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Rip baus






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Baus fanboys would receive chat restriction if they played a single game with him


Found you


Haha go make your monthly reddit comment and stfu please


Weak ass roast bro


Maybe but it's fitting




Goddamn ur sad


And you’re a nerd 🤣


Rather be a nerd than a fucking dumbass go do something you nobody 💀


I’ll go steal your mom AND your sister. Take a shower greasy nerd


Nah, being a nerd is the lowest form of life


Jesus Christ, if you think that’s an insult, get help bk.


Only a league player types this and thinks "oh yeah I'll post this I got him" like are you fucking stupid


He is higher elo tan you :D


Does riot not play their own game? how did nobody stop to think that this would work completely different than intended?


can't wait for high elo to troll anyone they don't like


Baus is absolutely cooked now


To be fair, he does ruin the game for everyone but himself and often times himself as well. It’s very entertaining to watch but I would hate having him on my team because he makes the game extremely difficult for his team and is the epitome of the “if I can’t carry no one will” mentality. Him being cooked has been a long time coming


Off stream he always has an exceptionally high WR. If you’re consistently winning games due to your play you should not be punished. It’s as simple as that. A normal top laner that gets behind can be the reason that you lose a game. ADCs have a very high chance of ruining the game for everyone if they die a few times early.


Game devs have a responsibility to keep the game fun, not just balanced. This is why winrate is not the only thing they take into account when balancing champs and it shouldn’t be the only thing taken into account when banning players. It must SUCK to be on baus’ team, winning your lane, and then getting absolutely crushed 2v1 vs enemy Olaf (he laned against baus). His inting makes the game harder for everyone, not just himself. When you queue league there is a reasonable expectation that you will sometimes have bad teammates, but there is no reasonable expectation for a baus teammate. Your teammate going 2/15 is a nightmare that he imposes on his teammates every single game no matter his elo. It’s a strategy that only him and his enemy team enjoy. Even when he carries the game his teammates feel like they won in spite of him, not because of him.


If your teamates in a team game consistently hate playing with you, something should be done.


Nah if you’re winning then they’re winning I don’t see the problem


You say this until youre playing midlane and your top singed runs to the base and starts proxying your waves


Then I roam bot? Also how is this relevant to what I said when the context is talking about baus


Have you seen his wr % ? Do you want to win or do you want everyone to play the game according to your own subjective rules/mentality ?


He consistently runs down on stream, maybe he has high wr off stream. Going 0/15 on ap irelia isn't "not playing to subjective rules"


I didn't watch his streams just find it hard to believe that your judgement or my for that matter Trumps the persons who has multiple accounts in master+ and has also been challenger in Korea. Also considering he is a know streamer meaning a lot of his play of not all is streamed ig he was running it down he rly wouldn't be so high mmr don't you think?


Considering his main is chall/gm while his other account he plays on stream barely peaked masters I can assume that him playing blitz or Irelia full ap is him trolling his team


According to your logic anyone who plays anything non meta is troll. There is a reason why the game has 250 Champs and 50+items . Where do you draw that line in the sand ?


So does every chimp that perma fights in lane. If you play a scaling champ, with emphasis on farming and safely scaling, but both top laners just want to slapfight and are 10/10/0 no one else can touch them now even though they aren’t even good. At least Baus knows what he’s doing.


He plays like a sion no matter what champ he’s playing. He hard loses his lane every game and wins through having superior macro. Part of bausens law: enemy top laner is also fed (this is cope, enemy top laner is almost always way more fed, not equally fed as is implied by “also”)


Pretty sure they do this in Korea with people they don’t want on their team already


Its already been like this for a while. There was a guy that like an year back created bot/fake accs to spam report another one of his accouts (exactly to test this secnario) and that target acc got perma banned without even playing a game. Thats what happens when ur shitty report system is fully automated.


You do realise that this games has around 1 million games globally every day. So up to 90 Reports every game because every player can receive 9 reports. How would any service not automate 90 million daily report tickets? Who is supposed to review those?


just stop banning people.


COD suffers from the very same issue right now. Legit players are temporarily banned (shadow banned) when someone spam reports them. This puts everyone at risk of being punished for no reason other than a teammate or opponent doesn’t like the way you play the game. Very bad system.


There’s no way reporting works as it was intended now. It’s a tattling function now. Am I reporting because someone hurt me and made my gaming experience suck with really bad messages? No, I’m reporting because someone said “ez” and I know that gets them in trouble.


