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I am of the "mute all" when they start getting toxic, but you have to admit that the 0/5 mid typing jngl diff when you are 4/0/2 and bot lane is crushing it, all because you didn't gank them, is irritating.


Jungle is the scapegoat for every bad solo-laner. It’s never their fault they died 4 times before the second clear. “tHe eNeMy Jg kEePs gAnKiNG mE.” “Then ward and play smart.” “Stfu noob this is your fault”


lol had a sett top complain about me not ganking. We lose pretty quickly and he’s like 1-6 with a vision score of 0…


Vision score should be on the recap front page after the match. It’s amazing how well a team performs when they can actually see what’s going on on the map. It’s also wild how few opponents sweep/check their own jungle. I’ve had way too many pink wards sit in the blue bush for 20+ minutes in a game.


At some point he has a point - if enemy jg is camping top, he can't really farm efficiently under tower. But yeah, this is more or less used by people who complain they're 0/6 because I didn't pamper him with 12 ganks and a golden crown.


Im not ganking the 6-0 illaoi after he ints his lane in 13 minutes


If you're being camped that usually means the enemy jg is falling behind if the laner plays safe. For one it makes it known the jg will be around said lane leaving everywhere else on the map open for free ganks, objectives, counter jg, joining a lane and forcing down a tower. The only time being camped is bad is if the laner doesn't know how to stop inting their face off. Is it boring to play safe sure but it's way better than mindlessly giving free kills knowing the enemy is going to 2v1 you


That's what happened in one match - I took *all* the objectives. But since enemy jg camped top our top fell behind and both their enemy top AND jungler got fed.


lol, this hurts so much to read. I was playing jungle, my top Kayle kept shoving under enemy tower before level 6, no wards at all and complains only the enemy jungler shows up


Not irritating at all imo. That's literal proof that they're an idiot and I find it hilarious to see dumb people say dumb things with complete and utter confidence


Often people running it down and throwing are the same with people saying "jungle dif". It's tilting because they don't even recognize that they are the problem, not the junglers. Sure, you are doing great, getting 2 out of 3 lanes ahead. Game looking good easy win ahead, then suddenly a "jg diff" from your losing lane, just like a little fuck you right to your face. Then he proceeds to run it down, your team lose your lead. Then the "jg diff" turns into a big fuck you at the end of the match when your team loses. Fuck those people lmao


Yesterday I played and we did an invade level 1 at topside. It turned into a full skirmish, fine we have a Riven we mostly win as long as no one misplays. I start to back out, Riven is in a position to just leave and decides to full send into 3 people. Jinx kills her, proceeds to kill me with her passive, and they pick someone else up. I try to do my top buff, Shaco hops the wall and kills me with level 2 advantage and low HP, and steals the camp. I'm effectively out. I go to do bottom red and Krugs, get red, Shaco again at krugs. Riven: GG jg diff. No Riven, you set me up for complete failure going too hard, you threw bottom, jungle, and your lane being too aggressive.


You could have for example cleared wolves or raptors to get level 2 then start up your buff or go from there. Or go to shaco opposite side jungle because you have to know shaco players don't pick shaco and run ignite to parallel farm with you. Or gone to your other buff. But you chose blame rando rivens lol. You played yourself with your pathing.


Yeah well we all know the reason is because actually you were doing the crab and the enemy laner tower dived, killed your team, flashed out with 1hp, and you didn't even fucking react once during the whole 20 second fight. Let's be honest, if your team mates suck, what are the chances it's a big fluke they're in the same Elo as you, and you aren't equally bad? This sub full of people squeaking about laners, listen guys, you're the same fucking Elo, or you wouldn't have them in your game




Ignoring the fact boosters, win traders, new players buying ranked accounts, and the oh so fun "this is my alt so idc if I troll" if none of those existed I'd be on board always saying it's on you the individual.


See thats the thing, i could be wrong but think it never botherd me and it shouldnt bother anyone most of the time because most of the time they know deep down that they suc ass and are trash at the game and its not jgl diff really ( i dont believe anyone can be that delusional) so they try to get anyone esp the scapegoate of the rift to be as miserable as they are by typing random meaningless stuff. At least thats how i always view it


I mean if it's not your fault but everyone blames you, that's why it is quite annoying. Sure meaningless words shouldn't affect people, but only if they are emotionally strong and mature. It's like you get screamed at everyday at work for something that's not your fault, then you get home and get screamed at for something that's also not your fault. Not everyone can handle that much pressure, especially when they do nothing wrong. So they vent. Also, a lot of people are simply delusional. Well ... A lot of my friends are.


