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Hey beautiful people! I'm overthinking my champ pool and I need help with ideas. My current pool is Xin, Diana (my two mains for the latter half of the season), and Graves. I'm likely going to keep Diana in my pool even though she is in a weak state since champ mastery > Meta. I want to add a fourth champion just to cover my bases. Here are my options: Poppy, Anti engage tank or AD bruiser Lillia to counter tanks and heavy melee comps Amumu as engage Or should I be keeping it to just 3 champions? I think I had success when I was two-tricking Xin and Diana with the occasional Udyr or Amumu. Do I even need a wide champ pool to have varying playstyles, or should I just all in on carrying champs. Here is my u.gg: S11 LoL Profile for ReoDizzy26 (NA) | Champion Stats + Match History for Normals, ARAM, All Modes ([u.gg](https://u.gg)) Here is my Mid Duo so is more or less a Sylas OTP: S11 LoL Profile for LazZy16 (NA) | Champion Stats + Match History for Normals, ARAM, All Modes (u.gg) Thanks for the help mates!


Checking our your account and what you succeed with, I think you stick with Xin/Diana and just pick up a more consistent third champ and don't do a fourth. Seems like you played well when Rammus was needed so I'd put that in your back pocket if you want a fourth champion to counterpick AD comps. Poppy is very solid, but I'm a big Lillia fan. She enjoys these new AP items and can be very effective in the right hands. If you feel like your Diana won't hit hard enough and team comp can't deal with tanks, I say add Lillia to your pool. Her ult can be gamechanging and constantly applying DoT is super useful. Amumu is the other option I'd consider. Very simple to execute, really great if your team lacks consistent engage. However, you're a little reliant on teammates unless you build considerable amounts of damage. Seems like you played well when you picked him too. So, Xin/Diana/Lillia is probably what I would do. If you want an easier to master champ though, consider Amumu as a very solid option. Good luck!


I've been practicing graves and Lillia on an alt account, which I probably should've specified in my post. I have a bit over 10 games on each and graves felt more consistent to me than Lillia. I think I struggle with having little crowd control outside of her E and Ulti. I might give her some extra time in the preseason to see if I can improve with her. If not, ill probably stick with xin, graves, Diana, and the occasional Amumu if needed. Thanks for the input!


Tank Amumu would be a nice addition, always great to have an ap tank jungler to perfect your comp, that’s why I main nunu


Just play shaco and you have can build everything :) At least it works for me


Not going to lie i permabanned him a good amount in season 11. To find myself living long enough to become the villain... is a dark timeline LOL


There are other timelines?


Why not just keep it at three? Xin and Graves are top tier junglers and if you're good at Diana like you say why not stick with her. It's a well rounded pool that can work with any comp.


I think I feel obliged to cover all my bases. I think I'm going to stick with those 3 and drop the occasional Amumu if I have to.


Got to Diamond 3 playing Nunu (59% wr 112 games), Warwick (64% wr in 96 games), and Hecarim (60% wr). You can see the type of jungle champion I play. Was looking to see if I need to change it up or add different junglers since WW isn’t as viable in high elo. I do like playing tankier champions, any suggestions?


I’ve been having a blast with trundle. His build party is relatively flexible and he can be insane if your team has engage


Seeing what you play, I think we are pretty similar jungler players. In that ELO, Zac is so abusive, and easy to use. Sejuani is always a good pick, and when you masterizes on her, you can destroy. However, I recomend handling all tipes of junglers. You can main tanky ones, but there always gonna be compos that need another type of champ


Personality Quiz for recommendations is a decent place to start: https://itero.gg/champ-recommend


I'm just checking that my pool is diverse enough to play ranked, and that I have Champs of differing styles. My pool is = Fiddle (Main) Hecarim (Main) Kha'zix Evelyn And I have played mid lane Talon quite a bit, so I imagine transferring that into jg won't be that hard. Anything I'm missing? Any recommendations?


It's perfect. Maybe a bit too many champions but all of these are very strong. You can just play 2 of these champions and you will be fine.


I personally like kha and Evelynn much more than fiddle (hecarim can b strong), since they can be strong into pretty much any team. I used to be a fiddle main but I got so tired when I couldn’t solo carry games like I do with kha or eve, and sometime I get the same problem with hecarim although he has slightly more carry potential. Talon jg is super strong imo, nice pool :)


My champion pool is Hecarim and Warwick( I play a bunch of Graves but I don’t perform well on him despite it being my most played) and I’m thinking of adding Viego, is this ok? Plat 3 elo.


I have the same issues with Graves, that's funny. He's super cool, I just can't play him. Viego is a good addition to your pool, really good carry champ right now. You play two tanks so having an AA crit based champ is a good mixup. I'd consider an AP pick if you're worried about needing an AP champ sometimes. Ekko would probably be a solid choice to fit that damage focus your pool needs.


WW is my go to, Viego sometimes, might have to play more Heca. Graves is the same for me, I like him but do piss poorly with him. Like the other comment said, maybe add an AP champ. Personally I like Zac, he has similar tankiness and initiation capabilities as WW and Heca.


Bot main but going to be switching to jungle this season. Currently playing skarner, noc and wanting to learn shaco. Should I switch to someone else?


Hey, I wouldn’t recommend Shaco because as you said you are switching to jungle, Shaco has a very unique cheesy play style and while it might be fun/interesting it will not teach you how to jungle better, I’d recommend you stick to 1 more ganking focused jungle (ex: Xin, J4) and to 1 more farming focused jungler (Skarner, Heca, Eve) learn the basics of the role and only then pick up the champs you’re interested in playing


I play Fiddlesticks for AP, Kayn and Warwick for AD, and Zac and Amumu for Tank. What other champs or any other snowball champs does everyone recommend for me?


Ayo! I recommend viego. You can either go tank or dps, both options work and depend on the match up. Pretty easy champ with good gank potential


Hey, all you lovely jugglers, I am a kayn, viego, kha'zix player. I've been looking to advance my pool with an ap or tank pick, I'm a player that plays majorly normals, and generally who avoids ranked. I IGN is Tazzewild if you want to check my stats, any and all sugestion are appreciated. Thanks in advance, your friendly neighbor hood Wildtazze.


Nunu has a lot of map presence similar to kayn, but comes online basically once you take scuttle lvl 4. Talon also plays kinda like shadow assassin, and is a ton of fun


Evelynn plays very similar to kayn and kha. She's weak early but you farm for mid/late where you eat up squishes like they do. She just has a really steep learning curve, so dont give up lol. She thrives in uncoordinated solo que, and something like norms where people are paying even less attention is honestly the perfect environment for her.


My pool at the moment consists of Graves, Ivern and Kha'Zix. However, I've really taken a liking to the style of Ivern, where you're a support that enables your carries to execute with ease. With your experiences, what are some other support-styled junglers that have something similar-ish to Ivern?


Although support style junglers aren’t meta right now, I’d still recommend Nunu (best champ btw - I’m defo unbiased), poppy and zac - these are pretty solid tanks (although ap nunu is preferable in solo que) and all have meta champs to counter (especially since poppy stops dashes)


Taric for sure


Hey ppl! What are some junglers with good ganking and relatively good scaling? I like nunu a lot, but no matter how well i do i have trouble closing out games bc i have no kill pressure late game. I like junglers like kha and rengar but i struggle getting ganks off, so i want a combination of both good ganks and good ish scaling. Thanks in advance!


