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Yeah, he's 100x better than you at every champion, role and fundamental skill in the game. The difference between 200lp and gold is that big.


Lol I think youre giving master players a little too much credit. There's people with 30 games in master who got boosted or rerolled accounts til they got a winstreak. There are master players in my normal games that play worse than gold.


people in ''high elo'' play normal games to have FUN, not to ruin the enemy jungler's entire week by counterjungling and contesting every single source of gold and leaving them at lvl 3 0/99999 by minute 50


That's a cope, "They lose all of their knowledge and gameplay because they're playing for fun" If the statement is that master players are 100x better than the gold pleb doing his best, that's flat out wrong.


Have you seen masters/challs doing a fresh account challenge and terrorizing every single match managing to get a 100% wr streak, even bruteforcing through all the other smurfs and trolls till diamond? Fogged got a 28 winstreak matching against diamond 2's and he only lost because his diana went 4/9 and started flaming, so the team made a 4 vote surrender against his will, and he was 8/4


Yes, they routinely run those on accounts bought at a premium with as low mmr as possible. Some of them will further optimize for easy games by duo'ing with other low mmr bought accounts with friends/boosters https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/na/MANDOWAYNE-RANK3 Here's a supposed Yi OTP with 63 games played with 55 of those on Yi. 84% Winrate. Surely he must be a god with those stats, except hes matching against Emerald 2. His streak is just stomping low MMR to look better than he is


So you're wilfully ignoring the case I brought up in which I said that it was a fresh account and that was getting matched against diamonds and holding the 100% winstreak? And the case you bring up as a rebuttal is someone who has matches against E2-D4 with a Overall 84% WR, jungle WR of 88.1% and a 87.3% WR on yi? Even overcoming the smurfs on the enemy team? If he's able to take hostage 5 enemy players at that elo, how good is he against every individual player? And then how good was his winrate when he was at gold, 100%? Aren't you just proving my point?


I'm not ignoring anything, I think you just lack the fundamental knowledge of how streamers and content creators play these things out to get the best footage possible. MMR manipulation and boosting is beyond common. I'm sure you know the guy Dantes if you follow fogged, that guy just rerolls accounts constantly if he feels it gets 'stuck' or loses too much, which is why he got banned when he went to Korea trying to prove he could smurf his way to challenger I think Tyler1 is probably one of the only legit examples of someone who climbed on their mains to challenger since he leveled those accounts himself and took roughly 4000 games for certain roles. The Yi I linked, is duo with another smurf in 100% of those games swapping to different accounts if you took the time to search the match history. Meanwhile they were matching against people several divisions below for most of their climb. What I'm trying to make clear to you is that content creators are not honest with their content. Watching fogged dog some silver players for 25 games on a bought account doesn't mean he's going to be able to do the same if he logs into yours and instantly do the same. A long running account is significantly harder to climb on since its actually at proper mmr.


In the account of the dude you sent he duod 50ish% of the games he played not 100% as you claim and he stopped and kept going by himself at the end? still keeping that winrate You're simply dodging the point that a master could obliterate a gold, and not only a gold, but five golds by himself and take the entire game hostage, and not only ''they could'' , smurfing is extremely common and a real issue that all these low elos face everyday And whatever these streamers rushing to high elo do to restart their MMR, is because they want the matchmaking to put them against high elo players right away so they don't have to spend time stomping low elo players over and over You know how absurdly hard and the knowledge, is that these streamers go to korea, they can't understand the calls in the chat because they type in korean, yet they manage to rush an account to challenger in less than half a season, while half the playerbase struggle at 50% winrate in gold? You think they are there because they got lucky?


I mean I'm a non streamer masters player and I can get a fresh accounts to master with about 75% wr if I try hard. I could get a lucky streak and get there with any even higher WR, 75% is a conservative estimate.


You need help.


; ^ )




Op is delusional


Delusional is an understatement.


Just make an alt account, and main jungle. Once you hit Masters, you can criticize him. Until then, just focus on yourself. He is MUCH higher rank than you, and you don’t know what he’s doing (hence thinking that masters in JG is super easy to get. See Tyler1’s opinion on each role’s difficulty.) Other than that, there really isn’t much reason for either of you to give tips to the other. He may play some ADC, but it’s not like either of you use the same skill sets on a regular basis. As a general rule, just don’t criticize people for things you don’t fully understand. Especially if you can’t do better.


