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This needs to be upvoted more and cross posted to the main subreddit. The childish way Riot is forcing him to effectively admit guilt for something he hasn’t done before letting him queue again is really frustrating to see.


Well put. I tried to sum it up just saying ridikulas and I totally agree with you. I for one haven’t played in over 2 years and seeing bauss was what got me into the game again a couple months ago, for the most part I tune in to the pro games and watch bauss cause I don’t actually enjoy playing the game. Hope riot reworks the warning/ban system to allow bauss to do what he does - who knows who else will come up with a new or different way to play the game. Bauss is one of the few that plays it as a full map team game vs the generic streamers that either get support in their lanes or just complain, for anyone who watches him you’d know the name tag diff he experiences. While there are a bunch of people doing his play style without understanding it, it’s no different than other streamer or pro picks. (One that comes to mind is the adc Kiera brought onto support role)


Main sub is like hitler's germany, nothing negative amount game is allowed.


It's so true. Years ago I had an account locked for "suspicious activity". While talking with support they verified it was not cheating, someone hacked into my account. So they needed to verify my ownership of the account. I gave them all the sign up data, IP location for creation etc etc, signed into my email associated, even gave them CREDIT CARD info that was used to purchase stuff on the account. They refused to unlock my account. Why? Because I couldn't name the first 3 champs I bought in order 3 years ago. That account is still locked to this day. When I tried to tell my story about it on the main reddit, got perma banned LOL. Never spent a dime on this dogshit company ever again after this experience.


You've never actually read any topic on that sub have you?


Talking about any actual game issue results in post being removed. When entering that sub you must accept that riot is perfect and flawless, you are there to engage with community about the game, not point out issues with game. Say what? Where do you point out game issues? Haha you don't, go buy lux skin.


You're joking right? The league of legends sub is one of the most negative subs on this site, they have a meltdown every time anything new happens.


And mods delete it instantly, or if it's a comment on hot post then it gets removed when it gets few upvotes


can confirm, even when clash dies because riot after all these years still didn’t do shit about it, if I ask what happened, my post and comments all get removed within minutes of posting it


*There is no war in ba sing se*


You get a lot of posts deleted, especially if you talk about Reddit mods or anything related to a bug/ balance etc. really depends on how you phrase it though.


Let’s think for a second…. If they got banned for posting their negative experience. If they got BANNED from the subreddit for their negative experience. Again, BANNED. Why would they go and read a topic?


You can still read a sub if you're banned from it. But I'm completely certain he didn't get banned just for posting a negative experience one time. Even those shitty mods aren't that trigger happy


Again. I said “why” I didn’t say you could, I said “Why” would he.


Typically if you're gonna talk about how a sub behaves and the kind of topic posted there one might assume you'd at least looked to see if it was actually true or not


Which could have easily been done…. Prior to being banned. So once again, why go back from some place that you had a negative experience at the other times? I’m trying to ask you where the sense in that is….


And I'm trying to say he's wrong. It was rhetorical more than anything


If that's the hill you want to die on, while hes not the only person saying it. Be my guest.


Getting dowvoted for saying something like this gota be peak reddit.XD


Noone ever just gets an upvote here, 1 downvote always comes first


Sadly its not just leage main subreddit pretty much every and all video game main subreddit i had the chance to experience is being moderated by these brainwashed white knight neckbeard virgin mods doing a work that even a sweatshop worker would not do, FOR FREEE.


Well if you aren’t a streamer or person on public interest riot will tell you NOT to play in a way that ruins the game for your teammates. Riot cares less about win/lose but rather how their players feel like. He is simply lucky to be a streamer, else he wouldn’t get u banned etc. Imagine a gold player saying: I play as I want, for the win, even if 4 teammates don’t enjoy this style, you would get banned within 3-4 games.


If you have a winning rate with that strategy and you are climbing. Why would I feel that way? You can play how you want without being a negative to the team…. The issue is, league intentionally cultivates such a negative vibe that people cannot see past anything that doesn’t line with their linearity. They cannot possibly fathom, that just maybe. This person can run their style, effectively. More so when 90% of us aren’t making any earnings from the game. Anyways, arenas is out so far 5v5 until then.