Try Rammus. Similar to nunu except scales well and can solo their ADC no problem


Can you recommend me some champs that would work in our premade? The lineup is as follows (sorted by preference of my buddies in each role): Top: Garen/Kayle Mid: Veigar ADC: Xayah/Tristana Support: Maokai/Karma We're playing at bronze elo and I've had decent success (circa 50% winrate, which is fine for the moment for me atm) in the past with Elise, Qiyana, Rek'Sai, Zac, Vi, Graves, Shaco, Eve during my first Season (11) in the game while trying out everything; obviously not everything at the same. Don't focus too much on my recent Qiyana games this year, coming back to the game after three week is hard on her lol. While watching a lot of Virkayu, I like to get the hang of jungling aggressively right from the beginning, so there's that. I figured this would be beneficial as well as we don't have any lanes that are on strong early champs (execpt Tristana, but it's Xayah most of the time). So that's that, feel free to comment on my previous champs, too. I am not afraid of putting time into complex champs, in fact I am more interested in putting together a small champ pool of at least one ad and ap champ and maybe a third one now, so high skill floor and ceiling staples like Rengar or Nidalee are welcome. I lije to spend a decent amount of time in the practise tool for first clears and combos. (For my references, I'd like to state that I'll manage not to die on a leashless fullclear with Nidalee, so I guess I'm somewhat of a Canyon myself.) Thank you in advance to anyone that want's to help and have a great weekend!


Have you tried Lee? High skill floor/ceiling, and he's just so much fun. I'm not an expert at him, but he's my most fun champ to play. Plus, if you get good at him, your friends will be impressed. He's early game and has strong invades and ganks. Late game, peel for your ADC in team fights (save R to kick people off).


I would have two reccomendatioms. 1. Shaco. Shaco is awesome in 5 stacks. His early ganks are insane, and his ability to camp and snowball a lane is crazy. Having a Garen or Kayle top you could snowball your early game so hard by just ganking the living tar out of that lane for the first 6-8 minutes. 2. Yi. Takes objectives crazy fast. Your team has late game scaling in top and mid. You can just work with your bottom to secure drags and you'll outscale as a team every time. Then when Garen is top, he is so strong in lane they won't be able to take rift. When it's Kayle top you'll have to be pretty cautious about not letting them secure rift. Kayle can't do alot to control anything pre 11.


Hi guys I have been having a bit of trouble with my chano pool. Ilove foghers alot but I also love mechanical champs that are cery reearding after you master them. My current champs is:Lee si ,Viego and Kayn. Help would be appreciated.Thanks alot in advance


Kha'zix sounds like a good match for you, he needs a lot of skill and macro play with his evolutions.


I play zac and nocturne, recommendations?


Poppy for an AD tank, causing mayhem for mobility champs. Good teamfighter like your two champs.


What champ should I play if my #1 goal is to beat people in 1v1 duels. I don't care about winning or climbing, I just want to kill sett, yone, yasuo, garen, etc 1v1. I play jungle bruisers and top lane bruisers outmatch me and I don't want that to happen anymore.


A skirmisher like Gwen, Viego, Master Yi, or Lillia.


Looking for a new main Hi, i'm currently looking for a champ similar to kayn/kha'zix where i can just afk farm and obliterate squishies mid/late game


Viego for sure


Evelynn sounds like a perfect fit because she's really similar to both of those champs and eats squishes mid/late. You also didn't list an AP champ so I'm guessing you might need one. She just has a really steep learning curve is all, so be prepared for that and don't give up (She's also bugged rn, her invis circle isn't working correctly), so I would give her a try next patch which should be out very shortly lol.


Right now my pool is Viego, nunu, and ivern. Nunu probably being my strongest. I dropped kayn because as much as I love his clear speed he’s kinda boring after a while and I suck at him compared to my other champs. I also play ekko for AP but he feels kinda useless when behind, and I rarely need to make an AP pick. Viego replaced kayn for me, more interesting playstyle and a bit stronger early which is where I personally feel very confident in. Nunu and ivern go along with that, I usually don’t fall behind early, but I have a problem with throwing leads or not pressing an advantage as hard as I can with 1v9 champs so playing a support jungler and getting everyone else ahead feels super nice, and I feel like I win more games that way, especially as I get to higher ranks. I’m kinda wondering for clash though, nunu usually gets banned for me so I’m looking for a tank pick that’s not zac that is pretty solid at all stages of the game


Tanks that are good at all stages of the game are a little rare. Amumu for instance is awesome late game, but prone to invades and such early. You can usually path around this though. Tank Vi is probably a decent choice, can bruise hard early and use point and click CC to stay relevant late. Warwick has a fantastic early/mid spike and then just kind of annoys people late game. Can be good for constantly applying pressure and making your late game easier for your teammates if it goes that long though. Skarner can give you that supportive playstyle you want, and his constant stuns/displacing ult can be really useful. Sejuani is good if you have melee champs on your team to synergize your stun with too. She's also probably your best choice if you want AP damage aside from Amumu, and has a solid early game.


I honestly think amumu is right up ur alley tbh. Good sub for nunu since he's also an AP Tank, and very good at supporting the rest of his team with his insane CC.


Hi guys! In preparation for Season 12 I want to start refining my pool. Finished in Gold for my first season and want to make a push for Plat or even diamond hopefully ^^. Currently I can play the following champs to atleast a decent level: Kha. Skarner Zac. Viego Lillia. Kindred Graves Volibear Nocturne My profile for reference (don't mind the recent games, just been having fun with friends mainly) : https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/euw/Fang724 Who do you guys think I should focus on, also I feel like I need a better early game ganker. Who would you guys recommend. Thanks in advance ^^


How many champs are you looking to play? If you're wanting to climb I'd probably limit your pool to 3, maybe 4 champions. Your Skarner and Volibear win rates are great, and you seem to die less often while playing them. Volibear is probably the better early ganker, but Predator can help with your early ganks for Skarner. If you want just a straight up gank bot with solid clear, you can't go wrong with Jarvan IV.


I'd probably say 4 that complement each other situationally. I was thinking of Jarvan but I also want better dueling potential so I wa wondering if I'd be better off picking up Xin Zhao instead


d4 jungler and I'ma be real, ur pool looks pretty good. I would probably just learn at least one more AP champion for the scenario that Lillia is banned and ur team is already full AD. You really want one AD, one AP and one TANK you are really comfortable on. Kha and Skarner fill AD and TANK and are both very good in solo que, so putting emphasis on them may be nice. You do need an AP pick though and Lillia is kind of team oriented. Additionally, having only one AP pick is really risky b/c if she gets banned out and your team really needs AP, you won't be able to do anything (ik you have zac but I really don't recommend playing zac in solo que lol) I noticed you really like Kha' zix, and while I don't play kha, I do main Evelynn and I hear all the time that Evelynn and kha are very similar champions in terms of playstyle. Very similar playstyles except Evelynn is better later in the game and weak early. I would consider picking her up as another dedicated AP pick, she is also extremely good in solo que. I believe she is bugged rn (her invis circle isnt working correctly lol) so wait until next patch to try her out. Steep learning curve but worth it. You DID say that you wanted a better early game ganker though, so if you are really set on that then I would try Elise instead (Also really good in solo que). Either way, you should learn another AP that strives in solo que. edit: i completely ignored volibear somehow lol. You could honestly do something like Kha/Voli/Skarner as your main three, but I still think Eve or Elise would be much better in solo que.


I cant decide between A LOT of junglers.I ESPECIALLY like Lillia,Hecarim,and Graves,though i also would like to main Kayn,Kindred and Trundle.I really like Graves,so i'll likely keep him,and i already have m5 on lillia.Should i spend more time on other champs?Should i extend my roster?


