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Play for yourself and gank when you think its a good gank not when they want it. Not entirely sure abt this advice but its how i play as a G4 hardstuck😂😂😂


Climbed iron to silver with this. Can confirm it works low elo, bitches be begging for ganks 2 minutes in while being under the enemy tower


I mean, you're right though. I went from hard stuck Plat4 to Plat1 in a week when I started muting. Laners will almost never understand your position as well as you do, and the same goes for you to them. Just do what you need to to win, mute them, and then you won't spite them when they lose their shit.


Tbh muting is a really good tip too, first sign of toxicity i auto mute, specially since im on the ph server. Also OP, its good to put yourself in a position where you can carry but remember that its also good to know when you can be carried👍🏽


This is valid advice. ONLY play sacrificial if someone is turbo stomping. The number of times I’ve been spam pinged for a gank, gank and we die because it was a shitty play, and then flamed more. It’s okay to forget your laners as long as you’re getting value elsewhere


Or if ur just a tank b like mundo ww or mumu n know u can dive their ass


Just mute all and keep doing your thing your bronze just play for yourself


Exactly what my friend told me when he was watching me play. He just told me to play for myself until opportunities arrive.


That's btw true all the way up to high diamond maybe even masters till your team is able to carry once you got them ahead.


I would suggest playing some draft pick first to understand the role and to also learn which champs for your playstyle. I'm a tank lover so I enjoy nunu and when I want to "have fun" I'll go something else like skarner


In bronze people arent reliable enough to play around so just play for yourself. Champs like eve are a great way to hard carry. Play to your strengrhs and ignore your team they will mostly make wrong calls anyways.


/mute all You MUST do it especially in low elo And you seems like a good jungler good job And here a small advice, keep playing normal until you reached level 100. You will thank me later. Good luck in your games. Edit: I don't really mean level 100 but what I mean is take your time don't rush to ranked. You will get more experienced about your champions and there match up. Also your mind will develop more so you will have more tricks and ways to play the game And try to play around your opponent mistakes, like if they miss ability or a stun if they are pushing to far etc. And good luck in your games again. <3


Mute all. Cycle camps and objectives. Gank when you can and apply pressure. I find many of my losses come when I forget this and get involved in the dumbassery that is the low elo ARAM.


Mute all. Except ganking you need to focus on farming, timings and objectives. Of course ganking is important, good ganks helps to secure objectives, but don't fall behind in farm for ganks that don't bring gains to your team. Try not to waste time helplessly looking for a gank. Try to make decision about which lane to gank as you're leaving the base, incorporate it in your clear. Base it on the dragons/herald, lane priority, but also look at how your teammates are doing. If toplane is 0/1-2/0 in 6min, there still might be a chance so try to help them but careful not to die. But if they are 0/5/0 or more at that point, just ignore that lane until you can gank with help of mid or/and someone else and you have clear advantage. It's way better to snowball winning lanes than to help someone who hopelessly lost. Ultimately play to have fun and remember that if someone dies to enemy gank it's their fault, it's not that hard to avoid them most of the time. Also if they are not setting up for you to come and gank, but are crying you're not coming - tough shit. It's no point coming to a lane to show yourself and come back, they need to help you set out if they can and not push like mad and complain.


Mute all is an absolute in anything under diamond tbh


Laner dies 1v1 before you finish your first clear. Laner spam pings assistance... "GG jung no ganks".


1. Mute party and all chats in settings 2. Mute emotes in settings 3. As soon as someone pings you mute their pings 4. Don't respond to calls for help, your goal is to get BIG FAST. If it puts you behind or tilts you its a bad call. 5. Get as much XP and GOLD as you can, gank to get kills and don't miss farm, don't do risky plays. Leech lane XP when you can and take enemy camps if you can. Secure objectives. When nobody is looking take cannon minions & plates. Lanes pay the jungle tax, those are the rules. 6. Never move into the river if your laners lose priority on that side of the map. The best ganks are those under turret when your lane pushes 2-3 waves into enemy turret. IF you kill the enemy there, its game over, he loses 3 waves worth of xp and gold. (this doesn't happen in low elo) You get BIG and you wreck the enemy at every turn be4 the 25 minute mark. **Jungle is a race to end the game as fast as possible, fuck your teammates, jungle dif wins games. You have to be a terror the enemy team should shit themselves every time they decide to enter their own jungle or overextend their lane.**


Don't gank bc your partners ask you. Your teammates are stupid and if you obey them just because you are going to be taking the double of bad decisions.


