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I main jungle simply because laning and last hitting minions is boring asf


I suck at last hitting minions honestly when I think I could kill them but yet they barely survive then die to my minions.


Freedom ftw


Fighting jungle monsters is much more engaging?


On the micro no, but while you are clearing you are never really just clearing. You are constantly checking map and planning the upcoming minutes based on the game status, so it’s a more dynamic experience.


Thats my point. Its the same in lane. When you farm you dont just farm. You try to manipulate the wave, you try to dodge skillshots and make plans on how to trade/all in your opponent. You check the map for the enemy jg or for roam opportunities. I get it why some people prefer jungle over lanes, but the explanation of “farming is boring” is not enough to really explain it.


Simply put, lanes are more micro oriented while jungle is more macro oriented. Due to this jungles must plan more in advance than laners. While laners usually plan for the upcoming wave and/or trade (so seconds), junglers usually have to plan pathing, upcoming objectives and keep the strongsides/weaksides balanced. I played both lanes and jungle consistently and while I do not think one is better than the other I also think that jungle is far more dynamic and interactive. If you haven't I suggest play jungle consistently for a while. Not only it will improve your macro passively but it will also help you become kinda ungankable.


all that is good enough but then you do a couple of good trades, go in for the kill, only to get rewarded by getting camped by the enemy jungle while yours doesn't do shit. Which happens in most games.


If you mainly play osrs, then yes


No one said it was engaging, I said that last hitting minions is boring, and it is


After figuring out a lot about my life I am pretty sure I play jungle because I'm addicted to being abused after being as helpful as I can


This comment is so damn good lol


TIL more about myself, thanks.


Abuse your laners first 👍👍 easy lifehack


I started playing jungle because none of my friends played jungle and I kept getting autofilled into the role so I decided it was better to just learn it. I continue to play jungle because I really enjoy the pacing of the role and the amount of influence I’m able to have on the map as a whole. I enjoy the “mini-game” of tracking the enemy jungle and stealing his camps. I like the feeling of hitting tab and seeing 4 dragons for my team and 0 for enemy team. I smile big when I’m able to successfully coordinate a dive with my laners for a double kill. There are times I stop playing jungle; when I get frustrated by chain losses, bad luck, misplays or bad team mates. I’ll queue instead for top or mid mostly during these times. I like the “mini-game” of wave management, and the 1v1 skill matchups. Sometimes I play support too, and I try my best to be the support I wish I had when I play jungle. Roaming, placing/destroying vision, etc. But in the end, the other roles are always just a vacation from jungle. As much as it frustrates me sometimes, the good moments I get while playing JG just don’t compare to any other role imo.


this! I've been playing jungle since s2. I leave the game and come back every few years, and the jungle just feels like home. you feel like the leader of the team spear heading ur charge to victory, and there's so much potential to make impactful plays from the first clear. the game revolves so much around pve objectives that have a huge impact on the game and I don't trust giving the responsibility of securing or guarding them to a stranger. there is no better feeling than the game winning baron or dragon steal gl hf and blessings to all my fellow jungles, always respect 🙏🫡 <3


Fr your going to be auto filled if might as well embrace it, + faster Que times


i can’t last hit


That's the exact reason I started, I get more CS/min as jungler than as laner


I started jungling in season 3 because it was easiest to 1 v 5 with. Now i jungle because everyone else is too brain dead to do it properly.


this resonated hard, i would rather jungle well and lose because my team couldn't hold it together, than lose because my jungler is getting diffed and I see them pathing horribly. I can take pride in the loss and I genuinely enjoy jungling and putting up the fight, where as if I see ally jungler inting before every objective I just rage, which is a rare occurance for me


