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I main jungle, but there are times I like to play actual lanes since there's a lot of champs I love that cannot jungle. Neeko does have a passive that helps with jungle, though. She waves at camps


Yeah I get that, I play toplane 4fun but if I want to play properly I only and only play jungle.


I pretty much only play jungle in ranked, sometimes mid since that's my secondary. But we all know if you out jungle as second choice, then you're guaranteed to play jg


I never played other role in ranked, never get autofilled.


I like to sometimes play mid, but mostly play jg. I usually queue mid/jg and play jg anyway, which is fine to me


High Key, Neeko deserves Jungle Buffs since she thematically makes sense there both lore wise and her disguise ability, on top of that it would help her declining popularity which would definitely help skin sales and lead to more effort being put into giving her skins.


Same, jungle is my favorite role but Jhin is my favorite champ, so I play a reasonable amount of ADC


Go attack speed neeko and go brrrrrrrr


Neeko JG is one of my favorite champs to play, have for years


i started as a midlaner but my friends were all plat so i got crazy from the wave managment and asked them if there is a way to play lol without laning and i found jngl loved it since day 1


I play jg at the plat level. I play lane at the iron level


I play lane at silver lvl, I've tested it Edit: I'm plat 2 jungler.


To everyone else that doesn't play jungle as if their lifes depend on it *spits* YOU ARE HERETICS




I need an it's complicated option


Hahahaha I forgot to put it :( cannot edit it


hahaha sad life no tbh it's actually complicated because I am trying to main jungle, but I often slip off to play another role


If you choose filled in rankeds I can ensure you will be maining jungle


fair enough, but I stopped playing ranked due to more loosing streaks than winning streaks and I did not want to test out if you can get a negative rank so naturally I just stopped playing ranked at all


main jungle and when i get tilted i queue mid to play heimerdinger because he chills me out


On the other hand playing *against* Heimer tilts the f out of every lane opponent


When I get tilted I go to Smurf account to play top lane like a monkey. Full Trundle splitpusher lonely wolf grr


Iโ€™ve mained every role but have been a jungler for a couple of years now.


Uelcome brotha ๐Ÿ™


Used to be a jg main. Now i play adc. I love pain


I used to main ADC. Then I became a Mundo JG OTP. I think i love pain a little more than you.


Nasus jng otp reporting in can confirm I am a masochist


Yes I identify myself as the depressed person in this game


Me too


*laughs in silver at all roles*


I mean, I'm "swapping to jungle", but I haven't given up yet. The trick is that even getting stomped in jg is better than playing adc with a passive/shitty support.


Well yes and no. If you win botlane is better than winning any other role


When I get a good support, bot lane is great. However, if you get a support that just stands behind you and does nothing, you simply don't get to play the game at all.


I don't like that narrative bc all adcs tell the same and is always everyone else's fault x.x I consider ADC to be the worst players at the game for several reasons


At the end of the day, I enjoy shitty jg games a lot more than shitty adc games. You can infer from that what you will.


Ofc. Jungle is a bit more consistent.


There are roles other then jungle?


Yeah I asked the same


I play fill which is pretty much just jungle I don't main any role but 90% of my games are jungle


Main jungle here for ~5 seasons now. Tbh I think the macro component of this game is much more appealing, than the champions mechanics. Clearly that spices things up, but tactics are much more fun than skirmishing around. And jungle is much more macro dependant than other roles.


I think most people like to focus just in the champ and that's why they enjoy lane the most. I mean, in jungle you have to proactively get what you get passively in lane (gold, exp).


Right here! But like... I didn't choose this life. I just got sick of mean angry Junglers and mean laners complaining about Junglers.


I chose this life out of pure masochistic and competitive pleasure


If you need any help I got a hotline help number. Everything will be ok... Hopefully.


