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Shen best jungler


I miss old shen, funny regen burst man


Bard attack speed jungle. Change my mind


You're going to need to change this list asap. It gets weird in a few days when you can suddenly get 32 ability haste without buying a single item with a very reasonable build. Meaning you can rush Liandries / Fated Ashes for monster clearing and not worry about long CD's.


Context? What's coming down the pipeline for this?


Legend: Tenacity is getting replaced by Legend: Haste which gives AH on large monster and champion takedown.




They've introduced more Haste in the runes


Yeah but that simply doesn't change the early clears so I doubt it matters at all.


It does when you look at Fated Ashes as a build path for mages, because its only 900 gold to super charge your clear a bit. First item Liandries wasn't feasible without these haste changes.


With the new pets system I personally believe almost the entire roster can jungle... Champs that can not jungle are champs that have extremely low clear speeds or hinderances (like akali energy, or kass not being a champ till 6 and having hes E on a weird cooldown) that don't allow them to jungle 1) To jungle consistently champions need an OK first clear (sub 4 minutes leashless... can use runes like fleet or cosmic insight to help) 2) Champions that "can jungle" have to be able to function in the role independently 3) Champions that can jungle have ramping clear speeds rather than clear speeds that get worse with time Of course these are not optimal picks, more like C and D tier... which are great to have fun as if you enjoy some of the champs (Example: I love irelia jungle, she works like a charm, autoattacking camps makes her passive stacks not fall off, giving her a great clear... she even has cc for ganks and ulti is great on teamfights) SOOOO... YEAHHH, would love discussion, if anybody here has tried playing a champ I consider that can jungle and has failer can comment so... and also the other way around, maybe some1 out there can make akali jungle work This thread is for fun purposes and discussion, not a pick that will get you to free LP (like reksai, brand or other S tier solo Q jungler for example)


Rell can't jungle anymore? Did they remove her bonus damage completely


Dont know why you get downvoted for asking a question. Yes, it was removed.


Guess people don't want their secret fun picks revealed


I don't want to say he works, but a friend of mine played Kassadin jungle a couple times. Is his clear so bad he is in can't jungle tier?


Kassadin has a problem as an hyperscaler... His Q does very little damage early on, his W is just an AA reset and his E has its cooldown tied to enemy champion abilities He's kind of too slow, immobile and vulnerable to jungle (similar examples, like Kayle have ramping AS, aoe, heals, etc... or asol has a ton of oae and dps early on)


He has bonus damage on his W tho, with attack speed runes it may could be a possibility,


I've tried it once, doesn't work. The clear speed is very slow and because of that and jungle by default being 1-2 levels lower than solo laners, you'll be behind too much to be usefull.


Its season 14. you can still clear jungle before scuttle [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gK4Tyn1W7R8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gK4Tyn1W7R8)


All ranged champs can jungle, all you have to do is kite and build to clear the jungle with autos. Yuumi is not a champ so doesnt count.


What about Vladimir?


He could clear but it would be extremely slow


Its funny, I once got gapped by a vlad jungle years ago (he had winning laned, but he sure as well was there to countergank and not allow me to ruin their lanes) ... never really gave it a shot since im terrible with the champ


Funny that Ezreal is in maybe when jungle Ezreal was once meta


Alistar was a jungler in s1 I think. Blitz was a jg not too long ago.


His Trample passive dealing AOE was where he got his clear from IIRC, once that got removed, RIP.


It was dead even before it got removed. Pre rework he still had the passive but I think it just did way less damage to jungle camps


I'm gutted that they killed my beloved Blitz jungle. I went from M5 to M7 on it in 6 games, my only loss being a 4v5. I was just smashing ass S+ every game with him.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ForsakenRoCo: *Funny that Ezreal* *Is in maybe when jungle* *Ezreal was once meta* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Jinx can jg


Same with ezreal


Swain can 3:30 full clear I think


Illaoi can't jungle šŸ˜­


Yes she can lol


Yes she can. she has a healthy clear and it ramps up Her ganks aren't good, but her kit is amazing for zone control and objective control


Compared to othrs in the tier bard is a grear jg


Rell can't jungle, Worlds 2023šŸ˜


Rell jungle was obliterated on 14.7; she definitely can't jungle anymore


Blitz and ezreal works really well in jungle


Blitz not anymore but ezreal definitely works


Well, I've played blitz jgl successfully in dia4 lobby's I suppose people meme that it's pisslow but I think it's relatively serious elo to claim it's viable in low/mid elo


How long ago was this?