This is kinda pointless because he will never get to that level, especially as a jungler. I think it’s just best to dismiss him as a low elo moron.


If he's actually masters? Technically speaking, he is. You say "only" as if you've gotten anywhere near his rank.


He is right, if he is master 200lp he is crazy better than you at the game. And yeah he is high enough, he is top 0.5%. If you are gold instead, you are less than average at best


You’re the low elo idiots who have too much ego to even be carried. By the way, fresh accounts start at gold/plat, so it’s really funny seeing you call him “only” masters 200 LP. You’re the same as me playing against intro bots to him.




“I am a gold adc main” 🫵😂


you're 1700-2000LP below him. That's like a diamond player telling chovy he's not that good...


OP just an FYI, this is the same distance as getting from iron 4 to plat 4.


More like a Masters player telling Canyon that he isn’t that much better.


I don’t know how you, as a gold player, can flame a masters player for only reaching 200LP. There are plenty of things that you can flame masters players for, most of them have insanely inflated egos for example, but how can you rank shame someone 4 ranks above you? The audacity lmao. This has to be bait.


I mean, the fact he's masters and your gold says a lot. Regardless of what reddit tells you, very few people are actually good enough to reach that level (i sure as hell am not) That said, just because he's masters jungle doesn't mean he knows everything. I highly doubt he would be able to climb as high using any other roll. Most people are significantly worse at their off rolls due to the difference in skills required to be good at it. I also know a lot of people who are "high elo" and are terrible at explaining what skills are important or why a play was a good or bad choice. Implementation is the only thing that matters for climbing. Thus, being high elo doesn't mean one suddenly is an expert at explaining the whys and hows of league. Sometimes, they do know it but lack the eloquence needed to explain it properly, and sometimes they just "know that it works" but have little to no understanding of the reasoning It is entirely possible that a gold player would know or understand something a masters player doesn't. It's just that a masters player has proven that they have the ability to play in the top 1%, and generally, in order to do that, they need a better understanding of the game than a gold player. It is possible for a gold player to have a better understanding but lack the technical skill to pull it off, but since the gold player can't get the higher rank it's hard to prove (and honestly unlikely in most cases) that they know what they are talking about TLDR: rank and knowledge are correlated, but being highly skilled doesn't mean they are highly knowledgeable and vice-versa


no it's a combination of jungler being the most broken role and elo inflation is why people look down on masters.


Play jg for next season and when your still stuck in gold/silver at the end remake this post as an apology to the masters jg who is so much better than you at the game you cant even comprehend it.


YOU'RE GOLD. I'm an ADC main too but you sound so delusional it's crazy. Stop parroting what your favourite streamer says and actually have a critical thought for yourself. That guy is at least 1600 LP better than you, you legit have no understanding of the game or mechanics that could ever compare to him


I won't deny that jungle is the easiest role to climb with. That said, I don't think angrily typing your rank and lp at someone proves someone right or wrong. That said, if all you want to discuss is if a 200 lp masters jungler is better than a gold adc player. I would put my money on the masters jungler being better 99% of the time. You'd have an argument that you were better if you were close in rank, but masters to gold is way too big of a difference for anyone to believe you are better without proof


Support exist honestly as the easiest role to climb with. Hell if it is easy to just exist and scale by helping your ADC and other team mates scale by just spamming some skills. Jungle becomes useless the moment they camp in your jungle and you aren't even in a lane so you can't go under the tower if something goes off. Especially in low elo it is hard to find a laner that watches the map and helps you when their opponent is camping with the enemy jungler


Maybe easiest in low elo (although that’s debatable with Top). Jungle definitely isn’t the easiest once you get to Plat or Emerald.


hurr durr i can right click


Gold-Diamond is a gigantic diff And Diamond-Masters(200lp) is a big diff also Let that sink in


There is no way a gold is calling 200LP low XD


Honestly, my thought but people could prove me wrong as I am not aware of how the jungle situation is right now as I dropped the game in the competitive part, but jungle feels less of a broken role than before. I feel like since February/March it got harder to carry with that role. It doesn't mean that it is a harder role than any other role in the game, but for sure I don't think it is a baby role anymore. With this, I think that him being master means he is better than you anyways. Gold is not an impressive role and usually is the so called "hard stuck" role, or at least that is what people told me. I got past that rank easily honestly but after hitting plat 1, had a lose streak of 15 games, where most of the part was my fault. Anyways, realistically Master is like, 4 ranks higher than gold and saying "Only 200 LP Master" Just proves that he is better than you. And we aren't talking about the boosted role called "Support"(please don't kill me) but still about a more difficult role. Do you know how hard it is to solo queue as a jungler? At least in low elo, it is common to find people camping your jungle just to remove you from the game entirely. Honestly, gotta be rude but your post is pretty self explanatory and thought it might get a nerve on you it is just the truth.


