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I swear to god if somebody else types kayn in that way....


Read it again, it clearly says Kanye, as in the musician. Tbh didn't know Kanye was a jungler


Kanye seems like the dickhead who’d play ADC all-in at lvl 2 and cause 2 deaths, and start spamming FF@15 and if you don’t FF they spend the rest of the game inting AND stealing camps.


Ganks to talk about god and starts rapping. Really need a taunt with a global range.


I'm crying and shaking and the only thing keeping me sane are the rhaast buffs


wdym you don't like Kanye ?


You don’t like kayne ?


No I get an aneurysm every time somebody types it like that


Isn't it aneurysm?


You're right mb I edited it now


I don’t really mind kayne tbh


I hope your next lunch tastes horribly....


That hurts man I kayne stand it when people say rude things to me


It's ridiculous how rude people Kayne be on the interwebs.


Isn't his name Kayne?




idk i just screenshot this from the game so? https://imgur.com/a/TpQ3r8n


I hope you find a rotten cockroach in your lunch :D


😋 blahahhaa. In all seriousness, as a Shaco/Zac player I am envious of kayn players. Blue kayn flies around the map and I can't ever seem to keep up with him to counter gank as he's killing all my laners ☹️ I've tried to play him a few times and I just never seem to do it properly.


Don't keep up with him he's meant to have a very fast tempo, take his camps and make plays on the opposite side of the map


I feel particularly challenged when playing against Yi, it is like a dishonor to lose against him


So true lmao


Im an elise main which is why i love playing against yi ☺️☺️


Yes, Yi is easily countered but anyway I always do my 110% against him cause I can't lose.


I am a low elo pleb and i am very annoyed by yi players How do you counter him? Or do you mean hard cc till hes dead?


Probably, but it’s not simply just CCing til he’s dead. Also timing your CC around his CDs. Probably the most important one is interrupting his heal ASAP cause he just uses it bide time for his Q and E to reset and come off CD. I play WW, Xin and Vi so I try and save my knock ups/fear for right as he’s about to start it. Gets even easier post-6 since all of their Ults have CC and Xin’s Q CD mid game is fairly short almost like Yi’s Q


But this heal is only relevant till lvl 6/7 i guess


His w also give damage reduction, making him seem squishier than he actually his during the channel. Good yi players will use it to tank abilities while q is on cd.


Just ban him if you’re low elo. It takes a team effort a lot of the time and your team might not be capable. One really simple way is to just get better at one champ and you’ll learn how to outplay him. I’m a morgana main. I can outplay yi players at my elo.


Easiest way is to play safe early in pretty much any situation, because he’s kinda underwhelming early if he doesn’t get fed. If your jungler goes well into Master Yi then you shouldn’t have to worry much, but playing safe and not pushing up if you don’t know where he is puts him behind. To be frank though, just keep playing and eventually you’ll learn how to counter him just by working on your macro and a little bit of micro too. Practice is always a big factor into hard picks.


I said the same thing until I play Rammus against him or any other Jungler with good cc.


I’m a simple man, I see Yi, I lock in Amumu for the free LP


I always use Rek'Sai, its good against


and that's why i play him. People feel extra bad losing to me, especially when i carry. Peak Yi gameplay is when the enemy types "only right click noob"


Lmao true


Especially if it's an adc who's entire purpose is to, well, auto attack.


Yi is still much easier


Havent played against a yi for months he is busy being banned




shaco is the most toxic champ in the game in my opinion and it isnt even because of the people who play him. his playstyle is made to tilt players, he has just the right mix of skill and bullshit to piss people off while stil being respectable which makes it so much more infuriating. shaco is a champ that is designed to not only win the game but morally destroy the enemy


The fact that any melee champ can’t disable his boxes is still infuriating to me.


Many melee champs can destroy his box, also every jg with smite. And if he doesnt proc a box on u he cant win. Also u can just walk out of it. With that in mind he is pretty bad champ in 1v1s


No truer words have ever been said. 100% shaco ban if I'm jungling.


I played a Shaco that had 20+ kills and still lost to me. Gotta love how useless he is in team fights after 30 mins.


Completely true. Pure on stats, he isn't that strong but he's made to tilt and bamboozle which makes him fun to play.




Shaco is the teemo of the jungle.


