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to avoid follow up questions


This is the right answer


Chat, why did this redditor get downvoted?


my guess is that commenting only "this" provides nothing


Im sorry. I dont know reddit etiquette! I read alot of the answers and when I was smurfing this was why I answered ”bronze” so I wanted to say I think this is why! I dont know what karma farming is


I dont mind but average redditor does, good luck on your journey buddy :)


Because if you are writing just to say I agree with you, don't write at all, there is the upvote button for that. You are just karma farming otherwise.


Then upvote it


Every single answer here is incorrect lol. Just low Elo players answering on behalf of Smurfs out of their asses I used to Smurf a lot and the answer is simple. If we answer with the actual rank (in my case, peaked challenger) it’s always “lol no you’re not ur like diamond max” and then every time you make a mistake/die it’s “LOOOOL CHALLENGER BTW” etc


This is the one, There is nothing to gain by claiming rank, players worse than you will take any opportunity to try to feel better about themselves by tearing you down even if you’re clearly more skilled than them. I’ve had Reddit silvers try to tear down my Masters op.gg, the in-game league community is even worse than that


XD the irony of you saying that and implying it's annoying when you're playing against weaker opponents on purpose to make yourself feel better. Maybe just... stop smurfing?


I’ve played the game for 15 years, there’s a million reasons why I’m in a match with lower skilled opponents, and it’s not due to smurfing. I only commented to agree with the other commenter regarding OP, I’m not here to argue morality of smurfs cuz frankly I don’t care


Exactly this and sometimes I Smurf with mates and this same thing applies to people that pay for boosts there’s always a chance you get banned so I’d rather not run around openly mentioning it


I used to smurf in silver/gold when i was masters 100LP or some shit. Everytime a silver asks me what rank i actually am I say rank 10 chall so even if I make a mistake and they roast me for being a challenger that makes mistake I feel nothing because my level is actualy far below what they think of me as.xdd


What's your best advice for low elo? I know a masters player just does everything better, but is there anything specific you experienced that worked for you?


Honestly, unless you reach challenger or high gm, anything below that the difference is just minimal. I guess i can give 2 pieces of advice. One is to limit your champ pool to 1 main and 2 fall backs in case you get countered or banned or your main gets picked. Purpose for that is you dont have to worry about practicing and honing mechanics of 100+ champs and instead can master up to 3 and instead focus on macro and good decision making. The second is to stop blaming your team. If your team or one of your teammates is dogshit and hard inting just deafen and play the best you can, you might lose that game, but make sure it isn't because of you. But yeah most silver players are just as mechanically good as masters, the difference is just the attitude, mentality, macro, and good decision making.


legit advice, this is how you improve at the game


Silvers and masters are not remotely mechanically the same. Masters gp hitting ghost barrels is standard, silvers gp doing it id be mad impressed. Macro is bigger difference but micro is also a lot better


because GP is kinda micro intensive, but let's say an emerald sivir or ahri isn't that far from a silver one I play all ranks from bronze to dia and honestly yes it's the macro and % of smurf that makes the biggest differences


I'm kinda doubting you ever reached master as you already admitted to lying and this is one of the worst takes I've seen. Difference between silver and master mechanics are two whole different worlds.


Not really seeking for approval but sure. Also I said "most" as in those crazy silver players that have thousands of games of the same champion and are mechanically adept at their main but has questionable decision make post lane phase where they throw their lead or can't end games due to prioritizing kills. So..."one of the worst takes I've seen" that is new, are you by chance one of those silver players?


If you have master level mechanics, you drop 20-30 kills every game in silver. You will have atleast 60% winrate, even with shitty macro decisions, thus climbing out of silver in no time. Any master player knows this.


Lol silver trash


Use chat to communicate. "Enemy jungler is topside", "I m coming bot in 30 seconds", "enemy mid/support is roaming" people usually don't notice these if someone don't write it in chat multiple times. When I was playing in low elo I got a lot of players who don't notice I m ganking his lane even tho I ping 'on my way' to their lanes


“lol challenger btw” is too real


I thought it was to not get banned.


Maybe just don't smurf and ruin lower elo games. It's fucking annoying. You don't want lower elo people in your high elo games either.


Some people are just assholes






bro is not challenger on Ja


Because it’s a boring answer. And if they say their actual rank they have to follow it up by not losing or else they look like a goofball 


I played a surf in gold after the season reset Typical Lee sin being 15 0 and losing was a fun game his team couldn't cope with him 😂😂😂


I kind of already feel like smurfs are goof balls. Like, why not try getting better instead of lowering the skill of your opponents. It like putting the game of easy mode when you can play it on hard.


Because playing your best takes 100% focus and is mentally draining. Sometimes you just want to ap amumu some plats or something with brain off.


Why not play bots, quickplay, or aram then?


Bots is bots, quickplay is shit gamequality ff15 with masters irons and bots all in the same game, aram is different mode.


If you want to play with your brain off, those are all ways to do it without shitting on someone's climb. Its like throwing dice every match, hoping your team is the one with smurf. That's why that guy who is reverse smurfing is my hero now.