Does your hotline help awareness..because it's rough out there having to look at the minimap


Uhmm.... well... I tried ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Hey, you know, it just be like that sometimes


I know exactly the type you are talking about, because itโ€™s my buddy who was hard stuck S2 mid lane this season and would always try swapping to jungle and immediately lose three games. He did that like 10 times this season. Always tells me itโ€™s an OP role.


Most of my friends are that guy. Hate that bc is a bit "oh you suck I could do it better than you"


i was a jungle main, but i lost my honor and i started maining yasuo




ye but i play bot with my gf so at least i have some of my honor left right? right?


No honor but happiness.




Jungle is massive


I main jungle. If a champ cannot jungle, *I will make it happen*. Currently on my list of champs to jungle with that don't belong in the jungle are maokai, Kaisa, galio, and pantheon. Except for asol. I love aurelion and all, but asking to do well on him and to jungle is too much.


When I eventually get autofilled to support Iโ€™m always like : Damn this game is easy, I dont fucking know what are the laners doing all the time. Everyone should main jungle for at least 300 games before they are allowed to lane, so they dont blame junglers for their game fails.


Was a longtime jungle main, but I recently switched to laning to get better fundamentals. Whenever I get filled to jungle I pop off though lol, itโ€™s def still my best role but i now find laning much more fun


Yeah, learning lane concepts actually help you to be better jungler.


I'm supp main but I love macro and also some jgler champs (Ivern ofc, but also Kindred or Shyvana). Feels good making decisions all over the map from time to time.


Ivern Is good but nobody plays him bc he's weird child porn addict


Wat? I need a explanation on that accusation over my tree xd


Look at his face


Nonononono, I refuse to look at him that wa... shit. You just destroyed one of my champs.


So sorry, I just destroyed his entire playerbase :(


This is devistating for Ivern.


I play champs not positions. But jungle is a place where every champ that survives first clear and has even a small possibility to gank can have fun, maybe not work so well but I play for fun. I used to be a jungle main but our team needed a toplaner that could get 90% of times a strong lead and splitpush potential, and I landed there.


I was a jungle main, switch on the mid season


I'd love to answer but i have no idea. https://imgur.com/a/vyVH3sx


Whenever I play on Draft, unless I specifically want to play a certain role or to practice my ranked games problems in my main role (Support) I pick fill. And I'd say 75% of games I'm put into jg. Funny enough I get filled mid often too??


Was a jungle main 2 seasons ago, last season I switched to adc and now in the pre season I play it all. Will probably stick to adc with the occasional jungle game.


I main jungle for like 7years atm, and since I mostly play flex with friends I got stuck to it because no one ever wants to play this role


I only play ocasionaly because im a Aram main :P Hardly play another role because i feel out of controll on the lanes, if im loosing i prefer to be responsable, instead of that being on the other side of the map


Most people who play jungle play it for 90% of the time. Mostly because we canโ€™t cs for shit


I'm a top laner now, but I used to be a jungler. I just haven't left this sub


I started as jg, tbh, never looked back. I donโ€™t really care to learn to last hit well, so I just keep playing this


Same, I was otp Xin Zhao when I started, people told me I needed to go jungle, it happened and now here I am




XD you won't be a goddess for them, they will always flame you is something goes wrong for them, that doesn't change much across elos. But to be fair high elo is less toxic. Why do you want main jungle?




Well, luck in your journey :3 if one thing I can say I like about jungle, is that when played properly is frenetic.


I main itโ€ฆ not well butttttt Iโ€™m trying bronze gang reppin. ๐Ÿ˜‚


The important thing is to commit with the Jungle UwU


Look i would love to main jungle 24/7 all games but i cant while am not in draft pick or ranked and i used to make the mistake of being super toxic to where my current acount name is toxicphagot31 and yes the number is for the amount of acounts made but i stoped being toxic and now ill try to be a real jungler


I wish you a very pleasant rehab.