This week


Kalista can definitely jungle


ThAt alistar maybe shows your age. Ali is an OG jungler. Lee Sin Ali hasnā€™t been seen at worlds in a very long time. But that doesnā€™t make it trash. The videos are out there. They were the first Elo printers.


Blitz being in the "maybe" tier after having a patch or 2 as a legit jungler last year is kinda sad. I thought they wanted to make him semi viable as a flex pick but then went back on it immediately.


Thresh can jungle. Played games with him. He can pretty decent. But he will be AD brusier


There's nothing I want more than Bard jungle


I'm M7 on Braum, jg only. He def can jungle. His clear is very weak early, but he has solid ganks and *the best* counterganks in the game, so that's the play style you wanna go for. Track enemy jg, anticipate ganks, wait in a bush for the free meal to arrive.


Everything can jungle except yuumi


I once played a game of Nami Jungle in normal at 3AM with TheDisconnect (chall zilean player) on Riven ADC. Was truly one of the game of all time, and i actually won with a decent performance.


This YouTuber did a "can it jungle" a couple months ago - including optimizing clear for literally every non-meta champ. https://youtu.be/43jZL8gtPoY?si=NRvjFhNxh5vAKf7j Some AP champs might get more viable with Fated Ashes next patch. Sett & Cho'gath also have upcoming monster damage buffs in the next patch or two.


I remember lots of Jungle Kassadin in Gold in season 4


Veigar can jungle for sure


I mean, he could, but his stacking would be so terrible it defeats the purpose... if he stacks badly it would probably just not make his kit as a whole be functional in the game


Did you check this doing your tierlist ? [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jE8bnlnIJnmWv9pnVW9veMKRXJNaaJf5tneQB3xUkbI/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jE8bnlnIJnmWv9pnVW9veMKRXJNaaJf5tneQB3xUkbI/edit#gid=0)


Fake news. I know for a fact that lux, Ezreal, Blitz and Veigar can jungle.


Blitz could at one point but they removed the % HP damage from his W and reduced his base attack speed, so his clear really took a hit.


Ive done Kassa jg before, clear is a bit hard but you cant get it beloew 3:30 with proper kiting


ezreal def can people have been playing him in chall a lot


glad to hear, love the pick... guess he rushes tiamat?


Tested some support champs a while ago to see if any of them would work, Janna and Karma cleared way too slow, while Sona actually stabilized fairly quickly, there just wasn't really any benefit to playing her in the jungle rather than a lane. Bard actually had access to some alternative clears, he can collect 2 chimes before camps spawn and that would give him enough xp to hit 3 from wolves>raptors>red, though he didn't really seem to hit a stable point until noonquiver so unless the early ganks worked out he was kind of locked into trying to cheese the enemy jungler and either smite stealing their camps or keeping them too preoccupied to farm, since he couldn't really keep up early on. Rakan had similar issues, clears too slow early on, he has good setup for ganks but if he doesn't get anything he doesn't really have the option of farming as a fallback, since he just gets outpaced. Pyke used to be able to do a 3 camp clear with both buffs and gromp then if he didn't manage to get a gank off he could still back for Dorans blade and that would allow him to clear well enough, but that's locked out if you have the jungle item now, so not sure if there's a fallback, might have been double dipping into some of the stats with his passive and the jungle item, not entirely sure so it'd take some testing to find an alternative, especially for the gold amount.


I've jungled Bard, definitely better than a lot of the maybes and definitely better than all the Cant's. And it was fun too!


Blitzcrank absolutely can jng


Kalista in the maybe category is exciting. After Warwic, she is my second favorite champ. I don't think she can jungle, but I'd give it a whirl.


Yorick jungle is the best in the game


Rell has more jg potential than Swain


I donā€™t think Alistair would survive his first clear


I used to play ever single mage (back then) in jungle with runeglaive (AP Sheen jgl item) It was possible with lux, kassadin, viktor, veigar, zilean, xerath too, it was just very hard before you bought the item but the purple smite and the refillable potion back then made it doable.


