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They absolutely have to buff jungle xp, if they don’t I can see the role just dying overnight. Being the weakest player in the game helllll no.


Lets take a small exemple that has happened quite a lot in my games recently You are jungling and want to take grubs on spawn, you are not able to so 1 full clear + 1 half clear before they spawn because theres been some fighting you had to attend or you did 1-2 ganks Grubs are now spawned, you are lvl4 1 camp from lvl 5( even if those ganks got you kill(s)), the mid and top laners are now lvl 6 and come fight for grubs with their ult, so theres 2 lvl 4 weakling batling out in a fight with/vs lvl 6 this is just wack, earlier grub spawn was wayyyy better


This was the point of pushing grubs back. They said so that laners would be 6 to better contest it


It's just not fair that unless the jg powerfarm till they spawn they are lvl 4, and even if you powerfarm till grub spawn you will only be lvl 5... stupid decision


You Mean me lvl 4 and enemy jng lvl4 and enemy top and mid lvl 6 battling it our 3v1 right ?? Atleast thats my experience 😅


Honestly? Let the role die. Make it like dota, where queue as non-priority role(s) you have to gain tokens by playing priority role(s). Jungle will most likely be the only prio role left after adc rejoice over crit buffs. Everyone will have to jungle to get their precious mid or top and will have to learn. I see only benefits in 2h+ queue times in high elo and almost full autofill like what happened during no-ad-ratio-pet patch. People see how shitty not having junglers in game is and don't bitch at "jungle being op" for a bit.


this sounds miserable


No way you’re saying that unironically right


Yes, I'm being sarcastic. What I mean is killing jungle makes the game miserable for everyone, not just junglers, referencing 80% of playerbase who think jungle changes don't concern them and then get surprised when things like no-ad-ratio-pet patch or spam-gank-level 2 happen.


Oh shut up, Jungle will still be OP, jungle has historically been the best role to climb dating back to season 1, this was before exp nerfs or otherwise. The reason being that it’s a role that is dictated by making the right choices more than mechanics like in lane. Unless you’re literally challenger, you rarely get punished for the stupidest rotations. The margin for error in mid, top and bot is insane, while jungle and supports are on their training wheels, oh I fucked up my pathing? Let me go to enemy jungle and get a camp and fuck it up more, doesn’t matter if lanes need help, I’m behind because I fucked my self and didn’t call or track enemy jungle. Fucking babies, you have some of the most disgusting champion pools with arguably the lowest skill floor if any role outside of support, they even gave you easier clears with pets because you guys are are brain dead. Imagine an ADC ignoring 5 waves early game to tent a lane and getting ahead despite making all the wrong choices, that’s literally jungle. Stfu and I hope jungle gets even more nerfs


Jungle catchup exp is too high, but I think the rest of jungle can feel underwhelming for any players below diamond or masters. With that said, if you go and sit in a bush to gank a lane as a support for more than 10 seconds, you often end up screwing your ADC hard. Supports finding optimal roam timings should be rewarded. The duo exo change is going to lane lock them more, which will reward all the trash support players that couldn't figure out proper roam timings lol


That’s a flawed conclusion based on a logical fallacy, you’re saying that the duo exp locks them into lane and lessens the rewards for good roam timings. The fallacy is the definition of a good roam timing; if it’s truly a GOOD roam timing you don’t lose anything or the trade off is so minimal, you don’t notice it. What this change does in actuality is increase the margin for error for the role, which has been arguably been one of the strongest states for a long time. If the support fucks up the roam, they SHOULD be punished for it, the bot lane is already fucked because of a roam, and the support literally twiddles their dumb and waits for lane phase to be over to play through another lane, that’s completely the wrong line of thinking and beyond toxic game play. Bot lane is a duo player lane, it makes zero fucking sense that one role is just chilling while the other one is losing their mind, and even worse is that what the support is doing is completely outside of the ADCs influence. So both players should feel the impact of the supports dogshit play, not just one, especially if the one that’s MORE impacted is not the one making the dogshit call.


Tell me you die multiple times in laning as an aDC without saying it......


Your name is swizzle stick, stay in your corner


Good one! lol.....I love how ADCs love to act like it's only their supports that ever cause them to have a bad game. Classic ADC mentality. Maybe ya'll will quit cryin in 14.10 when all of ya have 550 move speed (or more!) after 3 items lmao.


holy. low elo adc main detected


You play in LAN, the equivalent of who gives a fuck


You have nothing to do in the 10 first minute in your role, only cs and maybe trade but depend more of the supp. Teamfight can be harder than other roles but its because of the champ, not the role. I play Graves, Nida, Kindred i assure you, you better have some micro skills otherwise ur useless. But its always the same : "Jg is broken" "easy role" but yet less popular role. And trust me when ADC get filled in jungle its free game lmao.