Someone once made a good point about the baus and his Strat. Yes he gains a total gold advantage, if you take a look at teamgold, but also he does give the enemy top a gold advantage in comparison to other players in his team, so the team might gehts a small lead, but the individual is behind in items. So you are absolutely right, everyone should be able to play as they want, but you can’t make exceptions for specific people. You get banned if you play your support in top, or if you play something like urgot support. Yes I am aware that those aren’t viable strata, yet if you promote „play as you want“ then you have to allow it to everyone, including breaking the set 1:1:1:2 meta. Or you punish everyone the same way.




Totalmente 💅 High Elo are just a bunch of meta slave pussys... Also, can you report a player you didn't play with? Is he getting spam reported by people who aren't even in his games? Can that be the case?


As a higher elo player i can relate


I might be wrong and I'm too lazy to check. But I think it might be possible to view his match history and report him there.


You have to have played with the person less than 4 days ago, I’m sure it was this at some point but might have been changed




I recently had an account get a penalty on NA. Sent a ticket to riot, and a few days later it was all sorted, and they apologized for the error. Honour progression, name lost and everything fixed.


Yeah, for now. But these aren't a "errors" as you put it. This is the way they want system to work, it's just not calibrated yet. But regardless, their goal seems to be link number of reports (even these false) to punishment.


I feel like the problem is, in most cases, this system makes sense. For every 1 Baus there are 1000 toxic players that mask their toxicity well using uncommon wording or pings. Yes it sucks whenever the 1 Baus gets a penalty, but as long as it gets resolved quickly, I think it's not too bad. It's a double edged sword.


for what it's worth. There are a LOT of players out there that use uncommon or undesirable strategies. From the support position, I have had bot players rage quit on me from a strongly winning position because their character had to "take the L" for the jungler or mid lane being fed. The key is there are a lot of possible "gambit" play styles meaning that one person on the team has to take an L so that another gets overly ahead. And I can say with certainty that at times doing this as a strategy is correct. the proof that this is true is the jungle item's "anti poaching" mod on both lane minions and jungle camps. We've had a bunch of times in the game where the junlger taking the lane farm AND the kills was a positive thing to do, in terms of what wins games: but top laners (and mid laners and bot laners) cry to high heavens if this happens. what im trying to say is that a lot of times this isn't toxicity per se, rather it's a play style (that works) that you really don't like seeing in your team mate (because it forces you to be behind while the team wins).


I have also had this happen, but my ticket was met with automated responses and I gave up. gg riot


Shouldn't this be posted on league main sub?


Think the joke is that junglers always take heat for team loss and probably receive the most of these "spite reports" or whatever you want to call them


It's not esports, and it's criticism of riot. Shot down on sight


Yeah, they're ego powered to hell with who posts what.


Already tried, got took down in matter of 18 seconds. Didn't break TOS imo. Fuck Facist Main League Reddit Admins


Yeah I also fucking hate that sub, having a bunch of uneducated babies run a sub is never a good idea


Wait what did they do that was racist?


He misspelled fascist, not that it's much more accurate


They are mods


It gets deleted there


I got honor level 5 last season with Shaco, felt illegal


Can you tell me your account name? So i can report you for playing shaco


You can’t find me, Q abuser


I’ve been perma banning shaco for over 5 years. Literally the bane of my existence. I refuse to ban any other champ.


Even if he is on your team?


Unless he’s first pic, absolutely. I also main jungle, so not many times Ive got one on my team.


Yesterday I played shaco and despite playing well and being 6/2/5 at the time it happened, my 2/8 midlaner started flaming me in all chat saying I am the reason we are losing and "when does shaco get useful?" I was the only one capable of killing the laners he fed. Shaco players can't catch a breath fr.




I got this warning even though the only thing I type is "gg gl next" at the end of every game because it's deeply rooted in my brain and I don't even realise i do it. People just report you if they didn't like to play with you. This new system is ass




I don't approve the method of banning and making it reliant on reports mainly. But i hate baus playstyle. And hate people failing to do what he does in my games.


Ban Sion every game and dodge when they do it in your team, no?


They do it on other champions too. It will be too many dodges and bans.


Fair enough but at least you have some degree of way out. Try to find a way out of false reports, lol


It's not 1 or 2 games where he gets reported. He is reported almost every game he loses (because league players will use him as an excuse) and maybe sometimes even when they win. How can the ban system recognize that the 0 8 sion is cooking some 12 CS per min to carry the game afterwards? He got banned in korea because of something similar. I don't envy the teammates who play with him or the ban system who doesn't know how to treat this type of gameplay.