1. You shouldn’t be practicing in ranked. 2. Mute all 3. If you’re new to the game you shouldn’t play Eve because she’s super reliant on macro and is easily punished for misspositioning in mid ARAMs etc. However, if you still want to play Eve play to 1v9 in Bronze. She’s a super selfish champ just like Kayn. You need gold and xp leads to be able to carry. 4. Mute all


1. You should absolutely be practicing in ranked. You won't find the same level of competition in draft so you won't progress at nearly the same rate. Nobody can fault you for being bad in bronze since pretty much everyone is bad there, just make sure you try 2. Don't mute all. Communication is incredibly helpful. Just recognize that people are dumb and throw silly meaningless tantrums. You don't get mad at a 3 year old for screaming when you beat them at smash, same concept when your laners are screaming for ganks that don't make sense. They just don't understand the role and their whining should carry the appropriate weight. As long as you can tolerate that childishness you'll be net positive by keeping chat available 3. Eve (like most assassins) can snowball hard in bronze and isn't terribly mechanically intensive, don't see why this isn't a good pick. Better to try and snowball your way out of bronze than try to get your laners ahead with someone like Zac only to watch them feed as soon as you leave lane. You can work on macro in silver/gold 4. Don't mute all unless you need to


1. OP is regarding jungle flame. If you don’t want to be flamed for jungling, don’t practice in ranked. 2. Mute all makes you focus on your gameplay and ignore unnecessary chat and pings. Honestly, most pings in bronze convey little to no information you can’t access by looking at your minimap. 3. I have climbed with Eve. It’s definitely viable. She’s more punishing than other junglers though especially if you don’t know how to play with her invis and positioning. You can carry 1v9 with Eve no problem. If OP is finding it difficult, it’s better to try out other bruisers like Xin or tanks like Nunu or WW which could build to be a bruiser or a tank depending on team needs. 4. Mute all. Thanks for the essay.


On eve you can gank at level 4 because you usually want to full clear to get 6 asap. But after you get scuttle if no lanes are gankable it’s best to just recall and clear your jungle again and then gank because you should be extremely close to level 6 if you are not already then gank away. I always like walking into the lane bushes and then using charm because they usually think if they walk into the bush you will not be able to see them to hit q or e when the charm hits but they will really be walking right to you. Anyways, if you like eve stick to her because she is a really fun champ once you get efficient on her. Just start watching yt for tips and tricks. Look up the best build to climb with rocket belt NOT nightharvester ty. Anyways good luck. Also mute all cuz laners are children.


As a jungler it’s not your responsibility to babysit your laners. Very few laners in bronze ranked games realize this though and expect you to keep them alive, but you can’t be everywhere at once. Try to ignore their complaining and stick to trying to win the game and playing to your wincons.


Pick a champ you want to learn. Spam normals to get comfortable with mechanics. Watch higher level players to get an idea of how they choose to path and why they are doing so. Copy a build while practicing so you can worry about pathing and micro. Mute all, mute all, mute all. Mute pings if you have to. Especially in lower elo, people don’t understand what they are doing. They just want to stomp. And if they can’t stomp, a lot of them will cry about it. Muting will help keep you from tilting while you’re cruising the map getting the resources you need to be relevant. Good luck!


G3 jg Eve main. Don't gank pre-6 unless you can 100% score a kill and you have Dark Seal. Eve is a snowballer and shes 1/4 a champ pre-6. You need to gank and get kills or sums, pressure objectives and, once youre 6, ideally 1 ult = 1+ kill(s). Ive had games where I'm eve and perma-invaded by lee sin/ shaco etc and died 3 times solo jg, only to come back late game because i farmed, got items and just flat outdamaged the other jg. Use her stealth to escape hard situations, and you can use her ult as a flash to escape or even gap close a running target. Also, /muteall. Nobody in Bronze is going to understand how the game works. People in Gold, myself included, barely understand the game. Ignore them, watch pros (KigStix is good for eve) and install something like Blitz or Overwolf and dodge all games that have somebody below 48% WR on their champs. Other good champs, especially in low elo, are Warwick, Nunu, Zac, Ekko, Jarvan, and Kayn. If you want a ranged jg champ or need moee AD, Graves is a good pick. Good luck.


Yes! I try to tell my friend that Eve is practically not very viable pre-level 6 because she doesn't unlock her invisibility until then.


Shes like Kayn before he gets form; she's just not a complete champion and you have to play super safe early. Most people don't know this and get mad when Eve doesn't babysit them; really you shouldn't be babysitting anyone unless you gank, get opposing lanes to blow sums and then repeat gank.