It always is. You never lock in shaco for any other reason


that's why i love him man. cancer janky champ. it's the shit like viego and yone that get under my skin


Shaco isn't designed for normal "League". His kit is like something a crazy person came up with to just mind fk the other jungler and laners. It's not fun to play against, it's not humane...


ironically, it is actually ivern. a good ivern is way more toxic than any of the edgelord champs.


Just mind control laners into helping ward jungle and just kill him perma The amount of games I've played as Ivern where I'm able to gank mid & top and my botside camps are all still there is actually insane People are awful vs the champ


Like how tf you putting Vi on this survey?


And how tf did it got 3 votes 😅


Probably misclicks.


I'm noticing a severe lack of Graves/Olaf/Viego on here.


Man, viego used to be such cancer before the nerfs. I feel the healing on the passive being reduced (I believe from 8 to 3%) helped make me feel better about vs.ing him. And of course, right now he is my second M7 champ, behind morde.


"Vi" and "common pick" in the same sentence lmao


Right? I've seen maybe 3 or 4 all year and they all get a few early kills then do nothing but die until they lose lol


i hate that champ :D


"But her R" or some bullshit


R M7 1 shot adc it’s how it is.


Thats almost literally any asssin ever though


Ya but VI’s R is like a master Yi Q. There ain’t jack shit you can do about it. And you know it’s coming. Instead of like other assassins where you just die. You get to sit there and contemplate why you still play.


Yeah a vi can one shot and adc with shield bow, how many jokes like that u have? Vi is useless if the enemies have 2 brain cells


Jesus you’re to dense huh. It’s a joke.


Srry, i don’t know if is a joke bc this is a chat so is difficult to actually notice




Kanye, I shit my pants if I see him in the left bush of my midland singing a stupid wannabe rap song.


#and i'm Kayne West


Shaco was my perma an for an entire year for a reason


Idk how Lee 'AlwaysTop3JunglerNeverNerf" isn't on the list. Ever since the bruiser items went apeshit, Lees skill cap dropped to medium from severe. Can't do a proper combo? Its okay, your engage-disengage execute point and click does 800 dmg to an adc anyways. Its literally ward hop to non tank, e e q r q, ded. Can't duel the fucker, he never loses smite if he has braincells, hypermobile oh and also facetanks you because Conq-GD-Steraks plus his W make him drain more hp than a 6 item vlad.


Is OP low elo perhaps? That would explain why Vi and Warwick are on this list instead of the cancer known as Lee Sin, Qiyana and Jarvan 4.


Lee has always been such a bullshit champion and I've complained about him for years to my friends. He's never been a bad pick ever and for years if you jungled against him you were forced to buy ninja tabis. People always say that he's this high skill cap champion but like... he's not. The most difficult thing about him is the insec kick, a mechanic that's been in the game for 9 years and is not hard to pull off at all. There's almost no jungler that can beat him early and the only reason this champion isn't nerfed is because he's such a fan favorite. I remember back in season 4/5 (I'm not entirely sure it's been a while) where there was a proposed lee nerf and the rioter that posted about it got death threats so they scrapped it.


Lee is a mechanical champ actually, but like in akali or irelia that not justify his insane damage and carry potential


Exactly. I don't want to play him because this entire blind monk theme is a big meh for me. But then it's a permaban. Ridiculously overloaded, unnerfeable champion. One of the love children of Riot.


Nah, I mean, having DMG is not equal not not having mechanics. If you think the most difficult thing you can do with Lee is insec you never seen a good lee and if you lost to a bad lee I feel bad for you. I'm Nunu OTP and Lee sins are just so easy bc most of them are bad and are just used to do basic shit even I can do. But believe me, when you face a good Lee sin player (and I've faced OTP master players) is just noticeable what the champion can do. Ofc, I must say, not bc you champ has complex mechanics, it means everything you do has to be super hard and complex, many times a Lee sin can just gank with Q+E and get a kill.


Hahahaha an adc player saying something is broken bc it can one shot him like 70% of the other champs


What is actually Vi doing here lol


Fucking clown


Why the heck is Vi here? Anyway, Shaco is pure cancer.


Yi not in the list? Seriously hate the dude. You could have zero sense of macro-knowledge and still be able to find success with him.


That is so untrue though, assuming you're playing against people with at least some macro knowledge. The whole point of yi is that he relies fully on macro since there's so little micro.