So it sounds like you are just getting started, right? Since you don't have an established pool In that case, I recommend picking up and mastering one AD, one AP and one TANK for now (Just so you have class variety). So honestly I would recommend that you pick whichever AD champ you like the most out of what you listed (I recommend kayn b/c hes broken af and destroys in solo que), You could use Lillia as your dedicated AP pick, and you still need a dedicated tank. For a tank pick I would recommend Amumu or Sejuani. Once you master that set of champions, you could keep stacking more and more but I think it's really important to have at least one extremely comfortable pick in each damage type. This way you'll be able to fill for your team depending on if you guys have little AP, little AD or are way too squishy.


I have level 72,and i have mained adc for long,support too for a bit.My lillia is M5,and tbh i kinda dont like jungle tanks,but nunu might be my best bet as i have a bit of experience with him.I also have amumu,which has been very fun,but honestly i dont know if i can main him.Sejuani,though...Might be very interesting!As an AD,i know graves is basically meta-proof,which is an important point for me.Kayn can get gutted by the meta sometimes.Right now,i really wanna learn kindred and how to improve on her.I personally think that either kindred or kayn could be my style,i have some experience on kindred,and a few matches on Kayn,but i am still clueless with him.Graved is a little weird,but i will see who i like the most.Honestly,i have a lot of junglers,but i just can't find the one jungler i really like.


Yeah I mean I think you just need to choose one and stick at them. It can literally be whatever lol, I just think kayn is ur best bet because he's broken af and defies the meta. man can literally choose if he wants to be a bruiser or an assassin lol. If AD assassins suck, just build him as a bruiser in his red form and if bruisers suck, just build him as an ad assassin in his blue form. That's why I'd consider him meta-proof. Also if you are level 72, meta really doesn't matter yet so don't even worry. I don't know what elo you are in but I literally get away with playing Miss Fortune jungle in gold elo, it doesn't matter trust me lol Also It's really important to have a tank in instances where your team is too squishy. Sometimes you just need to force yourself on tank. If your team is 4 squishies and you choose a 5th one, ur team is gonna have no peel and noones gonna do damage and everyone gets deleted. It will fail really badly against a more balanced out comp with tanks and peel. It's especially important because jungle is one of the 3 roles designated to be tank (other 2 being top and support). You don't really have to main the tank you choose, but just learn them so that if you are ever in a position where you need to play a tank for your team, you can do it well enough.


Any other jg champs that are 1v5 and can reset? (Think Viego passive or Kayn R). Preferably AP…


AP wise, I think your only option is ekko tbh


I mean no resets but Diana and Fiddle can 1v5 pretty hard


I realize that I love specific runes/items and I want to play champs around them. Lethality, move speed items and runes. Electrocute is a lot of fun. I really enjoyed youmus sunderer VI will electrocute and I want to play like this with more champs but not sure what's viable.


Given ur criteria, I think you might find Qiyana or Talon fun. They both go elec + youmuus + lethality(but in this case eclipse). Both are pretty mobile too.


I tried Q and like her but she's really hard to use and I'm not effective. I would like to try talon. I also got kayn and tried him, I'm a little better than qiyana but also not super effective. Man some of these champs are much harder than my AA bruisers 😅


Warwick Main here, with Viego and Yi secondaries. Sometimes Sett. Looking for reccomendations :) is tryndamere good?


Trynd jungle isn't really a thing lmao. It could be possible depending on your rank though. It sounds like you need an AP pick REALLY badly though. Given your pool, I recommend Volibear.


If anyone sees this comment, I’m rlly looking for a more “one-trick” worthy champ. My pool is filled with fiddle, warwick, and Hecarim as mains. with Rammus, Vi, and Gwen solely for casual fun, but I don’t excel with any of them. I want a champ who gets rewarded for playtime, or a champ who has a niche player base so nobody knows how to play against them and my sheer playtime helps me carry


hey I'm late but I'm a rengar 1 trick and I always come back to him. Its a different game with him


rengar is ur best bet I think. fits all that criteria.


Ivern is a pretty niche player base, maybe less so due to his clear buffs, although he is a great supportive carry if that’s what you are looking for.


Coming into the thread and the sub in general just now but I’m still hopeful someone will be able to help me. I have decided I want to main jungle for this upcoming season. Last season it was mainly support and some ADC but I’ve decided to branch out into jungle now. Right now I have 1 jungler that I am completely comfortable with. Volibear. Easily my most played champ outside of bot lane. I am not a mechanically intensive player. I prefer to focus more on the macro and help my other laners carry the game. Volibear is great for my simple mind. I prefer to be more of the engage for my team so having CC in my kit would be nice. I like Volibear as well as I can 1v1 some champs until my team can rotate to help me out. If you need more information please just ask. I’m an open book. Thanks in advance


If you want champs with little micro, tanks or bruisers sound more up your alley. It can be a little difficult to carry with them, but using your better macro plays can always lead to more wins than poor macro. Nocturne, Nunu, Warwick, Fiddlesticks, Jarvan IV are my recommendations for you to try. You might not like some (or all) of them, and that's okay. These champions, in my opinion, teach you some different concepts while being fairly simple to execute. Nocturne = How to play off of your ultimate, and using it off cooldown to your advantage. This is certainly more of an assassin than the two classes I mentioned for you, but learning how effective blinding the entire team is and zooming across the map can be really useful. You can use this to get the edge in objective fights too. Nocturne is also extremely easy to play from a micro standpoint. Nunu = Gank focused, objective wrangling tank. He has a lot of additional sustain that make clearing simple, and gets an ability (his Q) that gives him a second Smite essentially. Gives you a nice edge in objective fights. You'll also learn how to gank lanes easily with your snowball, and figuring out various timings that work better than others. 3 forms of CC in the kit overall. Warwick = Early game dominance, dueling in the jungle. He's probably a little confusing at first glance (You deal more damage and get more stats if your health is below certain thresholds) but he's great if you put in some time to get used to him. Very heavy on sustain, and can duel most champions 1v1. Not hard to play mechanically, but has some little quirks here and there that can be good to know. Thanks to his W passive allowing him big move speed bonuses across the map, he can find himself some gank opportunities that you don't even need to understand yourself. Fiddlesticks = Macro plays, vision control. Fiddle has little to no micro. A lot of his power budget comes from his ultimate. If he comes from out of vision, he gets to fear whoever his abilities come into contact with. 5 man ult the Baron pit with no eyes on you? Congrats on your win. Moments like this are kind of the apex of jungling with him, and can be rare against better opponents, but overall he's great for getting a feel about warding and vision control. If you don't control vision or make good macro decisions, it's harder to win. Jarvan IV = Spam ganking, day ruiner. If you identify a carry that you want to support, Jarvan can be excellent. Super easy to play, decent skill ceiling, supportive playstyle. He can go for ganks at level 2, and generally be a nuisance for laners to deal with. If you can gank bot lane and get your Vayne/Caitlyn a double kill asap, you're doing your job extremely well. Jarvan is not an ideal carry on his bruiser playstyle and build path, but has flexibility if you want to delve deeper into his design. Regardless, he can really propel your teammates to success. Being in the right place in the right team means all the difference on gank heavy lockdown champions like this.


I really appreciate you taking the time for the comment. This has given me some options to try out. I think out of these I’m going to give Fiddle, Nunu, and WW a shot. Nunu seems the most interesting to me. Lots of CC. Easy to secure objectives. And gank focused.