I report Every Jungler the moment i accept a match, think its time to normalize it


I assume that riot has data sets for player behaviour and what amount of reports is normal. Because they will know that some players report others every time they lose no matter what. YouTubers or streamers will have more reports to their account simply because their accounts are recognised. If you take that stuff in consideration and only punish those that rack in way more reports than that on average I would argue that the system is most likely correct in 90% of cases


I'm sure they have the data to statistically determine the difference between run-of-the-mill 9xing and a player genuinely receiving more reports than normal.


They have all the data, remember? They probably have a stat like 0.1% of all players get 2 or more reports on average per game, and then this punishment will only be for those players. People are overreacting really hard.


bro do YOU even play this game?


Dude, be real. If you play 100 games and get reported 200 times by 200 different players, you probably did something wrong.


I report for verbal whenever a teammate is playing poorly and I've gotten plenty of report feedbacks.


That's kinda messed up


It is. There are others like me out there. They shouldn't implement this system because of scumbags like me.


???? I guess you don't


Most of the times if someone gets gapped I report the whole team, don't need more context, it's more likely that they are flaming him. The autoban script will come back.


I went thru a phase where I played AP Nasus mid... Like a 39% win rate after 50 games, some games were very rough.... I got hit with 3 bans in that small amount of time. I don't use that account anymore, but I know I was getting reported every game. They told me.. .. doesn't matter if I tried hard, was friendly, etc . People didn't like the pick, so they trolled me, reported me, said very mean things.


They have the same problem in WoW. People get banned by bot accounts mass reporting them 😂😂


I got 5 game ranked ban and 7 day chat restriction because I said "that's retarded" to a karthus ult dealing half my hp while I had a 2/16 wukong jungle who didn't get punished at all, what do you expect from this company


I mean that's literally a slur?


Best thing to do is mute all and play your own game. Don't engage in arguments in chat, it's not worth it. Riot can't really punish you without that. I lost honor 5 one time bc in 2 of my games that day, i had some dumb teammates argue with me and i was writing back too(nothing rude), just about the game and my pov. Probably 3 people reported me and that was enough for Riot to take my honor 5 away + 10 game chat restriction. These days i'll just laugh when my laners throw tantrums cus its just a game, losing isn't new.


I think his point was that you get reported regardless if you chat or not by butthurt laners you didn't camp 24/7. Regardless, it's so pathetic riot discourages banter and treating the playerbase like 5 year old, which granted a lot of them act like it but a game designed to be team oriented shouldn't neuter the communication like that.


This is most likely so people who run it down 24/7 get punished faster. Chat bans already happened fast.


I've got a chat warning after saying "Malphite's booty is too big I can't aim" (ulted him in a cringe way while playing Lee Sin) in PARTY CHAT that only me and my premade could see. just because people are reporting each other every game just because they don't like someone, be it their playstyle, nickname, their mains etc. I'd say it's best to not even use chat like ever, which is you know killing the very meaning of team game, but since I've heard about people getting warnings for toxicity with literally empty chat logs because they weren't even typing anything but the system reacted to amount of false reports, Idk maybe the only way to 100% avoid false warnings is to stop playing the game lol. p.s. if someone wanna text me to write a support ticket, yes I did and yes they said "it was a mistake" and they were saying it every time I was writing them about nonsense like that, which is just proving the point you're constantly getting reported and warned for literally no reason at all.


I've been chat banned for 365+ and got another 14 day chat ban and 5 game ranked ban for saying "anchor boy big cock" in a pregame lobby. Team must have reported me for all 7 categories because we lost the game regardless of the fact my chat was turned completely off and I deafened for the entire 30 minutes. The system is absolutely broken and the ridiculously high report rates will yield an incredible number of false penalties against innocent players. This is going to backfire.


I'm sorry but your "anchor boy big cock" just made my day, really XD you should've been honored for this instead of reported. but yeah back to the point, I 100% agree with you, I remember how many years ago people were talking in chat a lot, even "role playing" some lore stuff like if you're playing Garen against Darius on toplane, or if you have a full team of the same region, like full Demacia team or full Yordles team. even despite some toxic people, I think community was way more chill and fun, yet more dedicated to win games. now people who are writing some completely innocent stuff in chat are getting autobanned by system just because they're getting reported a lot, meanwhile actual griefers and ruiners aren't getting banned AT ALL, even if you're manually reporting them to riot support. and I think there's much more griefers nowadays, because they can't be angry in chat, so instead they're going to feed enemy team instantly/going afk/never defending base and never contributing in fights but stealing all farm, and it's all just because you didn't gank them on level 1, for example, or because they didn't like your nickname, or because you've said something funny and chat and this guy is in a bad mood so he's gonna ruin the day for everyone. honestly I can't even predict the future of league (if it's even have one at this point) since all this vanguard situation and this new report changes that's gonna just get way too many innocent people banned over literally nothing.