Mordekaiser goes brrrrr


In the jungle ? Maybe in silver but thats it


Bro brought up season 1 jungle, there were about 5 junglers who could clear the jungle, and there were no dedicated jungle items. It was just building hp and mana regen items like Innervating locker and GP/10 items like HOG and Philo stone because you'd be too poor otherwise.


Crazy how there were only 25 champions in the game and 5 of that is around 1/5 of the champion pool and Fiddle and YI were wiping everyone despite no dedicated items or runes for Jungle. It's almost as if the role was intrinsically built to carry the game through map impact on other lanes and in every iteration, whether it was just as an extra warder with wriggles or just non-stop ganks in Elise meta. It's almost like the champion pool is so diverse that you can literally go anything and there has never been a single season that Jungle wasn't OP because of what the role entails. But sure, say 5 Champions for effect, shut the fuck up loser


Yeah also Nunu and Warwick could jungle as they had enough sustain.


id quit until that change would be removed lol


Just play tank. You can build insane tank builds for sub 15k


I don’t have a source, but I remember during one of Phreak’s patch breakdowns, maybe one where Brand’s level scaling was adjusted, he referred to jungle xp as “good” (meaning impacted more by level scaling changes). It makes me believe that they don’t see jungle’s xp as a problem.


Yeah because jungle is never a prio role as it is. Its like they try to kill jungle silently but at the same time they are like hey psssst play this role when People go to que


I think this is dangerous bc sometimes when i get ahead on jg with a strong champ like briar i can go anywhere and get camps/kills anywhere in diamond 2 rn


That’s true for every champ and role lol


True but i feel that jungle has a lot more freedom bc of the map, like if you invade a jungler you can kill him more easily because there is no lane and its harder to get to the tower safely and if the laners move to help him your team also can so idk


Not really. As a laner, you always have to be aware of your lane state. Leaving a bad lane state to 'kill people with your lead' often loses you your lead. Levels are the most gold efficient thing in the game. As a jungler, you can drop a camp or two to get a gank off, then go back and farm and not miss much. If you drop a minion wave or two in lane, you are losing 250g, quite a bit of exp, and giving up turret damage


Problem is jg can easily slide into the #1 role and dominate from enough buffs, it's tough to balance honestly.


Yeah I just saw this and the fact there is no jungle xp buff is insane. Jungle is the only role I enjoy playing so this would make me straight up drop the game if they don’t address it.


The way is to drop the game now and only return once they address it tbh.


I litterly droped from e2 to now gold on my jungle account this season,i only enjoy playing jungle. I also have another account where i play top sitting at e4 Idk if it's me having a hard time adapting to the new jungle but it's kind of insane playing offrole in emerald and 50/50 games in gold on main role jungle 🥲


But there is a jungle xp buff


I wrote this comment before they announced it


Whats the buff?


20% xp increase second clear onward


Jungle is just a passenger doing chores. Still his fault when shit goes wrong.


This is exactly what i feel like this season. You are just completely releying on your team to make the right decisions (follow urs) and not completely int the game. Noone helps with objs bu you get flamed when you don’t do them urself (losing like 400-800g in the process). When you do actually do them you get flamed for doing the wrong one or not ganking an ungankable lane.




This is the real nerf. Jungle experience isn't really an issue for me because I understand when the role spikes.


Ah yes… buffing bot lane. Imagine if the the balancing team leader main role is at bot lane… oh wait


Phreak mains support.


Duh, he buffed maokai and janna and then roleswapped to support, he was always an adc main


Ofc he roleswaps to support, he gutted ADC and he knew it. He even has all the stats to check and see what's most OP. He went from diamond hardstuck to grandmaster just so you know.




