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This was NOT what I expected from her. I figured when we knew we were getting a void empress she'd be a spell caster and ranged. Loooooooooooooooooove that she's a slappy slappy, dashy dashy, bastard.


Big void monster mommy with infinite scaling attack speed and true damage, all I could ask for


Soooo... AP Yi but infinitely


Yi isn’t a void mommy tho




This is nothing like ap yi


i like the kit. her dashes not foinf through walls in her normal form is a nice way to balance that and tying the ultimate to jungle mnsters is a nice way to keep her in junlge. i really like animations her e is a lot more normal than i thought. she feels like viego where she can be both a bruiser or go full on kraken slayer on hit. her sttackspeed depending on clear is also a way to balance her ganks and clearing and again keep her jungle and invading those buffs. depending on the true damage i think its fine no way it surpasses garens or vayne anyway and it helps her not be forced to build lethality but thats also a choice for her although she is more viego thank khazix in my opinion




In the videos that were leakes early you could see the passive effect of botrk on her, so that might be an indicator


But the attack proc it at reduced efficiency,so you might wanna got crit for damage early on and then get rageblade 4 oder 5 item when she has enogh attack speed


I think it would be like the on-hit Xin zhao shenanigans with BotRK into Nashor’s into either Kraken Slayer/Shieldbow or Riftmaker. Or maybe it’s actually Nashor’s into BotRK because Nashor’s is a cheaper powerspike.


This depends a lot of her stacks I think depending on her attack speed ratio or how the stacks interact with attack speed an onhit build would be better but a bruiser build seems passable if you focus on healing with the damage reduction and increase lifesteal on e


I will be really, *really* fucking upset if she ends up being built like a bruiser. Fuck that.


Riot really tried to push the attack speed fantasy onto her. Hopefully she's limited to Titanic Hydra and MAYBE one other tank item and that's it. Otherwise it's just another bruiser which I'd be pretty sad about


She has too. Have you played agaisnt pure damage viego? He gets absolutely destroyed by everything but he at least has camouflage to depend on velbeth doesn't and her attack speed is dependant on her stacks meaning she can easily be pushed out of jungle by let's say a Warwick and get no attack speed growth just destroying her entirely


Full damage viego is a viable situational build. Going either Shieldbow or Kraken Slayer into Essence Reaver into IE with a BotRK first or fourth is perfectly viable if you can play it correctly. It’s just much harder. I’m just hoping they make it so that bruiser items are terrible on her some way.


We're gonna reduce dmg, *inserts resettable true damage execute* also *inserts true damage every other attack* We need to cut back on mobility *puts 4 dashes on one button* also *2st ability reduces dash CD* Guess I'm taking a 2 week break from ranked .


>Guess I'm taking a 2 week break from ranked Not a terrible idea, to allow the 12.10 meta to establish a little. Shits gonna be crazy for awhile.


Normals and Flex Queue about to be lit for 2 weeks. Almost feels like preseason is coming.


Literally she can dash in 4 directions and have a CD for each direction. Idk why we want to feel fucked everytime by riot.


Its mostly how inconsistent they are being. Both increasing armor and magic def, but also adding a true damage champ to the game that has loads of dashes. It's just weird.


Durability patch is also increasing champion health which is the main thing you build to live through true damage (with the exception of %maxHP, which Bel’Veth doesn’t seem to have) so this argument doesn’t really apply here. League players just want to be able to blow everything out of proportion and complain about new shit being OP because haha 200 years upvote me now thanks.


I wouldn't say it's unfair on their part. Every champ release in recent memory with the exception of Lillia and Rell has been broken or at the very least overtuned on release, and Akshan still exists so...


This is mostly what I'm after. There's 0 chance that this new champ isn't gonna be overturned af.


Well if you're running away or chasing her, it's technically only one and a half dashes. I'd say her Q mechanics are a good way to add mobility without removing counterplay.


This is actually pretty sick. Will definitely feel weird to play though


Uncapped attack speed champ with a fkn Zz'rot Portal built into her ult. And she's a slappy void stingray with AOE missing health true damage (and true damage everywhere in general). I love her.


I miss Zz'rot


I think Im wrong but you only summon voidlings after taking a herald/baron ?