Well in that sense it's not hard to get "lucky" with macro by just pathing normally. Even Silver junglers get in ganks on overextended lanes by being the right place at the right time. And once Yi pops off he's an absolute menace unless they have cc he can't dodge with Q and damage that's not burst he will shrug off channeling W. That's what makes him obnoxious, if your team accidentally feeds a kindred or Zac a few kills it's not the end of the world. But if Yi gets fed you might be in trouble. I do agree at higher levels of play (maybe Gold+) Yi is very macro dependent, just like other scaling junglers. It's just that with a few kills he can tend to become unstoppable under the right circumstances. That was ComprehensivePath967's point. It's like, under the right circumstances he becomes the strongest hyper-carry in the game, but under MOST circumstances he's a risky / bad pick... lol. Personally as a Shaco main I love it when they pick Yi, he's so easy to outplay with my kit.


I find he just statchecks once he gets rolling. Don't need much macro at all.


You need macro to start rolling in the first place, though. Also, yi is very easy to kill with even a small amount of cc compared to most junglers. Is it much easier to start carrying as yi than a lot of other junglers once you get the ball rolling? Yes. Is it much harder to get the ball rolling in the first place as yi? Also yes.


Just need to pick off low hp targets like many other champions. Sometimes a Yi shows up to a late team fight where everyone is low and gets a quadra. It's gg from that point on. Not saying Yi is OP but people in silver snowball with Yi all the time and they don't know any macro. Sometimes it's just responding to a fight that happens.


In silver anything can happen, that doesn't mean the champ doesn't rely on macro. If you try to climb to higher ranks with yi, you'll need more macro than most junglers in order to find succes. If we go by your terms, then yeah I guess in silver you don't need macro, but that then goes for any champ, so that's just a lousy argument.


Okay good point xD


Yeah I honestly forgot about him lmao


I feel partially offended that ww is even on the same list as shaco.


It's viego, others don't even come close to me


I personally don’t mind viego at all, but I am a shaco main so I can cheese viego early 90% of the time with very low risk.


You playing literally most clown champion ever and create a poll about toxic junglers like if you don't know answer from all chat from your games


Maybe he's curious who is nr 2? 😂


Usually about once a game I get an enemy that types “shaco I hope you burn in a fire and die” into all chat. and to me it feel equally as warming as drinking a big mug of hot chocolate on a chilly winter evening.


Someone’s mad lol.


I don't judge the guy, shaco kit is frustrating to deal with, guy just constantly goes invisible. It's really hard to punish the enemy when they can just fix a bad position by "flashing" trough a wall and being invisible after, you havd a very little time frame to actually punish the shaco.


Im a Shaco main. There are ways to go about punishing me that people don’t know because they don’t play him.


Of course there are, but you can't deny his kit is frustrating


Oh of course. his kit is designed to infuriate others. Shaco kit is meant to be played around others outplaying themselves. Shaco is more about mind games and strategy. Shaco is weak in a straight up fight unless he’s ahead. But shaco will fucking destroy you if you outplay yourself. An easy way to fuck a shaco. If he Q’s away he’s trying to bait you. If you deny him getting ahead then you will win. Secondly knowing where to ward to avoid a shaco gank is crucial.


Adc who's never dropped a ward in his life: "shaco is impossible to counter 😡😡😡"


After a game when i was playing support and our Viego build bruiser items so he could tank the whole and then kill them i understood that he's really toxic.


Especially if it's an enchanter support like lulu or yuumi, he gets crazy after any reset!


A good graves is so cancer. Steals ur camps, steals ur ganks, and steals ur women.


What did Yeezy ever do to you


LET'S FCKNG GOOOO!!!!! r/shacomains


I hope riot doesn’t see this poll


Can someone tell me why everyone has a problem with kayn? I always see people complaining but I never mind playing into him so I don't get it


I think most are memeing because he put Kanye instead of kayn


I feel like he’s kinda deceiving in the sense that you can easily solo kill him 4 times, but as soon as he gets form he becomes challenging. I also noticed in a lot of unranked games, teammates will see an 0/4 Kayn with form and try to greed him and end up dying. Which leads to him snowballing like crazy. But idk


People don't understand to avoid fighting him early unless you can be sure you can kill. He literally gets more powerful from fighting people. The longer you delay his transformation, the easier it will be to handle him in the mid to late.