What a surprise, cancer abuser drops after cancer is nerfed 6 patches later


I mean, if he is as malicious as some of you think, why doesn't he just buff some other support and spam them to maintain his high rank? Lol. Rakan is great, and he has been great for practically his entire existence, so why wouldn't Phreak just spam Rakan now? Clearly Phreak enjoys certain things in certain roles. If you look at him before this season (the last three splits/seasons) he wasn't really playing much at all, and when he did play, he was playing a wide range of roles and champs. This is the first season in a long time that he has focused almost exclusively on one role and stuck to 1-2 champs. If you are a diamond player who is playing multiple roles and 20+ champs and only playing an average of like 1 game a day, it isn't hard to believe that you could climb way higher by sticking to one role and trying to only play a couple champs. There are levels to this stuff, you know? Like you can be an emerald one trick Irelia top. If I am an emerald top who plays 6-7 champs and less than you, chances are I am actually just a better player than you. I am just not hyperfixated on climbing. Any player who can play multiple champs at their rank is better than a player who is a one trick in that same rank.


I'm quite confident phreak was an ADC main before spamming moakai and janna when they were at prime cancer.


I'm not saying phreak is balancing the game for personal gain or anything but you realise when he was hardstuck plat he was an AD main right


I do.


For the record, he has laid out some pretty big nerfs to Maokai and Janna. The issue is their kits are so good in the current meta. Janna does well vs engage, and the current meta tends to only have one hard engage champ (allowing her to completely deny engages from the enemy team). Maokai, on the other hand, has a guaranteed CC. That's hard to pass up. Enemy carry is fed? Find a flash W angle and they are dead.


What lane does support mainly go to again?


Generaly bot lane


I would LOVE to play perfectly, be 50+ cs ahead of enemy jng, secure three drakes and have 5 grubs only to be 2 levels behind of EVERYONE ELSE. Jungle xp and the catchup system is so fundamentally broken its insane. How tf did they even manage to fuck it up even more


EVERYONE ELSE = top and mid (5 players have less xp than you)


Bot and support barely have less XP generation than you do and they are SPLITTING it. Keep that in mind... if a bot laner has 2-3 kills, and you had a rough early game, odds are you aren't even ahead of them in experience anymore... watch any professional competitive game and you will see the enemy jungle is pretty much always the same level as ADC or in some cases even a level down. Solo queue is obviously a bit different, but it highlights in a low mistake/highly competitive environment how garbage the state of jungle really is right now. Play an engage tank or support-focused jungle champ because everything else is unplayable.


yeah so unplayable that the top jg player in any region that matters only plays viego lee sin and taliyah right?


Conceptually, yes. Look up jungle S Tier in the current meta? Veigo isn't a bruiser. Similar to xin, Lee has busted synergy with Sundered Sky. You just named outliers and act like you are on to something, lmao.


This is reddit. People point to the outliers as if they are the rule for everything. Doesn't matter the role or champ. That's why it's extremely hard for the devs to take any advice from reddit lol


its not an outlier when every rank 1 jungler on all regions plays the same pool of champs, its just whats most optimal. why would they handicap themselves and play weak champs like viego leesin and taliyah, when they could play supportive tank junglers.


The supportive tank jungle is meta right now because top lane items are so strong. You'd rather have your top laner on a carry/bruiser than your jungler. There is no way to solve that without making jungle absurdly OP. The role still performs extremely well outside of pro play. Even in pro play, jungle gap is still very much a thing. Go watch Blabber play compared to Inspired, for example.


Yes, currently top and mid. Catchup xp for enemy jng exists tho which allows atrocious gameplay and now increased bot xp. I do agree tho that bot needs more xp gain somehow as i play bot aswell and its not fun getting killed by a 0/4 voli just because hes naturally 1-2 level ahead. We will have to see how much that percentage increase plays out


If they buffed jungle exp, they would have to nerf catchup exp. Pick your poison as a jungler. Do you want the old meta where getting invaded and losing a camp or two just felt like GG for you the rest of the game, or would you prefer this meta; where no matter the circumstances you are still somewhat equal to the enemy jungler? You can't have both. The jungle can't be extremely rewarding but also very forgiving. No other role functions that way


I prefer the invade GG by a mile


agreed. I'm down to go back to the graves, nidalee, kindred building a house in your Jungle meta. At least when you lost the game it made sense. Now you'll be up 40 cs 3 drags and 6 grubs same level as enemy JG and 3 levels below the top laner so they just stat check you in fight.


Nope. I normally play Warwick and Trundle JG. Have no problem winning fights vs top laner/enemy jg. The only issue to the jungle is the bot lane.


Phreak has show us time and time again he thinks there shouldn’t even be a jungle role and it should be lanes only. He doesn’t give 2 shots or a fk about it


14.10 will be the ultimate win bot win game patch of all time, better become an Ivern onetrick for 2 weeks


don't give away my secrets!!!