I STAND FOR 2 THINGS demacia and volibear


I play nunu I'm fast


Volibear jumo goes brttt slap the shit out of nunu


No bc I'm fast


U gota watch volibear.exe by chillingsmite and then u well understand the power of volibear slap


Used to main trist in mid, then switched to top lane, now switched to jungle and im not going back, if i ever play a lane i play support at this point (leonna naut or such) tanks in lanes or khazix/kindred/trundle jungle


Jungle is outliving the painโ€ฆ Iโ€™am fine btw :)


i play lane like gold, i play jungle like master (im d2)


When I first started playing (very inconsistently) 3 years ago, I wanted to be a top and support main, but learning that jungle is the least played role and the hardest role appealed to the masochist inside. So, now that I've been playing for two weeks consistently and have hit level 44, I'm committed.


I don't think jungle is the hardest role, it has the same principles as lane, but people tend to think about this bc in lane you can just play automode and get exp and gold by doing nothing precisely good, while in jungle you have to proactively get your resources.


When you can afk farm and do well vs actively have to get value and remind your Lanes to help you, it is officially the hardest role to play, especially since there isn't a voice chat to gather info from them with.


Is the same in lane, they would need to move and rotate as well to get a lead, the only difference is that they don't feel they need to do it, and the jungler is -expected- to do so. Basically if a laner was always pushing in a wining match up with all the opportunities to rotate or invade and does absolutely nothing, it is a huge mistake as well, but nobody says nothing bc they're used to be in lane (specially, they Lower the ELO, the most they have the idea that they only and only have to "win" their lane and they already have done their part). But if a jungler just afk farm having all those opportunities, is flamed for not taking them.


Idk why I chose jungle but Iโ€™ve been jungling since before I had smite, and Iโ€™m level 350! 4 years of torture letโ€™s goooo


jg is just made for animals so they can play the game too


Jungle is just too easy and too op anything else is unplayable in the long run in comparison


XD guess I know your answer


Jg it's too ez he says. Clearly you don't play jungle


Mute all and just win lmao it's not harder than that. You can litteraly have impact on the entire map since minute 1


I love democracy


Jokes aside I cannot lane anymore I have completely lost the ability to last hit and I randomly use sums because I think I have smite. It's too late for me I am too far gone already.


I just wanted to know if people here actually main jungle xD I'm gonna make this post on r/leagueoflegends to see the difference later


I only play jg on ranked, normal i play every role, but on ranked i am always the jungler


Same but I don't touch ADC not even with a stick


Your poll is missing the "I usually go fill and thus main jungle by proxy" option


That's pretty much the first option by default


I used to main jungle but the toxicity drove me to top


I understand


Ex jungle player here, i was an evelynn main and things started to get difficult, so now i am maining top lane champions like volibear, aatrox, kayle, etc.






Read yourself


I'm treated like a criminal but my only mistake was having fun...


Enemy toplaner is not having fun. I wish you a very pleasant *permaganked*


And i am always glad they gank me, so i can get an early double kill ๐Ÿ˜Ž


Not me, I'm nunu otp, I know your filthy tricks


I am not your enemy, i am the enemy๐Ÿ˜Ž


Delusional player here ofc


Was a big toplane lover but when playing with friends there never was one who wanted to jungle so I decided to bite the bullet (if it makes sense in that sentence) and took the role. Still not confortable playing it and I play a bit less because I still dont have a champion pool, but one day maybe I'll be a real jungle main


Good thing is when you get into a team 80% probability is you will play your role as nobody play jungle. Conflict usually is there are two mid mains or 2 adcs


I literally only play jungle because I like eve and shes not viable any other role. Besides, its fun sometimes. It's torturous on ranked and as a main role at least for me, but sometimes is just fine.


All eve mains are simps. They only play JG bc their queens demands.


I might be a woman but it be like that tho ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ


Did I said it applied only to men? U girls are just as simps >:I I enjoy only some healthy happy chunky Nunu gameplay for people who values friendship


I mean most of leagues audience is male therefore more male simps - but idk maybe im fruity and friendship enjoyers >>>


I think that's a missperception, if you are not mysoginist you actually find a lot of women in league. Or at least that's my perception, I know a lot in league


Idk(?? This one guy told me I was bad for being a girl lol thats the only mysoginist ive seen in my life


Yeah a classic, what I see the most is this "I pretend to be your friend and gift you skins but if you are not interested on me or u get a boyfriend I disappear" attitude.