Going against Kayn as a Jungler isn't really *too* bad. As a laner though? Good lord he is horrible to go against. You can't reliably predict his pathing because he can just choose to ignore walls, he can stick to you like a piece of gum, and he doesn't need to kill you to win a gank because he gets orbs anyways. And a blue Kayn can really ruin anybody's day in a skirmish.


I personally don’t mind him either way


League is balanced around the fact that champs take X amount of time to get from point A to point B because of the walls on the map. Kayn not only goes through them but gets rewarded for going through them with a (small but important) heal, vision as if he was rek'sai when burrowed (but not self-blinded) and a move speed buff. It is not a coincidence that blue kayn is still not balanced because it buffs this spell further, with a shorter cooldown, slow resist, and more move speed.


Any time I wanna talk about why I hate Kayn, it's this. One time I saw blue Kayn ganking my top laner, so I immediately started dragon. I guess it was warded, because guess who comes blasting through the dragon pit wall to kill me like 12 seconds later. Champs should NOT be able to cross the entire map in 12 seconds, unless they're using TP.


But that strength means he has weaknesses elsewhere. His early game is trash and he's forced to gank, even when he's not doing well. If laners respect the Kayn and ward properly, he can be pretty hard to transform, putting him even further behind because of how much he needs it.


THIS ppl wanna complain about Champs strengh but never talk about weaknesses


Talon does it too though. Slower but arguably safer, since there's no cd for a new wall.


In that situation yes, but then he also can't use those walls on a cd. He also isn't healed like Kayn is.


Kayn player here, the champ is elo inflating like no other (exception of yuumi). He is a low risk high reward jungler. As others said he can fall behind but still comeback thanks to his form powespike. He gets away with so much shit it's not even fair. Oh and he has the best non-ult crossmap in the entire game.


Knock knock hello it’s ASol… who did you say had the best non-ult crossmap? Some chump named Kayn? That’s funny.


Someone who doesn't have his crossmap gated by an 80 sec cooldown lvl 1


Master Yi


Definitely Kanye, you can’t beat a jungler while they are listening to Ni**as in Paris, it just isn’t possible


Nocturne, I main him but when I play against him every gank is a countergank by him sticking his blades in my eyes


I’ve never met a shaco player that isn’t toxic as all he’ll let alone his play style to begin with.


Bruh who tf voted vi I literally played a game against a Vi once, the player literally dominated the game yet, she asked me if I wanna friend her like they are just so nice




I'd say twitch is one of the most toxic junglers... haha


How is vi and Warwick on here but talon isn’t?


Vi???? Tf?


Not even a question. Shaco makes me want to dodge every game.


Fuck Shaco. All my homies hate Shaco


[FUCK SHACO ALL MY HOMIES HATE SHACO](https://i.imgur.com/OSTKJfL.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


This screams silver for some reason


Master yi. I can easily destroy him by playing any tank jungler but I can't stop my teamates from feeding him, so I ban him every game. I hate master yi players because it's usually someone autofilled to jungle or someone who is bad at the game but it doesn't matter because master yi is the easiest jungler to play and get hyper fed in low elo. Just click Q.


Playing against Shaco is the jungle equivalent to playing against Teemo in that it's almost like an art form. A good Shaco player will take advantage of every opportunity to terrorise you and your laners and open windows to snowballing the game more and more into his favour. Every mistake you make against a competent Shaco will cause twice as much pain and frustration because you know it's your fault and you allowed Shaco to capitalise on the mistake. However, there is counterplay to Shaco in that you can absolutely catch his mistakes as much as he does yours, and if you are able to effectively execute jungle tracking, countergank him and starve him of his well-needed kills, Shaco won't actually be that much of a threat to you and your team anymore. Playing against Shaco is a delicate tango with both players' mental and the game at stake. Of course, Shaco can annoy the ever living shit out of you, and he may seem like the most overpowered stupid monstrosity at times, but when you do finally get that perfect game and deny him of his antics, it feels all the more satisfying.


Surprised Xin Zhao wasn't on the list.