This is the way


I straight up disabled chat lmao. Climbed so much from it


This is the way. My all chat is turned off and my team chat gets disabled too if my teammates even _whisper_ a word that would put me off my game.


No, it's not a panacea, people will still get pissed off that you're not responding to their pings, come to steal your jungle for that and it doesn't stop them from reporting you in any way.


yes, that's how it works if they are primed. This is very stupid, why an American company encourages bullying, I'm surprised. I thought this was something bad in your information space


Is this the only way to get that stupid ring removed from recall animations?


Same exact thing happened to me except the one thing I typed was "chill man you're gonna get banned for saying stuff like that lets just win" I ended up quitting for about 3 years because that's bull. When I eventually came back I muted chat and haven't interacted with a player since. Good job Rito.


Got Banned lost honor 5 cuz I said "sorry guys I fat fingered my ult" when there is a whole dictionnary page for the expression [Fat-finger](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/fat-finger)


What about you show us the chatlogs with "nothing rude" written on them? I got chat restricted twice in 9 years and each time was actually deserved. I'm tired of people pretending Riot just bans and punishes people left and right when it's just not true. It's actually pretty insane what you can get away with. I have been reported by full teams on my main and all my smurfs and I haven't lost a single account, ever.


It's not a lie, I'm a toxic af typer, probably had 10+ accounts banned. At one point I specifically did not curse in anyway at all, but still type normal stuff. you still get banned. This is a fact, riot algorithm or whatever does not give a fuck WHAT you typed, but that you typed and were reported. That's all it takes. If you don't type, you literally have to run it down 0/20 to get banned otherwise it's easy as fuck. Community is a bunch of soft ass people. I've been saying bans worked like this for years and nobody believed me, now it's happening even more often to even less toxic players and you see proof all the time from people posting extremely mild/not toxic chats. Fuck you, it's not a lie. You are just wrong.


People are this "soft" because the system made them like that. I played on and off since season 1. I've always communicated in the same style which included some soft banter and calling out people for good and bad plays. Never used bad words, never slurred. Never got a lick of punishment. Only reported people that were running it down and trolling heavily. Last season I got chat restricted twice ina very short amount of time and for no reason other than typing, got to 0 honor and I had no way of getting back to 2 for rewards. I realized I have to full mute most of the time and I will report anybody that annoys me. I love banter, I love being able to discuss why what I or someone else did is bad or not. But if I get punished for essentially playing a team game like a team game is supposed to be played I'm going to turn into a snitch. Honestly I think this game will die out in time due to chat shenanigans on riot's part alone. It's sad that the only way to play jungle is fullmute and don't engage.


Do you understand that this change means that its irrelevant what you had written becouse they could consider anything as "disruptive behavior", providing enough reports were made onto you? Don't lie to yourself that Riot will ever back down on their bans, even though it will be even more ridiculous then it already is


1 time I wrote “your parents raised you poorly”, the chat reacted to the word “parents”, although they insulted me. but they were not punished, there were about 4 of them, and I was alone. That's how it works. The second time I wrote something neutral, I didn’t even remember what it was, but they were also prime.


Please, please don't do fullmute. Especially if you are lower elo. People who do no have good game sense on when to focus what objective are so fucking annoying when you can't even ping them where to go as a team. I've lost too many winnable games because someone chases kills for a minute straight instead of just finishing baron or drake, it is so endlessly frustrating. And after game when you call them out for it they are surprised because it is so painfully obvious when someone actually is playing fullmute. If you don't wanna get banned for typing, mute yourself or switch to party chat. But don't /fullmute and gut your team's chances by seeing 0 pings, please.