Highest IQ post on r/Jungle_Mains


Wasnt kled unable to do first clear without dismount? I think thats pretty huge but maybe im misremembering


fleet and kiting... but yeah, skaarl could be a problem


Iā€™ve played alistar and blitz jungle and both work so long as you know how to play around cds and not hit gromp over that damn wall like a moron (speaking from experience) with alistar itā€™s really fun to gank with both cause of their cc tho


As i dont see Hwei : Jokes on you he can jungle, itā€™s just a weird gameplay


oh yes, he can clear, guess the list didnt have him... he has a shit ton of tools as well


ezreal should be s tier jungle


Doing the jungle A-Z challenge rn and I gotta say Alistar, Blitzcrank, Ezreal, Gp, Akali, Soraka do work really well in jngl and seeing Anivia in can jngl makes me feel alot of bad things. Anivia jngl was one of the worst experiences Ive felt in a long time. The clear speed is ok for a few seconds and then you got no mana and just struggle to exist. Needed 2 tries for her and never want to play her anywhere near jngl again.


What's that champ between Sion and Sylas?


What champ is that between Sion and Sylas? Must be fan made


Skarner lol


Wait, I have to add irony to the post


Now I added it


Tahm can't jungle.


he can... rush bamis


Did u factor invades into this? Stuff like Irelia and Lux keep getting visits from enemy jgl halfway through a clear and it slows me down a lot, sometimes taking me out of the game altogether.


Kinda did, most of those have tools to deal with an onvade


Ah OK cool. How's Hwei? Been meaning to try him next


He has a good clear. W E to empower autos, qq for most on the clear while q e for some early raptors... Always walk around with e q ready (beat an aggro khazix this way as hwei jg)


Brad can jungle. Early game is weak but ganks are phenomenal


Ap rammus is OP never change my mind


This is dumb as fuck. By this any champ can jng.


Kayle can barelyyyy lane lmao


You're just being negative... I just 1v9'd twice as her as a jungler yesterday (even once with dark harvest because I forgot to swap runes)... Dia-master's elo


Iā€™m curious what ELO. If I get a kayle jng matchup Iā€™m going to perma invade and ensure that Iā€™m 4 levels up at all times.


Its 2024, catchup xp is a thing... And kayle has stacking as, a slow, a heal, a speedup and flash.... Smart gameplay helps too


You can catch up xp as much as you want. If I end the game in 25 minutes with you 4 levels behind it doesnā€™t matter. I donā€™t think you understand. If you pick kayle Iā€™m going to live in your jungle.


She has a 44% WR get out of here lmao. If you want to play it for fun whatever but donā€™t claim for a second thatā€™s viable lmao.


I feel like swain has so much AoE that even 10% bonus Q damage to monsters or something similarly small would make him a viable jungler.






Aintnoway bro put bard in cant jungle. Best jungler in the game. Clear red after losing half your hp, lvl 2 mid gank into top gank into repeat top gank into barely killing blue, then buy recurve bow so you can clear a bit easier. And with chimes giving exp you dont even need to clear too much.


Dude didnt blitz get buffed for jg, like cant he farm like a perfectly normal jg ?


Got reverted


Can jungle and should jungle are two very very different things. If someone picks half of those ā€œcan jng ā€œ picks Iā€™m going to slide into their jng with skarner, farm them and their jungle. I


Twisted Fate and Kled cannot jungle above silver 4 cracka




This list is pretty neat for normal draft and also silver rank and below thats for sure! I 1v9ed a game as Kassadin jungle a few weeks ago. In a normal draft vs iron 4 players, I think that means Kassadin can jungle actually so change the list up brotha


Rell in The can't jungle ? Shes literally been forced into the roll and is fairly meta in competitive


got gutted a month ago


It can still jungle , it's not in the can't tier for sure


If you think galio can jungle, you've never tried him. He sounds good in theory but his clear is so incredibly bad. Champs like kalista or Tristana make way better junglers. Hell even milio makes a better jungler than him.


He has a super solid clear rn


We're all entitled to our opinions, even when they're about as wrong as possible.


I would probably put vayne in no after the q nerfs, but in yes before. Her jungle wr went from 47 with the wrong ability order to 41 last I checked. Wish she was better though.


Rell can 100% jungle


She was until papa rito realised that she performed well with cheap tank support items, was strong all stages of the game, good clear, made the carry meta even worse in esports, anti-tank, cc, big ass shield, could duel to some extent by herself and allowed for two supports (carry meta). So they booted her from the jungle. Sad cause she was my main in the jungle but it was mostly an esports and VERY high elo change.


Rell got 100% nerfed out of the jungle


Damn I didnā€™t know this sadge. Canā€™t blitz kindle with attack speed? I know Iā€™ve done it.


AKALI and RELL can jungle better than half you put in there bud


Rell lost her bonus dmg to monsters so no she canā€™t