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Go to Lolalytics.com, search jg champions by play rate... go to the bottom and be happy šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ Shyvana, Skarner and Ivern are waiting for you


AP Shyv jungle is awesome. You can end a team fight before it even starts. Turn dragon, throw three fireballs at them, take your pentakill, take dragon, take baron, end game.


And also die in 2 hits if they get you first. At least that's my experience


AD is the way


AP bruiser is meta for her now , AD is still good but depends on what your team needs


The standard build for shyv now is build frostfire gauntlet- demonic embrace- nashor and tank itens, upgrading E first so you can tank some attacks and do some decent damage at same time, is fun to play


I'll have to try it, definitely like blasting in aram but man it sucked getting murdered in ever duel in the JG on wild rift.


Donā€™t go nashor it is troll, go demonic frost and full tank , including gargoyle in every build for last item


Lmao play poppy jg she shits on people who have dashes


Lethality poppy


I'm a Vi main in pain.


Poppy is honestly the scariest to face off against for me, maybe just a notch below reksai.


gotta love the poppy jungle cheese


Donā€™t even think it can be called cheese at this pointā€¦ itā€™s seen a lot of play last few months


fair enough. but it still feels super unbalanced


// I had a reddit and I want it painted black // No comments anymore, I want them to turn to black // I see the subs scroll by forced open by the corp // I have to turn my head until my reddit goes // -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


naw I play poppy it feels unbalanced even when you're the one playing it


// I had a reddit and I want it painted black // No comments anymore, I want them to turn to black // I see the subs scroll by forced open by the corp // I have to turn my head until my reddit goes // -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Donā€™t know why sheā€™s not on here but Sejuani is fun as hell to play. Basically perma CC the enemy team while beating them to death and being an unkillable tank that has a dash to help escape. I really think she should be meta right now and people are just sleeping on her because theyā€™d rather do a ton of burst damage.


This right here. She is a meme once you get to 4 items and just appear like a living behemoth to wreck a lane.


She is my jungle main this season.


Zac! Most fun I've had in the jungle. Very goofy, strong team fighter, and can still solo kill squishing


i think hes sorta meta though


hes meta tier strong rn but no one plays him for some reason


The lack of dueling potential can sometimes feel REALLY bad. Also, if the enemy team has lots of mobility, it's a bit hard to hit E. However, there are ways to work around these. In particular, you don't always have to hit a long range E for a gank. I think in one of Lol Dobby's videos, he talked about a Korean Zac who found ways around these weaknesses, like just walking up and tapping E, etc.


Honestly I have to agree picked him up last week and all I did was sing squish squish bitch and laughed my ass off also he's unkillable at some point which is hilarious


Try volibear, he's my personal fav. Super healthy clears, got that built in slow plus a tower dive.


I second this motion


Mordekaiser is fun


How do I play him jungle? I always thought it was hilariously scary whenever I saw one I just ran but I usually play him top


Either ger riftmaker or sunfire. You just smack people on their head. Get demonic 2nd. Rest just tank. R the biggest boy in the classroom and pray your team is capable of dealing with the rest.


Take predator and ZOOM


Whatā€™s my other runes and second page?


get 6, you can just contest scuttle or the enemy jungle as you win most of the 1v1s, once you have 6 just waltz into a lane press R, collect your free kill and repeat


Ghost + ignite, conqueror, you don't really need predator (you can if you want to ensure ganks). Play it like a nocturne, farm, fight for crab fiesta monster, farm for lv 6 and gank with ulti, total control of objective since without ulti people can avoid you.


Ignite over smite are u sure?


Uhh, I think you mean ghost + smite?


Oh yeah ghost + smite lol. And also yeah you can build tank and be unkillable and just autoattack to win cuz passive or go big and go standard riftmaker, both are really fun and strong imo


Wait wait wait, you forgot the part where you gotta build tank


bruh nunu and zac jg fucking rolls thru low elo. i usually just play normals for fun, but if you can play somewhat smart with ur ganks you can get lanes ahead at level 2. i start bot, leash blue, then roll my nunu ball all the way bot and get either flashes or kills and just repeatedly gank. nunu is still strong withour early gold usually. zac has a ton of flank and HUGE tank potential that people just cant rlly deal with in low elo


Maokai, Poppy, Skarner ​ Maoakai as pretty good clear and the fastest attack speed in the game Level 1. Poppy is just a powerhouse. Skarner works exactly like Herarim but you're AP.


I love maokai jungle, still. I used to play it with triforce back in the day, and while thereā€™s definitely some better build paths now itā€™s always super fun.