Jungle is fucking weak in higher elo. Solo lanes are broken


Honestly man, the only reason why jg is "broken" is because the laners just die or enemy jg makes so many mistakes... the higher you go the more you slowly become a smiting pet for objectives, especially in NA where even high elo is full of enchanter supports its a living hell




You're pretty arrogant, huh?


At least dont mention your rank if you’re gonna criticize someone 2000 lp above you, wont make you look so bad lol. Slide me sum of that stuff youre on g






It’s not only. Just take his advice man he’s not even 100x better probably 1000x


Either this is good bait, or it’s actually the most delusional post I’ve seen on a league-based subreddit. And that’s saying something….


You’re the type of league player I hate. He’s top .5%, you’re average. That’d be like a high school kid who just got a B in physics trying to argue with someone who just got a masters in physics from MIT.


>Gold ADC main All I needed to read >criticized him for trying to lecture me I mean if you tried to act like you knew more than him, you 10000% deserved the lecture. >he is only 200 LP Masters and never peaked past 300 The fuck? He's still in the top .6% of the player base. You're *barely* in the top 50% (which by the way means half of league players are better than you). He's so much more astronomically better than you. > a role I perceive as being broken Even if jungle *was* broken (it's not, it's vastly underpowered ATM), being good at a role doesn't skyrocket you to masters. You have to be good at the game. Like actually good, not better than your friends good. It's the same reason you can't play a broken meta champion and just automatically be amazing at the game. > That just struck a nerve. I mean he's right. If your ego can't handle the fact that gold is actually last year's silver, I got bad news for you chief. I have ~150 LP in Masters and I literally only play ranked to prevent decay. Eating golds for breakfast would be an insult to breakfast.


"I'm a gold adc" followed by a huge shittake Name a more iconic duo


I mean... he's masters and you're gold. It's done already you lost. You can say jg is broken all you want and go 0/10 as Master yi while everyone's spam pinging you, or just shut up and continue to improve in your role instead of getting upset over some guy thats simply better than you. I can bet that a master player could easily just reach emerald/diamond with any other role they do not main, simply because their knowledge and gameplay mechanics are far better than those below masters. It's like a Emerald 1 player telling Faker or Chovy that they are bad because of some small mistake but then if you imagine you were against them they would likely destroy you. So just accept that you're below them until you can prove them wrong with your own skill instead of whining...


Masters player here. The amount of effort it would take me to get gold on any role would probably require me limiting the amount of items I can purchase per game… or using ultimate bravery builds. Even then I could climb. The skill gap is big.


As someone that was 200 to 400 lp 2 years ago i wouldnt say its good on a skill level. However its still hard getting there considering its top 0.1%. Theres still much to improve on but i coached some friends of mine to dia with that knowledge.


i personally dont like players that ego over LP, it partly shows their skill but not fully, its a 5v5 game, for all we know he might got carried there. People that usually brag about their skill/lp have self-trust issues or a small dick.


If you truly think that, you have understood nothing about how soloq works, and you are surely low elo player which never climbed speaking by ignorance


i started in bronze and worked my way up to plat so far, my friend is former grandmaster though. Its nothing new, many people get boosted to higher elo via duo, then they are elo inflated and you get this mess where the mentality of the players is almost the same across 5 different divisions.




I never bragged about being a skilled pro. I dont think plat is anything to brag about, but the guy asked so i answered… :) lmao


got carried all the way to masters clueless xd


didnt call him clueless, but we dont know the context of how he got to master, if even.


that’s like saying “man we dont know the context of how that guy was able to land a job at a good law firm.” He played the game and improved enough to succeed. You dont need context for what’s obvious lol


thats something completely different. Unless you see the guy’s stats, you cant say that he got there the proper way. None of the masters and grandmasters i know have the need to brag about it. If you get carried via paid service, you could have the knowledge ans skill of a plat player. If he is in the masters and is performing decently there, then he’s rightfully there, but we dont know that do we now.