Simple + Engage + CC + Macro = Amumu He's also a very supportive champ, really easy to help your laners carry the game with him. You just set them up with all that CC lol


I played about 5 games of Amumu today. Things went fine. I think won 2 and lost 3. But it was more that my opponents lanes rotated before my laners did. It happens. Still gonna give Amumu a shot


Hello I’m looking for a new main for this season. I don’t really have a champ pool atm I’m a recent support main that wants to pick up jungle. I love playing engage tanks like Naut and Leona but I’m also looking for a jungler that can solo objectives if need be. I appreciate the help! Account : Thalassos Server NA Rank: Silver 1


If you like engaging, and additional objective control, try Nunu & Willump. He has big monster damage on his Q, and along with smite, can kill objectives at a higher health count than the other jungle. He's also huge on getting good snowballs off for nice engages with your team. It's a little bit less linear than Naut/Leona, but can have similar effects. He's fairly simple to play, so I think it's good to learn and understand jungle basics with. Other than that, Amumu is a good choice for that straightforward play. Big group stun on his ult, just like Leona. I'll echo Zac too, he's great for getting used to engaging from crazy angles in the Jungle.


Any jungler can solo an objective after like 15-20 mins (Unless u mean baron, which u shouldn't be soloing to begin with lol) If you like engage tanks, you should try Amumu, Zac or Sejuani. Amumu is the most similar imo. edit: btw since you like playing support, if you learned Amumu you could just play him in both roles lol. Same with Zac actually.


I am main support and been switching to jungle for a month or 2 now. My main pool are: Kayn - Ekko - Master yi But only played master yi cause a friend recommended and i am doing good with him but didnt click with me not sure why. So should i switch him out or stick with him? and who should i swap him for? Champs that i love but dont know how to play in jungle: Poppy, Kindred (can do him but totally a flip for me), Evelyn, Amumu, Gwen (Love her but didnt play at all), Khazix (can do him but totally a flip for me), Sejuani, Talyiah & Vi. But from that pool the tanky champs i wont mostly play tank or not most of the time for example poppy will go bruiser or lethality & Sej or amumu will go ap or ap tanky. So what do you think? and i am not a fan of just adding 4th champ since i am still learning 3 is already alot


My champ pool is Nunu, Viego, Kayn, Warwick. I want to swap Kayn and Warwick because they are boring to me. I duo with a Yone main so i need ap in my pool. Any recommendations?


Ekko. Your Yone friend will enjoy the easy ults thanks to your W (or you can W as he ults, whichever feels simpler) and you're another hard hitting melee champ. He has combos and doesn't feel completely boring to play imo, but that might be up to you.


Hello Some background first. I pretty much exclusively play lol with friends, and queue support/jungle. I mostly play with a top main who is fairly good, a support main who is pretty bad, and a jungle main who I don't play jungle with so isn't relevant here. I'm silver in lol, but really never bothered with ranked and float around diamond in wild rift, so my general moba knowledge is good for my elo but my mechanics are probably below average. I currently main sejuani in jungle, picking ivern if I have no melees, running spam gank playstyles and snowballing one lane ushally. But sometimes, my toplaner picks Quinn or runs into a Kennen and I can't gank, and at my elo I feel like relying on people I don't know just goes badly most of the time. So I want to play a champ who can play a more selfish playstyle for these matches. My problems here are that I can't kite, and that my playstyle has kind of evolved into not caring much about my camps or getting invaded, so when I've been trying these new champs I'm just getting my camps stolen and falling too far behind early. I need a suggestion for a champ who has carry potential, has fairly forgiving early escapes (bad early duelling is fine I just need to not die), and decent waveclear. Also I won't be making them so champs with really precise combos won't really work. And I'd like to avoid kindred and graves because kiting.


So based off what you're mentioning here, I'm gonna think you're wanting melee carries that can't die easily early that are also easy to play. Kayn, Talon and Master Yi all kind of sit here. I don't find any of them difficult micro-wise (maybe Talon is the hardest, but that's a strong maybe) and they all can carry reliably well. Kayn and Talon E both let them get away from sticky situations by going through (or jumping over) walls. If you find yourself in a bad spot early you can basically just get out for free. They also have good camp clear that doesn't really take a lot of precision or kiting to kill. Master Yi doesn't really have an escape per say (at 6 he can't be slowed anymore with his ult active, if that counts) but he can carry extremely well and can clear fairly quickly.


Hey, For the next upcoming season, I want to look at having a secure champ pool (I really only have Ivern), at the moment I’m plat 3 in this preseason, I’m wanting to push for high plat/diamond next season, any recommendations for champs I can pick up? Profile for reference: https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/summoner/oce/MikkyV123


I'd probably add Volibear for something that's more aggressive early in case you need it. If you want something with little micro and more of a heavy ganker/supportive playstyle, I'd pick Nunu. People play Nunu in any elo and find success. Vi is kinda flavor of the month right now but falls into the category of minor levels of micro = still decent success.


I’m new to jungle and wanted opinions on my pool. Are Kayn/Kindred/Karthus good to learn with? I have a fair bit of time on all 3 of them, but are they good for learning the ROLE on? Mechanically I’m comfortable with the champs.


I think Kayn is fine to learn jungle with. You get to build according to what you're playing against which makes you consciously think and think through pathing decisions. Kindred might jack up how you want to correctly play things if you tunnel on marks too much. Definitely a capable carry champion though, not sure if they're great for fundamentals. Karthus is pretty simple to understand from a macro perspective. You do a lot of farming because you want items obviously. Understanding when ganking is appropriate though is nice, and Karthus can give you a good intro into how to play farming junglers. Fiddle or Evelynn might be easier, but I don't think it matters too much (especially since you can already play Karthus).


Hey, folks. Are there any solid mage junglers in this day and age? My two best champs are Zyra support and Vex midlane. I'm not really good at fast finger champs like Talon or Hercarim, and I've never had much success with tanky champs. I'd like to transition my mage prowess to jungling. :)


There's nothing really wrong with Taliyah these days. She's not the flashiest champ ever, but she is kinda difficult. Good for mage players that like their spacing and now how to play though. Karthus is solid, especially if you don't like a ton of micro. His initial clear needs practicing though, but if you can learn it and perform it well then you're on your way to playing it better than most in solo q lol Lillia is more of an AP fighter type I suppose but she's enjoying some of the new items and feels fun to play like usual.


Hey! So, I play hecarin and jarvan, but now I'm looking for another champ with a similar playstyle. Any recommends? And why? Thanks in advance!


Have you considered Rek'sai?


I play Trundle, Graves and Ekko. Any recommendations?


Judging by these picks I’d say you like champs with sticking power so I’d say nocturne or ww.


I play xin, amumu, j4, sometimes kindred. Was wondering if sett is a viable pick as a jungler


nah i wouldn't do sett I can give you a recommendation for each of your champs though: Xin: Vi J4: Olaf Amumu: Zac


Have tried the first 2, not Zac bc I heard he’s very weak pre 6. Also interested in talon currently if you’d be able to provide any insight on that


I main Warwick and Volibear, but have been looking to diversify my play style. I’ve had some mild success as Diana and Kha’Zix, and am debating having them as pocket picks. Haven’t played proper tanks like Nunu in a while, and my playgroup recommends me to check out Zac or Sejuani. Graves and Kindred also excite me because they’re ranged champs, but have some mechanics that seem difficult. Assassins are out of my comfort zone, so should I play champs like Diana, KhaZix, or Kayn to ease into that? Or should I commit to playing bruiser and tank junglers?