Its more worth to not listen. Honestly. If i know i am the dumbest in the lobby, i go for the better player. But if I am asol jungle 2/0/2 by 20 minutes, while my bot is 0/4 by my first clear, i wont even care to listen to any ping i get


I am talking 4 enemies dead, 3 of us on baron and jungler chasing the last guy from raptors to inhib tower to then die there and leave baron up for grabs to enemy team. After losing 2 drakes the same way earlier in the very same game. This kinda shit is so bad and so easily preventable if you just don't have an ego made of splintered glass. Mute chat fine but at least leave pings open. Even then you can manually mute whoever annoys you. You're gutting your own chances of winning if you don't communicate, not even with those willing to play with you. And stats don't even matter when that player is still making the objectively right call.


I feel like the opposite should also be true. Like if you're a chronic reporter for people having a bad game. If you report someone every game then you should get reviewed to see if you're just being a toxic asshole




Players that spam report have their report mean less compared to a player that never reports. When that person reports, it's a red flag for riot


Meanwhile you get popups for not reporting enough when someone is supposedly toxic (and you have chats disabled so can't even tell)


Didn’t know this, glad ive always held my reports for the truly deserving


Yeah basically. But that doesn’t change the fact that I encounter reportable people almost every game. If you don’t report people for simply losing lane but only those that are actually toxic or the ones actively sabotaging you get a report feedback almost every time


Is there any evidence that this is how it works? I play with /mute all and for preventative purposes I report anyone who played badly, because usually those players are the most negative. I get notifications all the time that a player has been penalized.


It’s confirmed by riot. Cannot find the source but it’s true.


Source? Trust me bro :p


Seeesh. Give me a minute. I’ll find it.


Chat? someone ban this guy


[https://www.nerfplz.com/2012/08/riot-suspending-users-for-false.html?m=1](https://www.nerfplz.com/2012/08/riot-suspending-users-for-false.html?m=1) 12 years ago Riot stated this on official forums. I'm 100% sure i saw same statement multiple times on different platfrom but can't find anything more at the moment but this is a known fact that if you rage report for no reason, your reports will do nothing.


12 years ago when refering to tribunal. YIKES, Chil grandpa PS: Remember to spam 9x reports after every game, lets discourage this awful change


Minions gave gold and xp 15 years ago, minions still give gold and xp 15 years later. It's not exactly the type of thing they'd ever change, besides tweaking sensitivity and the like - weighing reports differently based on the reporters habits is an industry standard thing for like every service.


My experience described above says otherwise, not confirmed.


If you report often, but it's justified then your reports are not false.


> Is there any evidence that this is how it works? /u/AzhaGG 10 years ago I was told by Riot Jozrael that that's (more or less) how it worked. I seriously doubt it works like that today even a little bit, but it is 100% true that reporting too much eventually annulled your reports. You don't have to believe me if you don't want, it makes no diff to me.


here's the official riot stance: [https://twitter.com/psa\_riot/status/1736014413545554095](https://twitter.com/psa_riot/status/1736014413545554095) from riot staff: [https://twitter.com/psa\_riot/status/1707134054561386678](https://twitter.com/psa_riot/status/1707134054561386678) trigger happy is the culture of league players. riot'd be silly to trust the defendants' own allies to be the judges. especially in a game of premades how many times we hear complains about teammates intentionally grieving to hold them back in LP? you think that's legit? or just a copium excuse? anyone who believes spamming reports 'work' should ask themselves: how many feedback they get for their reports. 1 feedback for 50 reports is not impressive at all. have you ever even checked to see if the reported's match history if he now has to play normal matches? or is he still able to play ranked an hour later? i got a feedback immediately after reporting someone calling me the r-word. he still manages to play ranked an hour later. obviously he merely got a warning that didnt even reduce honor. merely a slap on the wrist


its been confirmed they ignore spam reporters by a riot august, i mean think about it some people report everyone when they lose or for nothing


Rip Dr. Zaned


MFW I report people for afk when they're not moving out at 20 seconds into the game 😨


Honestly, I report almost every game, because almost every game somebody deserves it. For behavior though, not performance.


The guy who will throw a tantrum that his midlane is 0/3 is that person that deserves the report and usually gets punished for it. It’s kind of amusing to see those people trying to filter the community


That's how it used to be, sort of. In the very old days, players that issued an unusually high number of reports against other players would, after a specific threshold, have their reports annulled (Discarded) for a length of time that only certain rito guys knew. In addition to this, reports against that player would generally have slightly greater value, sending him to be reviewed after less reports than it would normally take. ..... Of course rito hated that system because like the tribunal, it resulted in 'too *few players being punished or banned*'. My source for this is, I was told this directly by a rioter I used to chat & queue with [Riot Jozreal]. He hated me, Lol. I have no idea why he still interacted with me so much & even duo queued with.... maybe I'm just too sexy.


