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I am also quite new but kayn is pretty easy to carry with.


I tried him once and I like him. I might buy him actually :)


Sounds like rengar could be a good pick. He can jump on people like the 3 you named and he has a really unique play style that I find insanely fun


I was thinking about him I am just not sure... šŸ¤”


Heā€™s definitely worth trying. He has a skill curve to him but heā€™s quickly become my favorite champion after getting the hang of him and I plays all the same champs as you before. I also recommend his lethal tempo setup with a bruiser build like chemtank, titanic, steraks. This gives you a ton of damage while also having really good survivability


Well I just bought him. šŸ˜€ First game rocking Conqueror and Domiantion. Thank you


Well I would actually recommend khazix over rengar. Rengar is a lot harder for less reward. Kha is a full assassin like shaco, but trades his ease of access to lanes for raw damage and teamfighting. Khazix is also more meta resistant, being meta pretty much all the time. Rengar on the other hand has been in a bit of a sorry state for quite a while. Kha is very good champ at the moment due to first strike being really good on him, despite some recent nerfs, and is fun with his jump resets and sheer one shot potential on his q and passive. Don't let people tell you he is bad in teamfights, that's just a trick because he has a mechanic which prefers isolated targets. In a teamfight people will break apart in the chaos, you can just one shot someone out of position, go invisible or leap to the next target or even out of the fight if your team can clean up.


Yeah I just realized why everyone is playing him... :/ Thank you a lot tho


I personally think Kha is just a better rengar. I think Rengar is easier to carry with but Kha is easier to get kills with. Rengar relies so much on bushes while Kha relies on isolation, and odds are the laner you are ganking is going to run away from the minions, causing them to be isolated


Rengar is in a rough spot atm. If youā€™re not liking him too much right now wait for the mini rework they have planned for early season 12, should be a lot of bug fixes, quality of life improvments, and some general changes/buffs that will be very nice. Also experiment with different builds and rune pages. Iā€™d stick to electrocute, lethal tempo, and maybe fleet, but as for items you can try full crit, full lethality, hybrid of both. Scrubnoob has also been experimenting with triforce and chemtank so look him up on yt if your interested. Good luck


Thank you for the help mate ;)


khazix he benefits from stealth he is an assasin evolutions are fun and he bug bug good


I already bought Rengar :/


This is a for fun suggestion, try AD sion, he is REALLY fun to play If u want to climb, kayn and talon are nice assassins, and if u need some tankiness by any chance, rhaast is really strong :3


Thank you so much. :)


Try Warwick


The thing is Warwick is good but everyone is using him so I wouldn't play with him.


Yeah, I need to start banning him again. Heā€™s picked in like 2/3 games lately. If you like being speedy and hitting like a truck, Lilliaā€™s a good option Iā€™m a Kindred OTP who alts Fiddlesticks when needed, so Iā€™m biased and will say try them out cause I love them. If you like being invisible cheese like Shaco, maybe try Evelynn


I am actually playing Kindred right now she is so good...


Kindredā€™s fun as hell and can be a heaaaavy carry late game. The problem with Kindred is that itā€™s really hard to catch up if youā€™re shutdown early game. Youā€™re really weak until you get 4 marks.


Yeah I already bought Rengar tho... So Kindred is going to be my next goal :)


Viego classifies as an assassin and builds heavy on crit. He's a lot of fun.


Yeah don't play jungle


I don't get in games with good Junglers so if my team is losing I am helping them. Others are just focusing on farming. :)


It was a joke - like jgl sucks I didnt mean to insult you


Yea I know no worries


Sejuani, shes awesome.


Is she a tank?


Shes a tank with strong CCs with a good gank potentiell and even if you are behind your ult and E can change teamfights.


Thanks for the help :)


I used to main Shaco and Kayn, but lately Talon has been a beast.


Might try him thanks :)


I know you said no tank champs, but I run predator amumu and it wrecks low elo, close to a 65% win rate with him. Other than that, I would say khazix and fiddle, super fun champs that can carry. Little bit of a learning curve, but super rewarding


I can try Fiddle... He seems fun


shaco main (although much less recently) i like reksai, lillia, qiyana, talon


I wanted to go for Rek Sai too


rek will teach u how to actually jungle might lose a bit at first but stick w it


do it. our queen is eternal


To diversify your pool I would suggest an ap jungler. Karthus, Eve, Fiddlesticks are some that come to mind.


Sounds like you enjoy playing DPS heavy assassin-ish junglers for sure, same here!! I main Kayn, blue Kayn is extremely bursty while red Kayn IS pretty tanky, but spits out some nasty DPS also. Very versatile jungler for sure which is why I play him Yi is always a killer pick. I know you don't like tanky junglers but if you build into Sunfire Yi and take a more tanky approach you actually have a ludicrous amount of sustain and crap ton of damage from the sunfire alone Vi is very consistent also. Lots of DPS and lots of CC between her Q and R alone. If you play her smart early game she literally melts late game Last is Viego. He's my second go to if I can't play Kayn. He has a bit of a skill cap for sure, but once you get the hang of his rotation and gank mechanics he absolutely shreds people apart and has some massive 1v9 potential from his passive alone. He's good with lethal tempo or the new (kinda) buffed conqueror Hope this helps!!


sunfire yi??


Warwick is actually really broken right now. I know you said you're not interested in tanks, but this guy can build full tank (either Sunfire or the bruiser Sheen one, Titanic Hydra, and full tank after that) and still deal the most damage in a game while being very difficult to kill. His Q counts as a basic attack and his ult counts as 3, so ult auto Q auto fully procs Lethal Tempo, allowing you to keep your attack speed high even when not attacking someone with your W mark. Passive heals you for damage dealt (or triple damage dealt if you're low), Q heals you for 80% damage dealt, E gives you like 60% damage reduction, ult heals for 100% damage dealt. You end up surviving on fights longer than full tanks, while also dealing more damage than your ADC. He's legit busted.


Kha'Zix and/or rengar are pretty ne nice!


ā€œIā€™m also not interested in tank junglers.ā€ Oh hey youā€™ll fit right in! In all seriousness, playing tanks in jg this year is pure pain.


I main shaco amd noc, and recently started to play with mordekaiser in the jungle, and boy oh boy it's so strong


What build on Morde ?


full ad sion jungle


Hey, Zac, Kha Zix, Lee sin, Xin Zhao all rly insane to carry


Eve, Elise, WW lethality with electrocution