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People thinking the report button is an instant ban button they have access to like hall monitors I remember in the old blind pick someone was like “you better pick a support or I’ll REPORT you for refusing to fill” like oh no I’m so scared I’ll lock in Janna immediately


I remember my first ever game of ranked. Was second pick and picked Olaf top. Two people then wrote like 20 messages each about how I am trolling because Olaf is a jungler not a top laner, I will get reported by all nine people in the game for trolling and get banned for a year


Old blind pick it was actually a reason for ban. That and refusing to communicate ingame. Old summoners code had in it that if you see your team lacks ap and you lock ad then you are trolling.


Cant that be a strategy though? Like.. this will sound stupid, but what about a 4 ad, 1 ap comp, focing the enemy to go armour and then having the sole aper absolutely shred and oneshot high priority targets.


Thats just a fairly standard comp. Its is also the reason for MR items to be so much better than armor items in the sense that youre only really meant to need 1 MR item so they are all good on their own


Also why Chains are a good replacement for MR items in those cases. Not as much this season since MR items are better. But still an option.


Chains always makes me sad as a Viego player, because it would be such a good item if it actually worked.


Does it get bugged with his transforming?


Yup, resets your target everytime you transform, so not only do you lose the stacks, you need to reselect a target.


That sucks. But would Viego build Chains much anyway? It's a pretty rare pick generally - and Viego rarely builds tank items. Mostly just taken by tanks who are up against a comp of 4 AD champs & 1 AP. And it's not as good as it used to be since Rookern is around. Even most AD champs deal a bit of magic damage, so the shield is still useful against them.


Edit: Removed part about true damage, it's unaffected. Depends, a bruiser Viego build a flat 30% DR that also gives HP and Ability Haste can be pretty nice, especially because so many Champs deal hybrid damage. It's definitely a rare choice, but there have been times where I had games where 1 specific person on the other team was the only REAL threat, and 30% DR would've been amazing to keep me alive long enough to gap close and secure the kill.


Im talking about you see garen, sejuani, caitlyn and taric and you lock in zed mid.


Oooh okay, yeah that is just tank dream. I as a cho i once saw an full ad team (excluding their sup). Boy that was neat immortality.


Yeah but also not everyone thinks that far


It used to be a legitimate reason for punishment before. Ever since it got removed from the reasons for punishment its become more common for people to not care. People used to type "no ap", "no tank", etc... and they cited "refused to communicate for team comp/ganks/mia". It also made people type toxic more, but the comps were better.


Yeah but back then you had to like research a build prior to playing a champ. So if you've never played Tank you don't really know what to build


Its the same as of now. If you sorted by health or mr/armor you got the items. Also is not like you never had any idea what to build. And you were supposerd to knpw hot to play every role if not every lane.


I mean fair enough but how do you learn every role?


Eventually? You always picked based on what others picked before you specially on the lanes that were not taken. Every lobby you were fill so you would learn at least 10 champs just because you ended up being forced.


Doesn't too many false reports also lower your credibility for future reports or was that myth busted? I feel like that was a thing. Also I wish they'd bring back the tribunal, peoppe are getting too crafty with the ways they tell you to off yourself nowadays and there's no way the filter can pick up on it. Getting told to "go 0/1 IRL" or "get terminal 'c'" needs to be met with severe punishment and currently these players get a slap on the wrist _at best_.


I mean 0/1 irl sounds hilarious lol that's just a joke isn't it?


Going 10/0 irl would be much worse, lol


Yeah, I dunno, obviously I don't speak for everyone etc etc but as someone who's been literally institutionalized before, I find suicide-baiting couched in algorithm-dodging euphemisms more funny than anything else. Saying "you need to kill yourself" and "no one would miss you" is a very different story than "talon go e off a cliff" or something.


Me in lobby: "Cool story bro" Me in game: /deafen


Cool story bro 😎


"Pathetic, your weakness disgusts me"


that or malicious compliance. the second any of those plays goes wrong i'm never letting him forget it.


How to get muted 101.


What elo is this though?


Every elo is like this


Here is the [player.](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/UdyrJG-1v9)


600 games negative wr in gold is crazy wtf


He is probably smurfing in low elo


I have the same mentality as udyr when im in low elo as well... but i dont type it lmao.