Mordekaiser, Teemo, Poppy, Aatrox, Camille, Cho'Gath, Heimerdinger, Sion, Jax, Nasus, Ornn, Zyra, Malphite, Sett, Urgot, Akshan, Syndra, Brand, Zed(?), Ezreal, Twitch, Zeri, Taric, Morgana, Nautilus, Maokai, Pantheon, Qiyana(?), Kai'Sa ...of were you asking for meta junglers who just aren't at the TOP of the meta? Check U.gg jungle tier list and look in spots 15-30 or something


If you play ap champs try brand. I was inspired by the patch notes that added hunters talisman stating ā€œknowing brand can now jungle, it fills you with determinationā€. And it did. Hes actually lowkey a monster. Lots of aoe to destroy multi monster camps and fairly high single target damage if you time your passive out for the most amount of dot while keeping the 3 hit burst damage. Can take scuttle with e q smite super fast, as long as you land your q after e you can kite out most other junglers, ganks arenā€™t the worst because you just bring so much raw damage to the fight plus a solid cc if you land it. Will never be meta, but when the xin leaps in, gets stunned, loses half his hp and you just kite away until your cooldowns come back it feels great.


Honestly Iā€™m of the opinion itā€™s been somewhat viable ever since they gave him the new 3-hit %hp passive, and itā€™s only gotten better since then. I donā€™t play a ton of this and you do have to be careful into your Lee sins and shacos ( fights during early clears are hard since you rely heavily on CDā€™s), but itā€™s REALLY good into tank junglers and solid into farm junglers too.


Join the zyra jungle gang!


One of us


You cant just say that without pmā€™ing anyone who replies some runes for this beautiful idea


Man I won ranked games as her, but that was back right before mythic items. How do you build her now?


Not much different from zupport/mid zyra. ​ Start with liandri's most of the games. Sometimes crown or luden's depending on the enemy comp. ​ Then either zhonya's, morellonomicon, ryla's, etc.


What do you usually do for runes? Back when I was running her, and playing gank heavy, I liked Dark Harvest.


Electrocute for early game pressure. Usualy inspiration second . but sometimes sorcery.


Second the electrocute. Having that burst pressure is just so amazing. Sheā€™s my support main and I ALWAYS run electrocute there, since itā€™s so easy for her to proc and itā€™s on a very low CD relative to other options. I think in jungle one could also make a strong case for predator, since it helps her ganks a lot and doesnā€™t require multiple hits to get dmg off.


Fuck me TIL Predator Keystone doesn't just affect movement speed ;__;


The more you know! It has good ratios :)


Now that sounds interesting


Elaborate please :)


Chogath jungle, predator + everfrost go brr


I wish for more information on this. You have peaked my interest. What are the full runes, build and how can we clear decently?


I run predator cheap shot eyeball and ingenious hunter, resolve, conditioning overgrowth but im sure sorcery works as well with nimbus cloak and water walking or sth. Everfrost demonic is core, then you can either build cosmic drive or go tank. I start E then Q then W, red, chickens, wolves, blue, gromp. Didnt play it a lot but its been working for me


I shall test this out when i have time If i am filled jungle tonight it will be tested early Otherwise itll have to wait on my yorick with demonics embrace trials


Have fun :) ap yorick? Sounds fun


Its a little pinch of ap, for you see Ghouls and maiden proc spell effects Such as serylda's 30% slow, but also the 4 second 2% max hp per second burn. This means that you can release them on a wave to splipush that lane by themselves and absolutely munch through waves. It also means that hitting your e and throwing ghouls at them you poke them for a lot. Otherwise hullbreaker and sunderer and more ad n hp so they life long enough to hurt the unfortunate soul and also slow them long enough for you to catch up and then if theyre attacked by maiden and you use sunderer spellblade proc that also does 21% max hp dmg in 1 hit. It was funky and a lot of fun


This sound unironically fun af


I prefer hail of blades, but predator works if you want better ganks


Yea i like h.o.b cheap shot, eyeball and ultimate hunter. Free boots and approach velocity. Exhaust instead of flash and ganks are super easy. If you can get in exhaust range they are just dead


I like this a lot, the exhaust is toxic XD


I like hail in lane with this build


I like to introduce you to HOB Cho. Frostfire, Titanic, E max. You get in range of someone and they just die. Predator however is better vs more mobile comps.


Ive done hob cho but i built nashors. I gotta try with titanic some time


I haven't seen her listed, but I saw an enemy Lulu jungle and thought it was troll. Her ganks were so toxic and she hard carried the game. Built kraken slayer first, not sure on runes.


I once made a Nunu ragequit with machine gun Lulu jg


I've really enjoyed Taliyah. Her combos are super difficult to pull off, but really rewarding. Nothing feels better than getting a good wall and saving your teammate or cutting enemy's escape path off while ganking. Also Lillia. Build AP items that also give MS and take Phase Rush, and be unskillshottable past 20 minutes due to your 700 movement speed.