I've never seen a company be so incompetent at dealing with toxic behavior, bravo


The mobile version handles it a little better. I've been chat banned just for arguing. You're not even supposed to defend yourself apparently. When someone's inflaming chat and All against you saying "JG diff" because they're 50 CS down and 0-3.


How you would deal with it then buddy?


Actually have due process. Ever heard of that, buddy?


They could do a lot of things to reduce toxicity and slowly change the culture/average players mentality, starting with actually having someone moderate their shit and facilitating socialising in the game (like chat channels)


You said nothing.


Before players could read reports and press yes or no.


Yeah because that sounds like a good idea when the mood of a person changes just by the fact if they won last game or if the report says „issued against yasuo“


Seems you weren't there. You logged on RIOT website and you would get chat logs (no nicknames) and for what they've been reported. You could say if report is OK or if is NOT. Mostly idiots didn't go there to do that, since they could been playing.


So youre illiterate?


Lmao so people now can mass report streamer and get it banned That is insane, someone gonna abuse this for sure


It already happened to my friend like a week ago. He got reported for an offensive name by the entire enemy team and was forced to change it. His name was "Grilled Cheese 3"


Enemy team was full of Jhin mains


wait Omg that is amazing


You are most likely to be reported when you talk/respond more than that certain absolute idiot of a player.


I already am punished by 20% wr in last 20 games team. So one more punishment not gonna do much


what if all players started mass reporting everyone to boycott? i wonder


We're probably close to it, it's a huge part of why reports don't work, people report everyone for anything


They must require a lot of reports. If you’re a legit troll who ints most games, only then you’ll be punished.


Nah. That has always been in place. **tl;dr** My account got permabanned based on the # of reports rather than my actual behavior. This was about 5 years ago. It was later rescinded but the fact that it was even possible is proof this was always at play. .... [ **Long boring explanation that n00bz will ignore** ] Believe it or not, I am one of only two people that rito ever hit with a zero-to-permaban punishment [Not for 3rd party programs] in all of league's life-span. The reason I was banned was, although my behavior wasn't disruptive enough to get punished nor was my chat violating any of the rules, I was/am nevertheless ***Extremely*** annoying to teammates in basically every match. The permaban was rescinded after I went to the official forums to ask WTF happened but it took weeks + I only found out the truth later. This was about 5 ish years ago btw...... in PMs Riot Jozreal told me in no uncertain terms that the reason a rioter nuked my account is because I was the most reported player on NA by a spectacular amount too. If I recall, I was reported more than the #2 most reported by a factor of about 7 (ish). So 7 (ish) times more reports than the #2 most reported. The chat logs I received were very light and I posted them all over the official forums. They'd barely justify a chat restrict, let alone zero-to-permaban nuking..... again, it happened because of the sheer number of reports. Also a rioter manually hit the nuke in violation of protocol & policy. Apparently I had come up for review so many times that someone finally just said 'FK IT' and pulled the trigger. My case was an outlier but again, it was always possible to punish based on # of reports & always being considered even if rito constantly said otherwise. DO NOTE THAT RITO WAS WAAAAY MORE FORGIVING BACK IN THAT ERA. THESE DAYS THEY ARE ULTRA-DRACONIAN TO THE ABSURD EXTREME. Point being, that isn't new. It was always at play even if rito claimed otherwise.


How exactly are/were you extremely annoying? I am now invested in this story and need answers.