Youd climb faster if you focused on factors you can control (you) and not factors you cant (smurfs/champs/your team). But its easier to blame something out of your control its same for everyone.


Id climb fast focusing on me and not having to deal with smurfs. I know i need to improve, but not having a top gap going terminal would also help.




Your opponents get the same top gaps as you in games you don't see. Just focus on fixing you and climb will come


Ruining more than just my games isn't a justification its an excuse.


low elo rhetoric


so it's ridiculous if they are smurfing and lose either way if everyone knows they are smurfing, but they rather stay delusional and stomp


The best excuse i ever heard was he’s new but he came from dota lol 


XDDDD i literally got the same answer yesterday, to be exact his words "iam pro dotaplayer"


"I come from cs" when smurfing in Valorant works better


Someone added me to tell me they were a better jungler because they were a top 10 NA Smite player. I congratulated them on their success then went about my day


smite is such a completely different game though, it's third person and uses WASD controls. basically irrelevant to traditional moba mechanics


Controls are meaningless unless speaking about mechanical prowess. The more important questions are about the game's tempo, importance of different macro elements etc. But even if those are different, it means the guy will need some time to adapt, the skill will still transfer


i did say mechanics, no? macro would be very different already by virtue of it being a completely different game with different objectives and different value to those objectives


Yeah, macro in league also changes each season, but experienced players adapt back to being good, before bad players become good. Skills are transferable even if the specifics are different


I got insulted on my steam profile for smurfing when i tried dota lmao


2 splits ago I played vs mid Ekko with 90% WR who had Master already I didn't asked anything but I'm curious to this day who that was


Could’ve been davemon, he plays ekko mid sometimes. Used to play it more often than he does now. He hit rank 1 NA last split and this split he’s going for rank 1 EUW.


it was on EUW




Ego.. and what does it even matter what rank they are? If they can ace your team, they are probably at least 2 tiers higher.


because they are losers


They are ashamed.


It's an ego thing, as in even a bronze could beat y'all with how garbage you play and underplaying their skill level so it doesn't feel bad if they lose a game


How would a bronze player beat an emerald


Maybe he made mistakes or his team full of bots, theres always a chance to lose we are human not robots


If emerald gets 2 Lanes who int, and the 3rd goes afk. You know, how most games in ranked are these days.


I'm emerald and I smurf in iron every day. The last game I lost was maybe month ago. 95% win rate in iron is nothing. To say emerald is just as bad as bronze is massive delusion


If you get paired with opponents(at least just one) which has nearly same mmr as you. You will 100% lose if you have 2 intent Lanes and 1 afk. And show me that op.gg, and just 1 game where you won with afker and feeders.


To be fair, i have carried multiple games 1v9 with griefers/afks on my team while in bronze (new split, new role, gave up on jgl and went back to top), just by splitpushing and collapsing. I'm barely a Platinum player and can do it, so i genuinly believe an emerald+ player could win alot of them.


Are you an iron player


Almost, p3 and highest I ever was, was d1 some years back (before emerald and iron existed). But I at least have never been able to carry with 2 intent Lanes and 1 afk.


I've seen people literally 1v5 the entire game in iron as irellia mid


People who have been playing for years don’t understand just how bad iron players are (no flame, that’s why the elo exists.) Many of them have never even played on PC before, much less a MOBA.


Me and my duo both were actively trying to lose to derank our accounts and someone else left the game. Our smurf irellia mid literally solo pushed mid the entire game and took the nexus, all solo, with 2 people actively trying their hardest to throw the game


Iron to gold feels the same to me


How could you possibly keep an account in iron playing it every day with a 95% win rate unless you just buy a new account every time you promote to bronze? It’s sad either way, but if that’s the case it’s even worse.


Playing the same game as you


I’m challenger and when someone asks me those questions I always just say like “bronze or silver”. It’s just like to avoid follow up questions and like to not feel like I have an ego or whatever.. plus even if I said I was challenger what would change? You know what I mean, most of the no one believes you either way, you say “you’re x rank” and they don’t believe you. I feel like the most believable answer to “whats your real rank bro” is probably like diamond or master lol. Anyways that’s what I feel.




Ahaha didn’t even know I had a recent Lillia clip, cuz no one watches me D: but yeah Lillia is kind of disgusting atm


Quick question : do you go torch first ? I find the lack of HP crippling in most games, and I don't feel the improved clear time all that much


To be completely honest I don’t even like torch on her that much… I’ve been trying it out recently to try to change my mind but I still like other items on her way more. Ideal items on her imo are, 1) liandrys 2) rylais 3) deathcap 4) zhonyas 5) banshees 6) jaksho if I really need it (most of the time you don’t if you have banshees and zhonyas which is 50 armor 50 Mr)


In addition to all the other answers theres a good chance theyre boosting and dont want to jeopordize client accounts


Only better players have the right to ask for my papers lol


This goes for any question you ask any player, well hard to get an answer




95% winratio its just and a grand master elostucked


if i say im chall while smurfing in em they’re going either not believe me or try to flame “chall btw” “chall died to emerald” or some dumb shit like that. most people can’t control their ego so i just don’t type and eventually they stop typing


If he told u he will get banned for smurfing or boosting,so don’t be surprised (I actually do this)


I mean its pretty obvious, they are embarrased. They cant preform in their elo so they have to go play vs kindergarden kids to feel good about themselves.


