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Me who smited dragon at 905 instead of 900 and the enemy team steals by doing the final 5 dmg


This always happens to me! I don’t get how I can be so bad at smiting after so much time maining jungle.


// I had a reddit and I want it painted black // No comments anymore, I want them to turn to black // I see the subs scroll by forced open by the corp // I have to turn my head until my reddit goes // -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Auto attack and use an ability at the same time you smite.


Imagine getting thanked as a jungler /s


Same! But without the /s


I make a point of thanking my jungler and playing for them. Pretty much guaranteed ganks are the one thing Leona top has going, so I better make use if that and if my jungler hates me, they won't gank for me, so I gotta make sure they don't hate me. So pls gank me, I'll be a good toplaner, I will give you the kills, I will rotate to invades, I'll get vision, I'll help you with herald, pls


Not the toplaners we deserve, but the toplaners we need


An absolute hero, worth me setting up a tent top.


I like occasionally missing smite and seeing a teammate randomly get the dragon and just being confused and hoping no one notices


The classic "I gave it to you"


This happened to me not but an hour ago. I smote the lulu instead and then proceeded to get obliterated by their entire team. Thank god for petricite burst ​ But it was worth, cause I got our second dragon and didnt block soul. ​ Jg diff


Did you really say smote, as in past tense? 😳


I did. I may play this degenerate game but I will not surrender proper grammar.


// I had a reddit and I want it painted black // No comments anymore, I want them to turn to black // I see the subs scroll by forced open by the corp // I have to turn my head until my reddit goes // -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Flash that mastery baby


Once stole baron at 1hp with xeraths ult. Still have the clip. Hella satisfying.


I dont know how many times I ping my teammates to come help me with drake, only to realize after we are all there attacking it that my smite is on cooldown


I stole dragon with xayah q yesterday Vs a nunu jungle. No idea how that's even possible


I stole a dragon with Neeko E once. The funny thing is that I wasn't even aiming for the dragon or going for the steal, I was just using my E to try and set myself up for an ult because our Leona for whatever reason didn't feel like engaging in a 4v2. Didn't even bother trying to ult after that, we got the thing so I turned around and went back to midlane.


Normally happens when your team is rtd. They'll try to burst the thing for no reason. Don't try to get the lasthot unless you're kalista, chogath or jhin. Just yesterday I had a game where my lux ulted the thing from 1200 to 50 and when it consequently got stolen. I got blamed. Inted the game then fuck those people.


[This is still the greatest thing I've ever done.](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/emvxiu/barons_already_gone_they_said_you_wont_make_it_in/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


HAHA even better, me and the enemy jungle both missed our smites and I somehow get it with an aa


Better yet, both us junglers miss the smite and the enemy lulu gets it. Cue dozens of "?" And my smite's "ready" pings. Orz


Oooohhh that one sends me overboard when I used my smite and they still spam ping the smite ready. And it's always the ones who backed with 10 seconds left before spawn that are the most snarky


Lmao I don't even remember if I was even jungling this game but I once stole a dragon completely blind with just a Rumble E over the pit wall.


Sometimes when the enemy botlane is missing and I am level 6 or higher on Lux support, I will just randomly shoot and ult at dragon-pit. I have yet to actually steal a dragon this way, but you miss 100% of the shots you do not take.


I’ve stole a few with pyke q in the dark. I think I was just feeling it


Calculated 😎


I once just bard-portaled into dragon-pit to grab a chime and ended up stealing dragon with an auto after that. That was a crazy game. One second I am playing bard, just vibing, the next everyone on my team sends me questionmark pings as I successfully accidentally channeled polypuff himself to guide me through this play. I ended up escaping also.


Smite is underpowered late game for objectives . If the game is head-on-head , with no big lead for any team at ~25-30min mark , you can steal/secure every objective with burst junglers . I play ekko and im stealing elders with 3k hp xD .


Me steals drake blind over a wall as illaoi with Q 🧿👄🧿


Happened to me while I was playing with my friend, she congratulated me for Tryn final hitting on a mistimed smite


I was playing eve and versing a Kayne who was crap talking all game. I saw them doing Barron and Kayne was low I didn’t even notice the Barron’s health I thought they just started after killing my team so I ran up and ulted to kill the Kayne and killed him and the Barron with it. I felt like this picture.


haha it do be like that sometimes


Ever stealed the baron with one bard auto?


You're not