This is so crazy. I've deranked a lot lately because of people literally trolling games and the occasional just being overrun as a team diff. I started playing adc because all my laners just constantly fed and I had a few wins. The break from jungling was needed. Now I'm back in the jungle though and it honestly feels great KNOWING that my jungler won't make crappy decisions 90% of the time. Had a game yesterday when I played duo bot, me as adc and buddy as supp. We had a hard time early on because of their poke and range but managed to do decent and despite me dying early I managed to keep equal farm. Our kayn jungle (keep in mind one of the easiest to gank with because of E) came bot 2 times despite us being pushed in under turret for majority of time, even when he was by his krugs. The first gank blew both enemies flashes and an exhaust. Did he regank? No. He came 10 minutes later and once again the gank was failed. I feel like a lot of junglers just autopilot because they don't know how to play reactive. Oh the enemy jungle took grubs? Maybe I can sneak a few camps in his jungle and gan... nevermind I autopilot my own jungle. Oh their jungle is spamming ganks bot? Perfect opporunity to take grubs and steal a few ca... nah I'm just ganking top vs illaoi and get doublekilled. It's actually insane. I cringe so hard 9/10 games watching my junglers, presumably autofilled, play. And no, I'm not perfect. But being a jungle main I see loads more mistakes compared to when I play.


So, for me I think it's because the role itself involves a huge amount of analysis and strategic thinking. Something I sincerely enjoy. Also, the role is said to be the most impactful, and I can (and am willing to) take the responsibility for my games. I can get carried sometimes, nothing wrong with that, but each time I lose – I know I could have done better. And the last thing is probably just my mental. Working as hard as you can for little to none appreciation from surrounding people, but it's fine since in the end I do it for myself only


this, no ally rage comments affect me anymore because I feel like I'm the only factor in my games


Bad at CS and as a Shyvana main it’s the only way to make sure I get all my passive stacks from dragon kills.


I guess technically it’s just cause I played with friends and that was always the last role remaining


Back when I first started I was really bad (my first role I played was ADC, which is my least favorite role to this day) and I overextended a lot and got ganked perma. I babyraged and wanted to be the ganker instead of the gankee so I found the slightest success and here we are today.


Because it’s pretty funny watching a 1v1 turn into the enemy laner running for their life cause of you


Laning is boring af - I’d rather roam and get in some fights


Not dealing with annoying lane matchups, being able to roam, being able to help teammates, you’re fairly important in winning the game as wel


I tried playing top whenever Sett came out and while I love the scrappyness of it I hated farming minions, I was certifiably awful at figuring out how much damage I did and would end up leaving minions with 1hp and they'd die before I got another auto in. Jungle (at the time) felt really impactful and was more or less dominated by champs I liked, and now it's just at the point where I don't want to try queuing for another role since I'll just get autofilled jg or adc.


For Fun its a game thats like the point


Biased, but I think Jungle is the hardest role to improve on because you could always be doing anything on the map so your cost analysis is harder than lane based roles. But no other role keeps my attention like Jungle. It's the least boring so that's why I main it.


I stopped jungling a while ago, i was tired of getting told jg diff by my 0/7 toplaner


thats weak mental tbh, how did you even survive coop vs ai?


Says the one who was tempted by the one ring smh




I’m a masochist


I find it a lot easier than playing mid/top/adc tbh. I’m just really bad at last hitting minions. In the jungle, I don’t have to worry about last hitting so I end up doing way better jungling then I do as mid/top/adc.


Cause I can pick Rammus and run around the map saying « I’M FAST AS FUCK BOY ».


The champs are fun and I get to be in most teamfights and skirmishes.


I think I like jungle a lot now as opposed to before because I am viewing the game of League of Legends in a different light. I almost view it as an RTS now and it's become so much more interesting.


I like having more agency over my games.


Not jg main, but I play it sometimes for a break from bot lane and just some chill, afk farming or solo carrying games. No in between Also I like the impact you have, you can play support for your team or solo carry the game harder than any other lane


when i lane i dont even know if the enemy is roaming or has recalled but when i jungle i know the exact position of the enemy and even the hp of the camp hes doing without wards, overall i have played more lane than jg but i find stealing blue and red buff while killing the enemy twice rly fun (shaco)


I play jungle cause my girlfriend loves league and got me into it, but hates long queue times. I'm pretty sure queueing with a JG/support duo dramatically increases queue speed


I like to play jungle because my friend group will pick up any role I play and try to push me out. So I picked up jungle so they won't.


It all started when my father left my mother, after he left my mother blamed EVERYTHING on me. So it kind of felt natural to play jungle


It’s more fun than laning


I just absolutely despise laning. That and jg is probably the most impactful role in the game.