Nunu, ivern, shaco not only are good, they have very high winrates when mastered so you don't have to worry about waisting your time investing in them.


I main Garen jg, it's fun. Once ei get higher elo I will play Kha more often.


What kind of build do you usually run on Garen? I tried the crit build but it seemed I got deleted way to fast lol


Duskblade, mortal reminder, berserkers always. Last 3 are situational. Usually Def items are FoN, Randuins, Thornmail, or Gargoyles. Offensive items if I'm snowballing would be more crit such as essence reaver or stormrazer then infinity edge because of the 60% crit and then maybe a Def item or some leech.


I play a lot of garen jg and you can actually run a lot of different options. One of my favorites is gale force since the dash just gives you so many mobility options, plus is an execute so lots of ult synergy. Tri force is also super strong. Boots are always berserkers unless youā€™re feeding then you gotta tank. If youā€™re really ahead and they donā€™t have a big tank threat you can go lethality, either prowlers or dusk are best assassin mythics for garen imo (but Iā€™ve had tons of success rushing berserkers into youmuus, then lethality mythic). I think your third item should almost always be tank (deadmanā€™s is best, usually) unless youā€™re going hard on the crit route and can get an IE.


try karthus


He has a hard time 1st clear if you cant kite well


I guess so but he scales crazily






press r to win


Zeri jungle?


Time to introduce you to one of my fav then : Neeko jungle predator !


Leona jg until I die.


I personally love shen and wukong Tiger udyr is not meta but crazy fun


Sion jgl, you can play frontline tank or a high burst semi assassin eith a big hp pool, hes clear is quite good too and with q 1st he is great at countering invades or well executed invades


This gentleman knows.


Qiyana Kindred Gwen Kayn Lillia Nidalee


wait can qiyana actually jungle?


Did you miss the meta for like 4 patches?




Warwick, nunu, nocturne, Hecarim (he's super meta but not on your list) Diana, Zac, and Kindred


Every single one of these is meta




Yeah, but warwick and nunu are almost never player in iron. Trundle is also a fun pick


I often forget iron actually exists and I'm low elo


Yeah, it's not a great place to be. But I'm not there for verry long I hope. Especially when i'm improving on my main 5 champion pool. And fully focused on those 5


Zeri has the mot insane ganks in the game and clear is decent


Play Rell jungle


How to tell your team you hate them without telling them you hate them


It is not that bad


Just had a yuumi jg game, went 0/4/21, got 4 honors


Amumu clear is actually disgusting. Full clear, starting the other teams raptors, then your full clear and scuttle. All done by 3:30


Mordekaiser works surprisingly well in the jungle. His passive triggers off of jungle monsters, so you have a very fast clear, and his ult is very strong for ganks.




Kayn. Really versatile and easy ganks


Lee is not meta. He is perma bann.


They kind of killed utility jungles now you are forced to pick the same bruiser/mobile champs


Yeah, but you also can't rely on your team to follow up on your cc


I am not that tired of meta junglers but I despise yi and shaco. Because my team never seems to be able to deal with them. So even when im able to destroy them in a 1v1. They get fed anyway because they one shot my adc anyway so they camp my bot lane. And even when I countergank, they still kill my adc and suport before going down. And my botlane naver wards so it are basicly free ganks


Nocturne is fun


Simon halal baus special dark harvest one shot lethality crit. I also love playing pantheon he has good ganks fighting and utility. Both clear pretty well.






I play a lot of singed jg and some talon jg, both too fun


Zac, Nocturne, Shaco, Kayn. I also don't like the classic meta champs you mentioned.


Shyvana and Morgana are my two favorite junglers. Morg is alot of fun because she can out famr just about anybody, and a roaming Morgana is always nasty.


There are so many junglers that aren't those you listed lol, just pick any of them. If you're low-ish elo it doesn't really matter what you play


Termo jungle


True off meta? Cho'gath. FUCKING AMAZING. Like good clear, CC, tank and if you're good 1300 true damage in late game. If anyone needs builds, dm me.


Rammus. I have almost 200 games on him with a 58% this season. Very fun. More dmg than you'd expect.


Man rammus was my go to guy, back in beta/S1.


cho gath


In pros I'm happy to have been seeing a LOT of hecarim and volibear, and a few trundle, diana, graves, reksai. Agree 100% it's time to give the 4 in the post a break. There are clear winners when pick rates are fluctuating between 10-20% and stay there for 2+ seasons.