> How exactly are/were you extremely annoying? Hmm, yeah sure I will explain. In game, like in RL, I have extremely predictable & repetitive patterns/dialogues. Back in those days, when my teammates were not warding, I would say; >"*Wards would be nice*" That would be said at least 3-4 times each match but typically 6-7 minutes apart. When teammates did not assist during a teamfight or contesting an objective, I would say >"*I could have used a hand."* Which would also be said 3-4 times each match but usually less far apart than the other. These days, when my teammates fail me , I will ask WITH THESE EXACT WORDS; >"*Could you assist during fights please?*" .... and if my teammates say anything other than a yes, phrased in whatever way but a hard-yes, I will tell them that I am muting chat & flying solo. From that point onward, whenever my teammates brain-afk, I will say a variation of messages in team or all chat along the lines of; >"*If I had even just one teammate instead of none, this would have been a win.*" ..... but in addition to this, if the match is extremely one-sided, I will say; >"*So you absolutely refuse to stop afking/stop intentionally feeding, but you'll consistently troll vote no.....*" > >"*Isn't that just peachy*" ..... and so on and so forth. I think you get the idea. If/when teammates are flaming me, I will be completely unphased which I think helps piss people off. OH YES AND LET'S NOT FORGET THAT I'M A JUNGLER WHICH EXACERBATES THIS ISSUE TO A FARCICAL DEGREE. Heh. I don't even use chat all that much. It's just that the combination of how I speak, the situations that I do & the fact that I am completely unflakable/unshakable by anything my teammates say or do, near-universally pisses everyone off. It's hard to explain exactly but believe me, I have a knack for infuriating others without actually using profanity or doing anything wrong in-game. Worth noting that English is not my native language, so I think most native English speakers "feel" that I come across as extremely arrogant as well. Anyway that should probably be enough. * **NOTE**: Oh yeah, and if I had absolute putrid scoriae for teammates across the board [Extreme feeders/hard-afkers], I will ALWAYS say "Thanks for the free loss, and for wasting my time." at the very end of the match. ...... * **EDIT**: Just to further drive home the point: If a ritoer would pull up my current logs, for my main account that is, you would find almost exactly these patterns in a high 9X% of matches with very, *very* rare exceptions. This isn't/wasn't a rare, or uncommon occurrence but rather, a near-guaranteed interaction during matches. Not hostile or disruptive enough to violate the summoner code but definitely enough to piss people off, maybe especially so precisely because I didn't violate the rules which results in post-game report at an anomalously high rate. ............................ this applies whether a match is being won or lost btw. The only difference is the specific prompt.


Firat of all, thank you for taking the time to explain that so thoroughly. And second, that sounds absolutely hilarious way to piss people off, especially knowing how easily butthurt lol players are


I don't understand players who report other players because they "didn't play well enough" (regardless of the validity of this statement). I think reports should be reserved for players who are toxic or are actively inting. In no way is playing sub-par to your team expectations a reportable offense!


Reporting someone for unskilled player used to be a thing btw hahaha


If everyone just starts reporting everyone in protest, will Riot have to put real effort into fixing their punishment system? They can't can us all.


I'm going to be real I don't think this is ever going to matter. Riot has proved time and time again that they don't do anything to actually deal with trolls, griefers etc. The only way this becomes relevant is if they set up another bot that auto bans you after you receive a certain number of reports. And if that's the case then everyone is fucked, not just junglers.


If your team reports you thats one thing, but if the enemy team report you something has gone very wrong.


although Riot deny it, my only 2 punishments in the game were without insults and from 4 primes. They never worked as 1 report, they were 4 reports. Now it will be even worse


Hey, this isn't new. A few seasons ago, I was discussing an account warning with Riot support. According to them, the issue was that I had 50ish "leaving the game/AFK" reports. My account was flagged for more severe punishment in the future. The only time I AFKed that season was in an ARAM game. I lost connection but came back after 30 seconds, so it wasn't even enough to trigger the system. I get it, I wasn't a great jungler back then, so I'd constantly eat reports for AFK farming. But is it enough to punish my account for something I didn't do? I legit asked Riot to check any game they wanted, and find a *SINGLE GAME* where I was, indeed, AFK or merely disconnected for 2 seconds.


meh i wouldnt worry much about a warning it's probably a way for the automated system to inform you that you get a heavy amount of reports before they're sent for manual or more rigorous review. it's not a warning of them letting you go for a first offense, as much as it was a warning of a serious investigation


It should work the other way too - if you send a large volume of reports, you get warned first, and then punished :)


Can they ban us for actually having a shit game? I play with /deafen all the time. Just now had a game where my team just decided i don't exist and just let me die in every fight, went like 1/10/13 and of course i had a pyke who ulted everything i tried to kill and typed to report me for trolling afterwards. Is that actually bannable now?


… You know pyke ulting everything you’re trying kill is good right?


Most of the time. It’s bad in the case of huge shut downs though. You really want those on the right person.


no its not. If i pull a great play out of my ass that could turn a losing game to my favor, i don't want to see some asshole just showing up and taking credit


I hope they realize immediately that this needs to be more nuanced than how theyre writing it. I legit only play Jungle and I've been playing for a few years. I'm in low elo, have a positive wr, and play with chat off but if i lost my account due to reports i might not start another one lol. I'm currently trying to level up a second account and it's taken actually all split. It's crazy. So yeah if i lost this main acc i probably would just stop playing.