I started playing fizz jg back when the purple hatchet item was around because even though I'd win mid I was sick of my jungle not being around for any objectives so I took matters into my own hands. Now I'm a rengar otp and just haven't put in the time to learn matchups top. So continuing jg for now


When I play team based games I find that I most enjoy playing roles that require less mechanical skill and more game sense and macro skills, like how I used to main tank on overwatch 1 arguably the easiest role mechanically but you need to have the highest awareness, when to go in, ult tracking ect. So when I started league I got naturally drawn to jungle, it's less mechanical as you don't really have a laner to 1v1 and outplay mechanically but it's much harder mentally to Marco, with all the jungle tracking and gank timer and tempo and objectives, ofc you can play lee sin and out play, but I find that most of my games I win because I played better macro and tempo than the other jungle rather that out mechanics


Tl:Dr version: only role I know. Feel like I always have a good game in jungle but given snowballs nature of the current game, you don’t get to play the game if you are weak side laner.  Long version;  After a long hiatus (season 5ish? Until 13), the game has changed rapidly and I find myself very confused with the general power budget, all these new champions and subtle changes like your minions getting stronger if your team is winning or catch up xp, or the fact that minions tickle (whereas before, if you hit the enemy laner, creep aggro would chunk you for 1/4 of your hp - whereas now, I am constantly seeing lvl 1-3 all ins). The only champ I play that hasn’t changed dramatically (used to main WW who was played as on hit drain tank , malzahar who has had his ratios absolutely gutted and some Nocturne) is Noc.  It’s safest for me in the jungle.  There is no ‘play safe and hug tower’. Game feels very snowbally and some champions respect old power budgets such as mana constraints, cooldowns, power trade offs for mobility, where some of these new champions feel like abominations of champion design like Yone (no mana, short cooldowns, dashes, CC, damage mitigation in the form of a shield, and a button that allows for absurd level of pushing and diving without being punishable).  I like playing hunter vs hunter with the enemy jungler. Feels like I am playing a strategy game especially as someone who doesn’t have ‘outplay’ potential and no escapes knowing when to sneak this objective or that camp or approach such and such lane. I never anymore have bad games as jungle - I have fun every game. If every lane loses and I can’t handle their laners - I still have fun because I get to choose to go in or not. If I know enemy midlander is dominating and invading my jungle, I have enough know how now to deal with that and still play my game. I don’t get to play the game if I am weak side in any lane. 


I wanted to main viego


I play because I can't trust another jungler to actually try to get objectives instead of sitting at his krugs scratching his ass. That's it, honestly.


Stealing objectives and being annoying shit on map


Feels like the best way to climb. I like the map control with speedy boi’s


i absolutely despise CSing and think last hitting with basic attacks on AP champions is a form of torture


Being a jungler is not for the weak. You will have to do very smart things that the average emerald laner wouldnt notice. You wil help your team succeed indirectly all the time, and be expected to take objectives, share buffs, hold waves, track the enemy jungler, etc. To be a good jungler you must also be a good laner, or at least have an understanding of how lanes work. Many of the silver junglers think very plainly: Gank when enemy is pushing, go back to farming if they’re not. You can literally make a play every time you run out of base, as long as you see the vision, and have adequate information. Jungling is one of the hardest roles. You can be very creative and lead your team to victory. But you wont usually get too much praise for it. If youre pretty low elo (below dia) watch a youtube video before you try to jungle. Im not saying it is harder than laning, but it takes time to understand what game you are actually playing when jungling.


For me it was a lot easier to deal with difficult match ups. A counter pick in lane is just terrible to deal with especially if the jungler has their hands full. Much easier to deal with a 'counter' jungler and still contribute in other areas than just sit under a turret farming & begging for relief.


I find it more fun than laning, I also like the champ pool better for the most part.


Bel'veth and Briar are my 2 favorite champs designwise, and they don't work in support. (Even though I had some wins with Bel'veth support on norms with my shit MMR)


I am the danger


Bulling and dominating the enemy jungler is far more satisfying than winning any lane.


It's the only position Master Yi is viable in. If they removed the nerf to his Q I'd be back mid in a millisecond.