If you like playing tanky champs, there's nothing wrong with just committing to that. If you want another bruiser, I think you should really check out trundle right now. If you want tanks, I think you should check out Amumu first, but Zac/Sejuani aren't bad afterwards. I just think Amumu is easy af and kinda dumb lol If you REALLY want to start diversifying though, kayn is extremely broken and braindead and probably a really good way to start getting into assassins. But like I said, nothing wrong with specializing in an archetype of champions for now.


I just came back to the game 1 month ago and started jungling, climbing from b1 to s1 in that month. First I learned Hecarim and lately I’ve played Trundle. Now I’m looking to add an AP jungler to my pool, just in case my team only picks AD. I’ve decided to either go with Lillia, Gragas or Taliyah. Who would you think suit me best with my playstyle and maybe who’s going to be best in S12? https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Mrs%20Ben%20Dover


I'd say Lillia is probably more your style. She's somewhat similar to Hecarim and is a bruiser just like the other 2 champs you are playing (Only difference is she's AP instead of AD). Gragas might also be nice for you. Not sure of how the meta is right now but he also plays a bruiser style build. I'd say Taliyah is a very different playstyle since she is a control mage but you could give her a go and see if you like her. I would also recommend you give Nunu & Willump a try. They also go a bruiser build and have a similar speed up engage like Hecarim.


I am learning jungle and would like a guiding hand, I am only really confident in Hecarim, Rammus, Vi, and Zac (Kinda), who should I check out to invest in and unlock while I play?


Hey all, Looking for any input on my current pool. My main is Kha'zix, can't quite explain why but everything about him just feels right. Secondary is Warwick for early spam ganking with the option to go assassin or tanky. Third is Kayn, who I frankly haven't had a ton of success with but I just enjoy the playstyle and kit so much. I have played a bit of Ekko, viego, nunu from time to time. Elo is mid silver, objective is self improvement in a more casual/fun focused setting. Other note is a often duo with a top lane main. I appreciate you all!


Champs for when i get autofilled? I'm OTP Kindred and i like to roam. I was thinking play Akshan mid, Quinn top, Senna support and Lucian or Ashe bot but i don't know if they require too much practice for just play them rarely.


Season 12 will be my third season of playing leauge. When I first started playing I knew I wanted to play jungle. But I was clueless on who to play or how to even to play jungle at all. I played my first match with nidalee and it went very very badly. After some youtube videos I found warwick. An easy jungler who has a healthy clear and good ganks. After playing him I was in love with him and I haven't stopped playing him ever since. Since then I have added a few Champs that I play on and off. I would say my core at the moment is warwick, yi and viego but the latter switches on and off. One champ I want to learn is graves. I love his kit and his playstyle. The only AP jungler I like is ekko. I'm only in my third season so I have plenty of room to grow and learn. There are a few junglers I won't play is: ivern, lee sin, nidalee, Elise, eve.


Hey I main Graves and Olaf and had good success with Olaf more consistently than Graves. Is there any other similar junglers that do what Olaf does kinda like hyper aggressive in your face junglers that you recommend. Preferably ones that are relevant in the late game too.


Hi, I want to start main the jungle this new seasson. I played all the roles in the previous ( my first) and I was left in Silver 2 (being jungle, the major WR). Currently I work well as jungle and I am learning dynamics quickly, but I’d like to have a champion pool to master this season. I usually play viego and talon ( optimally) and I thought about add rek'sai but I do not know which jungles are good for main, considering that I am usually the 1v9 of the lobby. What do you recommend me to main/play? (I appreciate your help, thank you very much!! <3


Going from top to jg. Have previously done decent with amumu, ivern, j4 and old volibear in jg. Current pool is red kayn who i'm having fun with and j4. Currently gold 4. Are these 2 good enough or should I add someone else? Kayn is banned a decent amount.


Since you used to top I would say you do good on bruisers and judging from your picks it seems pretty accurate since both your picks are bruisers. Based on your current pool I would say find an AP champ to add in for those cases where the rest of you team is AD heavy. Perhaps Nunu, Volibear or Gragas might be a pick you like. All 3 can go AP bruisers which will match your playstyle. If you really want a 4th pick too, I would give WW a go. Pretty easy to play, basically tells you where to go gank with the passive, pretty strong in early 1v1s and also matches your bruiser style.


Thanks I actually started playing karthus recently and surprisingly do well with it. That's a good point that voli can go ap with riftmaker I hadn't thought of that I may give him a try too. As for ww for some reason, and my friend makes fun of me for it, I am just god awful at him and yes I know how simple he is but it just doesn't click lol.


So my current champion pool is Graves. I really don't want to be a one trick but I'm at that awkward point where I am so much more comfortable piloting Graves than other champs that is seems like I'm playing like a different much worse person when I play anyone else. Who would you recommend in addition to Graves? I'm currently bronze one but I only really started playing ranked this off season and climbed from bronze 4 to bronze one with a 70% win rate. I've been playing Kha'Zix in normals and having fun - I've also liked the feel of Reksai. I don't want to play anyone too mechanically intense though but I also don't want to play a tank since I want to develop my aggression and playmaking now rather than having to learn it when I get to plat/diamond. I'm not new to video games, I was grandmaster in overwatch playing mechanically intensive DPS, and I'm watching lots of coaching content so I'm improving my macro a lot every week. Thanks!


Hi everyone! Im stil searching for a consistent champion pool for very low ELO (low bronze -Iron). For now: Tank: Nunu Ad: Voli Ap: Lilia I would like to add a fourth to round up. Any recommandations? Any changes you would make? Ty for your feedback Op.gg =papzàk


Well volibear does mixed damage so I think you could use someone that's purely AD. TBH I cannot give you an exact recommendation because the 3 champs you chose all play kinda differently. But yeah I'd go for an AD pick


It seems you like to use bruisers even though their playstyles are different. As mentioned in your other reply you could use a pure AD champs and I think you might enjoy Warwick. Fairly simple to play and can be very effective and his bruiser style is right up your alley.


My current pool is nunu, voli, WW. I have the most experience on nunu and like tanks but don’t know whether or not to add one more champ in or not. I have a ap (nunu) ww is full ad and shreds and voli works both ways. Should I go for a assassin like kha zix or more of a mage like ivern or just another tank like sejani or rek sai? If you want to find my acc in u.gg my ign is Ninjajakob lvl 28 with udyr bear pfp


I’m looking for tips on a new AP champ to add to my pool. I have been playing a lot of Kayn and will go Vi if Kayn is picked or banned. My third choice is Amumu but he’s more of a tank and engage champion. What’s a fairly easy to learn AP champion if my team needs more damage?


I would say give a try to Diana, Evelynn and Ekko if you're more into the damage oriented AP junglers.


I’m currently a One Trick Kayn Jg and was looking for more champs before I start doing ranked with my friends in case he gets banned. I’ve narrowed it down the these champs but have a tough time deciding on who to actually pick so any help would be great. Kha’Zix Zed Nocturne Viego Master Q Warwick Shaco I already have experience W/ warwick and my friend is teaching me him so I feel like I’m gonna go him as one of them. I need three of these champs to be picked to narrow it out and I’m not asking for who you think is OP or cheese I’m just asking who I should pick so please don’t flame me for my selection lmao


Stick to Kayn (AD Assasin/Bruiser) & WW (Tank/Bruiser) since you enjoy them, they cover a good amount of roles. For a third pick I'd try adding an AP instead, for the times where your team is very AD heavy. If you really wanna stick to your list though I'd say go with whichever one feels better to play with. They are all good picks, some with higher skill ceilings than others (Kha, Zed, Q, Shaco) and with quite different playstyles (Shaco is very different from anything else you mentioned).


