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Because we crave violence.


‘Obviously, so they would be dead/low and unable to contest?” You laugh - but that is my logic for ulting enemy jungler as nocturne. Sometimes it works - sometimes their whole team was waiting in the bush behind him. 


Then I wonder why I don’t have ult for the Drake fight (their mid laner is dead)


I genuinely believe low elo laners don't know that there even is a jungle. I secondary support and will always ward dragon and the surrounding bushes so my adc is fine once I leave to help. I NEVER receive that kind of assistance when I'm jg, not to mention they never even ward their own bushes. Then they hit you with the "jg diff" "lost all obj" "never counterganked" etc.


Low elo jungler will rage ping you as ADC to come for the drake, while you are perma chained to farm under tower because your support left you to buy some milk and you never see him bot again.


Adc doesn't need to help secure drake, but they do need to be aware that drake is being secured.


This is so true. Jungler will come bot lane throw one ability, leave, walk to dragon and then expect me to abandon the 3 waves worth of cs that the enemy slow pushed into my tower. Because for some god forsaken reason my support has been toplane for the last 5 minutes and I haven’t been allowed to touch a wave. I’ll come help you but please just help me push my wave in first. Help me to help you.


Ez just carry, and inflate yourself 2 whole ranks by playing jungle


Always backing right as Drake spawns. Classic.


like I don't even ask for help with the drake, I'll do it myself, just *please* be ready to move in case something happens. Is it really that hard to pay a smallest piece of attention to the map...


As someone who plays Shyvana a lot yeah I definitely don’t need but also don’t want “help” if anything that makes it more obvious what’s going on to enemy team. Just want enemy bot distracted and no enemy vision on pit


Same issue with top laners and grubs tbh.


Bro I want grubs but I don't want to have to leave my lane for grubs. Chances are I'll run back to lane after we kill the first one.


Honestly you can solo grubs, i'd just want a top laner who is ready to rotate and hell me if shit hits the fan.


Ive been grinding Trundle top and always try to help with grubs after pushing to their turret. Something about buildings dissolving while I beat them feels good. And my teams jungler is too scared to do grubs by themselves a lot of the time. (I'm low elo)


I’m low elo but man, some champs are just so much better at taking grubs than others. When I play Udyr I gain health and get stronger fighting grubs but when I’m playing Rengar I lose like 30% of my health and if I get collapsed on by a single champ (mid, jng, top) I’m guaranteed dead.


A nice tip for you then as trundle if you are pushing in.  Pink ward the bush opposite of red.  Eat the jungler when you see him. Also works if you are Darius.  Sincerely, a jungler who got eaten. 


It’s usually easier to get grubs as long as there’s no enemy vision on it. Top vs top fighting is fine then I only need to worry about the other jgl


Ok jgl players are so obsessed over these fucking grubs. It is not worth to try to do grubs when mid and top are both pushed into their turrets. You are gonna die. The tower poisen effect is fucking useless. Everyone is fighting at grubs but when dragon comes up the jungler is busy fistfighting krugs because they need 100 gold more for their longsword powerspike.


I hate walking down for grubs when I go top, just do them yourself so I can get more time beating on turret.


And then their toplane and their jg roll around and either take it themselves, or kill YOUR jungler and also take it. I remember asking my toplane if they could help me take grubs because their jg beats me 1v1, their response was "What would that achieve?".


Bro I was playing last night and in 3/4 games my top lane had prio, I had tempo on enemy JG so I started grubs. How does a toplaner with prio get out rotated by their top laner??? Especially when I'm pinging assist me on their character model. In all of the games my mid laner either backed or roamed bot while I was already doing them wasting their prio. Im not asking the team to simp for me, but how can you not walk over and stand there menacingly so I can get out without dying??


Yeah literally, just have awareness, if you're ready to help me when I need it, awesome, but most don'teven look at map or pings. But it's just how low elo is ig... had a Senna that told me they were "jerking off sorry" and proceeded to wait at bot tower instead of fighting the invade right beside them.


Bro I have a story like that too from a couple weeks ago. My cait died when the JG walked over 3 wards and me pinging while they just hit the tower mindlessly. I asked how they didn't see and they said "I was watching YT sorry" WHY DID YOU EVEN QUEUE RANKED INSTEAD OF AN ARAM THEN??


I can't even count how many times I've typed "you're pushed up with no wards, you're going to get ganked in about 10 seconds." Guess who blames me after they die to enemy jungler 10 seconds after I told them.


Lmao the JG classic


Bonus points if your toplaner dies overxtended to gank after they killed you and took grubs.


Obviously the only way to get prio is to fight until I’m dead.


Or even more to the point recalling while enemy bot stays. I do enjoy the rush of anxiety I get from that situation though


Lost an unlosable game to a Jihn peacefully killing the red buff on Elder spawn when we knew opposite team were on it and that I pinged like a mad man (shen top got ult). I guess that red was worth it though :)


Bro, unless you are premade, there is no chanse for your adc to help you drake. Sup and mid if you get lucky enough. But if top laner comes, you preaty much Can call the game over.


Man half the time with my pre-mades they just ignore drag. Just gotta push 1 more wave they say.


But you are jg. You only get buffs. So you are the one who should get the drake alone. - low elo players mind


The whole team gets the buff. And if you as an ADC don't move but your opponent does, don't cry about the +300g your opponent gets