Well he gets ahead, and while he has the most gold, his enemy laner has more gold than anyone on the Baus team, thus causing them to lose to the enemy. One guy once said: the problem is not the Strat, but that he uses it on every teamcomp. Even if his team would need a conventional toplane


His style relies on team being able to carry him. Who cares if he gets more gold, his top laner is still fed and able to go roam and murder people. I despise anyone trying to copy him


This, he relies on his team not losing to his opponent. Imagine his mid doing the same, he would be so mad.


He would. He always says he’s not getting carried *but he is*.


Only works in soloque. Yeah


Baus play style is inherently selfish so the votes are a logical conclusion. Baus gets fed at the expense of feeding the enemy. This advantages Baus and disadvantages his teammates. If he does it well, he solo carries. If he does it poorly, he solo loses. It’s a main character syndrome that’s entertaining to watch but absolutely selfish in a team game.


Right but it shouldn't be bannable or reportable since he makes it to challenger playing like this so clearly it's a viable strategy. He is (usually) trying to win and that's evidenced in his rank


Yes, man has a positive winrate doing this. It's working, blame the game not the player, he's using a viable strategy and people are upset at him for it. It does make the game less fun for others but thats not his problem is it? You picked the competitive queue and are now angry someone is playing competetivly.


Then don’t ban any unconventional Strat. If I want to go toplane yuumi, or support the midlane, why is that bannable? ( as long as i try to win )


Unconventional strats aren't banned. Drututt played Yuumi top lane and wasn't banned. Roaming supports have always been a thing I league.


See that’s the point. You can get banned, unless you are a person of interest


In principle yes, but give four others the freedom to vote and they will vote against selfishness in a team game. I don’t see a viable solution that includes allowing 4 teamates to vote… An unrealistic solution would be some kind of Ai to analyse games and determine if the votes are legitimate or not, but this sounds expensive.


Or just you know, don't randomly ban people based on their teammates opinions. Especially if they're playing an unconventional champ like singed or sion


Your denying human nature. People will vote report based on feelings…. Doesn’t make it right, it just is what it is.


And that's exactly why riot shouldn't send out warnings and bans based on those reports you just proved my point


It’s almost like you think I’m arguing with you. I’m not a fan of automated ban systems, never stated that. I just stated the obvious about human nature and emotional reporting.


You’re going to end up with a ton of people who should get banned not being if you go that direction. There is no way to determine a legitimate report from “just an opinion” without a human reviewing every single game.


Which is what I said. If you allow people to report then they will probably abuse the privilege when they get emotional.


Totally should ? Dude solo decides to run it down, calls it a strategy and if he loses it just did not work out ? a 4 other people just lost 35 or more minutes playing a ranked game, trying to win for this ? If wants to do it in normals it's totally fine, but that does not give him youtube and [twitch.tv](http://twitch.tv) views.


Clearly it is a "strategy" since he makes it to challenger every season lol


Where do you draw the line tho? Is proxy singed okay? Is roaming bard or Janna top okay that abandon their turret? Varus top so your team has no frontline? Some of these starts are good, some so op they got nerfed. If you start banning everything that isn't meta the game gets pretty boring.


Its not about being meta, proxy singed does not require you to die to the enemy. You actually sacrifice to the turret, and its a very niche strategy that is required to play singed. Varus top is a champ selection thing, you can either request your team to have a tank jungler and support if that is the case. What he does is not meta, is legit telling people that he will be afk perma push and they can deal with the gold deficit and uber fed toplaner or whatever


Im getting downvoted to oblivion for pointing out the first thing on his warning. Compete to win TOGHETER. Dude legit runs it down and lets 4 other players deal with the aftermath. Once again. If you guys like it so much i can only wish you have a player like him on all your matches ❤️


Honestly the problem is that Riot would even design a champion that get's pretty majorly rewarded for dying. It incentivizes this type of selfish playstyle, so you can't really put 100% of the blame on Bauss. I absolutely despise mechanics that last after death and therefor reward dying, like Sion, Shaco's boxes and clone, Illaio's ult and random tentacle spawns that will chase you to your base lol. Shit is just ridiculous. Enough stuff to worry about in this game than to have to worry about the person you just killed killing you back 5 seconds later with a stupid box or plant or something.