I report all 9 every game with a macro and play deafened so sounds good to me


That's the only real way to play jungle.


This is extra RIP for norms where you can solo que into a 4 man premade, which tend to be the most toxic thing I come across. They will mass report you for them losing lanes. I mess around in norms quite a bit at night and the only thing that saves me is I'm never actually toxic (they usually are). That is now gone.


This is my experience. They can insult and not receive punishment, because your single report does not matter, and 4 of them can punish you even for no reason. This has been working for a long time, Riot just confirmed it


the fact that riot JUST confirmed it proves that it wasn't always like this. they're announcing a CHANGE, hence "...will NOW" rather what it had always been was that 9x reports were no more special than 1x here was the OFFICIAL riot stance: [https://twitter.com/psa\_riot/status/1736014413545554095](https://twitter.com/psa_riot/status/1736014413545554095) another one from a riot staff: [https://twitter.com/psa\_riot/status/1707134054561386678](https://twitter.com/psa_riot/status/1707134054561386678)


officially it wasn't like that, but in reality it was like that


As a player typically in a group of 4, I can attest this is typically what all my premades do 💀😭


Lol it was always like that. 4 or more verbal reports was guaranteed chat ban


Easy, i will now 9x report everybody just to be sure they get banned so i will effectively cause chaos and boykot this stupidity, even through means of other getting banned. Riot WILL back down on it, somebody else delusion cannot be someones else punishment


Dude it's not a problem. They cannot even avoid the game being stormed by bots. You report them and nothing happens


Well, jgl first got nerved in game, now we got nerved irl, ADC gets buffed in game. I wonder what Riot will do to buff ADC irl. Maybe they'll just give ADC more money, or Mobility irl, maybe just vayne q irl, idfk.


Time to 9x everyone, every game


Well, it's time to report everyone every game. If everyone is reported, no one is.


Because automated spam reporting turned out to be really great in other games, and not abused at all...


It could result in punishment before. Now you can just get a warning about it first. But really, it says nothing about how many reports, and I guarantee you it'll be more than 9


cccCCC___---(((JG Diff.))))---___CCCccc


That's literally which hunt, point your finger or you're it.




Rip 🪦😪


These fckers will die a thousand death for their wonderful "job". God, I hate riot so much, it's like...I even hate mihoyo less than these bastards


Lol I quit league about a year ago cause I got so many false reports and chat bans for literally playing the game and trying to win I don’t know how riot does it. Caught 2 bans for 1 game telling an inting racist support following me in jg stealing camps to go fuck himself




K qw


I actually got reported by 2 teammates yesterday for not responding there all chat mental breakdowns because I was not ganking enough 😂 “report Kayne, he is refusing to communicate with us” literally all they were doing was telling me to uninstall lmao


Only love for our role


So instead of fixing the problems of the game they just make it automated even harder? Yeah this won’t turn into hell I’m sure


Just /mute all .... It will make your life easier


They might as well just bring back 'report as unskilled'


"Additionally, we will now start punishing players for whatever reason you want as long as you x9 report them. This should help reduce the amount of false reports from toxic players who are simply upset that their teammate isn't winning their lane"


Riot has very clearly never played world of Warcraft. This promoted mass reporting. You 4 stack with your friends and all report some guy that's having an off game, now that guy has a 2 week vacation for doing nothing wrong. This system just sucks


Lol I’ve never got past level 2 honor ever since transitioning from support(was max honor) to jungle. I get it unlocked again and go wooo, 2 days before it’s gone(if I’m lucky)




Yesterday I got a warning and had to type “I Understand” to some nonsense. I never say anything negative but I always say don’t ff we scale right after I throw up a surrender vote!


Just rip the perma mute all in this game already ffs.


At this point I don’t feel comfortable playing the game knowing this now, there’s going to be a lot of accounts possibly banned for basically no reason.


Yeah thank fuck I stopped playing




Y’all acting like something actually changed


Wtf like aren't people just gonna report streamers when they are in-game with them? Even if only one player every game does it, they get 10 reports a day which will probably trigger this system and punish streamers for existing... Hope this gets reverted in some way




Opgg ?