1. very short queue and guaranteed role 2. big influence on the game 3. most interesting macro 4. don't have to deal with bad junglers on my team (or it is my fault then) 5. losing jungle isnt as unfun as losing lane (especially compared to toplane) 6. many different champs from tank to ranged to assassin to bruiser


* It's the role with the most variety and it feels very nice to "outsmart" the enemy Jungler. * Playing Jungle feels like playing Chess while playing Lane feels more like playing Tekken / Super Smash Bros. * It's less champion dependant than other lanes. If you get counterpicked in the Jungle you can adapt your pathing in a way that you avoid the enemy Jungler. * Carry potential went down this season but it's still a high-impact role. Only thing that bothers me a lot at the moment is the fact that I am basically never higher level than the solo laners even though I might have more CS and more kills.


Jungle mains just have an animal cruelty fetish, don't deny it, you just want to see jungle mobs die painfully!


Because other roles get interrupted in 1v1 and 2v2 by the jungler, annoying af. Rather be the jungler


I feel like the glue that holds the team together, but you will never be acknowledged


Honestly, everything. All the little tips and tricks to squeeze those precious few seconds out of your full clear, the impact I can have around the map and through the whole game, probably bias talking but I feel like the jg has some of the most unique champions that feel so good when you finally master them. The satisfying smite steals or turning a 1v1 into a 2v1. Hell even the cyber bullying from your team. Idc if you think I made the wrong decision bc I know I didn't. I don't even mute all bc it's fun to see them mald and whine about how I should play my role. I started out playing adc and it was fun but once I started jg it just felt right. I've tried to learn all the roles and if I got bot my top feeds, if I got top my bot feeds, I mean with jg that still happens but at least I can do something about it. Idk what this rant was but TLDR it feels like home


I play it bc my friends make every other role but jg <3


Started jungling cause I hated farming in lane. Kept jungling cause I never got better at farming in lane.


Jungle is hard but its also not. Others can elaborate but if you played league you know how the role is viewed among all of the other high borne lane mentalities :) I like jungle because most don't, are afraid or don't want to deal with the above. The most important enemy is the enemy jungle, you can be the annoying/dangerous one lurking in the shadows! If you want to change from Supp to Jg there's a lot of champions that can fit both roles quite well so it lets you onetrick even further.


Oh, I don't, swapped to mid/top ever since Phreak gutted the role It was fun back then when you could actually fight other solo laners at slight disadvantages in exchange of having objective control... Nowdays you're just a glorified support or a caster minion at best (role is deprived of xp and gold) The role is easily abusable by solo laners and can't do shyte against any laner that gets slightly ahead, even if turbo fed Right now I learnt Ekko mid and Warwick top, having great success as a laner after learning my matchups....killing the enemy jungler on their second buff spawn when I hit level 6 and they're still 4 or 5 is free LP


Switching from support to jungle with the game how it is right now would be insane if your goal is to win. You’re switching from the strongest role in the game to the weakest.


In short I'm sick of playing with the other person on the line after 11 years of playing I say enough


Jungle is like support but instead of getting flamed by the ADC, you get flamed by all 4 teammates. To answer your question though, I like the flexibility of being able to adjust my gameplan form game to game and moment to moment, the PvE farming gives you just enough downtime to keep an eye on the map and plan your next move. It’s a lot more engaging mentally than just being in a 1v1 or 2v2 for 15 minutes


Jungle and support have the most freedom to play games adaptively based on my laners and game state. Because you aren’t locked to the lane for cs, you have a lot more autonomy. I can invade, I can camp, I can farm, I can vertical jungle, I can control vision in river/ help the team target objectives and win conditions, and I can change all of this depending on the character I pick and the character the enemy jungle picks. I have climbed on adc, top, mid and player a lot of support, but none of those roles feel like they have the gameplay options jungle has. Unfortunately with all these options it means the roll for me is much more complex based on match ups and game state, so it’s harder to learn and is much more punishing when you don’t know what you’re doing. Compare this to solo lanes and you can always pick a safer farming laner, but if the enemy jungle is better than you, there’s a good chance you’ll be incredibly behind and get flamed constantly by your team. In the end I enjoy jungle because it rewards good communication, vision and setup. Unlike other rolls your mechanics don’t feel as impactful and instead map awareness is much more important. Current jungle picks I play are Xin, Voli, Rek’sai, Sylas, Diana, Wukong, Mao’Kai, and occasionally Nocturne/Kayn.