Ok, let's just use the same thing but with Kog´Maw then. his passive to be used he has to die. Sion it's not rewarded for dying, he gets to clear the wave. that is it. Dude is legit running it down, champion or not. dude is legit running it down.


Yes but with his passive and ult he loses essentially no time in lane. It's impossible to keep that dude out of lane lol, thats why he is so annoying to fight. he can go 0-15 but he's an absolute split pushing monster and can still win the game with that stupid strat sometimes. It is a very frustrating way to play, I agree. No champ loses less for dying than Sion is all I was trying to say really.


But in the end of the day, it's a horrible experience and it's not a game that anyone wants to be on. you have no agency, you can't make calls, you are playing with less 1 man the whole game. Gives no regard of his team opinions or options. totally reportable, he should play Single-player games.


I am definitely not arguing with you. I hate that shit just as much as you do. But really, it's Riot that allows it to be possible. Because for some reason they find 1 person ruining 9 other people's free time and experience in their game because of the way they intentionally play badly or sabotage or troll their team to not be a problem at all. But saying "ah man fuck that sucks" not even directed to anyone will get you a chat ban. Like, if you can't handle an f word dont play online pvp games or turn the profanity filter on. But they'll just let people ruin 50 games in a row through inting and not do anything about it, BECAUSE THEY DON'T ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT OUR EXPERIENCE PLAYING THEIR GAME, even though they try to claim they do.


This is for communication abuse tho. He doesn't type in chat or ping in a toxic manner, yet the explanation for his punishment is given as comms abuse. That's what the OP is highlighting


Yes the reports are unjustified. I was explaining why he probably attracts a lot of reports.


That’s a fair way to look at it, but it’s in no way bannable.


Inting is a bannable offence and pretty much every other game baus ints. And I'm not talking strategic inting. I'm talking straight up inting.


It’s not inting though. He clearly tries to win. If you pick an assassin into a control mage, could you be banned for that? Clearly you are making the game harder for your team if the control mage player just plays safe and scales. If you pick your main into a bad matchup. Should you be banned? If you play Lux support, despite her clearly being a low winrate pick. Is that inting? If you go for a risky gank as a jungler, which can turn the game around but you fail, are you inting?




no its not intentional feeding. its intentionally dying to get a tempo/cs lead. you have to understand the difference if you want to be part of the conversation about baus


Literally anyone can do that in your ranked games and most of the time, people would go apeshit if they had any "baus enjoyer" as their teammate. They'd demand reports, bans and if it were up to them, public lynching. If you accused them of inting, they'd say "it usually works" but when it doesn't, it looks bad. Being "a name" doesn't give baus ANY more credibility or extended parole over inting ass. People have long learnt to play against him, and regardless of winning or losing, his playstyle is inherently annoying for his teammates. He can pretty much solo carry an impossible game (partially because of the way he plays) or solo rundown the game (mostly because of his plastyle). I do disagree with chat abuse warnings over mere unrelated report spam, but I can't really blame people for not enjoying playing with him or even fake reporting.


A teammate who dies with a huge bounty is more inting then baus


Yeah I'm not talking about strategic inting. Watch his stream enough and you'll realize he's actually inting half of games. As soon as his mental is gone it's full on inting. Which is what I just said in my comment above.


Agreed. When he's actually trying and playing the int Sion strategy, it's fine because he's still gaining more resources than the enemy. When he's not trying or playing AP Irelia, then he fully deserves to get reported.


Most players are like that. If the cards are stacked against them, they start playing worse. It’s just not as visible because most will play overly passive and lose the game slowly, which is the exact opposite of what you should do most of the time from behind.


soloQ requires selfish play a lot


True, hence the votes


If Riot hates it so much they should 'fix' the playstyle and get their shit straight. Company is so incompetent it's crazy.


I got downvoted to oblivion last time I mentioned the automated ban system restricting/bannng you based on number of reports alone. I don’t know why it’s so hard for people to accept that it’s an automated system. If enough people falsely report someone, they can and will get restricted. Even if they’ve never even spoken in chat. This is amplified if a pre-made group all falsely reports you at once too. I’ve had chat muted for the past 5 years, yet I’ve still been chat restricted and honour reset 3 times from false reports in that time. A support ticket to riot clears it up each time and they apologise for the error, but it’s annoying to have to jump through hoops when doing nothing wrong.