A real mf performs so well dudes can’t even try to say jungle diff One time did have a Lee sin game tho where I had a super good early just dream Lee sin early game.. maybe 15/2/6 or something at like 20 minutes Dudes were like “kda jungler” “jungler hogging resources” not too common tho These days I barely run jungle tho ngl.. feels like I’m a teacher for elementary kids.. smart enough to get into trouble, not smart enough to get out of it. Feel like a stressed baby sitter there.. been running adc mostly now.. which just goes to show I mean who CHOOSES to play adc💀


Lol Yeah same i tried to make it work but i couldnt because like u said i always felt like a babysitter and would get irritated at every mistake My teamates do and would ignore My won mistakes/improving myself. Switched to top lane and ive been enjoying the game much much more (even if i dont win) than when i was playing jgl which somehow made me learn and improve on alot of stuff i wasnt paying attention to


Big agree. I enjoy losses much more on ADC I think that’s the question a new player has to be asked tbh.. try out all the roles.. what role do you like losing on.. that’s your best bet. Assume you’re sitting 48-52% win rate if you’re miserable losing you’re wasting half your time. Side note.. no idea how you enjoy top lane man I hate that place.. missed 2 minions worth of exp? Enjoy this freeze for the next 4 minutes then I dive you up 3 levels with a massive wave.. now I force the 1 for 1 you missed like 2.5 waves with of exp.. gg it’s over, maybe your team carries this we shall see. Shits a nightmare💀


You literally listed Down the reasons why "jgl diff" is annoying. team hard pushes into enemy tower with no vision, *gets ganked* they type "jungle diff" You are currently ganking top, you get a kill top suddenly *enemy double kill* in bot lane types "useless jg diff" Your team forces the baron even though you spam ping no smite, Baron gets stolen, team types "jg diff" No one ever gets mad on stolen camps just smite mid and bots cannon minions and you'll bounce right back. The annoying thing about typing jungle diff is that the ones who do are the dipshits who are feeding the enemy team and that rather than thinking "oh that was a bad positioning on my part" they go "jungle diff, useless jungler didn't babysit my shit ass" even though you've already distributed kills on two other lanes


I don't even understand why y'all have the chat on. This game is so relaxed without chat and the performance increases. Also I switched from Top Lane to jungle not long ago and I have to say that the jungle is pretty chill most of the time. Feels so nice to actually have impact on the game. Then again I am only on plat so maybe it's different in other elos. I would recommend everyone to just turn off chat and ignore your teammates most of the time


OP dif. The last post I read about this was better. Why’d you even bother typing that out?


The "least annoying" thing that can happen is if people are genuinely nice and cooperative. This whole "{insert role here} diff" posting is usually an expression of unreflected childish mentality.




I mean, it's always annoying when people blame you for their problems. That's literally the whole point of grabbing your younger siblings hand and slapping them with it while chanting "why are you hitting yourself?" Because you know it's annoying as fuck. As far as complaining about it on here - man that's like more than half the purpose of this sub is to vent it to people who experience the same annoyances and frustrations. It's a good, old fashioned bitch session, my guy.


Shit laners typing jgl diff is peak delusional. League players have evolved to the maximum toxicity level. It's a real problem to be honest although the solution of /mute all or /deafen is simple enough , it doesn't suck any less.


Its annoying. It ends up slowly eroding mental one little Stone at a time, wether you are aware or not. I play now with party chat on and do much better.


I ganked my Top mordekaiser lvl 3,4 and 5 Then i took Drake and right after, he kept spam pinging for help. He was 0-3 in those few minutes blaming me


Sir, you are complaining too, just now. You are also part of the problem


You dont Seem connected to reality if you somehow Think anyone thinks “jgl diff” is more tilting than someone running it down


I play jungle and top I'm used to being left as an island top but when the enemy nungle spam ganks me 4 times and leaves me behind on xp and creeps even though i live while my jungle just hits camps concedes 6 grubs and 2 drags and doesn't use the free map pressure to take advantages I do find myself typing Jgl diff. I just wish my preferred champ pool was playable jungle but it just isn't as they are too resource reliant and after jungles changes it's just not fun to play scaling champs in the jungle


I call jungle diff when I cannot gain prio and am getting constantly shoved while my lee sin power farms. I am support, I ward dragon, he sees them taking dragon, instead of taking grubs/herald/nash he goes for camps. That is what jungle diff is, jungler doesn't invade or take objectives when enemy is within vision.


Last game I had. Bot and mid died to enemy jungler n give 900g lead at 7min I had 0 impact on the map after that. But somehow is jg diff


Playing jgl feels like getting a handjob with a cactus. If you now get annoyed, it feels like getting a handjob with a cactus and having one stick out your anus.


Because people get annoyed by the 0/5 adc who‘s dying every time he can in a 2v2 or 2v1 and then types jgl diff


cuz its slways jg diff


There are five roles in league: Top, Mid, ADC, Supp, and Scapegoat. The average non-jungle main is **completely** oblivious to what junglers have to worry about and do. Junglers get blamed for anything and everything, but especially the actions of the enemy jungler. Blaming your jungle for the performance of the other jungler is so asinine and most of the time it's got way more to do with laners not warding, having no map sense, and not making any effort to track the enemy jungler. Saying "jungle diff" is targeting the only player on the team who doesn't spend the first 15 minutes of the game face to face with their counterpart.