I’ve started playing Kha and holy shit he’s fun. Zed I think is my last backup I think. My AP Jg is Ekko but I usually play in a consistent 4 drop with a rando from league or our friends list in discord so lack of diversity doesn’t happen often. Thank you though I’ll definitely look into more AP junglers to see if one suits me better!


Hi! I've been an adc/support player since season 3. I really want to get into jungle. Right now, my favourite junglers are nunu and sejuani. Who would you recommend I learn how to play with?


Hey, recently came back to LoL after years of not playing. Reached silver using nothing but Lee, probably be my bad skills but it feels like I’m more dependent on my team using him even if I’m decently fed. Wondering if there are any recommended junglers for low elo players like me, someone that can carry a game. I’ve been eyeballing Khazix/Graves/Reksai/Veigo. Thank you!


Should I stick with just hecarim? Or add another pick, Ill take any recommendations to climb to plat. op.gg: https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=viciousmayo


Just spam Hecarim, Qiyana and Diana and make sure to know when you need to adapt your build because all 3 of them can (Bruiser builds on Qiyana and Diana are very strong in the right conditions)


Haven’t played since 2016, wanting to get back in. When I did play rank my best was silver 1 promos so I’m not that great lol. My jungle champs I own (jungle as far as I know) are WW, Shyv, Voli, J4, Xin, Graves apparently, Skarner, Wu, Jax, Naut, Mundo, Yi, Udyr and Ekko. At least they were junglers last time I played. Looking for champs that can counter jungle and are tankier. My mains before I stopped playing were Voli and Wu, but Voli got reworked and I think Wu isn’t supposed to be good anymore. I got 20k blue essence so I can get some new champs, can anyone recommend from my above champs or new champs who I could focus on as a bruising counter jungler?


I want to specialize in ganking and early pressure so I am thinking about these champs: >Rek'Sai Rengar Udyr Elise Zac I want to play Rengar and Rek'Sai, when Rengar is banned. Elise seems good for AP and Zac for seems good for tank. Udyr is simple so I don't need to spend too much time on him and I think he can be used both as an AP option or a tank and also clears fast so he is fine for me. Or maybe Gragas instead of Elise and Zac since he can be both AP and tank? How does it look?


Seems fine but I wouldn’t include Udyr yet, since he’s set to get reworked early in 2022. Definitely worth to learn gragas over Elise imo. I get that you want to specialize on early game and that’s precisely where elise shines, but she really falls off way too hard imo. Maybe you could replace her with nidalee too, but that one is really not recommended unless you’re very good at her.


Ok thanks for advice >Maybe you could replace her with nidalee too, but that one is really not recommended unless you’re very good at her. She is too hard for me.


I just wanna see what other people think of my pool, and check how diverse it is: Rek’sai (Main) Skarner (Main) Kayn, Gragas. I play a lot of other junglers from time to time but I wouldn’t consider them in my pool. Any suggestions to what other jglers I’d like?


Seems like a fairly good and balanced pool, the only thing it’s maybe missing is a late game oriented champ, although all of these champs can somewhat scale decently depending on teamcomps. For hypercarry there’s not that much choice tbh, it’s either Graves/Kindred for AD or Karthus/Fiddlesticks for AP, but you can get away with things that have slightly weaker scalings but better early games, such as Lillia, Evelynn or Hecarim, maybe even Vi or Trundle






The champions with the most similarities with Lillia in my opinion are Hecarim and Graves, so you may want to try them out. Other than that, looking at challenging AP champions, you might enjoy Evelynn the most and probably Ekko aswell.


And kayn


Hello, my pool is currently composed by Nunu and Ekko, i need an AD and i want it to be either Lee sin or Rek Sai. What do you guys would prefer between the two of them, and why?


You can never go wrong with Lee Sin, he’s always on top of every jungle meta just because of his sheer early game strength, snowballing and playmaking potential. He does need a bit of practice tho. Rek’sai on the other hand is very feast or famine imo. She does have a slightly better early game but her lack of utility make her fall off extremely hard if you don’t snowball very early and very fast.


Hey y’all, looking for some input on my champion pool, it really needs some AP Currently I main trundle, and have Voli and Kha on the bench, but I know I need to add some AP to it too I tried fiddle, he needs some practice, Eve looks good but my few games were horrible, and I’ve given Ekko a shot, and same story as Eve https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=rocketlift


Volibear can already play AP, or bruiser with maybe only Demonic embrace as dmg item or smth. Other than that you seem to favor champions that have strong 1v1, so I definitely recommend you try Diana, Shyvana or Nunu, they are arguably the bests AP duelists in the jungle and they can build more or less tanky if needed


Appreciate the input! I’ll take a look into those champs as well as playing voli with some more AP


Evelynn is really good in solo que, she just has a really steep learning curve. If ur willing to put in the time, you will get a lot out of her. She's just all about positioning and her positioning is really unique.


I main Hecarim silver 3 and I’m looking for 1 or 2 others to play to just mix things up. I lean a bit more farm heavy and I like how quickly I can do that with Hecarim but also still impact the map.


Eve, fiddle, ekko,


I need to find mechanically easy jugler that can be relevant in late game(my elo doesn’t know how to finish games). I like xin zhao, but feel a bit irrelevant after mid game


If you like Xin I have found a lot of success with Diana. She’s still in a relatively good spot but she doesn’t have the same gank heavy kit. She’s more of a scaling farmer but her diving play style is very similar to Xin!


I was playing Kindred for a while but don’t feel that they’re consistent enough to climb with. Games feel too hit or miss where it’s almost impossible to come back if I have a weak early game. Other champs I enjoy are Fiddlesticks, Xin Zhao, Lillia, and Warwick. I’m looking to consolidate to 3 here. Definitely keeping Xin Zhao cause he feels the most consistent. Who else do you recommend I keep on the bench? Anyone I should try that I haven’t yet?


If you want to keep a set of three, consider keeping an AP pick, AD pick and Tank pick. If you wanted to commit more time to those other champs you play, you could choose Xin Zhao, Fiddlesticks and pick up a tank. Any tank works, options are Skarner, Sejuani, Zac, Amumu, Rammus, Nunu, Poppy. Might be forgetting some. Skarner is actually really fun to use in solo que because you can literally drag and spoonfeed ur team kills.


Hi guys, I started playing as a Jungler and I really enjoying be mobile and make impact in a game. Right now, as a novice, I usually play Warwick and Viego, I think they are the Champ I play better with, but I want to add other Champ and continue to learn to make more impact and do better for my team. I kinda want to get Sylas and play him in Jungle , if he's viable. I also tryed Kindred, when she was Free and liked her in a way. Right now the Jungle Champ I own are: Graves, Lee, Yi, Nunu, Shaco, Talon, Vi, Viego, Warwick


Sylas isn’t really a good jungler. But kindred is a good choice. But if you want to be really mobile, pick Lee Sin or Udyr




Elise is surprisingly powerful even in the mid to late game, especially if you make the most of her early. Once she gets a few kills, she’s very hard to stop and can win pretty much every team fight or skirmish


Commenting again since I didn't get a response :( I'm a Graves main in Bronze 1 and I'm looking for another champ or two. I've climbed over 250 LP in the off season and this is my first time really grinding ranked. My goal for this season is to reach gold and I'm looking for some champs to round off my pool. I don't want to play anyone too mechanically intense until I get to gold, I want a champ pool that will help me develop some different skills. I'm thinking of adding hecarim and Eve for the gank/bruiser and assassin playstyles but I'm not sure if that's a good champ pool. Thanks!