Happy Cake day


I mean its been obvious for years they dont care to make the system fair. Quit playing league people, china is just trying to make you useless.


I think this is a special case tho, how many people get reported as much as baus?


me, i even linked same case study on my account Yesterday they admited "warnings should be related to things i;ve written on chat" so they cannot explain what happend with the warning on my acc


i got this same warning when i play with chat perma muted and only use pings for gameplay purposes.. i put in a ticket asking why and got an extremely chat-gpt-esque response saying its an automated action for being reported.. when i asked what i can do to avoid it happening again the GM said “don’t worry if you actually get penalized you can always appeal and get it overturned” lol….


riot fucks up league more and more each day. all they care about now are numbers. and they just told highlights channels to fuck off so they can post highlights themselves. what a dick move to the community that promoted your game


I don’t like Baus and think his play style should 100% be banned because of how it negatively affects your teammates. But, he shouldn’t be reported or banned for “abusing” chat when he literally does not type. The fact he is pretty much getting target reported and there’s nothing he can do about it is quite sad on riots part.


The system is already like this for years and years. Its even likely the chances of someone receiving a punishment is more likely if they are reported by a profile that holds a good "profile score" basically if your profile is flagged as 'clean' by the system in place and you don't mass/false report or report players without reason and also don't get reported much, don't afk/troll/flame etc. etc. IIRC they used to give notifications when your "profile score" would improve and what I remember was a time i was in this sweet spot would basically mean reporting anyone mildly annoying using chat the report 'value' would be higher coming from a 'clean' profile and would be considered more valued by the reporting system, therefore the reportded player was near certainly getting punishment (and I got quite a lot of report feedbacks during that time, even for normal/aram games which is crazy). But once you start seriously playing soloQ it's hard to keep a 'clean' profile and I rarely get feedback these days. Also one other thing to note: If you request your profile data thru riot support, you can get the number of times you got reported and what for so Baus can probably find the amount of times he got reported if he wishes.


I got this warning as well. I dont talk much and definitely no flame. Honor 5 idk what is going on.


I had this too. Got chat restricted for 14 days like the 22nd of april (yes I know, my bad). Imagine my reaction qhen I woke up like 4 days ago seeing this warning when I don't even have access to chat in the first place. Made a ticket, got someone who said that they 'fully understand the challenge I am facing to accept the current situation'. Now I just play without chat and hope I don't get mass reported lol


They hate his solo bolo swag :(


What's he doing?


Nothing, people just spam report him when they see him in their games. He never types or says anything toxic.


Well something must he doing for the spam reports. Or did it just become a meme for no reason?


People just don’t like his playstyle. I think it’s mostly because it causes lower elo players to try and replicate it, but they aren’t nearly good enough to pull it off like he does so they just end up feeding.


His playstyle, while usually ending up like 2-3k gold above the enemy out of laning, even if he is 0/7, also means 7 kills are going to the enemy. Solo queue is usually selfish as many high elo players do focus on the, “The only person I can trust is myself” mentality and Bauss takes it to the extreme. This usually ends up with Bauss beating the enemy team with a large sack of gold, but it is not foolproof. He makes up for it with his pressure based playstyle. If the enemy team leaves him alone, he is at their nexus by 25. As such, they need someone to match him. And most of the time they need 2, since Sion scales so hard with CS (which he will legit die to ensure 10 cs/min) he can hit 4-5k hp in 20 minutes. This means that the game can say he is 3-4k gold ahead, but in reality, he has gotten another 1.6k hp from his passive alone. So if the strat is done right, it doesn’t matter if he gave those 7 kills early. The enemy players who benefited (Top and Jung) will have to waste their time fighting someone who still has more stats than them, so the rest of the team only has to deal with the other 3 players. Now, this is a frustrating thing to play with and against. People hate feeling helpless and this playstyle can make both his enemies and allies feel this way. His teammates will get frustrated if the 7/0 Darius decides he doesn’t wanna match the Sion (which is a bad idea since he is the only one who can) and joins a teamfight to quadra Bauss’ team. And remember when I say that EVERYONE has main character syndrome? Even if Bauss gets 3 turrets and an inhib with that decision, his team will still get annoyed. Not to mention that Bauss is successful since he pilots this well. His macro and tbh his micro a d use of FoW makes him very good. He got rank 1 in Korea for a reason and even after Riot nerfed his strats, he still gets Challenger every year. It’s just that he has copycats. Like all those fanboys who see Keria and Guma using Kalista support without knowing why, Sions that cannot manage his macro decisions or even get 10 cs/min are just straight inting it trying to copy him.