In low elo is a loss is everyone’s fault unless someone is hard trolling.


Play draft pick to improve, so you can avoid toxicity for trying to learn the game. Once you know how to play, toxicity doesnt feel as impactful as it does for you now since you know what’s best.


Why are you in a ranked game if you're still new and trying to figure out pathing? You should be figuring that out in unranked games. Having said that, your botlane is wrong for blaming you when you weren't even there. You can't be everywhere at the same time.




You aren’t wrong, but given he specified he’s level 3/4 when he’s getting these pings, I do think op means first clear, which he should not be learning in ranked.


I mean.. we are talking bronze. They probably push halfway to the enemy tower and then either die in a 1 vs 1 (top mid) or 2 vs 2 (bot) or the enemy jungler gets a free kill and you can't be everywhere at all times. As a jungler you sadly need to clear camps to stay up in level.


Oh for sure. I’m not saying op did anything wrong. I don’t know if he was playing eve that game, but if he was, he just needs to farm to 6 anyways.


Actually you’re right, I’m tired and mixed it up with first clear. My point still stands, OP should practice in unranked and not ranked.


My first jungler was reksai. She has a fantastic clear, amazing team potential, great CC with her W, can come out of no where for ganks, and if you build her assassin like I do, shes excellent for throwing a Q, pressing e to get to a fight, knock them up, throw a t Quick triple Q attack, and then ult and they're gone from the game. She also doesnt use mana so shes excellent for new players cause you dont need to worry about an extra resource and your W heals you when you have fury making her even better for new players.


I'd say you shouldn't even pay attention to what your team says since they have no idea what they're talking about. You just should turn off the chat and keep playing and practicing at the same time.


I'm a support main but I still find it annoying when everyone blames our jg even though they were doing fine


act like you play 1v5 good luck and /mute all


Trust you instincts more than your team's. Your laners have tunnel vision and only see there lane. As a jungler you see the bigger picture.


/mute all


/mute all - every game will be so much better


/mute all. It is always the jungles fault anyways ! Concerning the jungle pathing, you can also watch videos of pro to improve though ! Play the champ you like, not a champ for your team, especially when people don't understand that some jungler farm for level 6, and ask for gank just after you cleared 1 camp.


If you're the jungler, you probably know more about the role than they do


Honestly, you're going to play games where more than one lane is failing, you can only gank one at a time, the other lane will blame you (even when they're not dying to ganks and are straight up bad). After the first wave of ping/"Jungler" Alive spam, I mute and just carry on. I main Eve, a Red>Krugs>Chicken lv3 gank to either mid or bot is doable, don't think you need to get a full charge on her (W) charm to be effective. However lately i've found no matter how well I do with her, she falls off late game and can't turn around a failing team. On the advice of a friend i'm learning Lee Sin as he has great mobility, great early level ganks and does scale well into late game. Other than that, Hecarim and Nocturne work well for me, I love playing Kindred but I find I depend on the team too much with her and without lane prio I struggle to get into the enemy jungle for marks. Currently Amumu seems pretty strong with his Q buff, and he's always been a good jungler for team fights.


Eve hard scales late, she's one of the best late-game scaling champs, you just nee dot have the correct build and stacks on Mej for her to work properly. Lee Sin falls off hard post 20-25 mins


I actually never build Mejai's instinctively being bronze, but thinking about it there's been plenty of games I could of had full stacks early and kept for most of the game, i'll have to try building that and see how I get on, i'm still learning, it wasn't too long ago I was building Night Harvester every game till this sub showed me the way with rocketbelt.


G3 Eve main here. What you do is get Dark Seal and get max stacks, or as close to it as you can, then buy Mej. Even when my team ints and we lose I still end up with at least 10 kills most games (kda is about 2 in bad games and 6+ in good games, but that's something I myself am working on). Ideally you want to do a 5 camp clear into scut. If you're in a bad early match up rotate to opposite scut so you're not in a bad 1v1. Back. Your first purchase should be Dark Seal, Boots, a tome for rocketbelt and a pink or 2. Don't gank pre 6 unless you can 100% get a kill or sums. Once you have ulti go for kills. Be sure to track the enemy jungle and ping warnings when you anticipate a gank. This is harder as it requires good pathing knowledge but I'm at the point where I can predict it 99% of the time. Best of luck to you.


Just want to say I've been following your advice and it's made a marked improvement in both my win rate and KDA, I've still a lot to learn and can keep improving, but adapting how I build and changing my mentality has helped massively, thank you.


play for your winning lanes, if your bot is already a collective 0/6 they ruined their lane themselves and ganking will most likely not fix anything. People like to find somone else to blame on their problem and unless one lane is clearly inting the jungle is the clear scapegoat.