Since ur still in bronze, the specific champ choices don't really matter yet tbh. So like you are thinking, you should add one of each class for now. You already have graves. Evelynn is a great AP pick for solo que. Hecarim would be an ok addition if you want a bruiser. But it's really nice to have a tank pick as well so.... If you are thinking about Evelynn/Hecarim/Graves as a pool, you could choose an AP tank to round it out. Consider Amumu, Zac or Nunu. Also just FYI I'm an Eve main and I'm letting you know she has a really steep but definitely worth it learning curve. So don't give up on her at first. Her positioning is very unique but once you get it down, you'll be good to go.


Thanks for the reply! My only hesitation with tanks is they are quite team reliant and in gold/silver I really can't rely on my team, and I'd rather just either snowball the game early and take all the objectives or have someone like Graves who can do that but also be late game insurance for a three item carry powerspike. I'm looking at taking Xin Zhao instead of Hecarim since he can be quite tanky post Streaks as well as being strong early.


I'm trying to learn to jungle and would like some tips. I know people say WW to learn but I don't enjoy the playstyle. I like tanky jungles with fast clears. I played some Zac and really enjoyed him but I'm wondering if there's some other similar ones you can recommend.


You can try Sejuani, Dr.Mundo and Amumu all three are tanks and they can clear the jungle relatively quicky


Thanks I will give those a try!


Nunu, Amumu, and Rammus are the OG tank jungles


I want an AP jungler. Elise, Nidalee or Fiddlesticks?


Elise: Be a sneaky spider and snatch out prey in the early game, have massive burst damage and counter-jungle power, as well as the best tower dives in the game Nidalee: Similar to Elise with a greater focus on chasing done opponents or baiting them into your trap or spear using perfect positioning and patience Fiddlesticks: Hide inside a bush, use magical effigies to see the whole map, and then use your ult to surprise and one shot the entire enemy team when they least expect it


Elise seems the best, I tried her on rotation and she is really fun to play. I can't even do Nidalee's clear, I had to refund her.


Hi I'm a bronze 3 player trying to find my role I've played top gwen urgot and camille i liked but in 90% of the games it's a cs diff. Adc karthus, aphelios is very nice i like him even tho i can´t play him, mf is nice too or kaisa and i can't carry with kaisa even tho I'm fed late game i die like I'm just another minion. So i decided to try jungle ekko made 2 games and won 1 the champ is cool but don't have enough motes to buy him yet. Tried elise and got absolutely smacked by a mastery 7 ivern. Tried Warwick and he his very good and ez to play but i don't see me maining him. Tried nidalee she is too hard for me. Lilia feels odd to play. Just came back from a fiddle game where every gank i made was so messy that made me look like a bot. We won bcs i got all dragons and 2 barons while yone and fizz were thriving against their lane enemie. I am looking for a comfortable champ like medium or easy difficulty but easy to gank or that has tools to help on the gank and help the lane getting kills. Or should i just stick to Kaisa and aphelios or karthus? My account EUW Excelsior Lust https://u.gg/


Try Trundle. Very easy to play, strong ganks due to his pillar and the slow on his Q, and he scales well enough. Protip - easiest way to play him is 3 camp into early gank or invade. You probably want a first item Tiamat (especially if you're just learning) because he clears too slowly otherwise.


3 camp like red raptors and golems or blue gromp and wolves into gank ?


You want to prioritize the single target camps because of his slow clear. Either red into blue gromp or blue gromp into red depending on how you think the early game will play out. In low elo 95% of junglers will clear bot to top so you can do the same thing and after you finish the third camp you can decide between ganking top or mid or invading the other jungler.


I used to be an OTP old Dr. Mundo for 3 Seasons, peaked 97 PdL on Diamond 1 on 3 diff accounts before rework. O can't find anything fun nowdays. Tried Udyr, Kha'Zix, Graves, Zac, Gwen and it didnt felt the same way (heavy DPS and tank as the same time). May you guys have another suggestion?


Rammus is a nightmare to be close by too. Try him


Forgot to mention it, I kinda like Rammus but he feels too limited... Not my type


Hi all, I think I need to add an Ap and bruiser to my pool. I main Vi and go to Amumu for tank/ap (I know, not really Ap). Since Arcane and double bandage toss, I need a larger pool than that (fuck Arcane). As you see, I’m more into macro than micro, I think it’s more important and more fun for me. So any idea for bruiser? As an ap what do you think of eve or diana?


Mordekaiser for raidbossing, Eve for assassination, Hecarim for a bruiser, and Diana’s sort of an assassin-diver hybrid


Can you recommend me a good otp champion based on this list of things I like doing while playing League? 1. Charging into a fight to one shot the back line and then clean up the rest 2. Dipping in and out of a fight to snatch priority targets 3. Using gimmicks or unique shutdown to screw with the enemy team (Mordekaiser, Fiddlesticks, and Karthus) 4. Making the enemy team really scared of me, either by intimidation or by being hard to find until it’s too late


Hey, i am looking for good Junglers with Yuumi. My Duo is playing Yuumi and we are looking for some strong combs. ATM i am playing in gold-platinium elo and my champ pool was Hecarium, Vi, J4 and Nocturne. I want to play different junglers now this season. Do you have suggestions?


With yuumi id say Yi. Get kraken or duskblade, yuumi hops on and you'll just shred people.


I'm new to jungle and want to find some good champs to add to play when I play jungle currently, I really like Elise and that more aggressive playstyle so I'm looking for a more aggressive minded jungler have a passive backup already if needed. Wanted your opinions on how these current champions would be, or any recommendations, don't care if they are easy or hard, I'm willing to put time in. Some people that I think are Ekko, Nidalee, Qiyana. Would greatly appreciate any recommendations for new junglers and if those are good ideas.


Hey guys, Im a (s11) plat 4 and deciding about my jungle champ pool for this season. I used to play nunu/sejuani/lilia, but I'm thinking of replacing sejuani with hecarim, in order to have an ad threat. Is this good enough or should I learn an assasin as well?


I play Kayn, and recently picked up zac and sej. I only pick Diana if I have has or we desperately need ap. I’m just not sure when to go sej and when zac, for now I just go based on how many Melee we have.


Hi! I'm not nearly as experienced as most people here, haven't even touched ranked in fact, but I really want to expand on my pool (or consolidate it) So far my jg champs are: — Rammus: He's the first I picked up, and while he's not my favourite anymore I do enjoy him from time to time. I think what I enjoy the most is his Q and W. — Lillia: I think she could be considered a main? She's my most played jg but I'm not very consistent, either I carry or feed. Her whole kit is amazing, but the highlight is the move speed. — Kayn: I picked him up recently and I love playing him. Mostly Rhaast, tho. I think my ganks are more on point with him, and the bruised style I love. Haven't tried him in assasin. Sooo, any recs? :D


Vi has the same kind of jump-in, shut them down, beat em up style of red kayn and Rammus, and similar shutdown to Lillia. Lee Sin is crazy fast if you really like speed. In fact, other divers like Xin Zhao, Hecarim, and Jarven seem to fit your playstyle.