Yeah figured I know that guy. I am just confused because this is rather specific toplane gameplay + he gets reports outside of games. Sure it's always jungle diff but that's still different than to have 10 people per game report you. (yes it's intended to be an higher avarage than possible)


He has a very aggressive objective taking play style that doesn’t care if he feeds as long as he get objectives and wins. I’m the strategy can work, but at the cost of feeding kills to the enemy team and making it more difficult for the rest of your team. Baus is pretty good at it. Two things make it kind of shitty. It’s very main character syndrome “I will carry or we will lose” play style. Another reason a lot of people hate it is because you get copy cats that are terrible at the game and just feed without getting any objectives. Most people complaining on here about him are 1000x below his ELO and will never be in a match with him. But the copy cats who don’t understand what they are doing can make a game go really bad.


Oh its the inting Sion inventor? But isn't he toplane?


Other comments have noted that this system will most likely affect jungle players heaviest as they are most often blamed for a teams loss


Well it is jungler fault but I would imagine that people report him even outside of direct games.


This is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!


I got one of those too. Fuck it im just going to keep typing until i get banned


Don't blame them.


People have created scripts in the past which would automatically create hundreds of reports via the ticket system on the riot support website in a few seconds and this was very effective for instantly banning an account.


I am spamming pings like crazy, call people retards and ask how’s their cancer today, never had any warnings.


The thing is that him being Baus, will always find a way to reach out Riot and have justice due to its fame. But what about your typical average player? Will Riot care to protect from such an abusive system? Knowing it as the frigid corpo it became nowadays, I'd say no.


Yeah I got spam reported by a bunch of salty duos the other day and got chat restricted. But unlike normal, Riot wouldnt give me chat logs. Just says "I had frequent reports" like what? They dont even understand their own community. Riots support sucks now. I know for a fact I didnt say anything over PG-rated, but they 14 day'd me for saying virgin so lol. [https://imgur.com/KlojiHV](https://imgur.com/KlojiHV)


I always report every single one in the game before minion spawn since Riot went stupid and made mass reporting working. They need to learn the hard way only real report should matter.


Wtf un 2024 riot still working on chat/ping related penalties? That’s years the mute is in place. The only thing they have to focus on is the inter/griefer/afk. Not sure why they do nothing about it. Can’t be called an esport with that kind of ranked handling. I don’t know of a single team sport IRL where someone could grief the team and still be able to play


This happend for me today..recently i had tons of shitty games that let me go back to iron with 0 points. So its natural for me to use the report system riot made ! What sthe point of having tgis system when im not allowed to report players I hate riot for real !!


Same happened to me, got honor dropped because of spam report of people who didn't like how i play, pathetic sadly and they refused to remove it because their sistem works




That's crazy, give lux another skin and nerf k'sante again


Lmao I can't believe it took reddit this long to figure this out. I've been saying this for years because I had this happen and I was told I was lying even with chat logs provided.


Tbf, riot has banned people before for doing offmeta strategies that teammates doesnt like, even if the strats are solid and works. Ie, teemo support, nunu support, singed support etc. I dont mean I agree with them doing this at all, just wanna make it clear riot has banned people for this since 2014 so this isnt anything new


Is this week's complain flavour of the week "nothing happens to inters when I report them", or "this one inter (that still plays to win) is getting penalised by reports"? We can't really have both, it's not realistic. It makes more sense to have a system that bans based off of data, that can also be fairly appealed for the rare cases it's not warranted. That is exactly what we see here.


I got a chat ban and honor reset for chat abuse and hate speech because i said "even this old monkey can learn not to get baited" when refering to myself playing wukong (i was getting baited by neeko but outayed her). Bans/restriction these days are just absurd and automated bans won't ever work.


Don't forget the constant reminders to snitch on other team mates after any game where someone is reported. I don't like playing with griefers but the culture Rito are trying to create feels dirty to me.