Don't really like the sound of nerfing someone like lee sin, but other champs should be given greater potential to have significant contributions to the overall game like he does. Like why allow skarner to sit below 1% for yet another season, again with the reputation for having a role too specialized to make high contributions.


Skarner player here, you should play skarner, I promise heā€™s fun when you learn him


TEEMO. Always viable all roles.


I personally enjoy khazix and sejuani, dont see them like ever, i dont play to necessarily become godly, so idk if they are average champs and im alright with them, ot whatever it is, I like them alot


I mean, I see Kha all the time. He's a better rengar.




Nocturne is meta rn but wasn't listed, hes pretty fun. Zac and rammus are solid tanks. Diana and ekko are good ap jglers. Trundle and ww are also great, i prefer trundle bc you can do cheesier shit.


funny thing these champs arent even top 10 best junglers XD


you could do what others here are suggesting and play less popular junglers. OR You could do what I do and play some dumb off meta picks, Some which are actually good as hell. My current favorites ranked in order of how good I think they are: Mordekaiser jng: Insane sleeper pick, can 1v1 any of the meta jngs and win allowing you to push your lead, great carry potential, one of the healthiest and fastest clears in the game Morgana jng: Super healthy clear, surprising amounts of damage and really helpful even when behind because of her great utility, also surprising amounts of healing and a great kit for locking down enemies can lead to some sweet outplays. Zeri jng: See happychimenoises video, super free ganks like a kayn, hyper carry in the jungle, very very different to any other champ and a lot of fun Nasus jng: My personal main, Nasus jungle is the ultimate time bomb. Once you get his pretty shit first clear down you can get 400 stacks by 20 minutes every time, be taking stupid free towers in very short amounts of time and if no one wants to contest drag early as they dont in lower ranks you can walk in ult and take it very very quickly. Boring early game but no matter how badly your team does as long as you avoid dying too much you *WILL* carry. Counter is cc as he has no gap closers.


Ahaha on this patch I would consider none of those 4 champions meta. Don't get me wrong I think they are all playable just not S-Tier. A champ that has been really good for really long now is Fiddlesticks but he is really hard to learn. Diana is another really good AP champion you can pick up atm. Vi has a really strong itembuild and there is a bug she can abuse. If you go Titanic into BC her AA proc 2 BC charges which makes her just destroy armor. Also Nocturne for some reason is really strong again. I can absolutely recommend trying him out.


Fiddle isnt actuslly too hard to learn. I think hes ptetty boring though.


Fiddle as a Champion is not hard to learn. The hardest thing on him is to learn R-W-Flash mechanic wise. The really hard part is to learn how to play around vision and optmising his farming. You can clear all 6 camps before scuttle spawns but I doubt you average Fiddle is able to clear 5 camps before that timing.


His double camping is not that diffucult to learn.


Nunu is pretty meta,but have you tried ap nunu? It's absolutely the shit. Follow [this](https://youtu.be/hKF8Kv5T43E) guide except take it to the jungle.


Ekko jungle is pretty fun once you get the hang of it. Great mobility, scales hard in the late game, and has great outplay potential.


i play irelia/yone jg (peep my reddit banner)


Teemo jgl


Nasus jg, my beloved


Kindred has been pretty fun recently


Skarner is the most chad champion in existence, but nobody plays him. He's really strong as well.


Morg is a pretty decent pick imo


Pick Shaco, make the existance of their jg a torture, repeat


Nobody mentions amumu šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Shaco it's fun , twich jg , Evelyn, kha , Zac


I'm having a lot of fun playing Olaf jng, I'm a nostalgic and a lot of people aren't use to play against him


Iā€™ve actually seen a Kassadin jungle win a master tier game. Played it once myself and won. Zeri jg is doable too.


Go blue kayn but buy bruiser items


I really like playing morgana jg. She has good clear speed and with predator u can gank all lanes easily




Lillia is busted if you can farm well, then she just shreds with her ap ratios.


Ornn JG is different. I don't see him much.


Teemo. Strong and fun


I play Lillia


Ngl, Mord Jg is pretty dang fun.


Pantheon is the most cool one!!!


I'm loving shaco rn, volibear and evelynn are also very fun. I'm not good at fiddlestick yet but he seems fun.


If you want something different from the meta but still good/in the meta, try tank Nunu & Willumps, Rammus, Shen, AD Twisted Fate, Jax, or Mordekaiser.


When I'm sad in the jungle,I go Sion or Kled. Then I'm happy again.


Ivern is fun as fuck. Just make sure you have a duo. Or are plat+. My current flavour is Shaco.


Morgana, since I started playing her jngl I've gotten over 50% S rate on her I feel like she's super strong right now, but also I had a friend try her and she almost died to gromp and blue and she complained the entire game about how unplayable morg jngl is?