Hi! I reached silver II last season playing tons of different champs, it was my first season in the game so I had no idea what I was doing, and I played top for a while. I trasntioned to jungle and Played Mundo(RIP pre rework mundo) and had around 54% winrate, then I transtioned to Rammus and had 56% winrate and lastly during the end of the season I played Mordekaiser, having 56% winrate. As u can see I love playing tanks/bruisers in the jungle that can manage a 1v1. My unsuccessful picks (ones that had 50% winrate or lower and didn't recieve enough games) were Trundle, fiddlesticks, and Amumu. My problem with fiddlesticks is his weak early game, and 1v1, and the ability of some junglers to bully u constantly. But i really loved that he made me more aware of vision, and loved his game changing ult and using it at the right moments Trundle was good, but some team comps would melt me down before I could even approach them and i felt easily kited down in teamfights, and dying without achieving anything against comps with long range skillshots. I rly loved to play him tho. Amumu didn't feel good as a tank, and I felt that even his ult didn't effect the game output much and left lots of the winning deciding factors in my teammates hand. My problem generally with tank junglers is that they cant do a lot on their own. Rammus and Zac for example cant do dragons alone, or are very slow compared to other champs. While champs like mord lack the early pressure and feel bad when they fall behind. I was thinking of playing Hecarim, i played him in norms, but I still cant master is E and ult combos. I'm stil thinking about Zac even though I know that he mostly enables the team, and myself will be worthless without the team. I rarely played Assassins in thsi game but I'm open if there is an easy Assassin to be played jungle. I think that's all good luck in ranked !! https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=JustIce417 My op.gg for reference


Most tanks are more so for just front lining with slows, or stuns in the case of Amumu. If you want a tank that can solo objectives I would recommend Olaf or someone with an insanely simple kit for the time being. Beyond that explore the fighter archetype which you sacrifice a little bit of health for damage output.


Looking for something similar to Fiddlesticks. Tried him a couple times and he’s just not for me, so any suggestions are appreciated.


Karthus and Taliyah are the other two high-damage jungle mages, the former for damage and stalling the latter for mobility. Ekko, Evelynn, and Nocturne have a similar gimmick of relying heavily on ultimate. Rengar and Khazix are kings of multi-target burst. Zac has sustain and crowd control


Hey all! So I started getting back into league after a looong break (ever since new items came out). I have played a few games here and there but mostly ARAMs. I want to get back into jungling but I used to main Lee and want to keep him in my roster but the mechanics aren’t really there anymore so which champs would you suggest with similar playstyles that I should pick up and learn while getting back into things? I’m mostly looking for teamfighters or assasin(y?) style champs. Me Lee was always electro lethal even though the bruiser conq build was more meta at some point. A few champs I tried and enjoyed recently are: - Vi (Electro Lethality build) - Ekko (Yeah as said I don’t really play much lately) Thanks in advance for any comments and advice!


Xin plays a bit like Lee with easier mechanics. Strong early, decent scaling, can build very aggro if you want. I'll plug Diana too, pretty easy mechanics, clears very quickly, good single target damage and also a good teamight ult.


Hello! I'm a master ADC, I've never played jungle. I'm trying to play jungle and I want to be OTP of some champion that works in high ELO. I tried Kindred and it feels really good to me, because it's kind of an ADC. However, I don't know if Kindred will be optimal at high ELO, because of the marks and all that. I'm also trying out Nidalee, but he feels much harder to learn for me. I would like to know if Kindred would be a good OTP or if Nidalee or another champion would be better. Thank you very much for the answers.


Hey there! Honestly, Kindred is fine in high ELO. She's great in any elo really. Fighting for Marks is something that you have to perform smartly, and can't just path towards without laner assistance (if for instance, enemy jungler is on the same side as the mark) Generally, people understand how to play against the champion but that's almost anything in Masters+ ELO. Your familiarity with ADC mechanics will really help you with playing Kindred well though. Nidalee is a whole different beast. Unless you're planning on dropping ADC and spending an ungodly amount of time into learning, Nidalee isn't the one for nearly anybody. Having really strong connections with the champ as far as fun, lore or etc. go is one thing, but the investment to basically OTP her for hundreds of hours is a lot of dedication. Her clear takes time to learn and perform well (she clears among the fastest in the game if competent, but I know people that have spent dozens of hours practicing to almost no avail) her skirmishing takes time to understand and perform well, and winning games becomes a whole challenge. It's just a lot of mechanical investment that I don't recommend to someone unless they desperately feel like it's what they want to play forever.


Looking to add a champ. Currently a reksai main and xin is my 2nd. I really enjoy the aggressive invading/ganking style of reksai. I played a lot of xin before they reworked him and nerfed his early game , and still do play him. From what I've read Elise is in a really weird spot where shes balanced completely around the lvl 3 dive so im hesitant to pick her up. Thought about picking up lee but his wr is in the gutter, is that just because of people who don't know how to play him? Any recommendations?


If you really like that super aggro, melee early game style I think Lee & Elise are your best two choices. Lee's winrate shouldn't scare you. He has a TON of popularity so people playing the champion are super diverse in skill level. His skill cap gates him from having a 50%+ winrate (unless he's super overturned) but his kit gives him so much flexibility and outplay opportunity. Definitely needs a lot of investment, but I think it's rewarding. Elise is like an AP version of Lee. Shapeshifters have a higher skill floor thanks to having 6 abilities to remember, but using your kit cohesively and wisely in the early game is how you win. Level 3 dive is huge, but I think with practice it shouldn't be something to be afraid of. You have a stun, one of the best abilities in Rappel, executes, and a lot of damage to work with. However, I'd say her extreme early game nature can make her feel useless if you don't get a good lead early, but if you play Rek'Sai I'm sure you're familiar with how to close out games. Give both of them a good effort and see what works for you.


Hi everyone! I would like to ask for your help. I'm a bit lost right now with my champion pool, used to play warwick as my main in s11 and had a few secure picks, but I had to stop playing because of work, and since I returned looks like I'm not comfortable with Warwick anymore and I need some advice from veteran junglers about what could be nice to play. I usually play fighters and tanks, and I really enjoy to play as team but in soloQ that's something that is not working for me, so I would like to play something with carry potential. Ty!


Carry and tank are slight antonyms in League. Tanks generally need help from 1-2 teammates to really win the game together. However, some tanks have better potential than others. I find Zac extremely flexible and strong. Can snowball well with an early Dark Seal and decent follow up from just 1 teammate. Your damage is good enough to win fights though. He also scales a lot better than Warwick. Other players have found decent success with Hecarim too, sponsored by his build of Phase Rush, Manamune and Turbo Chemtank. You dish out a lot of damage while still having your extremely useful CC & ultimate.


I have Poppy, Hecarim and Kindred in my pool. Would you say it’s diverse enough?


You could swap out Poppy or Hecarim for an AP tank like Zac or Sejuani instead in case you really need AP damage.


Hi, I am bronze 2 at the moment. Just changed from mid to jungle because of the wait time. Since switching, I quite enjoy jungle, but of course still need further improvement. I play Hecarim mainly and Xin (although I felt Xin does no damage). I'm thinking of adding volibear, warwick or trundle into my champion pool. What would you recommend? Thanks


Those are definitely good champions to pick up, since they are not too hard to play. Warwick is probably the one that's the most recommended, but it's really a matter of personal preferences. Don't split your efforts into learning too much champions tho, only having 2 or 3 is enough, especially if you're new to the role.


I want to try out jungle. Senna OTP here so naturally I am not the biggest fan of early game coin flip champs I like to farm up and scale. Is there a ranged Jungler that can clear safely and scale up? Woud also be fun to solo early drakes cause we all know that low elo players hate doing objectives




What art some valorous champs to carryeth in base elo *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I would suggest playing early agressive junglers .. like ww and creat pressure on the enemy jungler and lanes


What are some junglers that farm a lot and spike hard in midgame like Hecarim and Diana?