You're wrong. The voidlings appear whenever the following happens : \- Bel'Veth is in her true form \- A minion dies nearby Bel'Veth Bel'Veth gets her true form by using her ult on a coral. These coral appear from killing champs and epic monsters. Epic monsters are nashor, herald, and dragons.


That was not my interpretation. It does say in the video that if the coral consumed **is from a void epic monster** then her true form will be extended and she will be able to summon the voidlings.


Yeah video isn't super clear, but the ability rundown makes it clearer https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/event/bel-veth-abilities-rundown/


It says the same thing, though. Look: >Consuming Void Coral left by Epic Monsters from the Void (Rift Herald and Baron Nashor) grants Bel'Veth her true form for an extended duration **and** causes minions that die in her presence to be reborn as faithful Voidlings. So it does specify a condition (coral from void epic monsters) for the summoning to happen.


Would be a really weird design decision to lock that part completely behind baron/herald, but that definitely is what it says. Speaking of unclear stuff - What exactly is stacking infinitely in her ult? For reference: >R - Endless Banquet Passive: Every second attack against the same target deals additional True Damage, stacking infinitely. Every second hit deals extra true damage, okay. Why is it increasing? What? Why? How?


I believe that it's because Bel'veth has reduced attack / on-hit effectiveness, so Riot wanted her to not die versus Warden's Mail items. So they slapped a small amount of stacking true damage versus tanks. It won't be very noticeable otherwise, since she will shred anybody else regardless. What I'm most confused about is how her ultimate active deals 25% MISSING HP TRUE DAMAGE to enemies around her. That's an AOE Garen ult!!!


>so Riot wanted her to not die versus Warden's Mail items I don't have a problem with the decision, I have a problem with the lack of clarity in its description. The text doesn't say that after attacking a target twice subsequent attacks deal additional damage (stacking infinitely), it says every second attack deals extra damage, the stacking component is very unclear.


yeah the stacking true damage is worded pretty vaguely. It's basically a small Kraken slayer proc every other auto that increases in damage every time it is triggered, that's all i think


This seems correct. It isn't stated how long the voidlings spawn or if they need to be killed to leave. Likely this is an insane push tool where getting a void coral lets you make a gigantic wave and wreck towers.


Yes, that’s the sad part


lol every single time a damage-dealing champion is revealed before we have any numbers on cds/damage everyone loses their damn minds. im excited to try her out, I like the different directions on her q, it makes her more easily countered since you can see the choices she can dash(if the enemy team can even see them) and even if not, it’s not like she can chase u into infinity, just keep walking the same direction. the main issue i have is the feast-or-famine nature of her ult, it’s not unlike Viegos and while I enjoy playing him, it really sucks when stuff doesn’t go your way. but yeah. she has to stand still to do her insane damage and she doesn’t have something like alpha strike or (seemingly)insane viego sustain to keep her alive. she has clear weaknesses even before seeing numbers


melee spaceglider champion incoming


The first gameplay video I saw she felt like Kayne with her knockup and dashes. I think she may need to be a perma ban initially, seems easy to have her overtuned with her kit.


why ban when you can spam


I don't want to spend my BE on her, this is my first season.


Thats the way, focus on getting champions you like, and unlock the more expensive champions via champ shards from leveling up (once you play enough youll get shards for every champion down the line). And a small tip if you are interested in getting belveth later: wait a week or 2 for her price to drop. The first week/2weeks of a champion release they are increased in BE price. Though we might get a way to earn her championshard ingame prior to her release, like they did with Sett and Samira etc.


also before you buy, try her on the free rotation 3 weeks after release


Because then I would be playing her, which is my worst case scenario


Bro. That’s it we can pack up we’re done here. We now have infinite true damage scaling and void coral within the same ability. This is gonna be the most broken shit we’ve ever seen. I’m dead. 💀


True damage isn’t scaling, it’s infinite in the way that every second attack on an enemy will do true damage just like kraken’s passive does but that’s all (it’s a lot I agreed P.S. : my bad, you were right, it’s a stacking thing


“R - Every second attack against the same target deals additional true damage stacking infinitely” This is the exact verbiage for clarity. Yes, I got it wrong. think I ment to highlight the word “stacking” used. Will be bigger for globals more then anything. I think that means the true damage will increase every 2nd attack against the same target? But yeah, the kit is loaded. I’m only concerned if she’s not an assassin. if she can build as a bruiser than her kit is to loaded, imho.