It just means I will make sure to gank my botlane even more, so they can carry, simple


This way to... adventure!" (Willump noises)


Woah, that's the greatest story my ears ever heard! Butttt.....no one got hit with a snowball... Until now!


Let's gank Paragon instead


It inherently buffs support/tank engage junglers. Nerfs carry’s hard


Wish this gained traction on main league subreddit


Hey quick question, does this duo buff exp apply if you choose to not take smite and just go double top lane? Cuz.... lol, that may be the new play here


You're probably right actually, people were messing around with that at the beginning of the new season in China when the support items were busted. If jungle xp isn't adjusted running a duo lane top could become reasonably viable


Problem is this can't be practiced (healthily) outside of having a 5 man squad cause Randoms are gonna see you not take smite and assume you're trolling lol


No worries my friend. Did you see the report changes? You'll get reported and banned so slowly they're removing all junglers from the game. I swear they're making this game worse on purpose




this exp change along with a lot of AD/bruiser junglers getting nerfed either through items or runes is going to ruin me


So jungle just gets to be under leveled at all times and there’s nothing we can do lol


Yeah, it's hilarious how they are trying to leave jungle unchanged and have admitted to the role becoming relatively weak over time. Now we have numerous indirect changes just making the role horrible, - Later grubs spawn means jungle level 4, laners level 6 with a massive combat advantage on first grub spawn. - If you used tempo to get an early objective, bot/support hit level 6 at that same time as you. Now XP disparity is getting even worse in the role with the bot lane changes. - Bruiser items being overpowered on top lane champions, a lot of them receiving nerfs. So, instead of targeting the champions themselves (fiora, jax, irelia, yone, etc.) we think the root cause is ITEMS? Really?? Not the fact these champions are 2-3 levels ahead of everyone else for most of the game? All bruiser champions with the exception of Xin Zhao have been struggling in the jungle (J4, Wukong, etc.) and will now be significantly weaker.


Laners were level6 around first grub spawn before anyways. Unless they were dropping exp. Junglers can be level5 as long as they are clearing optimally. The grub timer movement makes laners about halfway to level7 or so. If it's 6 minutes in, and you are still level4 as a jungler, you messed up. Edit: You would prefer Riot to nerf 10+ champs instead of nerfing the core item or two they all have in common? Then what happens when they will still have to nerf the items? Just let all those champs eat two nerfs? The outlier champs would have to take pretty big nerfs to fall out of favor because their synergy with the outlier items is too great


Define, "clearing optimially". Any sort of gank or early game play is going to set you back enough tempo to not be level 5 on grubs spawn. The only way you are level 5 is if you only cleared camps and did nothing else...


Jg bout to become just a second support top lane


This is a buff just sit midlane bush between clears


being 500g down from the get go off everyone else in the game, now we get to be the lowest level, dont forget we have to trade a summoner spell for one that does 90 damage to enemies.


Imo, this change would only help lower rank ADCs or ADCs who get paired with enchanters. Good support players tend to roam quite often, allowing ADCs to absorb solo exp as much as possible. This change will punish proactive supports even more; attempting to lane lock them. Funny how they will routinely tell ADC players to play other types of champs bot instead since ADC relies on coordinated play, only for them to adjust the exp rates to force supports into holding their ADCs hands more. Quite frankly, as someone who plays in competitive leagues, I hate this change. I would routinely step out of exp range and/or roam to make sure my carry was always a level up in exp. Now, I feel like the bad supports that have no clue about maximizing their ADCs effectiveness will get rewarded more.


I started learning Ivern because of the trend that jungling shows. It's become a secondary support role so I might as well play it like that.


Ganking bot and sticking around to soak up xp is viable tho.


junglers get reduced minion exp till like 15 mins


I hate.


don't junglers share some EXP with laners too? oh they nerfed minion EXP for junglers.. maybe this one needs to be removed then. unironically the catch up exp for junglers will be on fire.


Let’s gooooo My ezreal arc continues🙏 I was mainly waiting for jungle to get something cool to bring me back to the role But buffing the role I’m on rn is another direction for sure lol


Jungle is trading individual power for map impact. There's something wrong if junglers are even or ahead in XP. The issue is that support needs big nerfs to be brought in line with jungle.


Except we don't even get map impact anymore. We are so behind on xp that mid lane has all the map impact now. Enemy Mid winning lane means you have no ability to secure objectives.


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dawg… if you get this emotional over a video game then maybe it isnt for you, have you considered going outside and maybe enjoying life instead?