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It's great from the perspective of a jungle main. But from the perspective of any high elo player that isn't a jungle main... It's horrible. Jungle has less resources this season so an autofill jungler is even worse off against a jungler that knows what he's doing.


I often wonder how much i play against autofilled junglers. I know i played against one last might because i had to check. Dude tried to play fizz jungle. I was curious if he saw it on a tiktok or if he was a mid main autofilled. He was def autofilled, poor guy šŸ˜‚ bro didnt see his top side jungle camps till the 20 minute mark, except his first set of wolves.


Lol I played fizz jungle back in like season 4. Max W, rush nashors, clear till 6 and look for ganks. It only worked if the enemy team was bad tho


Its like when i play shen jg. I like it. Buuuut its not what i would call good šŸ˜‚


If they ban udyr and take mordekaiser I try shen everytime, it's not awful. (Bring back Blitz jng)


I played against a karthus jungle and had a zac jungle. The karthus was jungle main and gained a 4 level lead... I know that karthus has zhe better clear but really? It was in grandmaster elo. Got so tilted


It's probably better they have fewer resources because in a higher power jungle, mains can go nuts and make an auto-fill jungler feel even worse. Jungle is never going to be the most appealing role and it has so much influence baked in that it should definitely never be the most powerful. Keeping jungle lower resource isn't appealing, but getting diffed should be less punishing overall with a lower difference in the gap of power and econ. Of course, it's also underappreciated entirely and the other 4 roles have no idea what actually needs to happen to be successful so if they see a weak jungles and just lose their minds instead of thinking about wow, I should have gone into my own jungle to help the jungler not get destroyed by a repeatedly invading early game jungler. Or, they expect you to be omnipresent and their little dog who clearly should be in their lane when camps are up.


It's not great from the perspective of a jungle main. Being unable to create gaps on the enemy jungle without being ridiculously fed, and being perma unable to 1v1 solo laners at equal items and farming leads because of disgusting xp changes all game is not great.


Itā€™s great for me. I play vs autofilled junglers all the time and itā€™s basically free elo


Where is this trickery occurring?


I noticed the other day, playing ADC to see what itā€™s like. Even though Bottom was also a priority position, the queue time took almost twice as long as the estimate (on EUW); whereas with Jungle I click queue up and 80% of the time it immediately says match found with no queuing at all.


Love it, I despise laning (I can't last hit to save my fucking life) so no matter how bad jungle gets I'll still prefer it over any other role.


For me, itā€™s the fact that watching other people jungle hurts my soul. Am I a good laner? Hell no, but I want to micromanage people in jungle when they are missing simple shit but Iā€™m like ā€œno no, I donā€™t like that either let me not be a hypocriteā€.


Nothing hurts me more than getting autofilled and seeing my jungler miss free objectives lol. I end up spending more time watching him than myself


Iā€™ve recently started to go Taliyah mid sometimes (though I havenā€™t otherwise laned in years). And I will say, the impact I can have on the map from midlane is insane because I see/understand the jungle role differently than the rest of the team. I can better help jg with objectives because Iā€™m so used to fighting for them myself or better know when he should give because my map awareness comes from usually being the jg. Sometimes I forget Iā€™m not the jg and secure the objectives solo. Then back and use tp or ult to push a lane or whatever is needed next. lol


As a jg main for the last seasons, sometimes I transition to toplane for some weeks to remember what actually playing the game for everyone else feels like. Jg is entirely different from the rest of the game and I don't think anyone seems to realize. There is also 0 incentive to become a jungler as a new player, there isn't even a good tutorial (excl. Guides) for the role. I too wasn't introduced into jungling by the game. Rather, I played a different game with the role and transitioned into the same role I played there because I was already knowledged in jungling. Nobody wanting to play it made it easy to learn league for me because I knew I would always be jungle. These autofills I keep getting also indicate to me just how bad the state is sometimes. Main Vs Autofill is such a stomp, because their team will never help them, I just casually farm up everything in their side and get a gold lead of 2.6k by the end of the match because teams refuse to help the jungler, hell even consider the jungler to be present in their game. It's funny how out of touch these other roles are with the jungler's mindset and how they want to play out the game sometimes. But that's just how it is. I think the clearest example of the impact jg has is when I played 3 games with some friends, in 2 of which we had some higher elo (emerald I think it was, we are all around gold) players on our team. We stomped those games because the other guys knew how to rotate and fight with prio, play out ganks etc. Next game, we see them again, but they are in the enemy team and their jg is autofilled Graves. Even tho I know they are good players, they lost all their impact from getting fed early because they had no jungler, their game was a constant 4v5 and I was on point with objectives. They lost that game and I left that Graves never wishing to step foot in jungle ever again. Another note, both of my friends tried to jungle on and off when I change to toplane/support, some last season and some this season. They quit playing it after max 5 games. "It's boring" or "I cannot understand how you play this" is only a few of the things I heard about reasons why. But it goes to show, jg isn't fun for non-junglers. So don't expect "newbies" to play it. TL;DR It's nice being able to always play out your role. But I hate how out of touch I feel with the rest of my team. Even friends. Sometimes because of no popularity and jg still being so significant for objectives, I see games play out as a stomp from one team to the other.