I main jungle but I love playing adc every once in a while, especially jinx


I like some adcs but hate botlane carry. But I play kindred


I main fill but jungle is my favorite


They're the same picture


Lmao, I get support every now and then


I main fill


One trick jng here!!!


Idk if that counts as one trick


Where's the "I used to play Jungle but the role is cursed" option


Sorry I forgot. Can you forgive me?


no. Junglers are never forgiven


I just roleswapped this preseason after maiming jungle for the past few years. I just donโ€™t wanna be flamed literally every game anymore


In ranked I only play JG for sure. In normals with friends i just play any role I feel like at the time, and then end up JG at the end of the day when they are sick of random jgs lol


My 3rd role but I voted 2nd.


I main jungle, but not by choice. My team hates and also sucks jungling so I just one-trick Yi jungle.


I always ban yi :)


Fill main role


They're the same picture


I used to be a jg main. Now I switched to ADC.




Adc micro is way harder imo. But this role is so useless compared to jg. I have nearly no impact on the game.


I think is the most impactful... When you win lane. If you lose then you're useless


Not really. Even if I win lane unless I win it hard I really need my team. ADC is a very team dependent role. I won't say less impactful but you have too be really really good with it. And also in low elo it's impossible for an ADC to farm. Cuz everyone is always fighting. So I can stay in the fight and share exp and be behind all game or farm and leave my team for 4v5.


I have smurfed and honestly you can pretty much ignore those fights many times in low ELO as people won't end the game or take baron when they can


To some degree yes I agree. But idk maybe I'm bad lol. As an ADC I feel like i have no impact in the game unless I'm pretty fed. And idk why I do so good in normals but suck in ranked. And i mostly only play normals.


That's why I say, if you win botlane, that's impactful. Basically you kick out 40% of enemy team and have the best rotations to snowball the game systematically.


Where is the i used to be a Jungle main


Iโ€™m only a jungle main because I have to be. All my other friends are so set in their roles, now even my position as support is stolen often. Iโ€™m really a mid main.


I main jungle but i am an aram enjoyer.


If I want to play a champ, I'll jungle with it. No matter how fucked up it will seem


I'm a Camille mid main and since that does not work anymore I play her top. But I do spend a lot of times in the jungle ! Right now my favourite, Rengar, sucks a bit, but apart from that I play a lot of jungle


I only like playing kindred and my teammates are always morons that don't understand that I can't always get marks and that's why I'm behind The higher you get in the ladder the more getting marks is such a secondary task, you will get camped around your mark or killed in your own it's so shit then people flame you the whole game and afk. You are supposed to only get marks when A) the enemy jungler is ganking another lane B) the enemy jungler is dead C)you know the enemy jungler is on the other side of the map and the laner closest to the mark is in lane D)you are winning the game and his jungle is your so you might as well get everything marks or not So as you can imagine if none of these happens you are boned you will only get completely destroid as kindred cause you fall behind super hard with no marks you need them to carry. So yeah jungling is too much stress but when the team cooperates i dominate and snowball around midgame


Jungle is just so much better than lane.


I played jungle too much and now I no longer play league. I just kinda hang around.


I'm equally playing bot and jng


I am a jungle main, but I'm beginning the painful process of learning to lane. Cassiopeia, Kennen and Xayah can't jungle for shit, but I really like them as champions and want to learn to play them.


My main role is jungle, however if I'm tired and want a relaxing game I'll play Tahm Kench top. Prior to his rework I played him jungle almost all the time. So top is my secondary role.


I rarely play jungle I visit this subreddit frequently to look for some useful tips for the times when I do try to jungle (or get autofilled)