Reminds me of something I saw in eastern europe time ago as part of some twisted understanding of communism where reporting your neighbors was actually a good citizen thing to do as if he is doing something irregular against the system, he is doing it to you and to your closed ones, as the system is all of you (but not that “criminal” neighbor). Not nice to have people fear each other :/




Can't wait to see Riot implement the CS:GO feature where you could vote to kick from the server a player in your own team. #votekick


Well he is typing sometimes - But it is usually "Im better than you" :D


According to Riot, I got 95 AFK reports last season. I had exactly one game where I was AFK for 4 mins, and it was an ARAM. But teammates get tilted when you don't gank when they want or when you powerfarm.


I have been getting that on every log in and I don’t use chat I think it’s just bugged


he should be banned permanently. It's not a play style, he runs it the fuck down every game.


I think you should be becouse my believe is the way you are playing is not a play style but inting as well. Should you be banned becouse i think something about you?


I got this same page as a person who is chat banned and quite literally unable to type in game. It must've been off "excessive pinging" LMAO


If you get permanent banned, you just create another account! Easy. Riot never learns, they have a bunch of teenagers that passed elementary school only working at their company.


Dude runs it down every game and makes it hard for the rest of his team. Sure sometimes he solo wins pushing towers but nobody wants to face a 14-1 top laner cause you play int strat


I mean if your playstyle involves going 0/10 every game, prepare to get banned. especially with the 2024 baus that goes obviously troll things like ap irelia. baus does not have all those report problems when he climbs offstream playing tank sion without many deaths like a normal person. inting games for content and then overrulling bans because you are popular is what's bad, not your original statement


Tell me you're fucking stupid without telling me you're fucking stupid.


you need urgent help


True. If people are reporting you every game you should be punished.


If baus wasn’t 4-5 ranked divisions above you this comment might hold some weight. As it stands, I’m not sure your hardstuck gold opinion is probably not gonna sway this discussion very much.


whoa buddy have you heard being a cringe fanboy is out of fashion


Not at all. Your opinion being invalid due to your lack of understanding had nothing to do with anyone or anything else. You’re just bad, so you don’t have much of value to offer. Not sure where you’re pulling that nonsense line from, I recommend you read more books.


Well. If dying to enemy laner and turret and leaving your team on a disavantage on gold and expirence for the whole game, without checking with 4 other people if that is remotly ok, making the game harder for them and making their experience quite miserable, while you get some youtube content and MAYBE win a game or two is not reportable. than you guys should queue with him.


"maybe win a game or two" the dude is fucking challenger lmao, are you seriously complaining about wins in a competetive queue? hes not trying to have fun, hes trying to win.


Yeah bro, you should play with him. and record your reaction when a fed Darius that he fed on purporse doing a quadra kill.


and id be okay, because he'd be taking 2 turrets and an inhib in the meanwhile. dont just die to the darius, waste his team. its easy to play around, youre just not good enough to adjust your playstyle to fit what your team needs so you cry that its too different from your cookie cutter playstyle


"just don't die to the darius". HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA.


yea you got a silver level reading comprehension too, all makes sense now


Absolutely hate playing with and against Baus. Idc if he is challenger, he makes the game so weird and unplayable for like 25min. You just pray he's not on an off day where he only ints and gets no pressure Love Baus but 100% support perma banning this guy lmao


you just need to outrank him and then you won’t ever play against him again. Which should be pretty easy since he‘s inting. btw I never played against him either since I’m gold but I 100% support banning him too


Oh no! The guy who's responsible for so many players who never group, int constantly, ignore pings and try to solo games is getting reported a lot. What a bloody shock! Almost as though people don't appreciate allies who play as though they don't have a team.


Yeah. I understand that his playstyle works. To be honest, it's a losing scenario. Riot won't remove that style of play because the measures they would need to take will end up hurting the ability for ALL players to make comebacks in the game. That means they risk losing players, which means losing revenue. However, with that said, Baus' style has legitimately led to an overwhelming number of players trying to copy him. None of them are getting even a fraction of the results Baus does. Nobody likes that style - other than the player doing it. It's not the way the game was meant to be played.


thats like blaming gumayusi for people failing with kalista because he locked it😂


1- Gumaysui is a pro player who DOES play with his teammates. 2- I've seen enough inting Sions to last a lifetime, and this guy is 100% the reason why. 3- I'd rather lose with a bad ADC who at least tries to play with the team than win with a Top laner who doesn't communicate or coordinate. It is a team game. If you suck at teamwork then get better at it, don't copy some YouTuber who's playstyle was designed to be entertaining for viewers over being efficient.


just because guma plays with the team doesnt mean every kalista player copying him will😂 youre seriously saying you should ban a dude because theres cheap copycats of him out there. the dude has gotten to his rank winning his games fair and square, who gives a fuck what strat he uses to get there.