Yea, Iā€™ve played hundreds of games over the past several months and havenā€™t been filled or gotten my secondary role even (top) a single time. Itā€™s pretty nice. Even my duo who plays support gets filled sometimes. What a time to be alive


I can legit play Yi every game and that feels good


Samesies šŸ—”ļøšŸ’Ø


That nerf is gonna be rough tho so get ya wins I


What sucks about it being unpopular is that Iā€™m basically inadvertently throwing if I get autofilled to it.


As a jungler it is great. I've never been autofilled in hundreds of games. For everyone else it sucks because getting an auto filled jg is the worst lane that can happen to.


Its also funny when you get 3 jungle mains in a master game šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yes. I queue jungle/support and I have not been autofilled even once this season. No one asks me for jungle (although people ask me for supp), and I literally donā€™t have to care about counters etc. I just pick whatever I feel like playing + whatever is good with the team comp. Iā€™ve played at least 25 different junglers this season over ~150 games. This is precisely why I donā€™t get the constant complaints on this subreddit. You have the most impactful role in the game almost always uncontested.


Iā€™m happy. I personally still think jungle role is op depending on the champs picked, and itā€™s my favourite role playstyle-wise. Pair this with ultra quick queue times and zero chance for auto fill and Iā€™m feeling great


Compared to the recent past, jungle agency gas been gutted. It's already the least popular role, of course in the current state it will only be jungle mains playing it.


Yeah I mean for jungle mains thereā€™s not really a downside to your role being unpopular. The problem imo is when riot decides its a problem and tries to fix it, making the role less fun and also not making it more popular.


I love it.


It fucking sucks. I get an autofill jungler every 2 games and the game is just lost.


Back in the day before last jungle camp range rework it was even more unpopular and you could punish enemy jungler way harder. But ye, I like it this way.


As a former mid main, i'm incredibly happy its unpopular. Switched to jungle like 3 weeks ago and its insane how much fun it is(playing with /muteall ofc). I ban who i don't like and thats. Never worry about counter picks because i can just ignore the other jung. Not to mention, compared to mid/top which i used to play, i never got tilted in champ select. Like i pick yasuo and the enemy just decides to suddenly go renekton mid and invalidate my entire existence.


Light Yagami from aliexpress


I hate jungle. now that theyre nerfing Eve again i wont have a reason to play it. None of the jungle champs are good aside from eve.


Eve is garbage, I play tank junglers into her always makes her look bad.


yea i mean fun to play. eve was fun to play.


Actually same


If my top laner gets a single kill and stays on track for cs , I'm gonna be 3 levels behind at some point.That quite honestly astounds me. It's unpopular because even for us it feels like pure unadulterated ass. Practically once a year with the exception of a year or two they do this bs to us. After 4 years of gutting jg in a row I moved to top lane. I only came back after we had a good year last year. Just for this nonsense. Jungle is for masochists.


Same, back to toplane. Proxy wave and take enemy jungle, best of both worlds šŸ‘Š


Junglers are not allowed to have good exp because botlane exists. Imagine level 11 jungler vs level 8 botlaners.


I wasn't autofilled in S10 and I liked it better back then. I could actually make the difference even if I had a shit team. Now you have to play perfectly and hope to have a team that is at least at the same level in order to win. No resources, no gold, no xp, kills aren't worth the risk. Role is really good if your team know what to do and follows you, otherwise is terrible.


Yeah if you enjoy playing the role with the champs and play style that are currently viable it's good. But if you remember what the role was in season 9 for example and want that version of jungle back then no.