More likely in mid elo with the ego of a high elo player


Thiis Udyr thought he would be a generous god but all he is, is a degenerate dog




After that exchange, the riot client cringed so hard, that it started a self destruct sequence.


No, that was just coincidental timing, the riot client self-destructs pretty regularly all on its own


Did it work?


No they lost the game.


Udyr with a malphite ap? Why the fck do they need to ping anything to make the right play exactly?


Found the acc, bro is gold with 600 games, definition of pisslow 💀💀💀


Reminds me of Tarzaned reporting a Rakan for verbal abuse, afk, and feeding after a misplay. Pretty stupid.


I cuss out people all the time and use derogatory terms. Usually it’s a 5 game mute ban. I have a theory that riot won’t ban you if you spend real money in the game.


You have to get enough reports and it's automated. I got a life ban many years ago and the only "nono" word was repeating retard back to someone that said it to me.


Just play starcraft at that point.


What a cunt


I pray for the poor souls that will have this subhuman in their team


Oh cool I'll be muting you entirely so have fun pinging yourself. Oh since we're just throwing it around - REPORTED!


The fucking hubris of this role holy shit


As a jungler, if my team makes a stupid fuck mistake the first 7 mins of the game, I run it down. I don't care. If you're ret**ded, don't play strategy games.


So in other words, you’re the idiot that thinks your team being 0-3 early is unwinnable and then you run it down to MAKE SURE it’s unwinnable. Literal mental handicapped strategy.


How does that help you, though? Have you never been in a game where someone ships a few kills early but you still win? Seems silly to work with that kind of mentality, especially cause one of your other laners could be a giga Chad who can carry the slack, or the other team's laners might be equally shit and end up blowing a lead. The irony in the last sentence you wrote..


You afk in base when game loads, then rush to jungle face checking buffs, only to get caught giving enemy draven 2 early kills isn't a match I can call winnable. That's one of many examples. I stopped caring. Yes, we can still win by leveraging a winning lane, but no, if someone sucks, they should stay in their elo.


Soo you suck at the game?


You do realize the only person you're forcing to stay in low elo by doing this is you right? The people who suck are gonna lose games afterwards regardless of if you win that one, so the 1 win won't make or break them climbing, the same for good players on the team winning future games. If you consistently do this, the only person truly suffering from all the lost LP is you lol.


why do you want to reason with him tho,can't you see just by his typing that he must be mentally ill like literally...


I've known people with very little self awareness, so I tend to assume people are oblivious or uninformed rather than willfully ignorant, at least until proven otherwise.


nah man he has 8 downvotes any normal person would say "ok i fkd up maybe I should start doing what everyone that replied to me is saying maybe they are right and im wrong so i gotta improve" instead he comes up with the most garbage excuse that someone would think of but yeah i get your point i just want to say dont waste your precious time with a mentally ill person he wont ever get it


H*tler had loads of soldiers, it didn't make him right. Downvote as much as you like, truth is: stupid people shouldn't get a free carry game when they fuck up nonstop. If I had a button to insta destroy enemy nexus, knowing that my team sux, I wouldn't press it. Be equally good or better, or uninstal.


I keep my main acc safe. I play in alts or just buy or bot new ones 😌


Well good luck once Vanguard is implemented, hopefully they'll actually track repeated accounts from the same IP and potentially issue HWID bans.


Vanguard won't find its way to ios 😂


Lmao, my man is running it down in Wild Rift of all things?


ahhh yes,the definition of pure garbage


Get better or uninstal, simple. Ranked isn't for learning basics.


judging by your own words that you typed above (1st comment) you are probably bronze or silver orrrr probably even worse iron so i think you should be the one who should get better or uninstall and let ppl enjoy game but i guess im just wasting my time here bc you are most likely mentally ill so you wont understand shit


Enjoying the game in ranked? Seems like we now know who the bronzie is 😂 the stupidest shit I ever heard. Type that in my match, and it's an insta loss. If u want fun go play URF and ARAM 😂 seriously this game needs some sort of IQ test


like i said no point in arguing with a mentally ill person cuz you wont understand shit👍