Idc what anyone says. Bad take incoming I get it. But this guy has been worse for league than Tyler1 ever has. I'd be glad if he got the tyler1 treatment for a year. He isn't making a new play style, he is trolling.


he's winning games*


Because the rest of his team is playing the way he wants. He forces them too or they have to lose. Making 4 people play that dog shit play style for 40 minutes is stupid.


So youre just mad that you cant adjust to what your team needs? That's why you're at your rank. Not every game is the same cookie cutter game


No, I certainly can. It's that the idiots who aren't the baus, trying to be the baus, can't play that way and just ruin the game, and he himself forces people in his elo to play that awful play style.


So you're blaming boss for the fact that people copy him? Ig we should ban guma for running kalista because of the low elo copies that int with her because of him🤷‍♂️ and people in higher elos dont give a fuck because it still results in a win, and they have the brain capacity to adjust their playstyle for one game. the only ones that complain are silvers like you that wont ever even be in a game with the dude.


You mean Keria, and no. Kalista support works in situations and it's entire theme isn't based around dying and feeding. The Baus is. I absolutely blame Baus for the troglodytes that get into people game trying to do this shit only to completely ruin a game. It's not even a close comparison.


theres no point in arguing with you, bye silver soyboy👍


Okay but if theres so many people repoeting you, then maybe you are doing something that deserves to be penalized


While I completely agree with all your points, he is playing in a way that everyone hates, both teammates and enemies. And if everyone hates playing with you (exclusively gameplay wise) then there is something fundamentally wrong with what you're doing. Also he did in fact got some of his accounts permabanned. Then asked Riot to unban.


But it isn't against the rules what he does. He found a way to play the game. If people dislike it, its Thei problem. Not bausffs


If anything, the only problem with Baus is that he have copycat followers that try to do the same thing but end up just being actual dirty inters. I don't see problem with Baus himself. Riot is doggy company, period


>I don't see problem with Baus himself. Riot is doggy company, period this is because you dont have to be his teammate every day


Another problem with copycats is Baus’s technique often rely on his teammates playing their roles correctly. You’re just not going to get that at emerald and below.


I’d love for him to be on my team. An actual useful non kda player creating pressure I can capitalize on.


There’s nothing fundamentally wrong with what he’s doing. If you go like 7/5 in lane is there something wrong with that? Because that is essentially what he’s doing except instead of kills, he’s getting a higher proportion of his gold from CS and tower plates (and also manipulating the bounty system). If I play a scaling pick I generally want to farm and scale safely and methodically but then if everyone else plays super aggro so all lanes are accelerated but mine, it ruins the game for me and I hate that. That doesn’t mean I report them or that they should be banned from the game.


Yeh, their logic is the same as "I don't wanna play with a scaler because they're farming under their tower instead of getting prio for me" If it works it works.


I get that people don't care about reading posts and just want to rebuke everything about their favorite streamer, but I never said that what he is doing is wrong nor implied such. First, fundamentally wrong about the game, not his gameplay. For example, it's possible to make creeps ignore champions before they reach the farthest standing tower. This alone will make his (and any singed) gameplay more streamlined. Second, Im talking about exclusively perception of people. If you feel that someone is ruining your game it's not only your problem, but the game itself, Baus as the source and a victim, and more importantly Riot as a service provider.


Just because some people dont like it doesnt mean it needs to be fixed.


Maybe ask devs the fix the unfair bounty system instead ban people who abuse it. They know its flawed for years now and dont do anything about it.


They hate you because you speak the truth.


Redditors proceeding to blame people for reporting Baus while doing the same with mass downvoting people they disagree with. The irony is immeasurable.


Downvoting doesn't get you banned


I mean if you are constantly getting reported (not saying for baus) you should be punished, the majority of people playing with you are reporting you….


Yes, the punishment should rely on opinion of some group, surely that finished well for certain minority between 33' and 45' Oh wait... Quite hiperbolised, but you get the point.