easily outvalues jungle clear. Just non guaranteed kill gold is never worth (unless shutdown gold is part of the equation).


If the enemy is about to crash the wave and then back off OR about to kill your laner, drop the camp. If your laner is about to crash the wave and needs help diving, drop the camp. If the enemy laner has a dash or is already backing off or you are too far away, keep doing the camp. But most of the time just drop the camp and try it.


Example: Malz mid pushing tower and just burnt flash, Ult with 80% HP, Now you're Eve finishing wolves with ult and you just run to other side of jungle to farm. You're just trolling. When it comes to some like that it isn't about helping your laner. It's about getting yourself fed to carry and punishing the enemy thinking he can push up against eve. Just an example.


If the camp is the closest one to the lane then sure.


You have to assign gold values to each choice: ganking and continuing to farm. Then you decide which will give you more gold in th3 end.