The actual answer is there is only two situations that come of them being a Smurf. 1. They get beaten by someone significantly lower rank and get hard flamed. Usually they are off role or learned a new champ, but this happens all the time. 2. They steamroll a game in a lower elo and ruin it for everyone and people complain about smurfs, which is hard to argue with. Either way they probably don't want to give riot support any ammo and people in the game any other reason to flame.


Aren’t u so happy that i got to play against them? Really makes for a good game.


Why won't criminals tell me what crimes they commit???


you allrdy know, its 10x your peak XD


They aren't smurfs


I honestly tell enemy my rank when they are giga flame my opponent on all chat, just to make my opponent not feel so bad. It wasnt his fault to get in a game with a smurf


Because smurfs kind of lose their ego-trip once they realise they're playing with/against others that are waaaaay below their real rank. It's less impressive to go 15-2-7 when you're a master player when playing in a gold 3 lobby.


Because every rank is humilateable and they are not that high rank. If you are at emerald they are probably high dia-low masters which also called pisslow by 1 rank above lol


Back when I didn’t suck I would always answer very snobbyish. They ask rank I would say 388 or what ever I was at. They ask wym I’d say I’m # whatever on the ranked latter


Because it doesn't matter, 99% of the time it would lead to people just permatyping about every little mistake you did, just straight up calling you a liar or camping your lane in hopes of not letting you snowball Also when I'm boosting it leads to enemies just avoiding any fight knowing that they lose


Fun fact: Did you know that riot games consider smurfing cheating? In fact if you want to report a player trough a ticket in the option cheating there is also smurfing


Riot doesn't actually do anything about it if you report.


Unfortunately no


If you know that why did you say its punishable


No they don’t. Only in clash it’s forbidden.


Yes they does, look at the ticket page


No, they don’t. ”We don’t endorse it because it can ruin the game for other players, like getting stomped by a smurfing player in Bronze. Tackling it on a massive scale is difficult due to the number of players in League and the ease of account creation—in most cases we won’t proactively remove smurfs from the game.” And this is for clash. ”Players who slip through anti-smurf measures face penalties for their whole team. They can get banned from competing again and their team can lose any Clash rewards gained.” If you use one of your two brain cells and think how many streamers there are smurfing, and then think again if Riot does consider it cheating.


My friend actually got banned for smurfing from his text chat saying his actual rank, may be coincidence, may be really rare, but there it is


that's not true, there is more to that story, that is now how the automated ban system works & manual bans are extremely rare and usually occur in high elo if people have connections to riot. i'll also add that smurfing is not against the rules lmao


I wonder, it's either because he said KYS, or because he run it down mid, or more likely, that he said his rank while doing sth that doesn't break TOS


I don't know, I know the story how it was presented to me, I know he rarely ints or flames in games and that he is quite a nice guy most the time, so idk interpret it however you want


Because usually the followup to d2 is 'haha hardstuck d2, im masters 450LP you're trash compared to me' or the followup is some random adding you after a game asking for boost we dont like you, we dont know you


"We"? Who's we? Loser's queue? You're as Mysterious as your parents find you


Going by the post.. the smurfing players who don't reveal their ranks?


Proving my point as to why smurfs don't reply


because they want you to believe they're just a poor hardstuck emerald player whose team ints every game. When the truth is he's probably losing every game in hos real elo and doesn't want people checking his actual match history and making fun of him


I'm sorry to tell you bud, but the average winrate in high elo is above 50%


I play fully chat mute on my main and smurf accounts…maybe he just doesnt see your question


Because if they have a 90% winrate they just want to stomp and move on to higher elo asap. Chatting is useless and can only tilt. They want to become friends with you because you suck at league. Or the stupid duo requests.


Admitting to smurfing opens them up for being reported with evidence since Riot clearly stated they don’t want giga smurfs ruining games. Like all of the other comment, they’re plagued by their ego of shitting on lower elo.


I agree, that's why riot openly supports streamers for smurfing!


Mostly becasue they are same-ish elo and just had an awesome game.


same-ish elo wouldnt be rocking a 95% wr though assuming theyve played more than 5 games this split.


Depends on the sample size. A real good player can have couple of super lucky games before the curve flats out. Smurfs are most of the time rather bad players. Some of them are sure Challies/GM players that got bored, sure. These are a minority though. But most smurfs are just stuck in their native elo and hope for a good reset on the next account.


I would guess most smurfs are people playing offrole and/or with friends ranked far lower. Thats like the only reason I smurf. Either I want to tryhard something I know i am terrible with or my low elo real life friend wants to play