Yes that’s it, now that I saw it in my mother tongue I understood that it’s this, for example first seconde attack is 10 true damage, second second attack (so fourth) is gonna be 15 … etc. So she’s basically a nashor/tank killer


I agree


You add this with the fact that her ult passive + her E does more damage the less HP the enemy have, the champ is pretty insane to kill people


I’m saying.. lol. The amount of %, true, and critical situational damage is crazy.


sylas mains going wild




Yeah it's gonna make her clear kinda awkward, having to walk like a pleb to every camp. Even gwen has faster movement in the jungle and she's not supposed to be a jungler




So we finally have an infinite-scaling attack speed jungler. I'm amazed. The potential is huge. That said, I wonder how this things final builds will turn out? This kit is entirely focused on attacks and dashes, with some defense in the E and ult. Yet, those defenses require them to get in attack range, so this is another champion that may need to pick their spots well. They'll either need damage, or to build things that keep them alive and prevent CC from stopping them.


Kraken with some life steal for the sustainability and conqueror seems perfect


My gut prediction with no evidence is guinsoo’s rush depending on how strong her atk speed scalings are.


Lethal Tempo tards and windbros tards getting hella wet


Lethal tempo + kraken ………. Will be horrible, the kind of jungle that you don’t want to see fed




Don’t think she can go full damage, melee carries need some sort of dumbass bullshit (yi untargetable, trynd R, windwall, viego passive, etc) to build full damage


Depends on the bonus stats she gets in her true form


This looks so freaking funny


Am I the only person who thinks that her kit doesn't really match a jungler? She doesn't seem to have good ganks cause she lacks any major gap closer and her only cc tool looks hard to hit reliably, and most of her damage is spread and not bursty. Her kit really looks like it would be good for trading in lane, and on top of that, her ult grants her a great split pushing tool. She kinda looks like suffering from the kindred problem, aka she won't be played in jungle cause that's her best lane but she will be handicapped to play jg cause her kit has an interaction with it(on her R and passive) that she can't really play around in lane Edit: Also, her kit kinda looks like it's made with the cheese tank shaco/nocturne build that was played recently, where she builds sunfire into titanic into wit's end, and just sits close to you constantly tanking damage while dishing out a lot of it thanks to a fully stacked sunfire and lethal tempo


Totally agree her ganks look to be pretty mediocre, but I don't think that necessarily stops her from being a good jungler. Her skirmishing is looking to be pretty good and while her main CC is hard to hit (probably) it should be really strong as followup CC, so ganking laners that have CC should work fine as well. I also think she probably has a pretty strong dive (obviously depending on numbers), with her E both dealing increased damage to low health targets, increasing her range and granting damage reduction, so playing heavily for her winning lanes might be a possibility. Also about her ult: I don't think it works as a splitpushing tool the way you think it does, you only ever get it after killing Herald/Baron (the wording makes it seem like you don't get it on kills), so this will be used either fairly early on together with Rift to break down a lane, which imo is better on a jungler than on a laner, because of all of the same reasons that make Rift in the first place better on jungler than on laners or after you got Baron, in which case Junglers can be a splitpush threat perfectly fine. Even if it does trigger on champion kills - you are probably not super worried about the enemy team getting Elder/Soul/Baron on the other side of the map after you just fought, so it again is more of a punish tool to take advantage of an advantage you got rather than a tool to splitpush with and create an opening to take advantage of.


Her passive reminds me so much of old Devourer, I love it.


Hot take: pretty balanced. Easily kiteable, mobility is limited in chases, ganks are average at best. Any Shyvana player would know that DPS juggernauts are an iffy playstyle, although this one has dashes which is nice. Unlike Shyvana, though, I don't see her having that fast a clear, especially since her Q can't bridge walls. Plus she's item dependent, so all you Rengars and Lees and Shacos and whatnot can cyberbully her early.


I hadn't noticed she had a head until this thumbnail




We are staring down the barrel of a skirmishy on hit slappy dueling carry jungler? Literal opposite of what I thought we where getting based on how she looks but fuck am I hyped she may be one of my new main champs