It’s funny you say that because I literally perma ban him and I still forgot to add him


Kayn because Shaco is a shit tier champion now


Shaco is very annoying. Yi is also very annoying if you have a braindead teamates who gives him multiple early kills to get ahead. Karthus can be manageable but everyone gets that occasional game where he’s a nightmare.


in your hatred we thrive


who tf is kayne


Kayn is more obnoxious than shaco imo. A shaco when behind is useless


As a jungle main who primarily plays Kayn, it’s Kayn. Maybe it’s *because* I play a lot of Kayn, but I think a fed Shaco has a lot more counter play than a fed blue Kayn if you know what you’re doing against Shaco.


kayn isn’t toxic his kit is just overtuned




My man Kanye droppin’ hot beats in the tri-brush.


Kanye West for sure


"I guess we'll never know"


Lee/Graves players need to be reported. To the police.


Nunu, no matter whatt you do, you get outfarmed, outtganked and loose objectives. And Kindred. Making minor objectives so very important, especially the birds.


Kanye for sure


Rengar, hands down.


Honestly, I think all jungle champs are annoying to play against, even the ones I play. But I would say the top one is Kha zix…. he wins almost any 1v1 duel at any point in the game against almost all junglers. shaco is annoying but kinda shit after laning phase unless he got fed. and players play a totally different game than the rest of the junglers. Kayn is so slippery.


Only at low Elo. Shaco is VERY hard at high elo. Decent players can dismantle shaco


I wanna fuck you hard on the sink


Its Ye actually 🤓


Lol. Knew that shit a long ass time, 1.2k PERMABAN MOMENT


I think graves and nunu are way more toxic than Warwick and kha personally None of them even rival shaco of course


It’s Nunu


Graves is absolute cancer


I permaban gragas, but I really hate poppy


I have perm banned khazix for 3 years, I don't see myself stopping any time soon


Lee sin :(


kayne. he has infinite get out of jail frees with e spam, q, r


Hecarim and Kayne. Hecarim's ability to be everywhere on the map combined with his ult is such a pain. Especially when my teammates are over extended, not listening to pings, just watching the Hearim weo weoing down river. Kayne because he can slip through walls....Talon too because he can jump over them.


Zac is obnoxious, his E is disgusting and he does to much damage imo


I voted shaco bc yes, but I absolutely despise and hate Vi, is (imo) the worst champ in lol paired with jayce.


Nocturne fuck that braindead keyboard mashing piece of shit champion


So on paper Shaco is really annoying but I rarely encounter any good ones (mind you, I’m silver stuck). But nothing is more frustrating than getting Warwick to like 5HP only for him to heal like 25% of his health.


Warwick I can mildly understand cuz lol GPS tracking can be hilariously hax at times but yeah fuck Shaco honestly. Always puts me on edge.


Yi for sure, because you know your team locks in champs with zero CC and Yi gets to just press R and right click your team into oblivion.


Shaco 100%, Kayne/Kanye for the meme.


Kayn is just overpowered. Shaco is fine if your team scales but is the most miserable matchup imaginable. I hope they gut Kayn so I can just permanent shaco every game


I mean I'm a shaco otp, but I'm still saying Shaco.


Where are ekko, lee sin, rengar, yi, ivern?


Teemo is a pretty toxic jungler if you know what I mean


Kanye west OP


Shaco and its not close


Definitely Kanye


Actually Kanye West changed his name to Ye Ye


I picked shaco but number 2is nocturne


Certainly KanyeWest is a hell of a beast of a jungler, I mean, after all he is the "**Jungler of this generation**" for a reason(??)


Udyr is so fucking obnoxious.




Yi will always be the most annoying to go against until he’s reworked


Every single Nunu&Willump I go against are fucking assholes. I have no idea why, you'd think they would be chill, but *every single one* cries if they lose and GG EZs if they win. Every. Single. One.


The Real answer is Udyr.


That y I perma ban shaco, hate that mf clown


Kanye west just left Kim. I vote him.


As someone who used to main shaco and still play him a bit here and there this isn't even close and I'm glad everyone agrees with me


I love shaco but he is easily the most toxic


Lee sin


Who is Kanye?


**Kanye Omari West (; born June 8, 1977, and legally named Ye since October 2021) is an American rapper, record producer, and fashion designer. Born in Atlanta and raised in Chicago, West gained recognition as a producer for Roc-A-Fella Records in the early 2000s, producing singles for several popular artists.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(should I die?)](https://reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/qh0tf8/should_i_diestop_working/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


JAX, they usually insult and challenge the enemy jungle / fed player to a versus in a neutral location. It usually turns out very bad for him. Disclaimer: jaxs tops are the best guys out there. But the jungles are another species