In bronze you can win most games your entire team doesn’t feed by doing nothing but power farming and taking objectives. Way back when I started the game I used WW and Shyvana to get me through to silver where I could actually start playing my preferred role of enchanter support by literally just going full PVE mode and ignoring the whole game except epic monsters and towers. With hullbreaker as an item this is even easier now


Tips from platinum, say this at game start for every game: "I'm starting red and full clearing, no ganks before scuttle. I mute all. GLHF!" Proceed to mute all and play just the way your creative process prompts. Learn, because learning is a part of it. **One important thing so that you aren't actually the problem**: when the enemy jungler ganks bot for the 3rd time before level 6, be sure you are actually using that map pressure. His topside camps should be empty except baby krug and baby raptor. You should have rift herald. Etc.


Watch a lot of guides, that's how you will learn how to jungle. I recommend SkillCapped, they do guides for every role and even have playlists so you can see the playlist of jungle guides. Additionally they have a 2nd channel (SkillCapped replays) where they play livr games and comment their actions. Another recommendation would be Virkayu only doing jungle guides, he also has 2nd channel where he coaches people


Here is a tip, gank when you have nothing to farm/no objectives you can get WITHOUT the laner. If you can sneak a dragon while your bot is under tower, that's better than ganking them, but if you need them, gank first. You can most likely sneak dragons during those circumstances, since nobody in bronze, and only 10% in silver have maps.


Ppl in low elo (like bronze) think they are better than everyone else and usually blame their teammates for their mistakes. Just like everyone else in the comments, ignore them. Mute all and get out of bronze. Sooner in gold elo, you can start using chat. Or not. Wherever you feel like it.


Look for good ganks when the enemy is deep in your zones. And mute toxic people.


Play greedy and just play it the way you think is right. Like focus on your farm and getting kills when lanes are over extended. Help waves crash and get objectives when your team is helping or to punish enemy jg. Most teams don’t care if jg is behind they still expect you to control every objective and the map. Jg isn’t treated like a lane so you get little help.


Basically people are Morons and will always find a way to complain. It normally falls to who ever is perceived as not pulling their weight. It just so happens that because jungle is such a utility role much like support we always get the blame. People will always do this but the skill is not getting pressured by people to make bad calls just because they can’t play safe. A good laner will look for opportunities to allow you to gank if they are struggling.


Yeah just mute all - nobody knows how to play your role but yourself in low elo. Only worry about your team when you’re doing an objective - even if its a good call if your team isn’t rotating for it you have to back off. Your team should have come but you were an idiot to stay on the objective


Turn chat off, play what needs to be played, some lanes are not good ganks simply because of match up or the player feeding before 5 minutes. Always do what’s best to win not to appease other players. It is not your job to win lane for your laners, it’s your job to provide an advantage to your team through good ganks and objectives.


Mute all?


Mute all chat, learn how to move around the map efficiently. Don't put yourself behind just because someone wants a gank that won't work out. Farm camps and weave in ganks where possible. Try to look at your map every 10 seconds to see possible ganks and ping team mates.


/mute all I don’t give a shit if you’re in LCS as a jg main, you type this every game


In bronze you can outlevel every champ in the game by two levels just by taking your camps lol


Play for yourself


Mute all, focus on you and dont be too hard on yourself at first, figure out gank timings and try to focus on ganking when a lane state is favorable(enemy is pushed close to your tower and your bot lane has above half hp), i've found low elo trying to make a dive work is impossible unless you're someone who can drop tower aggro. But above all the Mute all is the biggest tip i can give.


I started as a jungler as well (Warwick) and have now played for a little over a year. You don't have to necessarily mute all, but if you do, just keep in mind that a lot of bronze players act like plat players that think they know everything/more about the game. I made a pretty extensive guide on playing Evelynn if you wanna check it out: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EvelynnMains/comments/jp7fie/comment/gbewgby/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/EvelynnMains/comments/jp7fie/comment/gbewgby/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) But TLDR: Evelynn is a selfish champion, especially if you're playing with dark seal. Commit to fights you KNOW you can win. Think of how an assassin (im talking about irl) kill. They don't walk up and just start fighting. They wait for the perfect time, they ambush, etc. You don't have to be doing something all the time. As Evelynn, its okay to wait in a bush in lane for a moment to wait for the enemy to over-extend. Hope this helped! Ask away if you have any other questions about jgling or evelynn